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The media is corrupt and a bunch of liars, the schools are filling the next generations head's full of crap, big tech seems to be saturated with "educated" morons with no moral compass, and politicians are being politicians. It's a giant positive feedback loop set on self destruction... The only way out I can see is if they get too ballsy with their rhetoric and actions and shake a larger mass to their feet. Said differently, if they stop running a marathon and sprint for the finish line. Hopefully this will shake enough people to their core and slow, if not derail and discredit this entire agenda. If they maintain their slow boil strategy I am afraid they will win in the long run...4 points
2 points
"No state does it as well or comprehensively as the state of California, and we still have a long way to go." How about they stop beating around the bush with this slow boil technique and just pull a Beto O'Rourke “Hell yes, we're going to take away your AR-15”! It'll give the moderates in the area something real and alarming to chew on instead of the typical rationalize to the point where they are comfortable with the new norm... I could go on, but I don't want to get too passionate here lol.2 points
I Just finished reading a book written and published in 2019, by Robert A Waters, and his son Sim Waters. It is a story of 23 self defense cases, over the time period of 2005 to 2016. The reason given for it not being later than 2016 is it takes several months/years to get the full and complete story about criminal cases and do the research on them. All of these cases were where the citizen used a gun to successfully defend his life with a satisfactory ending. What amazes me about everyone of these cases is how extreme these fights are to be able to survive the encounter. I mean when one is in a fight for your life, one usually starts behind the curve and has to react to aggression immediately. In most of these cases, there was a time lapse, on the victims part, to get into a defensive mindset, and come to the conclusion, hey! I need to be fighting for my life here. It appears to me that that one fact gets these 23 people into a life death struggle very fast. In fairness to the book, one account was a concealed carrier coming up on a traffic stop gone really bad. Unlike the numerous people watching the beat down, this guy acted. That citizen never hesitated to do his best to stop the perp from beating the young officer to death with his hands. The downed officer begged the citizen to end the fight. He was successful, but it took 3 shots from a 40 caliber handgun before the perp relented, and later passed. They all were not like the movies, guys. It was a good read and very informative about the 23 crime stories of survival with firearms.1 point
Shield prices are pretty low right now I would think an additional $50 off might help some folks.1 point
Dave, I am by no means an English scholar. I read it as the first part stating why the second amendment is necessary. The second part, which stands on it’s on, declares the right to keep and bear arms an unrestricted right of “THE PEOPLE”. I am among “THE PEOPLE”. I think you are as well.1 point
I don’t know, and I don’t agree with your prediction on what TN would do so I can’t really give you any sort of answer on that one.1 point
Okay, I don’t think “Reasonable Restrictions” comply with “shall not be infringed”; yet here we are??1 point
The first clause is the dependant clause, not the second. “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,” is not a complete sentence and cannot stand on its own as it doesn’t convey a complete thought. “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” is a complete sentence that does convey a complete thought and can stand on its own grammatically. There is plenty of documentation from the Founding Fathers at the time regarding who and what the milita were according to them. Probably the one I like the best is from George Mason while he was arguing for changes to the Constitution that would eventually result in the Second Amendment. “Who are the militia? They consist now of the whole people, except a few public officers. But I cannot say who will be the militia of the future day. If that paper on the table [the Constitution] gets no alteration, the militia of the future day may not consist of all classes, high and low, and rich and poor.” George Mason A bit of a detour into the arguments that can be made both ways admittedly with the Mason quote. To reiterate and return back to topic, your grammatical reading is reversed from correct order.1 point
1 point
I dunno. “Shall not be infringed” seems pretty damned clear to me.1 point
We are absolutely in for dark times. Look around at the number of people on this very forum that have said they won’t vote for Trump. No other Republican will be running, and no member of any other party will have a chance. I don’t like Trump as a person, but I think he has done a great job and is pro gun. Am I going to turn my back on him over a bump stock decision that he only had to make because some idiots at the BATF were allowed to be involved in decision making? Of course not.1 point
Perhaps I didn’t make myself clear. I’m on your team my friend. I was simply mocking folks who claim the constitution says things it clearly does not say. They pulled the tired old quote “separation of church and state” from a letter penned by Thomas Jefferson if I remember correctly. Nowhere in the constitution or the amendments will you find it. I know because I looked more than once.1 point
1 point
1 point
Sad from a wd wild west state. Prime example of give an inch take away everything.1 point
http://www.robertwaters.net/ https://www.amazon.com/Guns-Self-Defense-Inspirational-Survival-Firearms-ebook/dp/B07RCY13TZ/ref=pd_ybh_a_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=MWHQTETDZ00SVWWJ5F4Q https://www.amazon.com/Guns-Save-Lives-Inspirational-Self-Defense-ebook/dp/B07NCTHHSJ/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=guns+save+lives&qid=1557321990&s=gateway&sr=8-11 point
The economy was the #1 issue for Americans in the last election, and it was the #1 issue for Trump when he got in office. The economy is headed in the right direction, and if it stays that way until the election it won’t be the main issue. The main issue for the Democrats will be guns, opening the border will be #2. Should a Democrat be elected, especially one of the far-left idiots that is running now; we are toast. They will at the very least ban the sales of Semi-automatic firearms. Yeah, think about that. I would bet nothing is Grandfathered. “Buy back”? They try to make it sound like they would pay you for your gun. I bet they would; they would give you a $25 gift card for your $1200 AR. So…the dems would like to take away your right to defend yourself, and then allow violent criminals to cross the border. They are so ignorant that they think they will be safe in their mansions and gated communities. When they were showing the demonstrators the other night in Minneapolis, I saw someone carrying a sign that said “EAT THE RICH”. How stupid is that??As someone that has dealt with many violent offenders, I don’t think the Dems are aware of what is in store for them if they get their way. The SCOTUS will be the only protection we will have on gun control. But how long it would take them to act or what their decisions would be is anybody’s guess.1 point
Funny how USPSA Limited division guys shoot thousands of rounds of .40 each year and their guns don't come apart. And no, they are not using "powder puff" ammo.1 point
Normally don't comment on cal specific topics because they are usually just a never ending debate. I also won't comment on the youtuber posted above as I'm sure he will track me down and kill me. But here goes. I carried a Glock 35 gen3 for about 6 years before department made the switch to 9mm. I bought the gun used and appeared high mileage. I put atleast 15k rounds through it conservatively which isn't a lot but more than most owners. The round count could be significantly higher as I used this in numerous training classes plus however many previous owner shot. Never a problem. I seriously doubt any issues would have come about had I continued to use that gun. I would not hesitate to use it again if we switched back. I have no dog in the cal debate as long as its 9, 40, or 45 as long as ammo is free. Maintain it like anything else and it will work. Outside of the Glock platform I have no idea and cant say if there have been issues. Just get training regardless of cal and enjoy. Take some youtube comments and forum comments with a grain of salt. Some people are more personality than professionals and they get youtube famous. My comment included. I'm not famous or a professional.1 point
1 point
I killed one with a Daisy Eagle when I was a kid. It was in our garden and paid me little attention. I shot it between the eyes at about 10 feet. It wasn't pretty, but it got the job done.1 point
0 points
Dang man, I used a FFL I haven’t used before, because they are closer to the house. I saw from the tracking the gun was delivered. They are closed for 12 days of renovations.0 points
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