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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Let's at least be honest ...it is NOT a "buy back" because they never owned them to begin with. Call it what it is....giving you back some of your tax dollars you already paid in to the govt to try to appease you for taking your property and further limiting your freedom. Call it what it is.
    7 points
  2. Over the last couple of weeks I have I have been able to pick up some nice revolvers. I got two Colt SAA's in .45 and a USFA in .44 special. The blued Colt is 1978 and the nickel Colt is either end of 1978 or beginning of 1979. Have not looked up the USFA yet. I love me some cowboy guns.
    6 points
  3. For a taste of the future Google SWATTING and read the latest that happened to the fortnite kid. It's clear all it takes nowadays is a "claim" to get authorities all hot bothered and knuckle deep in your azz. Much like the media let's overreact first then worry about facts and evidence later.
    5 points
  4. What I see happening is a man making $15 a hour, going thru a divorce and his soon to be exwife wants to punish him so she throws the red flag. Where is he going to come up with the money to for a lawyer to fight?
    4 points
  5. Rob, I owned and actually carried one of these from about 1987 to 1991...wait one ..AS a Backup! LOL (or an NPE gun). They are heavy little buggers, but I found mine amazingly easy to shoot, reliable (with FMJ), and surprisingly accurate for a gun that has a trough tunnel for a sight. A friend of mine actually polished the feedramp (beware because it's a thin area to work on). The only hollowpoint round I could get it to reliably feed (early to mid 90's), was the original Hydrashok round, iirc. But I simply carried FMJ because I had no illusions of expansion, and reliability and accuracy trumped expansion anyway. Bullet technology was not very advanced at that time. I sold it long ago and kind of wish I had hung on to it. Enjoy it my friend, I'm glad you found a "Dream Gun". I think you'll be pleased.
    3 points
  6. To quote Vincent Lauria...."If everybody's doing it...that's a lot of guys doing it...." They don't have the space to house them all if 2 million people say they are not interested in conforming. In 1984 the Winter Olympics were held in Sarajevo , Yugoslavia....by 1992 the country was in the midst of a civil war......I'm not in ANY way saying that is a positive thing. But at some point people cease to follow rules when they do not see the powers that be as legitimate or when they feel things have gone too far . And like it or not this country was founded by people who ceased to follow the rules when they felt things had gone too far...and they ceased to see the powers that be as legitimate. We also had a 4 year "unpleasantness" in the 1860s because enough people didn't respect the direction an election took.... There are some very interesting parallels between the 2020 election and the 1860 election....
    3 points
  7. I'm not sure how I missed this. Are the rest of you aware that Glock has made Blue Label pricing available to veterans? In my case it was about a 20% discount. Certainly enough to push me over the edge on that little 43X I've been eyeballing. https://us.glock.com/en/buy/blue-label-program
    2 points
  8. Call me weird, but I really DO like oddball stuff. Is anyone else here a big fan or collector of the 'unreliable-yet-loveable'? Reason I ask, is that tomorrow morning I'm going to pick up a dream gun. A pistol I've been fantasizing about for nearly 10 years. It's absolutely SLATED online by 8:10 owners, but I don't care. I saw my first one in September 2009 & I've been looking for one ever since. It's an early model, SAO, AMT Backup .380 I know they're terrible carry pieces with all the reliability of a Jennings & a little more weight than a full size 1911, but something about it spoke to me the first time I ever set eyes on one at my friend's house in Florida. The full stainless construction, minimal sights, heel-release 5 round magazine, 1911 styling with the polished slide..........I know, I absolutely know, it probably won't get through a full mag without an issue or failure, but dammit, it's such a nice looking little thing. Anyone else got a shameful secret love? There must be someone else out there with a Jiminez they'd never carry, but never ever sell........ (Stock photo, but I'm going to be sleepless tonight, waiting to get one!)
    2 points
  9. Don't forget the guy who was shot to death on his front porch after being Swatted by another person. He was unarmed. Apparently, you can simply move your hand and by shot to death, with zero repercussions for the officer. "Justin Rapp, Officer, Wichita Police Department; originally stated he believed Finch had a gun, but testified in May 2018 that he merely saw Finch make a motion with his hand" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Wichita_swatting
    2 points
  10. They're free to ask you anything, but you're under no obligation to show ID to anybody except the police if they ask to see your permit, or your drivers license while operating a motor vehicle. They obviously can ask you to leave if you refuse. Frankly I'm not going to show my ID to a store clerk for any reason, unless it's a gun store and I'm buying a firearm I'd be happy to confirm I have a permit and that it's on me, but no way I'm going to give out my personal information like that to a random stranger. If they push back, I'd ask to speak the the manager and express the liability they excepting by requesting to see my personal information in relation to firearm ownership, ie identify theft, targeted theft of firearms, etc.
    2 points
  11. Back in the 90's when I used to have a full service shop, I had a guy bring in a 375 70 of about "70's" manufacture. He wanted a cheap scope put on and sighted. Despite my suggestion to step it up in the optics, he wanted the Bushnell 3x9 sport view. Yup, you read that right! The gun was given to the guy and he wanted to try it out on a deer as cheaply as possible. So I mounted it up on Weaver rings with a dab of rubber cement in the saddles to fend off scope shift and hit the 100y range with a box of Win ammo off the shelf. The 70 clocked in with a couple of the best groups I ever fired out of a belted magnum. Factory ammo in a bone stock factory gun and its cutting clover leafs like nothing! Threw a freakin Sport View no less.... I all ways felt the 375 H&H was the king of dangerous game guns. And I'v worked on all kinds of bolt guns. Mostly trigger tunes & glass bedding before the whole pillar thing came to being and the M70's are my favorite design of all time. With a crisp 3.25 lb trigger pull on that straight up design...... it just doesent get any better than that. John Moses Browning lamented to his workers over and over, "the simplest design, is the best design". And KahrMan has all of that in that 375.
    2 points
  12. I did have her chipped but it is not in her but on her. It is made into her collar along with the reflective strip on her collar. I think it cost about $90.00 when I had them put it on her and the only down side is the batteries don't have a long life so when ever I am going out with her I don't turn it on. You turn it on and off with your cell phone. If she is going out on her own I turn it on. I think it is made by Tractive but will look and see if I can find the paper work to be sure. I have considered having one implanted in her because the batteries are not cheap and if you forget to turn it off it will kill the batteries in 4 to 5 days. They don't have a long battery life to begin with. Living in town I worried about someone stealing her so I paid the price to make sure I could find her if she went missing. Out here there are a lot of people with eyes on her and she is watched a lot more by family when she is out side. If she goes up front to visit one of them brings her back home after she plays with the Bassett Hound (Rhett) yea like Rhett Butler from "Gone with the Wind" up front for a while but they call me and tell me she is up there. I told my daughter she has a sick sense of humor to name that hound after such a great actor..............LOL. You can see the reflective part on her collar here.
    2 points
  13. Yup. The more gun owners flaunted the uses of braces to beguile themselves into an SBR, the more ATF looks stupid, and you really don't want to poke that bees nest with all the delegated authority they have.
    2 points
  14. Yes it is. You remember . . .
    2 points
  15. I used to drink and drive. Now I don’t; not one beer ever. I always have a driver or a ride. I couldn’t believe it when I came to Tennessee that if you and I are out drunk in my vehicle and I’m too drunk to drive; but you think you are okay, and we get stopped, if you get arrested for DUI; so can I. That’s wild. But just goes to show; no one cares about you if you get arrested for DUI. But about the physical control… When I first started as a cop in the late 70’s to be arrested for DUI, you had to be in the car with it running. So if a drunk was trying to drive, we had to wait until they started the car. We got a call to a popular bar one night, the bouncers were having trouble with a drunk at the door. When we got there they said the guy was too drunk, hadn’t been drinking there and they weren’t letting him in. He wanted to give us a speech about his rights. We explained to him that he had to leave or he would be arrested for trespass. We didn’t have any public intox laws. He climbed into a car sitting at the curb in front of the bar. Another Officer was having a discussion with him, that if he started that car he was under arrest for DUI. But at the time we couldn’t do anything until he started the car. He started the car and tried to take off, as he did the Officer standing at his window tried to grab the keys by sticking his arm in the car. When he did the suspect rolled his arm up in the window and started dragging him down the street. I was running along side the car, gun drawn and getting ready to shoot the driver when another of our cars turned the corner blocking his path. I was one second from killing him. That wasn’t the first time people almost died from cops having to wait for a drunk to start the car and it wouldn’t be the last. Eventually there was court rulings and laws were changed (in most states I assume) to allow Officers to arrest people when they are drunk and in physical control of a vehicle. It made it so cops could stop these people before they drove. But it also made it so that if a person pulls over, or goes out and gets in their car to sleep it off; they are subject to arrest for DUI. The test? For our courts it was could the person start the vehicle and drive off without exiting the vehicle. That was physical control. That changed over 30 years ago and many people today don’t know that you can be arrested without driving. Many also don’t know you can be arrested on private property, including your own driveway for DUI.
    2 points
  16. Well, he can either use his divorce lawyer or the criminal lawyer he will need when she throws the Domestic Violence flag. If he is indigent the court will appoint a public defender on the criminal charges. If he has any property, he will still need a divorce lawyer. Rarely does either side in a divorce think they got a fair shake. As a cop I saw some really nasty ones, people in jail, careers destroyed.
    2 points
  17. Not illegal. Officer was wrong. It would be worth a call to the station suggesting they provide additional training/clarification regarding this in light of the recent tragic child deaths in hot autos across the country. Your situation was obviously not of the same circumstances and there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. Had the "children" been left unattended in the vehicle, running or not, it would have been a different situation.
    2 points
  18. This is correct. Braces could be next and then magazines cause who needs 30 rounds to deer hunt..... I missed the first AWB due to age but I sure don't want to see another one, or something worse.
    2 points
  19. All I've purchased lately is a credible amount of pvc pipe and end caps.
    2 points
  20. I have no doubt you are correct Dave. It is a way of getting donations which I never send any but I think it is a good thing to get out there for folks to read about. Get folks thinking and keep them thinking about it. I won't have an issue with Red Flag laws if they are written properly and require a court order to take the persons guns until he/she has their day in court. Then if found to be a fit they should be able to take their guns home that day. Not a waiting period of weeks or months but that day........JMHO
    2 points
  21. So I have a bad habit of buying guns, sticking them in the safe and not shooting them. About 1.5-2 years ago I picked up a mid-60's Winchester model 70 in .375 H&H. I finally put a scope on it and took it out yesterday to sight it in. I am not very recoil sensitive. This was my fist time shooting .375 H&H and it thumped me a little more than I was expecting. My shoulder is sore today.Got her sighted in and back into the safe she goes. If I get lucky and get an elk tag this is the gun I will use. About 2.5 years ago I picked up a Montana X2 in .300 Win Mag. Scoped her and got her sighted in yesterday also. I love accurate rifles and I really love this one. After shooting the .375 this one did't seem to kick at all. Clover leafed my last three shot group at 100. Should have taken a pic but didn't think about it. It was a little warm yesterday but it was good to get out and shoot some.
    1 point
  22. If there is probable cause to arrest, then arrest and take the guns as evidence. If somebody made threats to kill themselves, place them on a 72 hour hold, but they don't get to confiscate guns when doing that. If you don't have PC for an arrest and there isn't enough evidence for a 72 hour hold, the cops are out of luck, the constitution protects one's right to property. And that is how it should be. I think if my wife (who would never do such a thing) called the police and made up a story about a threat... They would show up and interview both of us... if there was PC for an arrest I should be arrested, otherwise, I should be allowed to leave the house and take my property with me.... And under TN state law today, the police are required to not keep my firearms per 39-17-1351(t). I can't stop them from breaking the law, but I have legal recourse should they break the law. Police Officers don't need more authority than they have today, frankly we should be discussing limiting a number of police powers. If they have PC for an arrest make an arrest... Otherwise they should have to take it to a judge where you have a chance to cross examine witnesses and provide a defense before the government takes your property against you will, and violates your fundamental civil rights.
    1 point
  23. Breaking news. While the coroner was on lunch break Epstein cremated himself.
    1 point
  24. Cable snares in a PVC pipe can work great if you know that you can keep neighborhood cats out. I expect with Huskies, cats generally stay clear of your yard. The pros won't drown skunks, either. They'll trap them, throw a blanket over the trap, and either gas them or simply relocate them. A guy up the street from me is a wildlife removal guy. You wouldn't believe the number of skunks in his ex-wife's neighborhood.
    1 point
  25. @ShaggyRS6, I wish I had advice for you but I'm dealing with this as well. I live in the city limits and my dogs have been sprayed twice this summer. It's horrible. I can't legally shoot them and I have no way of trapping and drowning them as suggested. I've been on a mission to secure my fenced in backyard and smelt another one of the bastards two nights ago trying to infiltrate. I think they are attracted to the apple tree in my backyard. You have no idea how difficult it is to get skunk smell out of Siberian Husky fur. I'm hoping she learned her lesson after getting a tomato paste bath.
    1 point
  26. I noticed that when Biden made his outlandish statement the other day about “Assault weapons” he tried to assure us he wouldn’t just be taking them. He would pay us.
    1 point
  27. Cool. I’ve decided to add a cowboy gun, so I’m keeping an eye out. I certainly can’t justify the money for Colt; but those sure look nice.
    1 point
  28. If you like the smell of skunks, I've noticed that Ascend Amphitheatre is absolutely eaten to with them during any concert there.
    1 point
  29. I hate you, I hate you so much. Now put me in your will, as Greg said " You, sir, have impeccable tastes. "
    1 point
  30. If ATF gets the urge, they can reverse their position on all pistol braces. SB Tactical may have the best court case of them all if/when it comes to that, but I don't see the courts upending an administrative agency exercising the authority Congress delegated to it. Ding, mf'ing ding o the if you don't have what you want by now part. I think no grandfathering on bump stocks came from the low numbers in use. Pistol braces would be in the same category, but admittedly more than bump stocks, but still a niche accessory. Assault weapons, and high capacity mags are so widespread, they would be almost impossible to carte blanche ban like that.
    1 point
  31. Such hand-wringing, tinfoil hat threads are always entertaining. If you don’t have what you want (or need) by now you’ve been sleeping, or worse, just complacent. Accept it or not but the winds are changing and the ninnies are driving the boat. Stock up all you want but I seriously believe future bans, and they are coming, will not include any grandfathering. Bump stocks are an excellent example of that, regardless of what one thinks of them.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. No reason to expect cops to have any more sense than the society they are products of.
    1 point
  34. Given the support of red flag laws by many members here, I'm certainly not going to post anything provocative, but I assure you I will not be in prison. I also would be careful with "it isn't going to happen", given the rapid pace at which many members are willing to drive us to the edge of the cliff, forfeiting every right that doesn't matter to them on the way. But hey, you have a sweet 401K, right?
    1 point
  35. I don't have any details, but the dog is found alive and well(ish). Thanks to everyone for your help! I was surprised to learn that this guy isn't chipped, I suspect he will be soon
    1 point
  36. It makes you an intelligent neighbor. I think a family of skunks would liven up a wedding party nicely.
    1 point
  37. A few weeks ago while doing some dirt work at my shooting range had the opportunity to dispatch a young one. Had got out of the tractor cab to load some tree Iimbs in my loader bucket, caught a movement out of the corner of my eye and walked over to investigate and it was a half grown armadillo hiding in a shallow hole, no gun with me so found a short tree limb and proceeded to beat the sucker to death. They jump straight up in the air when you hit them. About four or five whacks with the big stick and he quit kicking.
    1 point
  38. My experience with gun grabbers is that they entice you with compromise on what they cal 'reasonable', then you compromise, and they keep pushing and taking. They dont want us to have guns period. Everything is a step towards that for them. I dont care one bit about bumpstocks, but that was a step...
    1 point
  39. I voted, just in case they are actually listening. But, surveys are skewed, liberals won't respond to this as much as conservatives because it comes from a Conservative group, and vise-versa on the ones from Liberal groups.
    1 point
  40. I hope theres another panic i'd love to unload some stuff …. ah the good ol days when fools were paying $2,000 for homemade AR's
    1 point
  41. Link below says "Open carry is legal with a permit or without a permit if the gun is unloaded and the ammunition is not in the immediate vicinity. Tennessee prohibits the possession of a firearm “with the intent to go armed.” The minimum age is 18 years old. Some areas are off-limits, including government buildings and schools."Didn't know that. I need a refresher apparently. usconcealedcarry.com/resources/ccw_reciprocity_map/tn-gun-laws/
    1 point
  42. They can ask whatever they like; they don’t need a law to ask. And the HCP holder can either comply or refuse and leave. They don’t need to be posted to ask someone carrying a gun to leave. They just have to be properly posted for the holder to be cited. In my opinion its better than posting. In checking, they found that the patron was not in compliance with the law; so he was carrying illegally.
    1 point
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