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I remember a conversation at one point with a friend who works for a Fortune 50 company, talking about their relationship with Walmart. He said that, "Walmart is by far our single biggest, and our most important customer. But flip that around - and to them, we're nothing - one of thousands and thousands - nothing more." Up in Bentonville, they're not losing a lot of sleep about how the folks at Olin are feeling about their decision. Because unfortunately, there's no real downside for Walmart. You're likely to continue to shop there. That's because in your small town, they know good and well that they've run about every viable competitor out of business. If they decide to reverse course, the manufacturers will trip over themselves to get back on the shelves.6 points
5 points
Let me just say, sometimes price isn't everything. Seems to me we've put a lot of trust in Wally, that will always bite you in the ass.5 points
People have short memories and usually hope for the best. I am apparently an ornerie , untrusting sumbitch.5 points
You know maybe it's not a bad thing that WalMart waffled. It's about time we as a group supported someone besides that bunch anyway, IMHO. We're are all forced to trade with them due to their size, but this action shows up the inherent danger in that.4 points
Hell it's a struggle to even get a WM employee to open the case for me to get the ammo they do have. I'll get mine from North Georgia Reloading or SGAmmo.com. They have good prices and better service too.3 points
Its all about the demonizing of guns. They’re teaching the younger generation to recoil at the mere sight of a gun and to associate guns with evil.3 points
3 points
“Kroger is reportedly removing certain gun magazines from its in-store racks...” Like I said, they still carry gun magazines...just not all of them.3 points
Man-why can't the CEO's of food sales stores just concentrate on selling food-these Businessmen are listening to the screamers.Trouble with all of this anti-gun rhetoric is not one thing they suggest has anything to do with making anyone any safer-they feel if less of we regular people can't get our hands on guns it will make them safer-what a bunch of total maroons.3 points
Depends, at my age probably way too much, if I was a lot younger, not nearly enough.3 points
It might be an early present to local shops. I doubt it works to the favor of the average buyer, though.3 points
An early Christmas present to online retailers and every local gunstore in the country. I have not bought ammo at Walmart in years.3 points
A lot of small gun stores are having cake this afternoon. Academy and other mass market retailers are only around major metros. Supply just got a lot tighter - demand is likely to get tighter. I'll be interested to see what availability and pricing look like in a few months.3 points
Your optimism is a little out too optimistic. They are taking real and concrete actions on their part that will have a negative effect for us. They don’t have to do anything, but they are choosing to do some things that I think are bigger than they may appear at first.3 points
Did anyone catch the part about them banning open carry too? I really feel like this is Wal-Mart doing something just to appease the masses. They are still selling guns and some types of ammunition. Now they can say the "did something" without taking it all the way.3 points
My Rock Island pistol finally arrived last week. Took her to the range and fed a few rounds through it. I had no FTEs or FTFs in 100 rounds. The stock magazine worked good. I also bought a WC magazine just in case the stock mag had issues. This is my first .45. One day I hope to get an American made 1911 but for now this is good for me. It is the Ultra FS series.2 points
May sound silly...but my WW purchases are usually centered around the magazine section and the sale dvds. They have consistently been the best local place for me to get The Official John Wayne Magazine for my wife. That and the cheap 3 buck dvds that sometimes have a gem of some sort in the piles. Oh, and the Tropical Mango Gatorade. Hard to find flavor that I'm addicted to. lol Yeah, I was telling my wife that I could live without Walmart. That I hated to be a one issue person, but it mattered a lot to me. Her response was something along the lines of "You can stop going, but it won't make a difference. You're just a little guy and they are a huge corporate entity. They won't miss you at all." That may be true, I said. But it's a matter of principal for me. I can't willingly support an organization that goes against my position. Others will, I think, feel the same. It may or may not be a Dick's sort of catastrophy, but it will show the world that the little guys can have an effect. The worst part...where will the newbies make their first cc walk? The WW walk has been a milestone in the introduction to concealed carry. I'm gonna miss telling someone to do it.2 points
I won’t be surprised if we see a rise in this so called moral capitalism. We’ve got a legislative body that has been unwilling to take on anything of any consequence for the last 12 years. Something is going to fill that void. Walmart is the biggest ammo seller in the US. Sure, they didn’t ban all ammo sales - but they certainly went on record - essentially saying they would lead the effort. I expect you’ll see more in coming days as shareholders ask, “what is your response?” A lot of America is a food desert without Walmart. Sure, you might have a Dollar General here and there - but that’s not getting you produce. So, most will continue to shop. I doubt Kroger sees much pushback either. There’s seems to be a me too type statement. The coming days will tell, I guess.2 points
It’s looking like a great time to return to the old mom and pop stores of our youth.2 points
Went a little crazy in terms of time and money. Really turned out to be real functional, and looks pretty good in person. Haven't deployed it yet. Top is to laminated layers of 3/4" birch plywood, with a top layer of Formica, and edge trimmed with red oak. Everything is coated in satin poly. The whole thing breaks down and will fit in a trailblazer. All the take-donw hardware is machine threaded.2 points
Never enough ammo. I still have Obama stash. When I moved here, I regrettably had to sell a ton of 5.56 and 9MM that I’ve been trying to replenish. Kroger also just went “no open carry”. Everyone will be hopping on this train while they think they have majority support and it’s popular. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/kroger-asks-customers-quit-openly-225634196.html2 points
2 points
Spot on! This is another case of incrementally chipping away, but worse is making a power statement that will serve as an example to both the anti gun left and incite others businesses who have been neutral or fence sitting. If anyone things they are just appeasing the masses, a quick review of the mostly (possibly newly) left CEO can see its much much more than that. He is jumping on the anti-gun bus, and in this case, driving it. Here are a couple examples: Chief Executive Doug McMillon called on Congress and the White House to enact "common sense" measures Ok....when is the last last time you say anyone ask for "common sense" laws that was not hyper left? “We have a long heritage as a company of serving responsible hunters and sportsmen and women, and we’re going to continue doing so,” Mr. McMillon said. This is my favorite one, read between the lines here. If you have an AR or other "assault style" weapon, you clearly are irresponsible. We dont like you, and we dont want you around. Personally I have bought my ammo from online retailers for years, my wife hates going, and I only (use to) get protein bars from them. So no loss to me, but have to say I am surprised to hear so many here buy at brick and mortar. I am of the mind it will have little to no impact on pricing, that is supply and demand. They were just a means to an end. If anything, I beleive this opens up a chance for a decrease in prices. Walmart was never competitive and kept supply down online. This puts more in the supply chain for large online retailers who will may likely get incentives to pick up that inventory. That may in turn lead to some price wars as they have room to pass on any incentives to consumers. That is what I am hoping for. And of course for Doug McMillon to have his wife given him his nutsack back versus being the left's little B2 points
I haven’t shopped at Wallys in years. I guess i got tired of waiting 20min in the only line open behind a hoard of middle-aged women in pajamas, kids crawling around on the floor and bubba’s crack showing... whatever. However, I went in there the other night to grab a quick couple of extra cheap boxes of ammo for a match I was going to shoot the next morning. After an extensive wait for the guy to show up at the counter, he informed me that he couldn’t sell ammo there after a certain time. He sort of was questioning why i needed ammo “at night”. He said it was against state law for him to sell it after a certain time (uninformed snowflake). I told him he was wrong about the state law, handed him the two cartons of ice cream that I was also going to buy, asked him to put those away for me since I had just been reminded why I don’t ever shop there anymore. Walked out. The liberals can have Walmart along with California, and I hope Trump tariffs the crap out of their cheap Chinese suppliers again. Bump it up another 10%.2 points
You think walmart would look at what happen wtih Dicks and avoid a foolish mistake, but oh well. I will be buying 100% of my ammo from academy from now on. They seem to have a better selection and price anyway. Probably will avoid shopping there from now on anyway. I can get most of what I got there from Kroger anyway for the same price or cheaper.2 points
The online retailers are close to WM, if not better, depending on the flavor you need. Good riddance!2 points
WalMart has held little of interest to me in quite a long time.2 points
I've already been through this scenario. Been prepared ever since.2 points
LOL. The frustrating thing is that it takes little to nothing to start a stampede... Lord knows I'm glad I handload.2 points
Their CEO is also asking the government for more regulation. They are now antis as far as I am concerned.2 points
I'm putting a big block Mopar together for a guy today. I have a whiskey bottle full of sweet tea in the shop. I'm going see how much I can down before he gets nervous. You just have to have fun sometimes. LOL2 points
This UT Alum and dedicated Vol fan has heard plenty of this “rebuilding” and “inexperience” talk over the last 20 years. I do know that constantly rotating coaches is not the solution, nor is rotating players and not being fully prepared for EVERY game, regardless of the opponent or spread. The Boys got their asses handed to them plain and simple. The donors are no help either. They all remember 1998 like everyone else. That was a fluke of a season when all the stars and planets aligned.2 points
WM to stop selling automobile car parts to prevent car accidents. babylonbee:https://babylonbee.com/news/walmart-discontinues-sale-of-auto-parts-to-prevent-car-accidents?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mjk1 point
1 point
Well, they finally picked a side. Now they can stock pink P.....hats on those empty ammo shelves.1 point
Well, I didnt see this while I was alluding to Lefty McMillon...glad to see it was well deserved. Full Anti-Gun Koolaid all around please!1 point
Heck, you're retired and live in the same town. Go check it out and report back.1 point
Way too late. My wife is an elementary school teacher so she hits the WM once or twice a year for school stuff. Aside from that we stay out. I haven't bought any ammo there in years.1 point
1 point
Back when I first moved to Gallatin 20 years ago I saw a few Hummingbirds so thought I would hang a feeder so went and bought one and put it up and that few humming birds turned into a lot of birds quick so bac to TSC for more feeders. Bought 4 more and now had 5 up and had to stop and get more sugar so bought 5 lbs and went home and made about 3 gallons of sugar water and spent most of that day sitting in my carport watching the shows at the feeders. Next time out I bought the last 3 TSC had which gave me a total of 8 hanging. I went a day that I was not home and the following day I went out to check on the feeders and they were all empty. I grabbed 2 and went in the house to fill them and when I came back out and was heading back across the patio to hang them there was 3 birds actually land on them and begin feeding while I walked to hang them up. For about 10 years I went through about 75 lbs of Sugar every summer. Then for some reason I went about 3 years with having birds but not the numbers I was getting and when I moved I was still getting about 20 birds and my neighbor said he would keep them full for me and I took the rest with me when I moved. I spoke to him the other day and he said he still has about 10 birds and said he will save my feeders for me and I told him to keep them and just take them down on Halloween and put them up next year and I will buy more.1 point
HA! I appreciate that. It's really not how the cart system is supposed to work, though. If you change your mind, it's no big deal at all. I'm glad to return that to you. Just let me know.1 point
1 point
I hunt all the time, mostly car keys and tape measures. Yeah. Beto is even too dumb for his target audience.1 point
1 point
You not wanting it, doesnt stop it from happening. People are driving around drunk and high now. My argument is that just like gun laws, people are going to circumvent the drug laws. The war on drugs has failed. I watched a video a year or so ago where they interviewed some high ranking cop in Denver. He stated that crime has gone up(slightly) since they legalized weed, especially property crime. He was quick to point out that it wasn't the drug doing this. What happened was that all of society's rejects have flocked there. So if you think about it, these are people that were likely already committing crimes elsewhere and now they have relocated to one spot. If it were legal everywhere you wouldn't see this localized uptick in crime. When TN legalized CBD last year I stopped by a store in West Knoxville. I was the only customer under 60 in the store. Some of the customers were in their 80's. They were buying something to help their various health issues. I guarantee that these people would love some legal weed. CBD is like non-alcoholic beer. And they are not the type to drive around stoned. I have an uncle living in Seattle. He just retired from a successful career with Lochkeed Martin. He's a Trump supporting conservative, not a "druggie loser". He started vaping THC in the evenings and told my dad this is the first time he's had good sleep in a few decades. The government has no business telling these people what they can do in the privacy of their homes. If they drive impaired then they should face stiff penalties just like drunk driving but to pretend this is more dangerous than alcohol is just not true. The arguments against weed is that the sky will fall and drugs addicts will start raping and pillaging. This is an emotional based reaction that sounds just like the arguments we hear against guns. Both are short on facts.1 point
Enjoying Daddy Daughter day today just out shopping, eating, and riding around enjoying the day together. Talked her into going in to Sportsman’s Warehouse with me after telling her I’d buy her a hoodie since I was gonna get one for myself. Unfortunately they didn’t have much of a selection of them to my surprise. I was wanting a couple. I know they have more on the website but that’ll be a big seller soon. Anyway, I talked with the Remington, Leupold, and Hornady guys while I was there and bounced around to see what all they had. A lot archery and hunting supplies, reloading supplies, hunting boots and a bunch of camping equipment, even generators. Pretty cool store and I’m excited to go back when I have more time to creep slowly to see what all I missed today. I didn’t make it to the gun counter as it was packed.1 point
There's been one in Chattanooga for years and years. Probably close to maybe 15 years at this point? Maybe more. I like it. Personally, I like it more than Cabela's or Bass Pro, but we didn't have those in the area until about 2-4 years ago.1 point
Not sure how I missed this until today. But wanted to say that you are a blessing. God is using you in more ways than you can imagine.1 point
When all seems lost, praise God. A series of coincidences stemming from a radio preacher I heard Saturday morning on the way to gun class. Basically, he told me when I am in in those troughs and less guarded against Satan and all of his works, succeptible to the glamour and temptation of sin, or at the very least, bitching about my current lot in life. He shared a story of a preacher who visited a severely physically handicapped girl, who was reported to be a radiant beacon of light. When the preacher met her, he discovered the device used to strap her deformed body to resembled a coffin. He asked her how she was able to be so cheerful, to which she responded, "At night when I wake up, I see the stars are they are my blessings, one is for Mother, one is for Brother, one is for Father...but Pastor, I still have stars but have run out of blessings." Perhaps an illustration of all that is seen and unseen? Those blessings that I am totally aware of? Shared this story when I got home; praise God that I have both feet on the ground, that I have a beautiful and supportive wife, roof over my head, food in the fridge, clothes on my back, decent income and a job, son just got promoted at work, I found an amazing support group on TGO, the peace of knowing Christ and certainty of eternal life Later that evening, my wife received a call from a friend, close but no longer local and infrequent contact. She told my wife what a difference she made and continues to make in her life. I think and discussed with my wife; all those things you did without strings attached, all those years ago, the blessing from the Lord is the knowledge that you did make a difference in someone's life. Praise God!1 point
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