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I received a fund raising call from a solicitor for the NRA this week. The young man started rattling off all the benefits of my membership and how the NRA was the only organization fighting for me. When I told him I wouldn't be making a donation, he said I was just giving up my Freedom and my 2nd Amendment rights by not donating. After all, the NRA was the only group fighting for me. I stopped him right there, telling him he was incorrect on that point. "Well who else will stand up for you?" he asked. I mentioned the GOA, NAGR, TFA, CCOA, and the local groups involved at lower levels. He had no reply to that evidently on his script. But he did ask why I wasn't sending money. I mentioned the controversy over La Pierre and his extravagant lifestyle, the questionable amount of payments to the PR firm, the salaries of his and the other VP's, the infighting among the board and officers, the ousting of Cox and North, and ended with the rumors of a home bought form him with NRA funds(don't know much about this, just have seen some comments of FB and some internet pop-up "news" articles. I also told him that I felt the only way I would give again would be after Wayne Lapierre had resigned and a new Board was put in place. I just couldn't trust that any of them were doing more than lining their pockets with my/our money. The young man thanked me for my comments and hung up. It is so sad to see a one mighty protector of our Rights get to a state like this. I guess it's still true...Power corrupts. Absolute(or almost in this case) corrupts absolutely.5 points
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I don't believe that government officials can do whatever they want. I do believe that a lot of them believe they can do whatever they want. Therein lies the problem.1 point
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What is changing here is that law enforcement is being allowed to do their job instead of having to worry about politics. Why? Because that’s what Americans want. In the past you have had plenty of people that want to argue that “That really wasn’t a threat”, or “He didn’t threaten a specific person, so there is no victim”. Those people are being told to sit down and shut up and the courts and the suspects peers will deal with it. Will it help? Sure, it may stop some shootings. But it won’t stop them. It won’t stop the nut case that doesn’t talk to anyone, and doesn’t post crap on Facebook; like Paddock or Lanza. In the stories I saw in the last few days it seems to me (or maybe I was just feeling guilty) that the press spends more time on how many weapons or ammo the people had, than on what they intended to do.1 point
I have 145 unprimed and 70 primed .308 Winchester cases and 150 Hornady Match 168 Gr BTHP free to a good home. Since I live in the sticks of Lascassas I will meet in the surrounding area if you don't want to come to the house.1 point
I bet they hate getting people that are paying attention. That’s why I dumped them many years ago. I wanted to fight my arrest for nothing other than having a gun in my car. My attorneys said it would cost a bunch, as it had already been decided at the Federal District Court level and would have to go to the SCOTUS. I went to the NRA for help and they told me they don’t involved in criminal cases. I asked; even when that crime is simply having a gun? They said “Yes”. They have done a lot of good, but too many folks think Congress and the Courts “Fear” them. No one fears them; they just have (or had) the financial ability to fight gun cases in court. Its all about money; it’s always about money.1 point
I agree. Personally, if the business is in leased space on private property I, (if I were still a cop and it was clear that the motive was self-defense rather than criminal intent), would consider the parking lot as part of the business. Unfortunately, not all cops would think the same, and the prosecutor makes the final decision.1 point
How is this possible? The news man thing said we need red flag laws to do this.1 point
Some times theres warning signs but, you hear all the time where people will say after something happens, he seemed like a completely normal guy. That I think is where his neighbors and people he worked with didn't really know him.1 point
Call the local county/city attorney, the one who would prosecute a case like this and get a printed answer on their office paper to post in the employee area.1 point
Tools and skill, if you don't have both send it out!1 point
Damn, I'd be down for that. Load blanks in everyone's gun and watch chaos ensue, but I've also been to several train wrecks.1 point
I like many view the UBC's as nothing more than a backdoor gun registry but how many here don't think that every time a person buys a gun from a gun dealer and goes through all the back ground checks and does everything by the book that the record of that purchased has not already been put in a registry right then in some Federal computer somewhere anyway? I would be willing to bet there is a secret registery somewhere and has been probably at least since Columbine and maybe earlier. I know they didn't have that kind of capability when Charles Whitman shot all those people in 1966 but things have changed a lot since those days. If a day ever comes that they do go after a legal gun owner that all at once comes up on the Fed radar as a possible furure mass shooter and they raid the persons home with a list of firearms they are looking for, what happens when they are looking for 15 guns but he only has 10. That would pretty much prove there is a registry somewhere huh?.............JMHO1 point
Love the 26. I have one in all 4 vehicles plus boat. Better yet my wife loves it and feels very comfortable so it's a great vehicle gun no matter who is driving.1 point
I don't have a dog in this race for sure but it seems to mostly revolve around the parking lot mostly. I would first look at the area in which your business is located. Is it a normally pretty safe place/neigborhood and does it have regular patrols by local LEO's? If it is not a really safe neighorhood and could be iffy I would leave the decision up to the employee whether they want to carry a weapon from their vehicle to the work place. I have always felt it is better to be tried by 12 than carried by 6 and if the neighborhood does require one to carry a weapon in the parking lot that would be their decision. As most have pointed out the best option would be for them to attend a class and get a permit and that would eliminate all the What If's?.............JMHO1 point
Not bad. I'm finding it hard to want a G26 with the 48 out now.1 point
Doug, I know you discussed a lot your options for TV, but I don’t remember what you ended up with. Are you just using an outdoor antenna or what? What did you end up with for internet? Do you have data limits?1 point
Well, we know they can legally have the gun in the car, and we know they can legally have the gun in the business (I’d want written permission). The question is, the parking lot from the car to the business and taking the dogs out the back. If the DA in that county allows citizens to walk in and ask legal questions, I would do that; as they would be deciding if charges are filed. I would also go to whatever PD would be responding to a call there and ask to speak to a Command Officer. (I would have both those conversations in person and not on the phone) Have this discussion with them and see what they say. You may find out the parking lot is considered part of the business and they are okay. Or, even if its not some Officers many let it go; but you have no way of knowing how an individual Officer will use his discretion, not even the Command Officers would know that. I would suspect this will keep coming full circle to them needing a permit. Since you say that isn’t a possibility; then they have to decide if they want to risk what the bad guys will do or what the good guys will do.1 point
There should be games on ABC starting at 12:30. BTW, the stadium and games are as awesome as expected. I'll post some pics and info when I get home to show. Very awesome fan experience.1 point
Hope she calls a friend and sells them for what their worth, not what she thinks I paid for them.1 point
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I think KNOW there would be much less "general population" support for Universal Background Checks if the correct name for the proposal would be used. As most gun owners know, the proper name is "Federal Firearm Registration". I despise the conniving political and media lowlifes.1 point
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Lets not demoralize monkeys. I have gone to some trouble to try and effect a safer life style for all monkeys in the name of Science. If you see one of these on a stop sign, I was there promoting these poor underestimated critters.....1 point
Would it hold some kind of sludgy thick paint as a color fill for those areas?1 point
Not in your league, but I bought a 10/22 that Dolo had built. Makes me look like I know what I'm doing. Off the bench, I shot a dime sized 3 round group at 100 yards. Best I've ever done. I credit that to the rifle and the builder. Yes, Dolo used a Green Mountain Bull barrel on it. It's my favorite suppressed 22 ever.1 point
My only AK caliber rifle. Barreled action by Dolomite Supafly. Single shot Savage action 7.62x39. If I recall he used a Green Mountain .308 blank. Bushnell 30mm 10x on top. It shoots saltine crackers at 185yrds with ease.1 point
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Yeah, believe it or not, I have a thing for mouse guns. Little .22 & 25 acp pistols that'll fit in your shirt pocket. I don't know why I'm so fond of them. But under certain circumstances where deep concealment is required, I have carried one as my primary.1 point
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From the Iowa State Fair…. I just heard on the news that Harris will enact gun control by EO within the first 100 days if Congress fails to act. She says they have researched it and are not concerned with legal challenges. Ha Ha, of course she isn’t concerned with legal challenges, all she is concerned with is making outlandish statements to try to get votes. Also they reported that Warren is rolling out a gun control plan that will result in an 80% reduction in deaths from firearms. 80%..that’s amazing; can’t wait to see that. But mostly they were just hatin’ on Trump. What a bunch of losers.1 point
Ok everyone, I think you probably know who you are and I think you might benefit from a simple warning, but let's keep it civil here.1 point
I have voted for several Democrats over the years. I can't think of one that I could vote for today. The Democrat party of today is not the Democrat party of my generation.1 point
Big money ALWAYS attracts big thieves. I've given the NRA a lot of money over the last 40 years (Benefactor member) but I find I've been screwed over once again by someone I trusted. I'm tired of people.1 point
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it appears to me if the NRA is going to survive; LaPierre, Ackerman-McQueen marketing, and William Brewer's Law Firm need to all be gone and they need to be gone today.1 point
Well a 4 inch barrel is a plus. At some point they all look the same....1 point
I saw on the news that the cook guy who threatened to shoot up the Marriott Hotel had an 'arsenal', and hundreds of rounds of ammo. Hmmm. The picture they showed looked like 2 or 3 long guns and 2-or 3 pistols. Thats an arsenal? Not saying he couldnt do a lot of damage with that, heck it just takes one gun and some ammo to do a lot of damage. Wonder what the news media would think of some or the collections of guns belonging to people on here, lol. I had more guns than that and plenty of ammo for each caliber before they were all tragically lost in that boating accident in the lake...0 points
I use to use her ploy of saying, 'oh no, I've had that for a long time'. It worked fine until I was asked to explain why I had to buy a bigger safe.0 points
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