My 15 year old grandson was burned bad, last Saturday night. He and some of his friends, had a bonfire, as they had a tree go down in a recent storm. The boys lit a brush pile. Most of them were standing on a hay wagon, and Mason jumped off to throw some sticks in the fire. As he reacher over the end of the burn pile someone had thrown a half used can of spray paint in the pile that they did not know about. The paint can exploded as Mason leaned over the fire and set his shirt on fire. He had a pair of his dads flame retardant trousers on which saved his legs from burns.
Little fella has been in the burn unit at Vandserbilt Hospitall in Nashville, however he has been home now for a couple days. He has severe burns on both arms, hands, fingers and head and neck. I think they figured 14% of his body was burned. Guys, it is rough.
My wife goes over and helps our daughter dress his burns daily. He goes back to Vanderbilt on Monday to see if they are doing his wound care well enough to keep him home. He is in terrible pain and it is hard for me to watch them replace the bandages. They fear 3rd degree burns on his arms and hands. Time will tell.
They told him it will be 6 months to a year for him to heal providing he gets no infections.