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You can’t make a counter argument to that person; if they truly believe gun manufacturers want criminals to get guns; they aren’t capable of intelligent discussion.3 points
It turns out the channel had a high spot. A little dremel work and now it cycles like a champ and the accuracy is impressive. A sincere thanks to everyone for their input.3 points
Installed the rest of the fascia boards and secured the top to the under laying OSB top today. Also drilled the first set of mount holes. Boy, it is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible to drill taper holes in Melamine and not chip it. I tried the tricks I knew, ultimately resigning to the fact that I would just white paint the chips to blend them out. Love these cast tee nuts that mount with 3 screws... I have to work on the 'bridging' of PETG material on my printer. PLA bridges much better. For those not understanding, the top side of the knob cap printed down against the print bed. It built up a few layers making the outline of the helmet and rest of the knob, then bridged across it (across open air, no support). Marginal bridging is why there are a wavy lines that are not fused well. Still a usable knob though. ~Bandit2 points
What you are talking about here is the differences in a static (doesn't move) and dynamic load (moves). If the aquarium causes failure it very likely won't be instantaneous, it will be over a long period of time. Most likely the floor will hold the load for a year, or two, or five before it starts getting difficult to open and close windows and doors.2 points
Here’s a short video from last weekend. Me and a few guys went out to call for the morning. @Luke E. brought his camera and tripod. This coyote came out directly down wind of Luke and I. Luckily he had the decoy activated on the call and we acted quickly. I don’t believe that coyote would have stood there but a second or two more being downwind but we made it work. At the end of the video when he said “Hey” I thought he saw another one and I was getting ready to pop another one if it came out. Had no idea he was gonna pick on my visor1 point
Picked up one of these S&W EZ 380s from Academy a while back for 329.00. This is the version without thumb safety. It does everything a .380 is supposed to but easier: 1) shoots fast to point of aim (recoil is negligible) 2)reliable 3) mags are the easiest center pistol mags I have ever loaded 4) You can rack the slide with two fingers. It is not as small as my Keltec P32 but it is so easy to grab and shoot. I can't begin to recall all the small handguns I have owned, including various ultra light revolvers. This thing beats them all in terms of ease of use. I am not getting younger. A review: https://dailycaller.com/2018/06/28/gun-test-sw-mp-380-shield-ez/1 point
Flash Player will no longer be supported after December 2020. Why should I care, and why does Chrome think its important enough to give me this warning every time I start it?1 point
Now that has my interest. I really would like to get my hands on one to see how it feels. That said, it definitely has my attention.1 point
Oh, well let me point you another direction then... https://www.rainierarms.com/nomad-9-frame-glock-19-b/ Serialized, uses Glock parts, but the feel of it is somewhere in between a Glock and M&P. I've been teetering on the edge of doing one of these for a while now and may finally just get off my butt and do it soon. I'm thinking: Nomad frame, maybe a Brownell's slide, an Agency drop-in barrel, Glock frame and slide parts kits...1 point
Thanks for the heads up on the Brownell’s P80 frames. My big thing is that if I am going to do a fancy build, it’s a lot cheaper to just build up from scratch instead of buying a stock gun full of parts I don’t want or need. Of course if P80 would do an M&P lower, I’d be all over that like white on rice.1 point
Start here: Colt serial number lookup More info at this link: Colt New Service We want pictures!1 point
While I may not understand the 3D printing concepts, I certainly admire your carpentry skills ! Nice!1 point
IMO, it beats having someone work-over a Glock frame for you since the P80 frames already have almost all of the things people commonly have a "plastic surgeon" do to their Glocks. If you want a more aggressive texture, but one of the special models that P80 makes for Brownell's from Brownell's marketed as their "Aggressive Texture" series. Catchy name, right?1 point
So my question is: Why was a violent offender ("aggravated child abuse and especially aggravated kidnapping") doing out on basically unsupervised grounds duty? My Papaw was the litter pickup officer in my home county. He took guys out every day. They were usually only the drunk and disorderly or check fraud type people. He never let them out of his sight. He made it clear he would not chase them, he was too old for that. He had 6 friends that could outrun any of them. He never got anything but respect from them because they knew it was a privilege to get out in the fresh air. He would not take anyone out that he felt would be an issue. So is the prison so hard up for funds for grounds keeping and staff that they have to let inmates roam freely?1 point
I'm just glad he is no longer on the loose and back in custody. People can breath a sigh of relief now and the new medias can move on to other stuff...JMHO1 point
Captured https://www.foxnews.com/us/tennessee-inmate-curtis-watson-captured-after-5-days-on-run-officials-say1 point
Wish you guys were closer to me, have one here that needs killing. Had some weaned 575 + lb calves next to the house and wife saw it stalking one of them. Thursday morning had been out weed eating and came inside to get a drink and cool down, was sitting looking at radar screen on computer when out of the corner of my eyes saw what looked like two brown dogs running and playing. After looking directly saw it was a yote trying to take down a fawn in my orchard about 50 ft from where I was sitting. Jumped up and grabbed my Ruger 10/22 and ran out the back door. Deer and yote were hidden in the tall hay, but there were two other bigger does also chasing the coyote. When one of the does went after the coyote, it proceeded to run across the hay field about 100 ft from where I was standing with a doe in hot pursuit. Trying to get the scoped rifle on the coyote was not easy but did get off a shot by this time the doe had quit the chase and I took one more shot. Coyote ran about 300 yds out of the hay field into the shorter pasture grass and I took another shot, must have hit close to it because took off in high gear and put a tree between it and me. This one is dangerous because cows are calving now and really needs to be killed. Am going to zero my 223 Savage Axsis in today where I can reach out and touch it at 300 yrds , maybe. Cows just ignore the coyotes as they pass by the herd. Guess need to recheck my zero for the Ruger 10/22 also. Always drama going on at the farm. In the fall of the year, have observed coyotes sunning them selves on top of hay rolls. They blend in really good with the hay.1 point
Looks like the Red kidney beans are doing well. Day 5 since planting and about 80% have sprouted so far...and the day is still young.1 point
They can ask whatever they like; they don’t need a law to ask. And the HCP holder can either comply or refuse and leave. They don’t need to be posted to ask someone carrying a gun to leave. They just have to be properly posted for the holder to be cited. In my opinion its better than posting. In checking, they found that the patron was not in compliance with the law; so he was carrying illegally.1 point
I finally got another bed built and planted some Butternut Squash. It's a relatively deep 4'x4' bed. I'll run some taller lattice setup on it next spring for cukes...Thanks to @I40Bandit for the idea! My red kidney beans are also starting to sprout. They are from a bag of dried red kidney beans I purchased from Ingles in 2012 according to the food storage bucket I took them from. I know I've mentioned it before, but the germination rate from food source dried beans is quite remarkable...and you probably have some sitting in your pantry anyway folks... The 2 lonely bell pepper plants are really starting to produce since I removed the tomato plants. And the peppers just won't quit... ETA...gonna plant some Harlequin carrots in the "herb box" today.1 point
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If I remember correctly when S&W designers came up with this design they're 4 goals were easy to load the mag easy to rack the slide easy to shoot easy to clean JMHO I think they excelled on all points. I have had mine for about a year and never failed to perform as designed. This may be the end all pistol for me. Totally happy with it. Quality ammo and away I go. JMHO. Morgan881 point
Adobe is ending support for Flash in 2020 but Google is still obnoxious...that’s why I don’t use Chrome.1 point
No you aren't missing anything; that's correct. Except of course that there is no “loophole”. States control the private sale of firearms within the state and those sales are not covered by Federal law. For the Feds to try to force that at a Federal level would probably result in the SCOTUS overturning the whole thing as a violation of States Rights. So it appears the idea is to try to get states to pass that legislation themselves.1 point
Any of you that read my posts on crime issues know I have zero sympathy for violent offenders…none. I saw the results of these animals long enough to have a better understand of them than I would have liked. Curtis Watson was sentenced to 15 years for especially aggravated kidnapping, and classified at that time as a violent offender. That conviction originated with an arrest on charges of aggravated rape or forcible sodomy, as well as aggravated kidnapping. It was reduced to the single charge in a plea deal. The crimes and the charges this man was convicted of showed that he was a thug criminal that belonged locked up without access to innocent people. To allowing him to be out mowing grass and driving around on a freaking golf cart was reckless. Whoever made that decision should be held accountable. This man would have got out of prison without being a registered sex offender. Of course now none of that matters because he raped and murdered a woman.1 point
Why is this so hard to understand???!!?? What happens at an FFL dealer is a background check on YOU. No one gives a chit about the gun you are buying. It is in no way "registered".1 point
There are a ton of things to take into consideration. General rule of thumb is that you don't need to do anything structurally up to 55 gallons. It's all relative though. What kind of shape is the house in structurally? How long do the joists run? (The longer they are, the more deflection they will have) Assuming that your joists are on 16" centers I would figure out where they are and certainly center the aquarium over two of them. Actually, as a guy who has had many aquariums, I would find a nice video of an aquarium, stick a nice TV in that corner, and loop the video.1 point
1 point
How is this guy still sucking air? I expected to wake up today and see he was killed.1 point
Social Media is the is the real epidemic. The amazing thing about this is there is ZERO mention or focus on that fact that all of this whackadoodles post up on social media before they go do this and their AGE. Outside the Las Vegas shooter, they are all young social media addicts who are clearly insane. Its so simple. Shut down Facebook, Twitter, and related social media platforms and this pretty much goes away. Or at a minimum, shut them down in the US. The overnight shooting, again we see the same pattern and the left media chomped at the bit to throw out '.223 high capacity rifle 'with addition high capacity magazines at the beginning of the article before getting to actual pertinent details. As awful as these events are, their emphasis says they do not care about the event, rather that they can promote their anti gun agenda. It should also involve getting media to stop sensationalizing it and adding their bios. They should never be allowed to put the persons name or details. If these whacks saw that they don't get notoriety.1 point
That takes center state for the sad and unfortunate political environment we have with the left biased media. The facts and the poor victims dont really play for them, they are ghouls and seem to get excited by being able to put the silhouette of an AR on their posts and broadcasts. They chomp at the bit to do this and its obvious in stories as soon as they can confirm it. The AK silhouette probably is less effective for them, but they are playing up the military assault weapon aspect since non gun owners think commercial rifles are the same thing the military use. Their obvious motivation is to promote the gun control agenda. Not about solving the issue. Beto O'Rourke wasted no time in finding out the weapon and then playing his home town El Paso card, started immediately speaking to the crowd in Vegas about bans. If you look at cases where it was not an evil black rifle or a "military style" rifle, you almost never hear any discussion of the weapon, or you have to really search. Usually its a gratuitous mention of the caliber only. Sorry to soapbox this, but the media has no idea how they are helping promote this violence and this kind of obvious political motivation is maddening.1 point
That's sounds like a great yield to me. I froze 3 more gallon bags of tomatoes tonite, which makes about 7 total. Not bad, but not great. I'd wanted to can some but they're not coming in fast enough.1 point
I got mail from them 4 times in a 2 week period and all they are wanting is money every time. Two of the requests for me to renew my membership which I did that last month but evidently they must have missed that part. I am a member or GOA also and they do have their act together and I will rmain with them. Not sure if I will renew with NRA next year.1 point
Word is filtering down through even the most news-adverse parts of the membership, and I see no way the NRA is going to remain particularly influential unless LaPierre and Cox depart. Maybe some others high up also, including perhaps much of the existing BOD. I see Allen West agrees: One of the mantras of the left has for some time been "don't fear the NRA", and this whole scandal simply amplifies that. Though I've often been critical of its PR methods, I had no idea that the NRA operated like this. The fact it's in the red at all, let alone due to mismanagement and greed (and perhaps outright illegal graft), shocks even a cynic like me. If I'm any example, it will be suffering financially more than ever in short order (I'm an endowment member, and wish I could get a frigging refund). - OS1 point
I hate to see the organization fold, but if they dont get right very soon, i see no recourse. The liberal states are just looking for ways to shut them down, just because of the gun thing, but will use anything to attain their goal. An to be honest, if they are doing as I'm reading, they deserve a drastic restructuring.1 point
Honestly, when a regime is in place for a long period of time, like WLP and his cronies, it becomes currupt, as we are beginning to see. And the now I believe the chickens are about to come home to roost.1 point
I've as much told the poor people when they call me I'll donate to the NRA again when they become a pro-gun organization. They...don't know how to respond to that.1 point
Here’s a separate link to a document dump containing jpeg scans of a host of internal docs. WLP has to go now if the NRA is to survive and continue the work.1 point
I don’t have a dog in this fight, but it appears to me if the NRA is going to survive; LaPierre, Ackerman-McQueen marketing, and William Brewer's Law Firm need to all be gone and they need to be gone today.1 point
Just put the aquarium wherever you want. Making sure it spans floor joists might be a good idea rather that it being parallel to them. In today’s plump society can you imagine the weight a couple in a nice bed puts on an upstairs floor?0 points
I have a Bisley Vaquero in .357 magnum. I like the Bisley because the hammer spur is lowered so you don't have to reach for it with your thumb. It also has a widened trigger. The sights are not adjustable but how often do you adjust the sights on your handgun? The fixed sights are dead on. I used it to win the company pistol shoot a few yeas ago. You can shot hot .357 loads until the gun is too hot to reload. You can iron your shirts with it while you wait for it to cool down. What ever single action you decide on, you are going to love it. I like to put on my Stetson and my Old El Paso Cheyanne rig and run around the house in my underwear going "Yippi Ki aye Ki Yaye!"0 points
I know this is not a new subject, but seeing the amount of public outrage over the recent mass shootings again has me wondering why the general population doesn't get outraged to the same degree by the number of drunk driving deaths each year? I did a quick look at some numbers in order to compare the two. 2006 to 2017 = 1,358 mass shooting deaths 2006 to 2017 = 131,586 drunk driving deaths That's 95 times as many deaths during the same period caused by alcohol, yet where's the outrage? I know the politicians have an agenda in order to push for gun control in connection with the mass shootings, but I guess people don't REALLY care about people getting killed, it's just an agenda for them as well. I guess getting drunk and driving is socially acceptable, and if some people get killed, oh well...0 points
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Welcome! Seeing as you’re from Columbus, you’ll feel right at home in Nashville’s terrible traffic.0 points
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