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I buy my small wooden boxes then enjoy smoking the cigars out of them before putting them to productive use..... Seriously good luck with your project. Making a good square box takes patience and the sliding top adds difficulty. My dad did it with a dado and a table saw with a home made fence that gave him the finger joint spacing reliably. Not fancy tools, but they got the job done.4 points
I recently (July 2019) moved from Northern Indiana to Marion County. A friend was here over the holidays visiting and since we have no family here looked for something to do. We decided since your great weather here to hike the trails in some of the local wilderness parks. Wow!! On 4 different days we hiked Denny Cove falls, Foster Falls, Stone Door/Savage Gulf and Little Cedar Mountain (a TVA) area. What a gift from the creator. Ranger Baxter at Stone Door provided that the designation of "wilderness area" is important in that there are no provisions for keeping you safe. You are on your own if you go there and accept the risk. Observation areas with sheer 200 ft drop offs and no railing. No railings in the wilderness. Anyway I hope to spend much of the winter here hiking the area trails embracing the grandeur since the winter weather is so much better here. May need to find a local hiking group in the Jasper/Kimball area. Best regards to all. Morgan882 points
Greetings from Massachusetts. I was raised in TN though all my adulthood has been elsewhere, longest in central MA. The shooter community really sticks together behind enemy lines in New England. Our virtual rallying point is northeastshooters.com where I'm an active member (same name/avatar). Recent developments in Virginia convinced me 1) we need to monitor and support the 2A community outside our own regions and 2) nowhere is safe from 2A-intrusion, whether after one or several elections. I want to keep a finger on the pulse in TN, support local organizations, help preserve rights for the friends and family I visit several times every year. Thank you for having a similar regional forum to make these things happen. I intend to lurk and learn at first but hope to become an active contributor to this forum as well as NES. "A republic, if you can keep it."1 point
It’s a shame that you should carry in church but I always do. Church and schools should be 2 of the safest place but unfortunately that is not the case. I always pray for peace but prepare for the worst. God be with them.1 point
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Some folks don’t need to be on the Internet...or maybe even being anywhere near a gun.1 point
There really is a special place in hell for people that target churches or their congregations (of any kind) like this.1 point
They obviously had a security team that was organized and had a plan in place. Good on them. Video of the incident- https://www.liveleak.com/view?t=a7Egb_1577654583 Local news reporting of it. https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/12/29/2-dead-1-critically-injured-shooting-white-settlement-church/ “Why do you carry a gun at church?” This is why.1 point
You would be wrong in your definition. Per ATF: The term “Firearm” means: Any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; The frame or receiver of any such weapon; Any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or. Any destructive device. So those rounds are the same as any other ammo in the ATF's eyes. I don't think you were trying to imply getting around any laws, but everyone should know the legal definition. I have used them in a revolver, but that's about it. Since I bought suppressors I haven't used them at all.1 point
Hey there, Leroy. Sorry for the delay in replying but life happens...………. I have been just using a basic OWB side holster, but I just had a fella in Alabama do some mill work so I can add a Trijicon RMR red dot and another friend there has made me a side holster that will accommodate the red dot so I am in a transitional period of moving to that. I also just added a KKM match barrel for hotter loads. Not sure about your area in East TN, but coyotes have gotten thicker than fleas in Middle TN and I despise them so I go prepared. When mounted on a horse, you can get much closer to wildlife (deer, coyotes, etc.) than you ever could on foot, and as you know, that 10 mm can pretty well take care of what ever needs taking care of. thanks Mark C.1 point
Semantics aside - you don’t want to find yourself in a position where you’re trying to explain this to law enforcement. And, note a serialed firearm is a firearm regardless of the projectile it’s firing. If you’re in a place where you can shoot air guns but not firearms, get an air gun. They make some great ones. Likewise, if you want to play with the Aguila primer only rounds, have a big time. Just clean your weapon well afterwards. Also note - there are questions about exactly what mix Aguila uses - but consensus is it’s dirty. Either make sure you’ve got great ventilation or use it outside.1 point
Last 2 pistols are Rugers, SR9 and SR45. Both full size pistols.1 point
Mmm....but max capacity doesn't necessarily dictate FS (double-stack Glocks come to mind). That said, yah, I keep a G17 (in a CAA MCK chassis, red-dot, light, sling, extra 17rd mag in the slot) bed-side. But along with that, my SC EDC which holds 14rds (Beretta Storm PX4 & Olight Valk mini 2). Capacity doesn't require FS as much so as in the past. As for the OP's post, my last purchase was the Storm and I doubt I'll be buying any more FS guns....not that I wouldn't like to do so. But I'm living on a fixed income now so if it's not for EDC I'll have to pass. At the range I mainly train with what I carry.1 point
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Yeah. Biscuit joinery is a power tool thing. I use a lot of biscuits. I do enough of this stuff to know that life would really suck without power tools and engineered woods.1 point
I am comfortable with a Glock 22 in the nightstand. 15+1 rounds of 180 gr HST satisfies me. With an extra mag that is more than sufficient. Full grip, easy to handle, no adaptations or need for extended clips or other absurd options.1 point
I don’t think much has changed centuries other than power tools, biscuit joinery, and modern laminates instead of real wood.1 point
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There's a bunch of ways to do it depending on how you make the joints. I'd think all you'd really need is a dado blade, but even that isn't really necessary.1 point
They got a gazillion youtube jigs by fellow tight azzez. Get some extra wood. FWIW, I plan to make a bunch of boxes. The home made jigs are finicky, but work just fine once you get set up.1 point
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Hey Greg, I have done a fair amount of woodworking, simple joinery though. Take a look on Youtube a guy named Steve Ramsey titled Make this box joint jig. I like his videos btw.1 point
Get a dog. Preferably one of those really noisy ones. Best security system there ever was.1 point
I'm known locally as the guy that will hold you at gun point until the cops get here and won't let you smoke a cigarette. The pillbillies shop elsewhere now.1 point
We live in the country 8 miles from town. It is fairly secluded and no houses are really within seeing distance from our home. More houses have been built since this happened, but we are still kinds secluded as tree filled lots surround us. Back several years ago, we had 2 daughters that were car-hops at a Sonic drive-in when they were in high school. They often worked until 12 on weekends. One of my daughters came home after work and someone followed her home. She had brought a cheeseburger home and a drink and was eating while siting in my lazy boy chair. Whoever followed her home was looking in the side view window on our front door and on the front porch. My wife had several flowers on the front porch and one was on an old mettle TV stand. The peeper hooked his tow under the stand and turned it over on the front porch waking everyone in the house. By the time I got my revolver and made it to the front door the peeper was exiting my driveway and alI I seen was taillights going out the end of our 300' driveway. It really upset my whole family and my wife went berserk. It really shook our since of safety and security so I had to do something to counter that. My wife and children had problems sleeping. I started researching and decided to make some changes. I set about hardening my entry doors and lighting up the outside of my home. I had lights installed on every corner of the home, and had the Electric Company install a security light on top of the pole where the main line comes to my home. Also put lights in behind the home, under the roof of the porch, and on the corners of my front porch. I installed tow flood lights installed where they would light the whole front of our home. Also got a German Shephard dog and kept him outside for years. On hardening my doors, we have 5 entrance doors. I had deadbolts, that only open by key, on both sides, installed on all the solid wood doors. Now a days that is against codes, but codes don't live here. I installed 3 additional locks, two of which can only be opened from inside. I used 3 1/2" screws on all locks and hinges of the wooden doors. Went to Lowes and purchased 4 Larson Security Storm Doors (they still sell them 400.00 ea) that have a 3 point locking system on the side of the door that opens. The glass in the doors are double-pane with 3 M puncture proof plastic between the plate glass and are guaranteed break in proof. The frames are heavier than normal with 3" screws that go into the house studding around the doors and screws in-between the door and frame that cannot be screwed out unless the doors are opened. These doors are great, but heavy! They are kick-in proof. I talk to people through them and never open the door to strangers. Now I have posted this to say, I know determined burglars can get in, however they will be forced to make noise before that can get in. My revolver and shotgun are within reach now, and loaded. Hopefully, if someone try's to come in now, with us in the home, I will assume they are not coming for tea and crumpets. Hopefully they will make a lot of noise, and I will have time to get ready to greet them. At any rate it finally settled my family down, and they felt safe in our home once again, after tow or three months. It cost me some serious money, but we have been here for 35 years now, and no one has tried to come in while we were home. I do leave several lights on all night long inside and out. The outside of our home is well lit, and when I go to the restroom, at night, I can look out the window, and the way the lights are pointed both in front and back, If anyone is outside, in front or back, I can see their shadows on the grass outside. I see deer eating in the back yard under our bird feeders all the time. I do go and check to make sure though. My windows are wood frames, and I drilled holes and put small nails in both sides of the frames where they will not be able to be opened without removing the nails by hand while inside of the home. Cost nothing really. I know they can break the glass, but there again, they will make noise. Also one would need a ladder to enter the windows from the outside. Dennis, I would do something similar in your situation. I mean you need to light up the whole outside of you home BIG TIME. Fix the doors and windows where they are harder to get into. I even have electric eyes on my outside lights so the lights will come on at sundown and go off in the mornings when we are not home. I have 5 lights, 3 in the front, and 2 in the back plus the security light, and it lights the outside of my home completely. I never really noticed a large increase in my electric bill, but considered it necessary expense rather than being forced to deal with a very unpleasant situation. I do not want to shoot someone over a 10.00 a month electric bill and 500.00 worth of lights, or take a beating, or even worse. Your choice Dennis, but you do have a serious problem. Someone intent on entering your home, with you in it, is not coming to exchange pleasantries friend! Time for you to take defensive actions.1 point
I'm not entirely sure whether "Rosesimin" was illegitimate. Oftentimes you will see a label generated but it make take days for the pickup or drop-off to occur. I haven't researched them to see whether other people have had issues or not, but keep in mind that PSA (Palmetto State Armory) itself has been the subject of such discussions simply because they took weeks to ship in a world that expects Prime equivalent shipping on everything. Regarding @flyingtiger1825@gmail.com, at first I wondered if it/he may be an attempt to legitimize Rosesimin (as in, Rosesimin searches the internet for topics such as this thread and posts on them in an attempt to make it seem like Rosesimin is legitimate). But it doesn't make sense in any form, and is not even specific to the thread itself. I wanna know how @flyingtiger1825@gmail.com knows @TerryW's pants are waterproof in the first place.1 point
You think she looks dangerous with those? You should see her dual wielding wire hangers.1 point
Wow...this convo is old..but i was looking up laws in my own County, since my son turned 18 on Thanksgiving, i gave hom a nice 40 cal pistal for Xmas. He gas learned from about 7 years old how to properly handle a firearm. Had his first 22 long by 14, and just knows what he is doing as well as i. Tonight we shot off about 30 rounds together in our own safe target practice area and both the 2 on duty Town cops park, headlights on, aimed at our front porch. 1/4 mile away watching us for over an hour but never pull up. Instead after that lengtj of tine, my boss/landlord calls and says "hey the town cops xalled me and said there watching you shoot a gun. And they said its not legal to shoot in the city limits. But im in the county whete it is. Long story short...whete yalls county at this sounds likea great group of peoples0 points
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