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I don’t really see anything here that makes me think anyone wants a war. I don’t think Trump wants a war either and I don’t think he will get us in one. I don’t know for sure if he said it, or someone at the WH said that he said it, but anyway. Supposedly Iran has been told that if they are involved in retaliation, we will take them out of the oil business. That will destroy their economy. Trump may do that, or he may bomb all their nuclear facilities to dust. Iraq is obviously siding with Iran; they may become one in the same. The Iraq parliament has voted to expel us. Dang man, how many times are we going to have to take that country before they get a clue? But I don’t think Trump will try to take over there again; hopefully he’ll just hurt them if they take action against us. As far as “eager for war”, I will say this. War should be terrible; it should be so devastating that no nation wants to take part. If you think that makes me eager; so be it. But since WWII the kinder, gentler, more humane way of fighting wars has done nothing but kill and maim our young people and create terrorists worldwide. We should make sure that everyone understands that if we are hit; we will attack and destroy our enemies with extreme prejudice. Anything less is inviting another 911.7 points
Someone needs to remind him that he wouldn't need that pistol brace if his dad would get rid of the NFA, or... hell... the BATFE.3 points
Kahrman is the 3rd shooter I know personally to buy a kimber only to not like it and move it on. Couldn't say on the LCR. Since you specified concealed hammer instead of DAO (internal hammer) like the 640 and dont want lightweight like the 638 (airweight) my suggestion would be a 649. You still have the hammer for single action but its shrouded for no snag carry situations, its stainless so it has the weight , and its 357 so you can shoot either. It's not the cheapest option but having been a longtime stud in the smith stable you should be able to find one used for a decent price.3 points
The S&W 640 if you don’t want an exposed hammer, the model 60 if you do. These are all stainless high-quality revolvers. They are .357Mag, but you obviously can use .38 Special. I’m ready to retire my Model 36 and want to replace it with a Model 60. I’ve carried a J-frame with a hammer for many years. The hammer has never been in the way, but there are times I was glad I had it. The good new is; you can have it either way. This size gun will have a stout trigger by any quality manufacturer; that’s by design. None of them will be fun at the range.3 points
How many times will Islamic countries in the Middle East and Western Asia have to tell us explicitly, and in no uncertain terms, that they do not want us mucking about in their internal affairs and conflicts with other Muslim countries before WE get a clue? Remember, the Iranian government that exists today does so because we deposed a democratically elected president who was not keen to ally with the US in favor of a brutal dictator who was. Then we kept him in power for over two decades. Then when the people of Iran had enough, we teamed up with the brutal dictator next door to support him in waging war against the Iranians for the next decade. Maybe, just maybe, the Iraqi parliament voting to expel the US is an opportunity. An opportunity to respect the wishes of a sovereign nation with regards to how they wish to conduct their own affairs and an opportunity to end a war that should never have been begun in the first place. I actually agree with your view on how to prosecute war. It should be terrible, and horrible and recognized as the last thing anyone wants. Not trying to wage it “humanely” is actually the most humane way to go about it because it should be a better deterrent. At the same time, not mucking about in other folks’s business is also another great way to not get drawn into wars as well. I don’t pretend to be an expert ME culture or politics, but sometimes even if you don’t exactly know the right way to go about something, it is still blindingly obvious that what you are doing is wrong. Our entire approach to the ME is wrong. From occupying Iraq, to antagonizing Iran, to allying with the KSA we’re just plain doing it wrong. It’s Not just ok to recognize that and move towards correcting those mistakes, I think it’s the right thing to do.3 points
I moved here (I live in Jefferson City) from Massachusetts in September. Not a lark, my wife and I spent a year and a half choosing where to go, eastern Tennessee was the choice for MANY reasons. We're glad we're here, we're not going anywhere. I told her "when I die, have me cremated and sprinkled on the hill in back." Anyway... I know people personally that now live in Virginia. One of them has been going to "Lobby Day" for years. She's active politically and articulate, and when she tells me they're concerned about what will happen when the legislators come back I believe her. Libs WILL create laws and enforce them as they see fit, regardless of constitutionality. It takes YEARS to get a case to SCOTUS, even assuming they decide to hear it. In MA the federal assault weapon ban never sunsetted, MA copies and pasted it and made it state law. For years we just lived with it. Then on 7/20/16 our (theirs now!) Attorney General "reinterpreted the law and decided that "copies" or "substantially similar" firearms were not to be sold or possessed and were felonies. Those in possession were essentially "felons in waiting". Gun shops statewide stopped selling them. Private sales became expensive, a "pre 7/20 ban" AR essentially sold at a premium. There were no prosecutions, but it became increasingly difficult to buy a rifle. Many vendors won't ship ANYTHING to MA. Hats, tshirts, nada. Forget about complete or even 80% lowers. Some companies won't ship SPRINGS. So it happens, burying your head in the sand almost guarantees it will. Once the law is in place fighting it becomes harder and more expensive. This #### needs to be stopped BEFORE it happens, not "fixed" later. Who would have thought 20 years ago we'd be arguing about bathrooms and wedding cakes? We are now. You think that the landscape will be recognizable 20 years from now? Lol. Go watch "Idiocracy". Virginia is the canary in the coal mine.3 points
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This guy wasn’t killed because of past bad acts. He was killed because he was travelling around planning another attack. He was a target of opportunity. I have no problem with this. Actually, I don’t have a problem with him being executed for past bad acts. But then I’ve never been a hand wringer over criminals getting killed. As far as letting Congress in on this; Trump couldn’t. There are people in congress that would have called this murderer and warned him.3 points
I'm sure the terrorist in question would have preferred to wait for Congress to debate this for months & make up their minds.3 points
Wanted to add to Jamie's positive experience at Point Blank in Knoxville. I took some of my staff and their families there today for a group event. An absolutely fantastic experience for everyone. Each person could bring there own guns and had access to any rental gun, was giving 1 box of ammo, eye and hearing protection and targets. Kids 14 and under were free (nice surprise) , 29.95 for everyone else. Minimum of 6 people but I had 9. I did pay $50 for an instructor. We were given a room to use for 2 hours food, etc and had 2 hours of range time. We had 3 kids. A 16 year old boy, and two 14 year old girls. Very little experience for this group. Nothing like watching everyone, especially the kids, go from being a little afraid to big grins and comfortable. They shot everything from 22s, AR-15, revolvers etc. Of course I had to bring a revolver and Desert Eagle in 44mag. 16 year old boy I hear is still talking about shooting those two. The staff was fantastic. Made everyone feel comfortable and answered all questions. Cody, the instructor (a Marine) was fantastic. He was attentive and gave good, solid instruction, but also stepped back and let each person shoot which really added to their confidence. All in all an absolutely perfect experience. I shot maybe 15 rounds today mostly demonstrating something. One of the best days ever for me at the range.2 points
The bottom line is that war isn't cheap.2 points
My Mamaw carried a 6 shot .45 in her housedress pocket. No .22 would have made her happy. lol2 points
But I had to put new tires on the truck, new tires and bearings on the camper, traded the wifes Street Bob Harley for my buddies Road Glide, and promptly wrecked my truck in Texas. Add to the fact I put three more guns in the safe last year. I better slow my roll a bit or the wife will have me looking for a job. (For the record I am retired USN and a stay at home Dad. A job/Position that I never want to give up )2 points
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You rang das24v by Johnny Rotten, on Flickr2 points
I think if they do it on American soil, Trump is going to make our response to Pearl Harbor look like a dry-run.2 points
I am. I hate cleaning guns, especially .22’s and AR’s. That’s were boresnakes really shine, lol.2 points
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I'm surprised we don't have a thread for this on TGO yet. What are your thoughts on the matter? I think it's long overdue. I keep reading remarks from people who are younger than some of the shoes I have in my closet, to the effect that we don't need to be sucked into another conflict in the Middle East. Some of these kids weren't even swimming in their fathers' loins yet during the late 1970s and don't realize that Iran has been at war with the US since 1977 and we've just not really done much to publicly recognize it over the last 40 years.1 point
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"Now we're back to threats on Twitter, him having to have the last word because of his thin skin, and who knows what else is coming. It's embarrassing. " With each successive strike those threats take on a bit more meaning? Morgan881 point
No apology necessary, I'm just posting for those that do. I'm not crazy about Facebook either but put this out there in case anyone wants to participate.1 point
While I'm not saying this is an exact way of checking that...the jump in defense spending is from way more than inflation. We've increased the size and scope of the military since 2003, and that ain't cheap. We've also gotten to a cycle of accounting for the wars in the Middle East in the defense budget (where they belong) instead of as an aside through supplemental funding. The question is are we putting that spending to good use.1 point
Sorry, but I choose not to support Farcebook in any way, shape, or form. I've known that they are shady from their earliest years.1 point
And we never will by those terms. We won the Afghan War (though war is a bit of a misnomer for how intense it was) somewhere between July - December 2002 after we finished chasing the last vestiges of Al Qaeda and the Taliban out of their fallback areas. Everything after that has been the Afghan Counterinsurgency/Occupation/Peacekeeping conglomeration that got refreshed with every new commander who thought it would represent the "turning point" or something to that effect. Forget that in that country foreigners are treated like a body fights off a virus, no matter how long it takes. It's all these good intention missions that get us into long term problems. If we'd just stick to the reasons and execution of war as it's supposed to be done in a judicious manner, we'd be a lot better off.1 point
I appreciate all of the info everybody. This was an honest question. My wife, again is from georgia but is a tennessee resident as of the last couple of years. Honestly we did not even think about the whole state to state thing considering this is her first handgun. I now realize that it most definitely needs to go through an FFL to get it into her name so its not a "loaned' weapon from her father. If its going to actually be owned by her ill take it to get it transferred. Again, I thank everybody for their input and I am just trying to do it correctly!1 point
Technically, though, aren't these letters only "good" for the person that the letter is written to? (I think that's a trick question). The answer depends on how much lawyer you can afford.1 point
Meh, I shoulder mine all the time. ATF has deemed it is ok, and until they officially change their mind I will keep doing it.1 point
I'm sure war is the last thing anyone here wants. However, these two bit dictators in 3rd world cesspools need to learn that we ain't gonna take any of their crap. If they hurt or even try to hurt American citizens anywhere in the world, We will pay it back in spades. Or at least we should.1 point
I disagree. I think that he's reaffirming that he isn't afraid to strike AND pointing out that this has been thought through by referencing the 52 targets for the number of hostages that the peanut farmer let them take.1 point
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@hipower, that sounds like a wonderful friendship. I'm sorry for your loss.1 point
Greatest thing since the invention of bubble gum. I can't remember the last time I used a rod.1 point
I have been a TGO member since 2008; more active some years than others, but I am committed to checking in daily. Last autumn I realized how much I missed being on TGO on a regular basis. In the time I have been on TGO, 99.9% of the folks I have met have been kind, generous, funny, helpful (even when I ask dumb questions or make inane comments), and supportive when I have shared personal issues. As we start 2020 I want to offer a genuine and sincere THANK YOU to all who have interacted with me. It is my goal to be a friend, support, and advocate for everyone I meet on TGO. Let's not take Tennessee Gun Owners for granted. I am 64 years old and as I grow older, it is easy to realize that there are some things in life that we fail to truly appreciate. Blessings upon all who gather here.1 point
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What about the citizens of Virginia? Should the people that refuse to surrender their guns and fight be executed?1 point
My view is that we have this problem with Iran today because Carter and Reagan didn't have the stones to take care of them in either 1979 or 1983. I understood Carter's inaction because he was a known pansy. I did NOT expect Reagan to allow the deaths of so many of my brother Marines, soldiers, and sailors to go unanswered. It's why I get annoyed to see people lift him up as a great president. Had we counter-struck 10 fold back to Iran with cruise missiles they would not be still killing our people today whether directly or indirectly. Will this lead us to war? I am no more of a prophet than anyone else. Iran thinks Russia will protect them but that didn't work out too well for other countries Russia has backed. I don't recall Russia getting directly engaged in any conflict with the US. Selling arms and sending advisers, sure. While I am glad that the US has taken out this a-hole it still doesn't make up for the thousands of killed and maimed at the hands of the Iranians. I think it's a foregone conclusion that Iran will strike back making it more important for the US to strike again even harder. Eventually, they'll either die or learn their lesson.1 point
I dream of a day when we never have another Democrat in the Oval Office not pushing a vacuum cleaner.1 point
Brief explanation about the presidents rights to use the military. The action President Trump took was not in any way unconstitutional.1 point
If you don't want to call a lawyer on this, at least call the local FFL where you'd want to do the transfer and ask them what they need from you in order to be willing to step in and help you out.1 point
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At my age I didn't think the lifetime permit would be a good deal. I don't even buy green bananas anymore.1 point
Semantics aside - you don’t want to find yourself in a position where you’re trying to explain this to law enforcement. And, note a serialed firearm is a firearm regardless of the projectile it’s firing. If you’re in a place where you can shoot air guns but not firearms, get an air gun. They make some great ones. Likewise, if you want to play with the Aguila primer only rounds, have a big time. Just clean your weapon well afterwards. Also note - there are questions about exactly what mix Aguila uses - but consensus is it’s dirty. Either make sure you’ve got great ventilation or use it outside.1 point
I just finished four days of classes at www.valorridge.com in Harrogate Tn. Rifleman 1 & Rifleman 2. Was recommended to me by a close friend who told me "Book way out because this guy's classes are always filled" Having finished the classes, I highly recommend it, in fact I am extremely pleased with what I learned and how I shot after the instruction. First off the people are fantastic individuals - as people. Really interested in the success of each student. Just good people. Solid Patriots. No yelling or screaming, positive reinforcement. But very strict on safety Reid Henrichs is a fantastic teacher and instructor and has the actual field experience to back up what he teaches The facility is first class with distances out to 600 yards for long shots. Has a shoot house for teaching neighborhood defense, home defense, room clearing. Second class of 7 i was in had three students that had trained at Valor Ridge before and came back for more - they all drove 10+ hours to attend. I was the only one from close by - two from PA, two from FL, one from DC, one from KS which tells you a lot. So if you are looking for world class training right here in TN I highly recommend Valor Ridge1 point
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