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This crap almost seems orchestrated to me. Murder is already against the law. Making my guns illegal will save no one, as my guns have so far obeyed current law.6 points
it's just getting predictable. I hate to sound like Alex Jones but it sure does look like something is going on. The media pushes what fits their agenda, they don't report the news anymore. Multiple shootings involving young black males in Texas and Alabama killing 7 at one event and not sure of the other, not a word at all. First thing reported on this guy in Texas is White Male shooter........3 points
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I do this as a hobby...not a you tuber. I don't say this in a derogatory manner but recording takes equipment and time. I have little to none of both. I try to sell my knives at the best possible price and since I've never been big on taping/recording, photography anyway if I bought decent stuff the knife customer would pay for it. I'm trying to keep costs to a minimum and pass the savings on.3 points
I had a dang nice buck show up on camera this week. I hunted a big 12 for 2 years straight on this property. This one is at least a 12 and much bigger. Just watch, you'll see him.2 points
To give you an idea of the cost of this just the Sambar Stag for the handles cost $160 before shipping. The custom leather/Caiman sheath was made by one of our own on the forum....1911alltheway.2 points
On a brighter note... Ya know, we always look for the heroes that put their lives on the line in these situations; the cops and sometimes civilians that face these killers down. . But those cops train for that all the time and are expected to handle it. We tend to forget some of the other hero’s; the medical professionals. From the First Responders to the ER Nurses to the Surgeons and everyone else. Once the shooting stops or the shooter moves on, and sometimes before, the lives of the victims depend on the abilities of these folks. I was impressed with the fact that the hospitals involved had also practiced and had procedures in place for that situation. They locked the facilities down, called people in, moved less critical patients, and made all the other arrangements for the incoming wounded. Also the emotional toll it takes. I have had nurses in the ER hug me and cry because they had to try to save the life (and did) of the animal that had just shot two of my friends. What I saw was as hard on them as it was on me. No matter how hard they tried; people died in this shooting, that is tough on them also. Thank God for these professionals.2 points
What!?! Na, no way. Disregard new Comey info, Pedo ring, Hong kong, focus on shootings. All they have to do is get people to focus on what they want.2 points
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Which is obnoxious. I’m in IL quite a bit and it’s a state that I would totally get an OOS permit for if I had the opportunity.2 points
What gun did he use???? How did he get it??? Where did the ammo come from???? Man it gets old…..2 points
I almost wonder if your new part was a dud. It's happened before. I'm not sure why that ABS module would keep it from starting though.2 points
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I use synthetic motor oil on all my firearms, 1911's, AR's, Shield, etc. I apply it with an artist brush. Never had any problems. Just my experience over thousands of rounds.2 points
It HAS to be a monetary record of how much we spent ($950k) to get our a$$es handed to us.2 points
You not wanting it, doesnt stop it from happening. People are driving around drunk and high now. My argument is that just like gun laws, people are going to circumvent the drug laws. The war on drugs has failed. I watched a video a year or so ago where they interviewed some high ranking cop in Denver. He stated that crime has gone up(slightly) since they legalized weed, especially property crime. He was quick to point out that it wasn't the drug doing this. What happened was that all of society's rejects have flocked there. So if you think about it, these are people that were likely already committing crimes elsewhere and now they have relocated to one spot. If it were legal everywhere you wouldn't see this localized uptick in crime. When TN legalized CBD last year I stopped by a store in West Knoxville. I was the only customer under 60 in the store. Some of the customers were in their 80's. They were buying something to help their various health issues. I guarantee that these people would love some legal weed. CBD is like non-alcoholic beer. And they are not the type to drive around stoned. I have an uncle living in Seattle. He just retired from a successful career with Lochkeed Martin. He's a Trump supporting conservative, not a "druggie loser". He started vaping THC in the evenings and told my dad this is the first time he's had good sleep in a few decades. The government has no business telling these people what they can do in the privacy of their homes. If they drive impaired then they should face stiff penalties just like drunk driving but to pretend this is more dangerous than alcohol is just not true. The arguments against weed is that the sky will fall and drugs addicts will start raping and pillaging. This is an emotional based reaction that sounds just like the arguments we hear against guns. Both are short on facts.2 points
Beto is crying and dropping F bombs on CNN right now about including a mandatory “buyback” with the AWB he would propose. I don’t recall the government ever owning my guns to “buyback”. All this polarizing rhetoric will only drive more red to the polls. I hope these candidates keep talking about guns until Election Day. It has never served them well. They say they don’t want to take our guns and in the next sentence, they literally say they want confiscation of certain guns. I don’t own any hunting rifles or shotguns, so yes, the government wants to take all of my guns.2 points
This is still in my want bucket. Needs bucket is nearly full. Desire bucket represents slightly more expensive items and projects.2 points
We have 2 pair buzzing our house (I think ??) 2 males with the ruby rings around the throat, and then one female with a spot of ruby red on the throat (didn't know it was M or F until the above post). The other female does not have any ruby on her throat that I've seen, but could be wrong as they don't stay still for long. I seen a total of 5, maybe 6 playing "it's all mine, it's all mine (the feeders), when they all join in it looks like a WWII dog fight, just with supersonic midget fighters. LOL2 points
It’s been going on for nearly 100 years now. Remember Prohibition and how that turned out?2 points
Has the war on drugs worked? Yes/no? Answer-No. Legal weed is in fact cheaper than illegal weed. Prices in the legal states have plumetted thanks to competition. Capitalism is awesome! These threads always show the people that actually love freedom and the ones that want government control. DeerSlayer, not directing this at you specifically. But you can't simultaneously say that "banning drugs will keep people from getting them" while also saying "banning guns won't keep criminals from getting them." They are one in the same.2 points
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Are we not going to discuss this? They are saying this is the worst loss in many decades. By the end of the 3rd quarter I was pulling for GA St. I'm so over the vols. How can a program generate so much money and still be this terrible? Amazing.1 point
I just wanted to say hello "again" to everyone on this forum. I joined many years ago when I thought I was moving to Tennessee and have time to time come to browse the forum and make a few posts. However, I have never in my life lived in Tennessee , but always was intrigued by the state and did end up living in North Carolina for a short time. Well, I just wanted to say I will be moving to the Nashville area next week and wanted to send my greetings again, now that I will become a Tennessee resident. I am originally from the Pacific Northwest (state of Oregon) and currently live in Denver, Colorado area. It appears so much of the West Coast is just not what it use to be and as much as I miss my native Oregon, the place is just not where you want to be if you want to be successful in business or cherish your gun rights. The state has been pretty much been taken over by the most liberal types. Colorado I guess is on its same way. After visiting Nashville I was pretty impressed by how much cleaner and nicer of a city it was then most of the West Coast cities. It is sad to see how much of a dump Portland, Seattle and Denver have become, the uncontrolled homelessness, mental health and drug issues. I was impressed by Nashville and the beauty of Middle Tennessee and Chattanooga were impressive. I also remember driving over the Smokey Mountains last year and they were quite bewildering and beautiful. I am struggling a bit in a dying family business and have incurred some disabilities from my many years of software work. I have degenerate disc problems and other injuries, but I am fighting through them and hoping to get a home-based software business launched. I may end up having to find work in Nashville, but having hope I can get back on my feet. The living costs in Tennessee and less taxes will be a bargain to what I am paying in Colorado. I am not a fan of Colorado; it just isn't for me. As well, this state is on its way to becoming the next California and gun rights are already being restricted. I really got a good deal on an apartment not too far from Nashville, but closer to Lebanon. It's a real beautiful area. I found the people in Tennessee to be pretty friendly and welcoming and spent a bit of time in Murfreesboro, Lebanon and Nashville proper. I wasn't shocked, but it does appear Nashville is quite a liberal city and all the sights of No Gun Signs and force of law will take some getting use to. Ironically, the liberals in Oregon/Washington are working on adopting those laws as well. The old cowboy/rancher/logger heritage mixed with Libertarian mentality of the Northwest helped keep those laws away, but I am sure they will instituted eventually, as well as Red Flag laws which are now already enforced. Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if the Northwest and Colorado push Assault Weapon Bans, Mag Bans and even Forced Gun Buybacks. Washington already now has a gun registry for what they call "Assault Weapons", yet very few people have complied and registered their guns, despite the law stating you can be arrested and serve jail time for not doing so. It will be interested to see what happens in Washington and possibly soon Oregon. Anyway, I look forward to living in Tennessee. I haven't really had time or money to get involved in shooting, but I did get back on the waiting list of Strategic Edge (over year wait now). I'm hoping to do some more frequent pistol shooting again and maybe eventually when things are bit easier financially be able to shoot my ARs and other rifles.. It's been too long for me and I've gotten rusty. Life has just been a bit challenging for the last few years. Tennessee does appear to be a state that has a lot of people who love their gun rights, despite a few caveats like No Gun Sign laws and 8-hour course requirements for CHL. But, the gun laws appear more friendly than many other states, including North Carolina and South Carolina, which have some laws like Must Inform that I did not like. It would be nice to meet other people of this mentality, but I know these things take time when you are new to a place. Since I am moving to the Nashville area now, I will definitely spend more time on this forum.1 point
It runs great without the module. Plug it in and all sorts of weird stuff happens.1 point
If the module was never flashed it will do exactly as you describe. When they have been flashed they are usually plug and play but not always. Try starting it and then reconnect the module to see if your ECM will learn it. Even then it may take several key cycles to put the ABS light out.1 point
1 point
Good luck with the truck, but I still have to comment on the GA-Vandy game ..... 80-85% of the stadium WAS red. Just like 80-85% will be purple when LSU plays there and 80-85%. USED to be orange when UT played there. About 40% of Vandy fans sold their tickets to GA fans and then will sell their tickets to LSU fans. Profits will be enough to cover the entire season ticket cost. The other 60% of Vandy fans will constantly show up just to see the game of football and to see ranked teams in person and talk with their fans. Live for victory or die with defeat? No, just to enjoy the game.1 point
Ain't technology great!!! That is why I'm driving a 1997 Jeep Cherokee. I can still work on it for the most part and then if I get in over my head I call my son to bring his service truck to the house and work on it. He has a mobile service truck and will do repairs on site in a persons driveway if they don't want to pay a big tow bill. His on site service has a 25 dollar fee that is a lot cheaper than a tow truck these days. He has all the computer scanners foreign and domestic chips through 2017 and will update chips again in 2020. Most cars these days have decade long warranties.1 point
You've got four old renewal invoices in your account. I'll cancel all of them and you can just buy a new one, but this may happen to you again whenever it expires. At least it'll be less confusing when that time comes as there will only be one of them.1 point
Not for carry, but they do for carry in a vehicle. They do allow 4 other states to apply for out of state permits. (for $300 the last time I looked) But Tennessee is not one of them because of something to do with us letting the mentally ill have HCP's.1 point
While that was true years ago, modern cars often have circuit protection built in that will shut the alternator down when it senses low, or no battery voltage. The battery does a lot more than provide energy for starting, it also acts to smooth out spikes in the line voltage, provides some measure against over-current situations, and generally acts as a "damper" to contain the normal transients in every type of charging system ...1 point
I haven’t seen it from Frog lube, but I’ve seen it plenty (not just guns) from WD40. I’m always amused at the lube threads. All this high end "new" stuff and guess who never has problems? The guys using regular old school gun oil or even motor oil.1 point
Well, I guess any of those fears of losing JP to Bama when Sabin leaves are dismissed.1 point
Noticed the same thing with .223/5.56. Ammo is slightly on the rise. Grabbing a few more cases now.1 point
Not much to discuss. UT did not show up to play football (again), got out played, out coached, out scored, etc., etc., Gonna be a long long season. Hurry up round ball.1 point
Having been in the money lending business for a long time: Greater than 40% revolving usage does impact your FICO score. It makes prime lenders nervous if you want or need to borrow more money It does increase the probability of future bankruptcy, regardless of FICO score. I primarily use two rewards cards (business and personal) and pay the balances monthly. Need to keep some revolving activity to positively impact my FICO score. It took me years of strict spending habits to eliminate cc debt incurred by my younger self.1 point
I dunno if I’d say they’re one in the same or that it’s even an argument of freedom vs government control. Unless I missed the Constitutional Amendment that says you have the right to keep and smoke weed or the right to have a heroine needle shall not be infringed. Two different animals IMO. One gives us a right and means to protect against tyranny of government and is specifically addressed in the Constitution, the other induces an altered state of consciousness. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want a bunch of druggies wandering (or driving!) around.1 point
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My first try would be to disconnect the neutral cable, then short that cable over to the positive lead for about 60 seconds. That's often long enough to cause the computers to reset to defaults ...1 point
Multiple Rubies, male and female, are re-enacting the "Star Wars Death Star Valley" battle today at my house. Yesterday was the Battle of Britain.1 point
Some may laugh, but this is exactly what is occurring in Europe and other countries. Lose the 2nd, and the others fall right behind it.1 point
That is a good price. I have one on an M&P C.O.R.E. and like it. A lot of people are putting Red Dots on Handguns; booming business.1 point
As it should be. Guns however increasingly aren’t. That’s not how it should be.1 point
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I can't wait to get my hands on this one thank's for doing this build for me Grand Torino.1 point
Good Luck with your move. Nashville is way too crowded (traffic) for me, but it is a thriving business hub from what I found out. As far as your DDD, once you get settled, try a inversion table. I picked one up for about 100 bucks on Amazon and it has been a help to my back when I push it too much. Also if you like the alternative aspect of healing, get the Book " The MMS Handbook" by Antje Oswald M.D. Folks have had great results with their joint inflammation as per the book. Iv tried it for an other issue and I'm happy with the results I received.1 point
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