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This thing in VA may have a nationwide impact. It's a good example of how bad it can get. It is also a good example of the greater of two evils.3 points
That's one word for it, lol I reported the post with a comment of " too weird, even for TGO".3 points
2 points
I'm not entirely sure whether "Rosesimin" was illegitimate. Oftentimes you will see a label generated but it make take days for the pickup or drop-off to occur. I haven't researched them to see whether other people have had issues or not, but keep in mind that PSA (Palmetto State Armory) itself has been the subject of such discussions simply because they took weeks to ship in a world that expects Prime equivalent shipping on everything. Regarding @flyingtiger1825@gmail.com, at first I wondered if it/he may be an attempt to legitimize Rosesimin (as in, Rosesimin searches the internet for topics such as this thread and posts on them in an attempt to make it seem like Rosesimin is legitimate). But it doesn't make sense in any form, and is not even specific to the thread itself. I wanna know how @flyingtiger1825@gmail.com knows @TerryW's pants are waterproof in the first place.2 points
I left it up earlier just to see where it went. They talk about how the internet has changed the world. But, this thread makes it clear that some folks probably ought to stay off of it.2 points
Recently went on a camping trip and a buddy only had Tyler Childers on his phone, and played it on a loop. Kinda got in my head. This video is totally trippy, but the song is cool.2 points
2 points
Something silmlar. Used some fire alarm strobe horns hooked up to timers so they flash at different times and set to 110 candella. It is very disorienting.1 point
I'm known locally as the guy that will hold you at gun point until the cops get here and won't let you smoke a cigarette. The pillbillies shop elsewhere now.1 point
We live in the country 8 miles from town. It is fairly secluded and no houses are really within seeing distance from our home. More houses have been built since this happened, but we are still kinds secluded as tree filled lots surround us. Back several years ago, we had 2 daughters that were car-hops at a Sonic drive-in when they were in high school. They often worked until 12 on weekends. One of my daughters came home after work and someone followed her home. She had brought a cheeseburger home and a drink and was eating while siting in my lazy boy chair. Whoever followed her home was looking in the side view window on our front door and on the front porch. My wife had several flowers on the front porch and one was on an old mettle TV stand. The peeper hooked his tow under the stand and turned it over on the front porch waking everyone in the house. By the time I got my revolver and made it to the front door the peeper was exiting my driveway and alI I seen was taillights going out the end of our 300' driveway. It really upset my whole family and my wife went berserk. It really shook our since of safety and security so I had to do something to counter that. My wife and children had problems sleeping. I started researching and decided to make some changes. I set about hardening my entry doors and lighting up the outside of my home. I had lights installed on every corner of the home, and had the Electric Company install a security light on top of the pole where the main line comes to my home. Also put lights in behind the home, under the roof of the porch, and on the corners of my front porch. I installed tow flood lights installed where they would light the whole front of our home. Also got a German Shephard dog and kept him outside for years. On hardening my doors, we have 5 entrance doors. I had deadbolts, that only open by key, on both sides, installed on all the solid wood doors. Now a days that is against codes, but codes don't live here. I installed 3 additional locks, two of which can only be opened from inside. I used 3 1/2" screws on all locks and hinges of the wooden doors. Went to Lowes and purchased 4 Larson Security Storm Doors (they still sell them 400.00 ea) that have a 3 point locking system on the side of the door that opens. The glass in the doors are double-pane with 3 M puncture proof plastic between the plate glass and are guaranteed break in proof. The frames are heavier than normal with 3" screws that go into the house studding around the doors and screws in-between the door and frame that cannot be screwed out unless the doors are opened. These doors are great, but heavy! They are kick-in proof. I talk to people through them and never open the door to strangers. Now I have posted this to say, I know determined burglars can get in, however they will be forced to make noise before that can get in. My revolver and shotgun are within reach now, and loaded. Hopefully, if someone try's to come in now, with us in the home, I will assume they are not coming for tea and crumpets. Hopefully they will make a lot of noise, and I will have time to get ready to greet them. At any rate it finally settled my family down, and they felt safe in our home once again, after tow or three months. It cost me some serious money, but we have been here for 35 years now, and no one has tried to come in while we were home. I do leave several lights on all night long inside and out. The outside of our home is well lit, and when I go to the restroom, at night, I can look out the window, and the way the lights are pointed both in front and back, If anyone is outside, in front or back, I can see their shadows on the grass outside. I see deer eating in the back yard under our bird feeders all the time. I do go and check to make sure though. My windows are wood frames, and I drilled holes and put small nails in both sides of the frames where they will not be able to be opened without removing the nails by hand while inside of the home. Cost nothing really. I know they can break the glass, but there again, they will make noise. Also one would need a ladder to enter the windows from the outside. Dennis, I would do something similar in your situation. I mean you need to light up the whole outside of you home BIG TIME. Fix the doors and windows where they are harder to get into. I even have electric eyes on my outside lights so the lights will come on at sundown and go off in the mornings when we are not home. I have 5 lights, 3 in the front, and 2 in the back plus the security light, and it lights the outside of my home completely. I never really noticed a large increase in my electric bill, but considered it necessary expense rather than being forced to deal with a very unpleasant situation. I do not want to shoot someone over a 10.00 a month electric bill and 500.00 worth of lights, or take a beating, or even worse. Your choice Dennis, but you do have a serious problem. Someone intent on entering your home, with you in it, is not coming to exchange pleasantries friend! Time for you to take defensive actions.1 point
As with other things, light is the enemy of darkness. I'd put powerful motion lights around the house and on the typical approach routes. I've never seen one with a strobe function.1 point
Millennials are Gen Y. I am of Gen X, or as I like to call it, the last Gen with any sense.1 point
Actually a really thin majority. They had really low voter turnout. I'm betting that doesn't happen again1 point
We're also one of the worst states in the nation for voter turnout(43rd). That's not helping anyone.1 point
1 point
That will probably happen to us one of these days, with Metro Nashville growing like it.1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
PSA has an M&P 15-22 with optic and case on sale for about $320 if that's convenient for you.1 point
You think she looks dangerous with those? You should see her dual wielding wire hangers.1 point
I have 3 kids, the youngest is 19 years old. You have any other ideas?1 point
I got an email from rosesimin.com advertising a sale. So, I went to the web site and did a little shopping. I figured I had either bought from these guys or one of their partners. I did a quick google search and I didn't see anything negative. Well, I fell for the good deals and made a purchase. I bought 4 pairs of pants Sunday nite and Monday morning I got a FedEx tracking. I was in FedEx yesterday and ask them to track it and they said FedEx does not has possession of the package. FedEx told me anyone can create a label without leaving their home. So when I got home yesterday I did another google search of rosesimin.com and there is many many complaints it's a rip off site. I called my credit card company and told them that I am an idiot, they turned off the credit card and refunded my stupidity. I think I will put on my velcro walking shoes and go to the mall for a power walk.0 points
Yep! I can see Bill holding it out and waving it at me. lol But I think I'd tell him it had to be in 9...just to hear him fuss. BTW...not enough flash for the EN hipsters on my street!0 points
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