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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/20/2019 in Posts

  1. There’s a reason for that. Get the Mec-Gar mags. They will actually work. The ProMag....maybe, maybe not with a hard lean towards not.
    2 points
  2. You will never be able to tell any difference in any of the calibers you’ve mentioned when shooting a deer. People do not realize how small the difference between high power rifle calibers actually is. You hit a deer in the vitals with any of them and you will be putting venison in the freezer. It isn’t that complicated. Many cartridges are either considered long action or short action, and are based on the parent cases of the 30-06(long action) and the 308(short action). The 30-06 family includes the 25-06, 6.5-06, 280 Remington, 30-06, 8mm-06, and 35 Whelen. The 308 family includes the 243Win, 260 Rem, 7mm-08, 308Win, etc. I’ve read many arguments on which is better...the 270 Win. versus the 280 Remington for example. These share the same case. One bullet is .007mm larger in diameter than the other. Side by side, you almost need a dial caliper to tell which bullet is which. No way is there any real practical difference between the two rounds. New cartridges are introduced and touted by manufacturers mainly to increase sales.
    2 points
  3. I'v all ways wanted to own one of these iconic guns but never had the loose cash for one. I all ways figured I'd run into a fixer upper and actually bought a ratted out one at a gun show that was a 44-40 SRC. It was rough but thought I could rebarrel it. Well, once I got it home and took a real good look at it, I found that the pitting on the sides of the receiver actually had all ready been belt sanded to way, way thinner receiver side walls. Basically, it was a wall hanger. I ended up selling it and got my money back despite a detailed description of the monkey work on the receiver. Well, like most things, if you have patience and a little luck, this one came my way by way of buying out an old BP gunsmith this past fall. This 92 was in the shop and he let it go with the rest of the stuff. It was missing all the barrel parts forward the receiver aside from its rotted out 25-20 octagon barrel. A few action parts were missing and the lower stock tang stock screw hole was welded solid. Considering I about tripled my investment on selling off all the BP parts, this 92 was less than free if there could be such a thing. Everygunpart.com & Ebay to the rescue! I figured I would build a 357 and found a Miroku made Winchester 1873 barrel on Ebay and snatched it up despite not knowing if it had the same threads. I only had to weld a second notch on the chamber face up and the barrel screwed right into the Winchester 92 action perfectly. A few weeks ago, everygunpart had a Rossi 357 Puma 92 for sale and I snatched that up for mainly the small diameter firing pin bolt assembly. I also used the Rossi cartridge guides, loading gate, bolt locks, mag cap and follower. By the time I sell all the other Rossi parts, Its still a relatively small cost. So, anyway, the Gun Gods were extra good to me on this since the barrel clocked out perfectly tight onto the receiver with the extractor cut dead on at its 12 O clock position. On top of that, the head space with the Rossi bolt was dead on!!! Whats the chances of THAT? I should have ran out and bought some lotto tickets.....but didn't. The Ebay forend was sanded below metal fit so I shortened the forend front and rear by about 1/8th each and re cut the wood into the cap and receiver. I hate when people sand those edges down. Miroku soldered the mag ring onto the barrel so I did the same with an original ring since they had a large diam ring on there. All in all, the gun came out as a nice shooter with a franken twist. I finally own a some what, kinda, sorta original 1892! and yeah, I like the folding Marlin sight....
    1 point
  4. That would be an excellent deal if I didn't have to go to the store to get it.
    1 point
  5. That would be a awesome rifle for somebody.
    1 point
  6. Prezactly! That's why I wouldn't want a designer caliber. .308, 30-06, .243 won't break the bank. .223 is about as cheap as you can get, and makes a great target round, but I wouldn't think most would want it for a deer round.
    1 point
  7. Ha, ha ha. That’s what I was thinking Mec-Gar is some high quality stuff. But I didn’t post that because that wasn’t what he was asking. I bought some mags for an M1 Carbine that just wouldn’t work. I think they were ProMag, but I’m not absolutely sure.
    1 point
  8. The Remington RP45 interests me. I've looked at a few videos online.
    1 point
  9. Dropping out of a highly competitive market is business speak for, "We're getting out because we can't make enough money to invest in development."
    1 point
  10. In fact comparing .308 v .30-06 specifically, my FIL's reloading books call for the exact same bullet to reload each. I know muzzle velocity and such differ, but as you said not enough to matter hunting whitetail. I have a .30-06 and a .308. I pretty much always pick up the .308. In my case though it is because that rifle is lighter and far more capable than I am at any distance I can see game in the areas I hunt. And this from a guy that grew up with my dad carrying a .45 and hunting deer with a .444. Overdoing it is in my DNA. lol
    1 point
  11. Yes, that's what I got, only in black. I posted the link on the previous page; its still good.
    1 point
  12. And I kept harping about 300 yards because you mentioned 300 but also it’s the max distance a competent hunter should shoot at game under hunting conditions without seriously researching, dialing in, and practicing with their rifle, IMO.
    1 point
  13. No bulge and I am using a lee factory crimp did. I loaded 200 rounds last night with accurate no5. All but 1 plunked and it appeared to be a fat bullet. I try the unique again this weekend thanks everyone.
    1 point
  14. I love these things seems like a killer deal if you like or need FDE Troy Industries Folding Battle Sight Rear https://sellout.woot.com/offers/troy-rear-folding-battle-sight?ref=w_disc
    1 point
  15. If you are looking for a bargain, the Savage 260 that Rob linked earlier will be hard to beat. Exact same bullet as the 6.5 Creedmore, just a bit more case capacity so slightly better overall ballistics. I would take it before the Ruger any day of the week. Only downside is there is now probably more factory loads for the Creedmore but you can still find 260 as well.
    1 point
  16. Now this fat bald guy wants a 6.5 Manbun.
    1 point
  17. I have no context... just envy
    0 points
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