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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2019 in all areas

  1. See attached - with signatories including Jared Kushner's brother: https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/1699-gun-control-letter-to-the-sena/3258ed616a016f80dfa3/optimized/full.pdf#page=1 It's interesting to watch the groundswell of corporate action - that I'm not sure will abate anytime soon. Last year was the first year on record that gun control groups spent more money than advocacy groups (guess who politicians listen to?) As responsible gun owners, we've got an interesting road ahead of us. Advocacy is going to look different in the future than it has in the past. Personally, I'd love to see a strong second amendment with a lot more room under the tent. We're going to need more voices. They're going to need to be well reasoned. It's going to be a tricky needle to thread - but we've got to be a part of creating a future vision of gun owners that people want to be a part of.
    4 points
  2. I don't know. I'd love to forget it. I'd love to not feel the sense of guilt when it comes around every year because I got to go home that day when a bunch of other folks didn't. I'd love to not feel the sense of dread about having to make sense of explaining what happened to my kids - and I'd love to not have to watch them struggle with the realization that really, the only reason I'm still here is a few minutes worth of luck. A bunch of us would love to close our eyes at night and not remember - or maybe at least not in so much detail. Or all the things that have come after. I'd love it if one of our nation's biggest tragedies hadn't become our surest and most marketable means of displaying your patriotism and civil religion. I'd love it if we hadn't followed the loss of 2,977 American lives with the loss 2,400 people in Afghanistan and 4,400 people in Iraq - with no more idea of what victory on the battlefield looks like than we had 18 years ago. I'd love it if the average American actually had any connection to this never ending war. I'd love it if we treated all the vets we've created and their families with the integrity they deserve when they get out. I'd love it if we lived up to the best version of ourselves - that our nation has no permanent enemies. That like Japan and Germany, you can go from bitter enemy to most important trading partners in a generation. I'd love it if I could get on an airplane without having to take my shoes off in the name of security theater. For that matter, I'd like to clip my Spyderrco back to my pocket after going through the metal detector like I did on the morning of September 10, 2001. But, to each their own, I guess. It's America after all.
    4 points
  3. I watched Jon Stewart in tears on September 20, 2001: I watched him again in tears earlier this summer: The official FDNY response time on the morning of September 11 was five seconds. From that moment through months in the red zone - you saw people giving their absolute all, everyday. For their comrades and for America. It took your breath away. Every. Single. Day. It humbled you every time you set foot there. Man, we've lost so many good people since then. There are so many empty chairs around dinner tables tonight. I'm thankful for people like Jon Stewart who have put real legs under "Never Forget" for the last 18 years.
    3 points
  4. So, who got the Letterkenny reference?
    2 points
  5. I see a lot of Silicon Valley in that list. No surprise.
    2 points
  6. I have several pictures of the planes striking the towers store on my computer and I thought about posting them but I think anyone and everyone that was alive back then remembers what they saw. I use them to show my grandchildren and explain to them what happened that day is why 9/11 is so important to the American people. And when I talk to them I tell them who was flying those planes that day because here recently it has been said that some people are trying to get the American people who these people where and what their goal was and still is. There is an elected official that has gone to great length to try and make us forget who was flying those planes and it was brought up at a ceremony yesterday! Speaker at 9/11 Ceremony Questions Muslim Congresswoman's Patriotism A speaker at New York City's Sept. 11 commemoration ceremony on Wednesday assailed U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Muslim member of Congress, over her recent "some people did something" reference to 9/11. Nicholas Haros, whose mother was killed when al-Qaida hijackers flew planes into the World Trade Center in 2001, said, "Our constitutional freedoms were attacked, and our nation's founding on Judeo-Christian principles was attacked. That's what 'some people' did. Got that now?"
    2 points
  7. Given that fat cats tend to have their heads on spikes alongside politicians during popular uprisings (ties into fiscal policy and the soon to be hyper acceleration of automation), I can see why small to large cap CEOs favor a disarmed population (save for their security, of course).
    2 points
  8. Why did you make me stand in this chair,makes me look short!
    2 points
  9. Things that are closer require more diopter (power). Reading glasses for books/cell phones/watch/etc. (for me) require .25 more diopter than ones for the computer monitor.
    2 points
  10. From my perspective in the driver’s seat of my semi, the answer is a frightening “yes, they undoubtedly are”.
    2 points
  11. All of the research going into the hypersonic vehicle testing program is cool. At the opposite end of the spectrum is this: My favorite part of this video - is watching the engineers watch it in awe. These guys work here everyday - and still are fascinated by the drop. I'd love to have a high speed camera.
    2 points
  12. I thought I wanted a scoped revolver. But all of my centerfires are S&W pre-locks that I didn’t want to Drill &Tap. I was kicking around the idea of a new 686, they are drilled & tapped for a scope mount from the factory. But then I looked at my 617 and saw that it was factory drilled & tapped. So I guess I’ll try it on a rimfire first. Should get to try this out this weekend.
    1 point
  13. That's what I appreciates about you.
    1 point
  14. Do each of you remember where you were and what you were thinking when you heard about the first plane that struck the twin towers? Let us all pray that something like this never happens again on U.S. soil.
    1 point
  15. This article gives voice to something that's been bothering me for a while - but that I just couldn't quite put my finger on. https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/mass-barbecue-is-the-invasive-species-of-our-culinary-times/ Basically, by trying to cater to everyone, we're losing local traditions that define us. I grew up with the workingman's barbecue - The Flying Pig outside the front gate of the Atlanta Airport (where your sandwich was served on a paper towel), Malear's, Sprayberry's and such. If we traveled to Memphis or the Carolinas, I'd eat barbecue in a different tradition with a sense of being in that place. I remember being served mustard sauce on a pork sandwich in South Carolina that was maybe the best I'd ever had. Or brisket in west Texas - where you couldn't find a pork sandwich if your very life depended on it. Likewise, when I was in grad school - going to Dixie Barbecue outside of Seattle and it was like being taken back home. I'm a sucker for the increasingly rare roadside barbecue stand where your only choice may be what kind of chips you want to go along with the white bread and pickles. It would be fun to list some of the remaining places here in Tennessee.
    1 point
  16. There was some, didn't really pay much attention to it. I was looking at other "stuff", LOL
    1 point
  17. Like I said earlier if you insist on doing open carry you may need to have plenty of room for a very large garden and a place to raise your own chickens, pigs and beef if your going to eat. That or be a good hunter and be able to fill your freezers with wild game...........JMHO
    1 point
  18. That should be fun, and you didn't have to drill into a classic.
    1 point
  19. It happened in Nashville. I feel like my country is squeezing folks like me out, little by little.
    1 point
  20. I’m supposed to go look at it tomorrow evening. Don’t know about the engine yet. It should have a 1600, right?
    1 point
  21. Whatever happened to tarring and feathering or running folks out of town on a rail. Just saying. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    1 point
  22. I don't. I didn't remember either so I had look it up.
    1 point
  23. A bunch of 3rd graders playing with a shotgun. People would stroke out if that were posted today.
    1 point
  24. I remember exactly what I was doing when the first plane hit the tower. I was fishing and listening to the radio in the boat when the news broke and by the time the second plane hit I was on the trailer and heading for home. I was pulling in my yard when they said the 3rd plane had crashed in a field. (Defender) has a good point about it happening again. Those same people have not given up on destroying us. They just are waiting for the right time and the right target..........JMHO
    1 point
  25. I really can't disagree with any of the above. I understand the frustration, I can relate to it, and I get why it was said. It's a worthy gut-check. I think it could have been worded a little differently so as not to completely have turned the audience against you, @asu174. TGO in general has always been supportive of our local law enforcement because the local cops have proven to be pretty responsible folks. But I really don't believe there's a whole lot of "Tread harder, Daddy!" going on here even though you do see that happening pretty rampantly on social media these days. You made an excellent point about the clown in Ohio basically being a poster child for the crackdown on open carry in Wal-Mart stores. We've had our own local 2A-sshole [link] pull those stunts in the past to the detriment of the 2A community, and TGO didn't cut him any slack and certainly didn't criticize the police for their responses to his antics then.
    1 point
  26. While I’m not of the mind to ban anyone just yet, folks are dancing right on that that line. I’m locking this thread for 48 hours to allow you to dial it back 20 to 25% now Squirrelly Dan.
    1 point
  27. You're starting to show the makings of a good moderator. Hell, I'll vote for ya
    1 point
  28. Then knock yourself out there captain!
    1 point
  29. Just a friendly reminder: Personal attacks are frowned upon on this forum. If I enjoyed participating here, I'd edit the last two posts you made in this thread were I you.
    1 point
  30. I have said this a couple times and I will say it once more. I have never and plan to never open carry a firearm period. I even go out of my way to amke sure I never print when I do carry. I don't want any bad guy/badguys to have a clue I am armed. That is to my advantage, not theirs. As far any stores of any size that chose to stop Open Carry in thier business it is their privledge to do that. I would very much rather see a No Open Carry sign on a business then a Gun Buster sign on a door preventing me from trading there. I honestly think these store and businesses are trying to work with gun owners if you stop and think about it. They are not taking the easy way out and just putting up gun buster signs. People talking about boy cotting certain grocery stores. Ok what happens when the rest of them follow suit and either go No OC or No Guns period. You better hope you live on a farm and can grow all your food!!! Myself, I am will to accept the decision of Krogers. I avoid Walmart like the plague! Would only go there in an emergency!!! I have been doing business with Walgreens most of my adult life and don't plan on changing anytime soon and I wear my gun in there every time I go and no one knows it but me. I think those businesses that have gone to CC only are trying to compromise with gun owners and I respect them for that...............JMHO
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. I don’t believe it is yet, but we are headed that way. Talking with people in the workplace or out in public does not yield the same results as reading what they say on the internet or in the news. The battle this time won’t be over race, although a lot of one side sure is tired of being called racists at every turn.
    1 point
  33. Dale hollow 1 Stop in Celina, Tn. Its worth a stop if your ever through there.
    1 point
  34. BBQ was best when it was whole hog, cooked over homegrown charcoal, laid out on old metal racks supported on rows of concrete blocks, under an open-air awning of tin and rough-sawn wood. Surrounded by dirt worn bare by generations of folks who stopped by and bought their meat pulled directly off the hog by the pound with stacks of buns and chips on an old picnic table nearby, paid in cash only ...
    1 point
  35. If the left really wanted universal NICS checks they would push for Trump or any other PotUS to make NICS available to the public for free or for a small nominal fee. Make it free and have it generate a confirmation that the check was done and everyone would use it. When they push for laws to force people to go through FFLs only it becomes apparent that the goal isn’t universal checks but is instead just ratcheting up the degree of difficulty for gun transfers in the hopes of curbing ownership numbers. If I had access to NICS I would use it for every sale simply for my own piece of mind. How many of y’all would do the same without being forced to by law? I’d venture that the vast majority of y’all would.
    1 point
  36. I hope theres another panic i'd love to unload some stuff …. ah the good ol days when fools were paying $2,000 for homemade AR's
    1 point
  37. 0 points
  38. Surprise, surprise. Y’all go ahead and get the tired dick jokes out of the way.
    0 points
  39. Well, finally some one (NY's Gov) is doing something constructive! "Governor Cuomo talked about the provision on Rochester public radio station WXXI Wednesday, with Connections host Megan Mack. “Just to show you what it's accomplished, we now have 100,000 seriously mentally ill people on the mental health database that could have bought a gun in New York, Megan, who can't now buy a gun because we have a mental health database,” Cuomo said. " Should end up as the state with the largest group of unarmed Democrats.
    0 points
  40. Now we know where the fake moon landing videos were made.
    0 points
  41. While the kid holding the gun looks like he’s already looking for a commie to do his mother proud.
    0 points
  42. People are getting arrested for online posts that are NOT threats. But they will have their day in court... only after going to jail, being marked as a terrorist, losing their jobs and reputation after cops get to blab to the media that they stopped a massacre, and give a judge enough to worry about to slap an insane bond on that person. Life over. Brandon Wagshol of CT posted an innocuous meme. Tell me what “threat” he made. Only after they busted down his door over a meme and confiscated everything, did they find he ordered some 30 round mags in a state he shouldn’t have them. He’s still locked up. Please provide me what specific threat he made. He’s being held on $250K bond for possession of four 30 round magazines. Still haven’t seen the threat or anything close. People with “Molon Labe” in their sigs have made worse threats than this kid. https://reclaimthenet.org/man-guns-confiscated-arrested-sharing-meme-red-flag-laws/ Spare me the BS that police are “just doing their jobs”. Heard it a thousand times. They insert themselves into situations they were not called to. The boot licking on this forum is ridiculous and it’s tragic how many traitors walk among us pretending to be patriots. Fudds, nothing more.
    0 points
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