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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/25/2019 in all areas

  1. Fox News Increasingly, few if any genuinely safe places exist as a refuge from armed, angry, addicted young men pumped up on violent video games and suffering from the absence of a moral core. Schools, churches, shopping centers, businesses, and almost every place people gather have become targets for deranged individuals who are set on perpetrating evil and in possession of lethal weapons. At what point will we have the courage to acknowledge that our nation has a problem? As a former police officer, this perspective on gun violence is not an academic approach. I’ve encountered armed suspects and dealt with gun-related violence. Restricting the implements of violence while ignoring the causes is futile. Our nation's capital, with some of the most restrictive gun-ownership laws in the country, clearly illustrates this point. Washington has a gun murder rate of 18 per 100,000, and the city's gun-control laws did not protect our organization. Nationwide, as many as 80 percent of gun-related crime involves illegal guns. The best part of the story. John Adams, the second president of the United States, recognized the limitations of our laws. In speaking to the Massachusetts militia, Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Some will be quick to say that nearly 250 years later, America has moved beyond the faith that inspired nation builders. That is a tragedy. Today our culture increasingly marginalizes public faith and religion, pushing it from the public square. But in the process, we've lost public morality, common decency and virtue, which are essential to freedom. To achieve security for our families and communities while preserving the freedom that has made America great, we have only one option: Restore morality by renewing our commitment to the free exercise of religion. In other words, we should protect, not prevent, religious freedom. Link to the story https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tony-perkins-solution-gun-violence-not-what-you-think-former-police-officer
    5 points
  2. Or maybe it was Friday night anyway…. Sometimes you just have to laugh. They were dispatched to an auto burglary in progress. They arrived, saw the perp and took him into custody. Real matter of fact the cop said “I recognized him when I saw him. A couple of months ago he was fleeing a burglary and pointed a replica gun at us; we shot him”. A few minutes later they were searching the car and trying to locate an owner. What did they find? Why another fake gun of course. That same cop said “And if he had pulled this; I would have shot him again”. There is a saying… Being stupid should hurt”. In this case it did; but apparently didn’t work.
    2 points
  3. Well my dad got it done this morning. His crossbow messed up so he has been taking mine. No hunting for me but im okay with it. He had an opportunity at a big buck but he forgot to set the stock to fit him. Once he got it right the deer spooked. But this 8 pointer stayed around and he wasn't going to pass him up. Its my dads biggest buck and first ever velvet. Unfortunately within an hour of waiting to go look the coyotes ate him up pretty dang good. Either way it will make for a nice mount and story.
    2 points
  4. I thought I would circle back on this! I ended up not shooting them, the reason I did not was because of some of the guidance you fine people provided. What I did was figure out where they were entering the farm, I then got some predator (Coyote) urine and put that down along the entire fence line. I did that twice. No more skunks!
    2 points
  5. In light of the recent active shooter events, the Committee for Public Safety feels the only way to end gun violence is to ensure firearms are only in the hands of those who should have them. We are not concerned with only the military being armed and the threat of oppressive government, since that will never happen here. Private armed security is a given, those men and women receive training and are licensed by and known to athe State. Lastly, we will continue to arm local, state, and federal law enforcement, because they are the good guys. Pay no attention to the main stream media and reports of racism and the systemic murder of young black men nor the victimization of illegal immigrants by police. And that's the contradiction I'm trying to figure out...LE is murdering innocent minority citizens...remove guns from civilians. In my opinion: There is a thriving business in the theft of firearms from civilian, law enforcement, and military sources. There is a thriving business in the straw purchase arena. There are ignorant private sellers. The folks who need mental health care probably don't have insurance, wouldn't make a claim under an employer provided program, can't afford private services, and .gov services are either overwhelmed and/ or substandard. Gang recruitment is aided (in all demographics) due to the rising normalcy of fatherless boys and young men. Not an original thought, but if the rank and file, law abiding gun owners were the problem, don't you think we'd be in the news by now?
    2 points
  6. Been looking the last couple of months for a replacement deer rifle after my M1917 Eddystone got stolen. Was heavily considering a 721 Remington and then found a scoped 1903 that wasn’t the prettiest, but got a helluva deal on. Was in my hometown today for my sons birthday at grandmas and found the one I’ve been looking for. Pre-64 Model 70 Super Grade in 30-06... priced at $350. Needless to say, that’s one less they have to sell this year .
    1 point
  7. I just wanted to say hello "again" to everyone on this forum. I joined many years ago when I thought I was moving to Tennessee and have time to time come to browse the forum and make a few posts. However, I have never in my life lived in Tennessee , but always was intrigued by the state and did end up living in North Carolina for a short time. Well, I just wanted to say I will be moving to the Nashville area next week and wanted to send my greetings again, now that I will become a Tennessee resident. I am originally from the Pacific Northwest (state of Oregon) and currently live in Denver, Colorado area. It appears so much of the West Coast is just not what it use to be and as much as I miss my native Oregon, the place is just not where you want to be if you want to be successful in business or cherish your gun rights. The state has been pretty much been taken over by the most liberal types. Colorado I guess is on its same way. After visiting Nashville I was pretty impressed by how much cleaner and nicer of a city it was then most of the West Coast cities. It is sad to see how much of a dump Portland, Seattle and Denver have become, the uncontrolled homelessness, mental health and drug issues. I was impressed by Nashville and the beauty of Middle Tennessee and Chattanooga were impressive. I also remember driving over the Smokey Mountains last year and they were quite bewildering and beautiful. I am struggling a bit in a dying family business and have incurred some disabilities from my many years of software work. I have degenerate disc problems and other injuries, but I am fighting through them and hoping to get a home-based software business launched. I may end up having to find work in Nashville, but having hope I can get back on my feet. The living costs in Tennessee and less taxes will be a bargain to what I am paying in Colorado. I am not a fan of Colorado; it just isn't for me. As well, this state is on its way to becoming the next California and gun rights are already being restricted. I really got a good deal on an apartment not too far from Nashville, but closer to Lebanon. It's a real beautiful area. I found the people in Tennessee to be pretty friendly and welcoming and spent a bit of time in Murfreesboro, Lebanon and Nashville proper. I wasn't shocked, but it does appear Nashville is quite a liberal city and all the sights of No Gun Signs and force of law will take some getting use to. Ironically, the liberals in Oregon/Washington are working on adopting those laws as well. The old cowboy/rancher/logger heritage mixed with Libertarian mentality of the Northwest helped keep those laws away, but I am sure they will instituted eventually, as well as Red Flag laws which are now already enforced. Of course, it wouldn't surprise me if the Northwest and Colorado push Assault Weapon Bans, Mag Bans and even Forced Gun Buybacks. Washington already now has a gun registry for what they call "Assault Weapons", yet very few people have complied and registered their guns, despite the law stating you can be arrested and serve jail time for not doing so. It will be interested to see what happens in Washington and possibly soon Oregon. Anyway, I look forward to living in Tennessee. I haven't really had time or money to get involved in shooting, but I did get back on the waiting list of Strategic Edge (over year wait now). I'm hoping to do some more frequent pistol shooting again and maybe eventually when things are bit easier financially be able to shoot my ARs and other rifles.. It's been too long for me and I've gotten rusty. Life has just been a bit challenging for the last few years. Tennessee does appear to be a state that has a lot of people who love their gun rights, despite a few caveats like No Gun Sign laws and 8-hour course requirements for CHL. But, the gun laws appear more friendly than many other states, including North Carolina and South Carolina, which have some laws like Must Inform that I did not like. It would be nice to meet other people of this mentality, but I know these things take time when you are new to a place. Since I am moving to the Nashville area now, I will definitely spend more time on this forum.
    1 point
  8. As Chucktshoes stated play nice folks. Personal warning sent to appropriate party.
    1 point
  9. No, I haven't handled the M or MRD, just the original 509. Encouraging to see that they are addressing even minor complaints about the frames, although there really isn't much to complain about, it's one of the more ergonomic ones out there. I still think the sear is flimsy compared to other designs and I think the Apex one would be a worthwhile upgrade (again, haven't seen the M or MRD). I am actually a fan of the factory trigger design though I know many people seem to prefer the straight Apex unit. However, even after shooting several thousand rounds though mine and doing some polishing, it still registers 6 pounds on the trigger scale. It's not as squeaky and gritty on take up as a couple of the FNSs I've owned, but I wouldn't call it smooth as an M&P or Glock either. I tend to reload every caliber I shoot, except for shotguns and .22. When I could load 9mm lead for $.06 a round it made more sense than it does now, but I still do so because I like a consistent load that I know makes minor power factor for competition. I also like to load fairly long (though nothing approaching SAAMI OAL limits) because long rounds run better in 1911s and I prefer to have one load that runs reliably in anything. Only Glocks and the 509 ever had a throat short enough to be a problem, but since there seem to be some subtle differences with the later 509 variants, maybe that was addressed as well.
    1 point
  10. I like Live PD my self, always good for a giggle or 3. Bad guys are just stupid or insane or both.
    1 point
  11. With the total panic over anything that looks like a gun. Even children pointing a finger etc. I wonder how long it will be before they notice California is shaped like one of those 30 round shot clips that are so dangerous. Maybe we can cut them loose so the stupid doesn't get to the rest of us.
    1 point
  12. """Not an original thought, but if the rank and file, law abiding gun owners were the problem, don't you think we'd be in the news by now?"""" Once in a while a regular Joe makes news when some news network that is out of junk to talk about. Then a regular good guy with a gun will make the news for shooting a bad guy with a gun but you can bet the reporter is holding their nose while they type the article. The dang sure don't want news like that everyday on the front page. All the anti-gunners would ahve to find something else to do for a living besides politic against guns. You also mentioned the bad guys and how many of them get their guns to begin with. You listed a pretty good list. When a gun is stolen from an unlocked vehicle that a good guy was stupid enough to leave unsecured in their own driveway at home and allowed that to happen in many ways is as guilty as the thief that took it. As far as the so-called Weapons of War that bad guys have, I would say many of them came from the black market or someone that is selling one privately and not asking for all the information such as Carry Permit, DL, signed bill of sale and anything else they can get before the gun changes hands. I think it is a fact, if a maniac wants to do a mass shooting they will find a way to do it to get the hardware in which to carry it out.............JMHO.
    1 point
  13. WD40 is terrible stuff. It wasn’t allowed in most shops I worked in. You certainly don’t want it in the internals of a gun unless you are going to completely remove all of it and lubricate every part. It’s also flammable and many Ultrasonic units offer heat. However, that’s high drama in the gun community because people want to use it. All I can say is do your homework.
    1 point
  14. Welcome to TGO. Hope things work out for you in the Nashville area.
    1 point
  15. In doing this, where you always pulling the trigger at the same time, or did you have occasion to try to remove the fire control unit leaving the trigger bar and unlocking block in place? I was thinking about winding my own sear spring, but am in no great hurry to pull the unlocking block pin out again. Supposedly its more of a problem on the 509T's. @Esko 270 was kind enough to loan out his Apex jig the first (and hopefully only) time around. I'll wait to see what Apex offers if the trigger bar does not swing out enough to remove the FCU by itself.
    1 point
  16. I just finished reading a book about church security. It was written in 2012 by Carl Chinn. The title is, “Evil Invades Sanctuary.” The sub title is, The Case for Security in Faith Based Organizations. I got my copy off Amazon, used, for 6 bucks. It is a good read for one who is serious about church security. Chinn was a participant at the hostage situation at the Focus on the Family building. A disgruntled, previously injured on the job, construction worker took several hostages which Chinn was one of them. He was part of the Focus on the Family security team. He describes his event along with another church shooting event he was involved with. This other event he was involved with was at the New Life Church shooting in Colorado in 2011. One line in the book that really stood out with me is, when he faced interaction with the shooter carrying an AR 15, he pulled out his handgun, a Kel Teck 32ACP mouse gun. He told of how he felt at that time with the shooter coming in his sight carrying a pistol and AR and just how small his pistol was. He said Jenne Asam appeared just in front of him, from a south hallway, with her 9 MM pistol drawn and issuing the shooter with a firm voice the opening fire with her pistol. Chinn was also involved with the Ted Haggard fiasco when he was outed for homosexual activity. Talked about the News Media show and all the ramifications going on with that situation. He talks extensively of the need for security at churches and I would recommend the read to anyone who is serious about self defense at church. His description of the aftermath of the Colorado shooting was very vivid and reveling. He has been involved with several churches and growing and developing church security teams throughout his carrier.
    1 point
  17. I had an FFL back in the less restrictive (Pre-Clinton era). When Clinton came into office I closed up my home "shop". and Yep, mailed my records to the ATF as was/is required. Now I'm certain they wouldn't put that info into a data base and retain it ... OK, they probably did... OK I'm certain they did...
    1 point
  18. Open carry is a poor idea any day of the year.
    1 point
  19. What is changing here is that law enforcement is being allowed to do their job instead of having to worry about politics. Why? Because that’s what Americans want. In the past you have had plenty of people that want to argue that “That really wasn’t a threat”, or “He didn’t threaten a specific person, so there is no victim”. Those people are being told to sit down and shut up and the courts and the suspects peers will deal with it. Will it help? Sure, it may stop some shootings. But it won’t stop them. It won’t stop the nut case that doesn’t talk to anyone, and doesn’t post crap on Facebook; like Paddock or Lanza. In the stories I saw in the last few days it seems to me (or maybe I was just feeling guilty) that the press spends more time on how many weapons or ammo the people had, than on what they intended to do.
    1 point
  20. I use the 2.5L ultrasonic cleaner from Harbor Freight. I use a mixture of water and Simple Green Pro HD aluminum safe cleaner. My bolt carrier groups have have never been cleaner!
    1 point
  21. $14 for a liter of concentrate that will last you a lifetime? Not really. It's meant for industrial cleaning tanks that hold 400+ gallons of solution. I used it in a 3-4 gallon ultrasonic tank for a specific project that lasted about 4 months. We used less than 1/4 of the gallon of concentrate we bought and cleaned about 1000 parts about half the size of a typical pistol slide. Simple Green should work fine too. Any sort of alkaline, non-foaming soap will work.
    1 point
  22. Why? Shooting in the parking lot and blowing up explosives; what could possibly go wrong? You are being kinda picky don't you think?
    0 points
  23. Welcome back. It’s all that weed. You can’t stay high all the time and make good common-sense decisions. Sorry to all our local stoners.
    0 points
  24. If they decide it’s a problem, they will simply legislate that the state change its shape. And they will legislate that anyone wanting to do business in the state, or ship product into the state; pay for it. So, in their minds; it’s a pretty easy fix. I mean after all, what company wouldn’t want to spend a big chunk of their profits to be allowed to do business in California?
    0 points
  25. I saw on the news that the cook guy who threatened to shoot up the Marriott Hotel had an 'arsenal', and hundreds of rounds of ammo. Hmmm. The picture they showed looked like 2 or 3 long guns and 2-or 3 pistols. Thats an arsenal? Not saying he couldnt do a lot of damage with that, heck it just takes one gun and some ammo to do a lot of damage. Wonder what the news media would think of some or the collections of guns belonging to people on here, lol. I had more guns than that and plenty of ammo for each caliber before they were all tragically lost in that boating accident in the lake...
    0 points
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