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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/15/2019 in all areas

  1. Yeah, believe it or not, I have a thing for mouse guns. Little .22 & 25 acp pistols that'll fit in your shirt pocket. I don't know why I'm so fond of them. But under certain circumstances where deep concealment is required, I have carried one as my primary.
    4 points
  2. Parents failure to love their kids, teach their kids and give their kids a good home is why we have mass shootings; not guns.
    4 points
  3. When I was growing up my parents left us unattended in a running vehicle all the time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    3 points
  4. It is a shame there cannot be a test one has to pass in order to reproduce.
    3 points
  5. I probably know where it is and can tell you it’s even better in person thanks Steve
    3 points
  6. My only AK caliber rifle. Barreled action by Dolomite Supafly. Single shot Savage action 7.62x39. If I recall he used a Green Mountain .308 blank. Bushnell 30mm 10x on top. It shoots saltine crackers at 185yrds with ease.
    2 points
  7. Check out his website... https://www.eaglecreekgunleather.com/
    2 points
  8. Those were they days. We also had windows that rolled down all the way, no stupid-ass electronic sensors that cost too much and don’t work, and far more intelligent people going about life. I used to stand up in the passenger seat of mom’s VW Squareback riding around town, lol. But she sure as hell did not leave me in the car, ever, especially with windows and doors that won’t open.
    2 points
  9. How does that saying go? "All of the guns some of the time, some of the guns all of the time"?
    2 points
  10. You could probably search back in the forum a few years back to find the pictures that I posted of my little obsession, but I’ll post them again here. I still have all of these as well as some better quality mouse guns in my collection.
    2 points
  11. My dogs Seresto flea color costs almost that much and only last 8 months.
    2 points
  12. I agree 100% that parents don't spend the time necessary to actually teach their children and in most case show the children the Love they should and most of all provide them a good home. We did not have all the high tech toys kids have today and when they began to show up my kids did not get them until they could buy their own. Then there was rules in my home when and where they could be used. My boys were taught right from wrong until they left home as adults and from watching my Son Ronnie with his boys he raised them in pretty much the same manor he was raised in.
    2 points
  13. IMHO, you can't go wrong with 1911alltheway.
    2 points
  14. Leaving your headlights on is more obvious than your kids in the back seat? That's incomprehensible. Having kids should fundamentally change how a person thinks and acts. People need to put down the damn phone, quit being so self absorbed and accept the idea that their needs are no longer the most important thing.
    2 points
  15. I have been selling Pro-Tech knives since 2014 in that time I have seen some of the finest custom knives I could imagine, but yesterday I brokered a deal for one of my clients on what I consider one of the absolute best custom knives made, this TR3 in inlaid with 24Karet Gold and has a solid gold 1/4 ounce bullion coin inlaid it is absolutely stunning
    2 points
  16. Not a thumb break, but here’s a pic of the rig he did for me with pancakes for my BHP and Beretta 92G.
    2 points
  17. 55-10-803. Offense of leaving child unattended in motor vehicle -- Penalty. (a) It is an offense for a person responsible for a child younger than seven (7) years of age to knowingly leave that child in a motor vehicle located on public property or while on the premises of any shopping center, trailer park, or any apartment house complex, or any other premises that is generally frequented by the public at large without being supervised in the motor vehicle by a person who is at least thirteen (13) years of age, if: (1) The conditions present a risk to the child's health or safety; (2) The engine of the motor vehicle is running; or (3) The keys to the motor vehicle are located anywhere inside the passenger compartment of the vehicle. (b) A violation of this section is a Class B misdemeanor punishable only by a fine of two hundred dollars ($200) for the first offense. (c) A second or subsequent violation of this section is a Class B misdemeanor punishable only by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500). If the adult was present and children were in no danger he was an idiot.
    2 points
  18. 1911alltheway did a leather holster for my Shield with the integrated laser. It looks great and the fit is perfect. Need to get some money ahead and get a few more done. At least for a 9 and a 45 1911.
    2 points
  19. Here are a couple I have done... This was done for one of the members here. It is a cross draw but I can make a strongside holster as well. The next one is for a revolver but it gives an idea for what can be done with a thumb break holster. These are both avenger style holsters but I can also do pancake style holsters as well, I just don't have any pics of them with a thumb break. There are also others on here that make holsters as well, and I'm sure you will get others chiming in. There is alot of talent on here. Congrats on the 1911 it's one of my favorites both to do holsters for and to shoot, I've carried mine forever.
    2 points
  20. Shooters Nation has given me a rare opportunity that I frankly don't deserve to sit among people inside the industry and listen to what they're saying. I've heard and seen things that have later come to pass, and likewise things that fizzled and never manifested. That's the way "insider" information works. In the last 72 hours, some of what I've been privy to has been leaked elsewhere on social media by other people eager to outdo each other. I guess to prove that they know cool people who know cool things, or whatever. I'm not keen on betraying the confidence that some of these folks have shown in me, so I'll continue to keep my mouth shut. I will say this... we've got some smart folks on TGO and a lot of common sense present here. Naturally we come to some pretty accurate conclusions all on our own. But we've also got some loud voices on TGO that people are listening to at their own peril just because they're loud on TGO. Like I said, some of what I've seen and heard in advance has fizzled out or changed. What I've heard in the last 48 hours from people in the industry who generally know things in advance has changed directions twice and two people that I've come to trust are now diametrically opposing each other's statements about what the government might be ramping up to do in response to the recent spree killings. I'd just buy whatever you want to buy with the thought in mind that nothing is guaranteed tomorrow. AR pistols and pistol braces have been a finger in the ATF's eye for a while and it's only logical to assume that they might be low-hanging fruit for a President that wants to be perceived as having "Done something". Don't assume there are too many of them to do anything about. Some things can be made legal to own but illegal to transfer, effectively halting the propagation of them beyond the current generation of owners. And that's not insider info... that's just me thinking out loud.
    2 points
  21. My experience with gun grabbers is that they entice you with compromise on what they cal 'reasonable', then you compromise, and they keep pushing and taking. They dont want us to have guns period. Everything is a step towards that for them. I dont care one bit about bumpstocks, but that was a step...
    2 points
  22. Call me weird, but I really DO like oddball stuff. Is anyone else here a big fan or collector of the 'unreliable-yet-loveable'? Reason I ask, is that tomorrow morning I'm going to pick up a dream gun. A pistol I've been fantasizing about for nearly 10 years. It's absolutely SLATED online by 8:10 owners, but I don't care. I saw my first one in September 2009 & I've been looking for one ever since. It's an early model, SAO, AMT Backup .380 I know they're terrible carry pieces with all the reliability of a Jennings & a little more weight than a full size 1911, but something about it spoke to me the first time I ever set eyes on one at my friend's house in Florida. The full stainless construction, minimal sights, heel-release 5 round magazine, 1911 styling with the polished slide..........I know, I absolutely know, it probably won't get through a full mag without an issue or failure, but dammit, it's such a nice looking little thing. Anyone else got a shameful secret love? There must be someone else out there with a Jiminez they'd never carry, but never ever sell........ (Stock photo, but I'm going to be sleepless tonight, waiting to get one!)
    1 point
  23. That was before we entered the “Idiocracy” phase.
    1 point
  24. Well, there is. It's just that lots of the proctors are much to easily fooled...
    1 point
  25. I used to feel the same way...until DNA starting proving people on death row innocent and more reports of prosecutorial misconduct became prevalent.
    1 point
  26. Being a parent is a tough job.....but the interview is pretty cool!
    1 point
  27. If you need a reminder that your child is in the back seat of your car your child should be taken from you for their safety's sake.
    1 point
  28. I love that collar Darby has on. I have tested it with a strong flashlight and I can see the collar up to about 50 yards so it is well worth the money. I think you can buy the collars seperately from the Tracking device also. I am looking to buy a new one soon. I think I am going to get my next one from Chewy as they have one made by Frisco that looks like what I am looking for and it has great reviews. You may want to check it out also.
    1 point
  29. Unfortunately Doug they have to exist. Most wife beaters are cowards, that’s why they are wife beaters. And most cowards are afraid of going to jail because they know there is a good chance they will get their azz beat there for what they did. So Protection Orders work a lot of the time. Do they work all the time? No, absolutely not. Are they abused to get someone out of a house? Yes, just like the Red Flag laws will be. I mean lets face it, Texas is a race with Florida to see which state can murder the most people the fastest. Yet the El Paso shooter committed his murders in Texas. He isn’t afraid of dying, he had to know if he wasn’t killed in the attack he would be executed. No law will stop someone that has no fear. They don’t fear the law and they obviously don’t fear God. Divorce is very emotional. People die and are killed it divorce disputes and family matters everyday. But cops can’t turn their backs on people in need. The United States Constitution doesn’t require them to, and it’s silly that some think it does. Keep in mind I’m speaking about cops as a group. I’m sure someone can find an internet story somewhere or tell their story of something a cop did they thought was wrong. So while I agree with you a lot of people will die when they file for an order of protection; I disagree it was the cause. The animal committing the murder is the cause. As I have said before, when the Police show up at someone’s house; it’s generally because the adults in the house are no longer capable of handling their own families business. So their business is no longer private; it is in the hands of the local Police. Those Police are armed with the tools they need to end the problem. The laws; including the Domestic Violence laws and any Red Flag laws are tools in their toolbox to deal with adults that can no longer handle either their personal or family obligations. For someone to suggest those tools are a violation of someone’s rights; is ridiculous. However, that issue will be addressed by the courts; not debated by the responding Officers.
    1 point
  30. The children were not unattended. Their mother was in the car with them while their grandmother went in to Walmart to pick up a few things.
    1 point
  31. Some years ago when I was still entertaining dreams of an African safari, I got an Eddystone Enfield rebuilt in .416 Rigby. That action was as slick as frog snot!!! Eventually, I sold it to a friend who really did get to take it on safari. But, sometimes I wish that I had just loaned it to him instead of selling it. That was one really sweet rifle!
    1 point
  32. I’m pretty sure I would have laughed in his face believing that he was joking. That’s stupid. What an idiot. I bet they were hotter walking into the store than just sitting in the car’s A/C. Was she in a parking space? I might have just driven around the parking lot at 0.1mph just for fun, lol. This is another one of the reason’s I have really dark windows on my truck. I hate it when other people try to mind my own business.
    1 point
  33. Don't forget the guy who was shot to death on his front porch after being Swatted by another person. He was unarmed. Apparently, you can simply move your hand and by shot to death, with zero repercussions for the officer. "Justin Rapp, Officer, Wichita Police Department; originally stated he believed Finch had a gun, but testified in May 2018 that he merely saw Finch make a motion with his hand" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Wichita_swatting
    1 point
  34. That's cool...if you want a Glock.
    1 point
  35. All permit holders have much greater protections today, unless you're under arrest they must return your firearm(s) when they release you. 39-17-1351(t) How would a red flag law that would allow a police officer to take your guns, and at some later date a court might return them to you give us more protections? If the police feel you are a threat, have a hearing before a judge (where you have representation) and request an order to have your firearms removed. That is the only form of a 'red flag' law that has true due process. Anything less is unconstitutional on it's face.
    1 point
  36. The older I get the more I do that very thing.
    1 point
  37. What I see happening is a man making $15 a hour, going thru a divorce and his soon to be exwife wants to punish him so she throws the red flag. Where is he going to come up with the money to for a lawyer to fight?
    1 point
  38. Such hand-wringing, tinfoil hat threads are always entertaining. If you don’t have what you want (or need) by now you’ve been sleeping, or worse, just complacent. Accept it or not but the winds are changing and the ninnies are driving the boat. Stock up all you want but I seriously believe future bans, and they are coming, will not include any grandfathering. Bump stocks are an excellent example of that, regardless of what one thinks of them.
    1 point
  39. From what I can tell watching live PD, you and I might be two of the nine people in the country that have a DL thats legit.
    1 point
  40. At some point enough people will simply get tired of this constant "we are gonna ban your stuff and take it away from you talk" and civil disobedience will be widespread. If enough people simply say "NO" then what exactly do you think will happen? Of course them actually calling their congressmen and saying they do not support any of that stuff the socialist communists are pushing before it goes anywhere would be a great start and probably head off any REAL unpleasantness but for some reason people tend to not act until after things get out of hand. "Is it ignorance or apathy?" " Well I don't know and I don't care"..... The problem with trying to enforce unpopular laws on 300 MILLION people (or even on 3 MILLION people) that refuse to comply is you do not have the manpower to implement it IF enough people organize and refuse to play along. If the full weight of the US govt and a coalition of foreign nations took years to put down an insurrection (and still did not succeed completely) in a country smaller than the size of Texas (Iraq) where the insurgents were only a tiny sliver of the actual population then how exactly are these would be socialist/communists politicians who we all fear being in charge going to put down the insurgency that will happen when enough people say NO to their plans for the US? Especially if they do not have the 100% support of the whole military and police forces who do not support that stuff? A LARGE portion of them lean more to the right than the left...and not ALL left leaning folks are for totalitarianism. The Sheriff here has already publicly said he has no interest in enforcing any new federal gun laws. The largest irregular guerrilla army in history is already armed......the largest corp of snipers in history practices every year during hunting season and during organized shooting matches. The will of the governed to continue to be governed is the only thing allowing a gun ban to even be a possibility. And unfortunately.....barring some unforeseen return to sanity by the left at some point that will of the silent majority to continue to accept this government as legitimate is going to wane.......we already see it to some degree on the "other side" .You see the problems caused by the statistically insignificant number of Antifa kooks out there. What happens when the silent majority actually gets out in the street and starts making noise? History is pretty interesting....unfortunately few people still read it.
    1 point
  41. All I've purchased lately is a credible amount of pvc pipe and end caps.
    1 point
  42. don't duck hunt, do ya....?
    1 point
  43. Trying a new whiskey tonight. So far I like it.
    1 point
  44. https://shieldarms.com/glock-43x-48-15-round-mag
    1 point
  45. Stopped in at the local package store to get a bottle of I.W. Harper. Found they had Tincup, grabbed a bottle. I had read on here that it was a good bourbon. Cracked that bad boy open a little while ago and it is really smooth. Oh and I did get the I.W, Harper too.
    1 point
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