Yes, I have several, a couple M9s and a couple L9s. They are interesting for sure. What I like is that they use the same Glock grip angle but they also angled the trigger guard to be perpendicular to the grip angle. This means your trigger finger can ride more naturally. I always hated the Glocks because my trigger finger would always drag the frame and the bottom of the trigger guard due to my grip. The Steyr design completely fixes that. Shot-to-shot recovery time equals that of the Glock, in my experience.
I'm not really fond of the pyramid-style sights but it's something you get used to, if you shoot it exclusively for about a month. The triggers tend to be pretty good, but the reset is difficult to feel, if that's something you care about (personally it doesn't make a lot of difference to me).
Accuracy is good, better than most comparable similar service pistols that I own. Reliability is 100% with hot ammo; with lighter loads (example: minor power factor 9mm), I get the occasional stovepipe. I think it would break in and become a little more forgiving once the springs take more of a set.
What I don't like: the slide is awfully wide, makes IWB carry a challenge. I also don't like the magwell, which is not beveled or funneled in any way, making reloads more cumbersome than necessary.
They have the M9A2 out now, but I've held off buying one because they are so ugly