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Just another case of the litigation happy public at large looking to blame anyone else they can. If this gets too bad, lots of gun companies will just fold and sell out their designs to someone else.4 points
"If this gets too bad, lots of gun companies will just fold and sell out their designs to someone else. " This is my concern with this lawsuit. Some of these companies are hanging by a thread as it is. Large judgement could mean going out of business.3 points
2 points
We have, but this isn’t a case of it. If you had a photo with the serial number information sent from a phone number that could be traced to an address; that’s enough to get a search warrant. Of course none of that probably would have been necessary if the lazy azz Detective would have got out of his chair and went out to do his job, as most cops would, and talk to the guy. No wonder the public gets disgusted with the Police sometimes.2 points
I don't see that it has much of anything to do with the 2nd Amendment. It's a product liability issue. Our legal system has decided that it's ok to sue the manufacturer of an item when someone gets hurt using it in a way neither endorsed nor intended.... "reasonably foreseeable misuse". People sued Ford and Firestone when their grossly under inflated tires blew out. People sued McD's after spilling hot coffee on themselves. Ad nauseum... It can't be an individual's fault because that implies some level of personal responsibility for one's actions. It's much easier to assign fault to the faceless corporation. And they usually have more money to pay out.2 points
2 points
Defender, please keep us posted on what you do and the results. What you learn could be most instructive for all of us on here.2 points
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Zero to sixty in 3.6 seconds. There has to be a lawsuit in this somewhere.1 point
If the plaintiff wins the suit, policy will change, no doubt. To me, this is just another bite at the 2A apple. There are only so many bites in any apple. Not good!1 point
1 point
@Defender it's possible that the seller thinks you're trying to scam them, but in your shoes I'd go ahead and contact your local field office of BATFE ASAP. Be sure to let them know that you filed a police report originally, followed up with PD now, contacted the seller, and have a screenshot showing serial number and seller's phone number. Scroll down a bit to find the section for criminal enforcement: https://www.atf.gov/nashville-field-division/tennessee-field-offices1 point
I’m just saying that is what the form says. If you decide to build an AR pistol; you have to do your research and be very careful. Someone at some point is going to be made an example of. The courts can choose to go by the law; not what the BATF says. Don't be the test dummy.1 point
At issue is the claim Remington targeted younger, violent males with combat themed advertising and hyper-masculine slogans. I don’t remember who I heard say it on the news, but something to the effect “In the 21st century the weapons will be lawyers and the bullets will be words.” If you can’t beat ‘em; sue ‘em into submission.1 point
Come on Dave, you are smarter than that. Don't try to bring logical thought into dealings with the Govt.1 point
Jacob I would suggest visiting your LGS and see if they have a bulletin board or know of a rabbit hunter. Also check on TNDeer Forum, I am not a member of it, but look from time to time. If you are new to hunting, rabbits are not the easiest to hunt, it is much easier with a pack of beagles and a hunting party of 4 or so. Since you are new to hunting, I would suggest safety, safety, safety!! Squirrels are usually the first game hunted by most people. Just know what your target is and what is beyond it, as you are responsible for where it goes. I am not a Facebook fan, but I suppose you could find some like minded hunters on there. Have fun, good luck. And remember it is not about the killing of the game, it is the hunt itself, seeing all of God's creation come to life.1 point
WOW! That's strange. I would think the police would want to recover a stolen gun. I'd go with the previous advice. Call the police again and also contact BATF. I wouldn't call the guy. That'll put him on alert. He may just be an innocent victim who unknowingly bought it or he may be a thief himself. You don't know. Let the cops handle it. Bear in mind that if its recovered, it may be some time before you actually get it back. Cops gotta do their thing ya know.1 point
While I am confident in my reading of the law, I would suggest to the OP that he contact the HCP office in Nashville for a final answer.1 point
Everything in 39-17-1351 only applies to residents of Tennessee.1 point
I’m pretty sure the validity of the lifetime HCP is dependent upon residency in the state of TN. If you become a resident of another state, then your permit is no longer valid.1 point
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1 point
Welcome to Knoxville and TGO Bp, and a lot more Freedom than you are accustomed to. For 100+ yd, trap, skeet and most shooting discipline competitions we have a couple of places. ORSA or Oak Ridge Sportsman's Association (I'm a member) and Windrock Shooting Range. Indoor Range in West Knoxville is Shoot Point Blank (I shoot there weekly), excellent facility and top notch staff. ORSA: http://www.orsaonline.org/membership.asp Windrock (they are active on FB): http://www.windrockshootingrange.com/ https://www.facebook.com/windrockshootingrange/ https://shootpointblank.com/tennessee/ Point Blank is located at: 620 Corporate Point Way, Knoxville, Tennessee 379321 point
A little girl I attend church with killed a deer yesterday that is believed to make the Boone and Crockett record book! TWRA is supposed to have a piece about it upcoming on Facebook. I'm guessing she's about 11 or 12 years old. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=422745991977906&set=pob.100000092242731&type=3&theater I'm not a Facebook guy, so hopefully this link will work. ETA: it green scored 174-1/2.1 point
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I swear on a jury trial I could beat every single one of yall in court. I say again, the only time residency is mentioned is while applying. And even that has an exception listed.0 points
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