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I think it's the sun reflecting off the flat side of the bayonet. Look at the angle of the shadows.4 points
Thanks for the kind words but I'm no connoisseur, I just stumble along & go with my gut. I believe that owning PM's, bullion & coins is good insurance against inflation & always has been & always will be a great store of value. The illustration of buying a gallon of gas with a silver quarter is the same today as it was back in the 60's, actually a silver quarter will buy more than a gallon of gas today. A silver quarter is worth $3.26 @ todays spot price. I've never been a coin collector & I see that going down in popularity as many collectors are getting old, just like the vintage gun collectors, interest is waning.3 points
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Yes. I have collected gold and silver coins and bars since my mid 20s. Enjoy the scenes on the bars the most!2 points
I always pick up collectible coins when I can. Mainly because I enjoy it. I have been collecting since I was a kid. I figure I will hang onto them and pass them on down to the kids one day.2 points
Be prepared to stay all day, both days. Still won't see it all. Amazing show.2 points
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Just got back to hunting a few years ago after lots of family and career time. I hunted with Dad back in December. Only 2 days I got to go this year. Took my first deer ever. Spent all the years as a kid staring at empty woods during deer season. Had this one before 9 am. Saw 2 bucks and a doe before 7:45 the second day but held off since both about the same size as this one. I hoped they would go around past Dad. They did not. Not a prize winner, but after what felt like hours grunting him around where I coud get a clear view and shot, I wasn't gonna pass him up. Let's call him a 3 pointer. lol2 points
I'm going with a long bayonet with sheath. By looking at the other rifles in the pic they all have them and I'm certain he wouldn't want to feel left out. By looking at how they attach to the rifle the curvature would be facing the photographer which is why we cant see it.2 points
I hope this is the correct way to do this as I am new to posting in any forum much less this one. I am a long time resident of the state of Tennessee and am a retired nuclear power instrument tech. I am partially disabled and I don't get out much except for doctor visits, grocery shopping, and to go to the range and shoot my FN handgun. I have been interested in firearms since I was child and have owned many types of firearms. My main interest now is handguns and I thought it would be fun to join a forum.1 point
I’m a handgun guy, never owned a long gun. Now in my 40’s I’m getting gun-curious. I swapped my 4.5” M&P 45 ACP for an AR15 with a few add-ons and a case today. I’ve never even looked at one, just seen lots of videos of people enjoying them. Seemed like an ok deal so I went with it. Now, when i say new to the AR....... I mean I had to look at how to cock it and make it dry fire. Then I figured out how to separate the upper and lower. That’s about where I’m at. Lol. i went and picked up some 223 to go shoot Sunday, it’s a 556 so no issues there. The AR is dry, so I’ll need to lube it up and look up where all I need to put oil. If there’s anything I need to know to prevent issues I’m listening.... Here’s some clickable thumbs of what I picked up.1 point
Oh my! I have already printed off a bunch of parts for my Dillon 650. I'm about 95% done designing a 10,000 mhA battery mount for a Q Fix rifle that's set up for a thermal scope. Anyone else playing with one?1 point
Also front sight tool up/down $7@Academy. Good Quality off brand rear on Amazon about $251 point
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Major major major scare in June. Cardiologist told me point blank get the weight off and to get off insulin or I wouldn't be around in 3 to 5 years. Being a diabetic I had tried several diets etc over the years. A friend recommended Profile by Sanders. I had never heard of them. It clicked with me. I'm down 60 pounds since July 2nd. Dropping 2 1/2 pounds a week like clockwork. Basically teach you how to mix food combinations properly. I can honestly say I have not been hungry and am now starting to feel fantastic. I'm off insulin and reduced all my other meds. My goal is another 40 pounds and be off all meds. Finding the program that works for you is key. Diet isn't the right word, it is truly a life change.1 point
You’re still gonna want a proper mechanical rear sight if you go with a red dot in case the optic fails during operations. Something like a Magpul MBUS or whatever variety of rear flip-up you like. There are tons of choices.1 point
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I bet the ATM there catches on fire from over use... I hate to tease myself that way. So much I can't have. Kinda like watching Olympic Women's beach volleyball.....1 point
Ubertia, Cimmaron and Taylor make nice colt replicas and priced right.1 point
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You’re going to need a rear sight. Please get one before you go to the range. It will save you and everyone else around a lot of frustration.1 point
Keto diet is the way to go!!! I haven't read all the comments, but it works!!! I used to run but got burnt out, gained 50ish pounds. Felt bad & couldn't do all the things I enjoy in life. Did keto & lost all of the weight! It's a little hard to learn & adjust in the beginning, but well worth it to enjoy a healthier life!!!1 point
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And compare the position of that rifle with the one held by the soldier on our left. The rifles are rotated 90 degrees, so are the bayonets.1 point
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I saw this and thought it was cool. I didn't find it on here and thought some of Y'all might be interested. Enjoy! -southernasylum See Through Suppressor Slow Motion1 point
My comments here were not meant to get you or anyone else all wound up. We share information on this forum, and hopefully keep each other informed on the law, as best we can without having attorneys giving opinions on specific cases. My point was that the lame azz ATF sends those letters out that get posted all over the forums and folks act like they are the law. The ATF then goes on to tell you those letters have no force of law. However, they will be more than happy to provide a copy of that letter at your trial where a real judge will determine if what you did violates the law. That part of their silly non-sense rarely gets posted. So that’s what I’m doing.1 point
I'm just giving you a hard time. I agree with you. I just don't trust the ATF to be consistent on this issue.1 point
You don't want a small frame .357. Trust me on this. I have a S&W 642 that I carry quite often. Its a lightweight J-frame with a concealed hammer and fits your criteria except for being a lightweight. It can be stout with +Ps, but is still very manageable. I'm also quite fond of the 2 or 2.5" S&W K-frame (medium) revolvers and have several of those. Lots of models to choose from, but most do have spur hammers. But they can be bobbed. These will no doubt be the the most accurate and easiest to shoot. Even in .357 Magnum. But they are a bit on the large size. However, my all time favorite snubby is the old Colt Detective Special. Only a little bigger but it gives you six shots and is much easier to shoot well. The new Colt Cobra is basically a new version of this fine old revolver. You can get the Night Cobra with a black finish and it comes with a bobbed hammer.1 point
The S&W 640 if you don’t want an exposed hammer, the model 60 if you do. These are all stainless high-quality revolvers. They are .357Mag, but you obviously can use .38 Special. I’m ready to retire my Model 36 and want to replace it with a Model 60. I’ve carried a J-frame with a hammer for many years. The hammer has never been in the way, but there are times I was glad I had it. The good new is; you can have it either way. This size gun will have a stout trigger by any quality manufacturer; that’s by design. None of them will be fun at the range.1 point
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I'm guessing it has the same effect, but not sure since I'm thinking the wad likely doesn't seal against the barrel ID as tightly as a bullet does in a rifle barrel.1 point
"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud I found this and now truly understand the left.1 point
If you live in Tennessee and want to carry it’s kind of expected for you to get one.1 point
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I’m not sure... around $700 for 2 months. But its not buy a month, get a month free, like they are advertising. Unless maybe you find the highest possible price known to man.0 points
Thank you all for the welcome. I think I might LIKE doing this. I'm new to it, but not new to shooting. I've owned guns for most of the 68 years I've been on this planet and shooting is the most fun you can have with your pants ON. :=)0 points
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