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Oh, I’m absolutely not taking a win for granted. I’ve never seen hate like this in my lifetime in an election. The Republicans better get out and vote. And who cares if he will take your state; get out and vote anyway. That way we don’t have to listen to the snowflakes whine and cry about the popular vote. I suspect the Democrats will be dragging people out of their homes to the polls, they will have buses lined up, and will kick in every kind of voter fraud know to man, to try to win. Other than the last election; I don’t think there has ever been a more important time in my life to vote. A large percent of our country wants to be Socialist, destroy Capitalism, and spread the money of those who work equally among everyone; including those that refuse to work. No variation of that can work and leave our country free.5 points
At some point enough people will simply get tired of this constant "we are gonna ban your stuff and take it away from you talk" and civil disobedience will be widespread. If enough people simply say "NO" then what exactly do you think will happen? Of course them actually calling their congressmen and saying they do not support any of that stuff the socialist communists are pushing before it goes anywhere would be a great start and probably head off any REAL unpleasantness but for some reason people tend to not act until after things get out of hand. "Is it ignorance or apathy?" " Well I don't know and I don't care"..... The problem with trying to enforce unpopular laws on 300 MILLION people (or even on 3 MILLION people) that refuse to comply is you do not have the manpower to implement it IF enough people organize and refuse to play along. If the full weight of the US govt and a coalition of foreign nations took years to put down an insurrection (and still did not succeed completely) in a country smaller than the size of Texas (Iraq) where the insurgents were only a tiny sliver of the actual population then how exactly are these would be socialist/communists politicians who we all fear being in charge going to put down the insurgency that will happen when enough people say NO to their plans for the US? Especially if they do not have the 100% support of the whole military and police forces who do not support that stuff? A LARGE portion of them lean more to the right than the left...and not ALL left leaning folks are for totalitarianism. The Sheriff here has already publicly said he has no interest in enforcing any new federal gun laws. The largest irregular guerrilla army in history is already armed......the largest corp of snipers in history practices every year during hunting season and during organized shooting matches. The will of the governed to continue to be governed is the only thing allowing a gun ban to even be a possibility. And unfortunately.....barring some unforeseen return to sanity by the left at some point that will of the silent majority to continue to accept this government as legitimate is going to wane.......we already see it to some degree on the "other side" .You see the problems caused by the statistically insignificant number of Antifa kooks out there. What happens when the silent majority actually gets out in the street and starts making noise? History is pretty interesting....unfortunately few people still read it.4 points
My experience with gun grabbers is that they entice you with compromise on what they cal 'reasonable', then you compromise, and they keep pushing and taking. They dont want us to have guns period. Everything is a step towards that for them. I dont care one bit about bumpstocks, but that was a step...4 points
Over the last couple of weeks I have I have been able to pick up some nice revolvers. I got two Colt SAA's in .45 and a USFA in .44 special. The blued Colt is 1978 and the nickel Colt is either end of 1978 or beginning of 1979. Have not looked up the USFA yet. I love me some cowboy guns.3 points
All I've purchased lately is a credible amount of pvc pipe and end caps.3 points
If I were going to buy things right now it would be pistol braces from manufacturers with determination letters issued specifically to them by the BATFE and steering away from others. Call it an educated hunch.3 points
I don't know what "conversations about it" they need to have, other than who is writing the check for the full amount to the Taylor's.3 points
Such hand-wringing, tinfoil hat threads are always entertaining. If you don’t have what you want (or need) by now you’ve been sleeping, or worse, just complacent. Accept it or not but the winds are changing and the ninnies are driving the boat. Stock up all you want but I seriously believe future bans, and they are coming, will not include any grandfathering. Bump stocks are an excellent example of that, regardless of what one thinks of them.2 points
Given the support of red flag laws by many members here, I'm certainly not going to post anything provocative, but I assure you I will not be in prison. I also would be careful with "it isn't going to happen", given the rapid pace at which many members are willing to drive us to the edge of the cliff, forfeiting every right that doesn't matter to them on the way. But hey, you have a sweet 401K, right?2 points
I would also try to lure them onto someone else’s property before killing them. Does that make me a bad neighbor?2 points
Why does he want them gone? Skunks eat lots of other less desireable critters. A skunk's only natural predator is the Great Horned Owl.2 points
I agree. My problem is that stuff usually is not “lost”; I have usually put it in a very special place where it will be “safe”. And then I can’t remember where that very special safe place is.2 points
We are in 100% agreement. I have asked for clearly defined Due Process in any proposed legislation. Hours or days , as I stated before, not weeks or months. And that if a person is found to be competent; their weapons will be return immediately with no further obstacles. (No transfers, proof of ownership, etc.) I support this because it would offer protections we do not have now. Failure to act will result in cops doing whatever they want, whenever they want, and the only people that can do anything about it will be the people that can throw money at the issue. As a former cop I have seen this firsthand. (Not in this state, I don’t know what the procedures are in this state and it doesn’t appear many others do either.)2 points
I hope theres another panic i'd love to unload some stuff …. ah the good ol days when fools were paying $2,000 for homemade AR's2 points
Are you retired? I could see it being a nice quiet place to settle during retirement but if you plan on working you will have a really hard time finding employment. Chattanooga would be a 80 mile commute round trip. Dunlap is going to be very pretty with mostly friendly people but also very poor and the nicest restaurant appears to be a few Mexican joints. Your only choice for groceries will be a Save-A-Lot and a Wal-Mart. Are you both healthy? If not, you'll likely have a pretty far drive to receive good medical care of any kind. These are some things I would consider.2 points
I used to go through there a lot when I worked the Walmart account and delivered to that Walmart. It’s a small town with not much at all there, and I’m pretty sure that’s the point.2 points
Call me weird, but I really DO like oddball stuff. Is anyone else here a big fan or collector of the 'unreliable-yet-loveable'? Reason I ask, is that tomorrow morning I'm going to pick up a dream gun. A pistol I've been fantasizing about for nearly 10 years. It's absolutely SLATED online by 8:10 owners, but I don't care. I saw my first one in September 2009 & I've been looking for one ever since. It's an early model, SAO, AMT Backup .380 I know they're terrible carry pieces with all the reliability of a Jennings & a little more weight than a full size 1911, but something about it spoke to me the first time I ever set eyes on one at my friend's house in Florida. The full stainless construction, minimal sights, heel-release 5 round magazine, 1911 styling with the polished slide..........I know, I absolutely know, it probably won't get through a full mag without an issue or failure, but dammit, it's such a nice looking little thing. Anyone else got a shameful secret love? There must be someone else out there with a Jiminez they'd never carry, but never ever sell........ (Stock photo, but I'm going to be sleepless tonight, waiting to get one!)1 point
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If you ever choose to shoot it from a bench, please let me know before hand so I can come video it! I actually did a 40 round string from it, offhand & standing, with no I'll effect whatsoever. I shot it once from a bench. Once. I thank my 'husky' build for the lack of shattered clavicle.1 point
Up close and personal the smell is overwhelming. I do have to admit that I find the faint whiff I get now and then of skunk spray while driving a fairly pleasant smell. I might have been out on the road a wee bit too long. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯1 point
Not illegal. Officer was wrong. It would be worth a call to the station suggesting they provide additional training/clarification regarding this in light of the recent tragic child deaths in hot autos across the country. Your situation was obviously not of the same circumstances and there was nothing wrong with what she was doing. Had the "children" been left unattended in the vehicle, running or not, it would have been a different situation.1 point
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To quote Vincent Lauria...."If everybody's doing it...that's a lot of guys doing it...." They don't have the space to house them all if 2 million people say they are not interested in conforming. In 1984 the Winter Olympics were held in Sarajevo , Yugoslavia....by 1992 the country was in the midst of a civil war......I'm not in ANY way saying that is a positive thing. But at some point people cease to follow rules when they do not see the powers that be as legitimate or when they feel things have gone too far . And like it or not this country was founded by people who ceased to follow the rules when they felt things had gone too far...and they ceased to see the powers that be as legitimate. We also had a 4 year "unpleasantness" in the 1860s because enough people didn't respect the direction an election took.... There are some very interesting parallels between the 2020 election and the 1860 election....1 point
You don't need a guideline. If it's illegal; it will be spelled out. As I said she should have told that second cop to go pound sand so we could all find out.1 point
It's more of an accusation, but yes, absolutely, on both. You outright admitted it on page one. "It doesn't affect me, so I don't care..." I also indirectly called you the enemy if you didn't catch that.1 point
.30-06 and anywhere. Just make sure you're far enough away that the spray isn't a factor... As an addition, if you grab a tool with a shaft (shovel, heavy dirt rake, hoe, etc) and holt it vertical with the handle down, you can tap the ground with it and the skunk will follow you. I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't watched my grandpa do it.1 point
So I assume you will be first in line at a mandatory gun buyback?1 point
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That means she has thought of something she wants.1 point
I shot five last summer that were too close to my house. 22 rifle and 22 pistol does the trick for me. They all released a small amount of spray after being shot.1 point
Fence your property and get bears, and cougars; problem solved. How cool would that be? Of course when your bears started eating your neighbors that are gawking at them, or neighborhood kids start missing; you could have a problem.1 point
Yep, trap and drown. Shooting will not get you the result you are looking for.1 point
Skunks have their own odor, and I've smelled them after they have just wandered thru my back yard. Just shoot 'em and leave 'em be for a hour. Or leave 'em for other scavengers.1 point
That is exactly why I had a chip put in Darby and most folks can find her with their cell phones and will get an alert on their phones if she gets in their neighborhood. We tested in when I moved out here and it still works on everyones smart phones out here as well. If you do get the dog back home my suggestion would be get both dogs chipped.1 point
Them spraying after a head shot doesn’t make sense. But they can only spray about 12 feet, so don’t get that close. My Dog got sprayed years ago. That was terrible.1 point
It appears to me that TN clearly allows you to shoot them. But whether or not you can shoot them and whether or not you can discharge a firearm are two very different laws that don’t have anything to do with each other.1 point
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I knew a guy that did this same thing, just pulled them into the water. If you are quick maybe shoot them in the cage and then drag the cage under not sure how much time you have between hit and spray.1 point
My Papaw used to live trap them and toss a tarp over the cage. Then he set it totally underwater in the pond. Problem solved. A terap near water that could be drug in from afar by a rope would work too.1 point
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To me all guns are relatively cheap these days....and Trump not doing anything...hahaha like he back door'd the bumpstock ban...I wouldn't trust him with anything when it comes to guns....also if republicans don't turn out to vote don't be so sure about a re-election...i'll vote for the guy but TN is always a lock anyways.1 point
That’s just an emotional click bait ad by SurveyMonkey.com to get your information and try to get you to donate to the Senate Conservatives Fund (SCF) But it does say “allows someone who thinks you're a threat to petition a court” instead of immediate seizure by the Police. So I’m good with that; we don’t have that requirement now. Of course they know how to target the folks they want to get the numbers they want. The American people don’t think that LE should have to stand around wringing their hands when a credible threat is presented to them. Here’s how you could word that question…. When LE has identified someone as a credible threat for violence to themselves or others, do you think the cops should have to wait until they start shooting to take their guns?1 point
Okay, it now appears that he wasn’t captured when the Taylor's called. He was captured about 7 hours later when Krystal Hurdle spotted Watson on her drive home from work and called 911. So I guess that's why the confusion on who will get the money.1 point
My brother is Warden of a prison in NC. John Q Public needs to hear his stories. Of course it still wouldn't change some people's minds about rehabilitation for everyone.1 point
I don't know much about the area. But I will advise that before you buy you go by and introduce yourself to the neighbors, Ask them about the immediate area. . Most should be nice and friendly. However, crack heads and meth labs do like small towns. More than once I've seen a dream move ruined by bad neighbors. Best to find out before you buy. Wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to local LEOS too.1 point
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I always wanted a cowboy gun for my collection. A buddy of mine, retired marine, said his eye sight wouldn't allow him to see the sights good any more. He had a Uberti Cattleman 45LC in stainless., What a nice gun. When you cannot afford or find a Colt Peacemaker, Uberti makes fantastic arms. In any event, I bought it from him. I already had a Uberti Yellow Boy Lever action, also in 45LC... The rifle is beautiful. Wood is excellent and brass is like gold. Which brings me to the point of this post. Uberti does not sell any pistol in stainless with brass features. But I wanted a lil brother for the rifle. So I started a project. Brass is beautiful but also a pain in the arse to keep from tarnishing and finger prints. I have a solution for that later. I decided to electroplate certain parts in Gold. Gold will not tarnish like brass. But all the look. Here are some of the steps... hope the pictures come out in logical order... (Did a few bullets too)... Broke down entire gun. Electroplating is fun. You can do it at home. This is not your KMart gold dip. You are actually electroplating via electric. Table top kits are avail for different finishes....Only caveat is certain metals will only stick to certain surfaces. Gold happens to stick onto stainless steel and a couple others. If you wanted to do copper, you'd have to plate another metal onto the gun that copper will stick too. If any of you are curious in taking on a project, check out Caswell Plating. They are NY State.... great people to deal with. https://www.caswellplating.com/ Oh, yea! If you never heard of it, Renaissance Wax or Ren Wax for short, stifles all tarnishing and makes wood look like a million bux. I believe it was created originally for museum pieces. A lil can goes a long way. It will reduce finger prints on brass and such and make grips and stocks luster. I did an experiment. I polished all my brass weapons. Knives, etc. They would tarnish quite rapidly if left unattended. After several months, went back to check and viola, no tarnish. Great stuff....1 point
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