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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/2019 in all areas

  1. Absolutely, but that has nothing to do with Red Flag laws or defining due process. He just wants to seize all our firearms. Same as all the rest of them. However, that’s what I mean about him being too mentally unstable (because of age) to be President. He didn’t think about what he was saying; he just blurted it out. I bet his handlers almost stroked out when he said that. And he will be trying to walk that back!
    4 points
  2. Drunk drivers don't further the prog/soc/comm agenda.
    3 points
  3. I know this is not a new subject, but seeing the amount of public outrage over the recent mass shootings again has me wondering why the general population doesn't get outraged to the same degree by the number of drunk driving deaths each year? I did a quick look at some numbers in order to compare the two. 2006 to 2017 = 1,358 mass shooting deaths 2006 to 2017 = 131,586 drunk driving deaths That's 95 times as many deaths during the same period caused by alcohol, yet where's the outrage? I know the politicians have an agenda in order to push for gun control in connection with the mass shootings, but I guess people don't REALLY care about people getting killed, it's just an agenda for them as well. I guess getting drunk and driving is socially acceptable, and if some people get killed, oh well...
    2 points
  4. The stomach holds content for around 20 minutes, but alcohol can absorb strait through the stomach lining.
    2 points
  5. Then your machine was broke.
    2 points
  6. Quoted from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catch-22 "There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one's safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he were sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to, but if he didn't want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle. " So with the shootings over the past few days, the talk in another thread about "mental illness" , does "Catch 22" apply? Is a person crazy if that person wants to murder another person? There is a defense of "Temporary Insanity". "Catch 22" is a favorite move of mine.
    2 points
  7. Book is better. lol More detail.
    2 points
  8. You can rent a wood chipper for a lot less than $52,000
    2 points
  9. The fun of growing up in the old days .
    1 point
  10. There are a ton of things to take into consideration. General rule of thumb is that you don't need to do anything structurally up to 55 gallons. It's all relative though. What kind of shape is the house in structurally? How long do the joists run? (The longer they are, the more deflection they will have) Assuming that your joists are on 16" centers I would figure out where they are and certainly center the aquarium over two of them. Actually, as a guy who has had many aquariums, I would find a nice video of an aquarium, stick a nice TV in that corner, and loop the video.
    1 point
  11. No need to get (too) snarky. E is only pointing out some of the rampant hypocrisy among those who vote along party lines in the guise of single issue concerns, then can’t handle the fact that, or make excuses for, their candidate’s not doing everything the way they expected.
    1 point
  12. The knife should be the other way around. Just saying.
    1 point
  13. Erik, It’s just common sense. Trump has stuff to get done and gun issues is not part of it. But if I hated him as much as you do I would keep bringing up guns. He gets zero change on gun issues. A handful of people are going to be upset if we lose private sales without a background check. For most Americans it’s common sense to try to stop criminals and mental cases from getting guns. They are being told (correctly) that convicted felons can simply buy guns off the net in a private sale with no background check. They think stopping that is a good idea. I’m not sticking up for Trump; I understand its going to happen no matter what he does..period…its happening…So save this thread in your saved stuff, notes, or whatever so if it doesn’t happen you can bring it back up to show me just how wrong I was. About my relationship with The Donald…. Anyone here that reads what I post, whether they agree with me or not knows that I don’t like Donald Trump as a person. He is our President and I think he has done a far better job than anyone you can name that had a shot, and is 10000 % better than Hillary would have been. Him and Hillary were our only two choices in the end. No one else mattered. Now about you assuming I support our President no matter what…. You and a couple of others here berated those of us that wanted Trump to win, you laughed at us, and told us there was no way Trump could win. You were obviously as clueless about that as you are on the issues now. I have never seen anyone on this forum whine and cry more about personal attacks than you. Yet you attack people more for what you think they think, instead of what they say, than anyone on this forum. You should worry more about discussing the issues in an intelligent manner and less about throwing hissy fits, posting pics, calling me a Fudd, and calling me out in threads that I haven’t even posted an opinion in. But that’s okay. I’m a big boy and can handle it. I understand your internet friends have taught you a new word for those that don’t agree with you on gun issues, and have obviously even directed you to a cartoon to post. I can discuss/debate you on the issues, but I wish you wouldn’t reduce it down to childish non-sense. I had decided before to not respond to your posts. But I can’t help it. Some of what you post is too amazing I can’t help but comment….sometimes no matter how hard I try.
    1 point
  14. I told her that and she said you're right. She was mistaken. She's seen people drink them but didn't know what went in them.
    1 point
  15. Trump could do an executive order outlawing private sales and it seems you'd still defend him. I've never seen such unwavering support for a politician. He always has a choice. You really think his base wants universal background checks? Not a chance. The Democratic voters of America might want it but they will never vote for him. He gains absolutely nothing by coming out in support of this. I'm not sure why you continue to cover for him.
    1 point
  16. Butt chugging?? Had to look it up, we live in a freakshow.
    1 point
  17. I bet the missus can’t even get you into a tie.
    1 point
  18. Kids know the dangers of drinking. They don’t understand drunk vs. BAC. And they don’t understand the science; neither do their parents. They read too much Voodo, black magic, and internet stories. Its like gun safety; it serious business, and they need to get the right information.
    1 point
  19. I can assure you with absolutely certainly your machine was broke or someone did something wrong. You didn’t drink 2 beers wait, 30 minutes and blow zeros. I won’t say what you are saying in your story didn’t happen, I’m saying you weren’t 0.00. (Unless maybe you weigh 1000 lbs.) Your tolerance for alcohol has zero impact on BAC. Sorry but People need to know this stuff. And they need to teach their kids.
    1 point
  20. Been several decades since I was a certified BA instructor but I seem to recall that someone my size of 230 lbs, (that was waaay back then), would blow a .10% on 6 beers.
    1 point
  21. A little progress has been made on this project. I've been side tracked in the shop doing other things. The melamine top has been cut. Not yet secured... Also, I'm sure you can't miss the Dillon mount has been built. Doweled, glued and screwed. Quite strong. I still need to clear lacquer it. Also still need to finish the rock chucker mount. I have all the pieces cut already. I had some tongue and groove hardwood boards left over from previous owners (no idea where they used them, but not in the house). So I cut the tongue off, leaving the bevel, then stained and lacquer cleared one. Came out better than I need or deserve, so I am proceeding with making the rest of the fascia cap boards. They are not the finest specimen boards, and I could have sanded the first one better, but oh well. Good enough. I might remove the first one and put it on the back side of the bench...I think the second one will be a bit nicer. The one sitting on top just got stained today and is drying before the lacquer clear coats are applied. I also procured the hardware to mount the press mounts to the table top. I 3D printed some hand wheel knobs for the 3/8" bolts... ~Bandit
    1 point
  22. Are you old enough to have been going to the bars in the 70's-80's? It's nowhere near now what it was then. DUI enforcement because of MADD did that.
    1 point
  23. FWIW I don't have one. Prefer not to have anything around my neck.
    1 point
  24. I've always had problems shooting the traditional Colt style single actions. They just don't fit my slightly arthritic hands and the trigger guard beats hell outta my middle finger knuckle. I just can't shoot one worth a hoot . But like you, I occasionally get the urge for a Cowboy gun. I've owned about a half dozen Colt style or Ruger single actions over the years and ended up selling them all. Try thinking outside the box. I found this a few years ago. A true cowboy gun that fits me much better and the only single action I currently own. Its a bit above your price range, but its a keeper. Navy Arms (Uberti) Schofield
    1 point
  25. See I told you I was smart too
    1 point
  26. Only according to the Left. lol Have to admit though, Biden can be quite entertaining.
    1 point
  27. Oh my gosh! Am I a racist because I laughed out loud that he said that?
    1 point
  28. Oh, I think they have bigger gaffes on their plates st the moment. https://mobile.twitter.com/i/web/status/1159630998667239425
    1 point
  29. Yes, drinking and driving is sociably acceptable. Getting arrested for DUI is not. Why is that? It's because people don’t understand that “drunk” is a meaningless legally undefined term, while “impaired” and "presumption" are clearly defined legal terms, but most have no idea what .08 (or any other number) means or feels like. One of the stats you didn’t post was that depending on whose numbers you use, or the year, 1,000,000 to 1,500,000 drivers are arrested every year for DUI. A lot is done in DUI enforcement. There are plenty of people that complain about it as overreach. As you see in our mass shooting threads it depends on where you get your stats, We are on a gun forum, so you see people defending potential shooters arrested or investigated by the Police. That is because they identify with them and have an irrational fear that because they are a gun owner they somehow will get caught up in this. You will see people across all types of forums complain about DUI enforcement because the fear of being arrested for DUI is not irrational if you drink and drive. If I could do anything as a public service it would be talk to high school kids about DUI. They don’t understand it, their parents don’t either, and without even looking at the possibility of being in an accident and hurting someone or getting hurt; a DUI can be a career ender before that career ever gets started; a DUI conviction can impact your life.
    1 point
  30. GOA and NAGR have worked together on many court cases. The NRA has not cooperated with the gun rights organizations on court cases. Many times, the NRA does nothing but possibly file an amicus brief and then claim credit if the case ends in a victory for the citizens. You might also think about joining the Tennessee Firearms Association. TFA has brought us legal concealed carry, legal carry in restaurants, and many smaller victories. The NRA in TN pretty much supports stupid bills that sound good but accomplished nothing positive. Our new complicated two-tier carry permit system was backed by the NRA. Pointless.
    1 point
  31. Allowing any governing body, to take anything (within reason) from someone just because a 3rd party claims they've been threatened, or they "feel" they may be threatened is just pure insane. Its as stupid as an alleged DV victim moving back in with the bad husband/bf/etc....Red Flag is a means to the end, and should be fought at all cost. WE don't purposely disable bad drivers cars, and we allow those convicted repeatedly of dui, to drive, AGAIN, This red flag crap wont end well.....
    1 point
  32. Yeah, its messed up. Guns freak people out. Its like when someone is mauled or killed by a bear or mountain lion. It gets a lot of attention on the news but, there's more people injured or killed by hitting deer on the roads.
    1 point
  33. Ok, I just put my money where my mouth is. Just now renewed GOA membership and signed up for 5 years with SAF. Sent them both an extra $100 too. I'm also a long time member of TFA. Good folks fighting in our backyard. Ok guys, time to put up or shut up. Who'll join me? The fight is fixin' to get rough after two mass shootings and the democrats/media in a frenzy.
    1 point
  34. John wells did mine, he's a member here. It depends on several different things but the main reason for me to go with a trust was so I could add family members.
    1 point
  35. TripleGGG is correct. Sorry if my OP was misleading @Steelharp. Not my intention. But they do indeed have a huge selection of rental guns. The EZ 380 we purchase was brand spanking new.
    1 point
  36. I went and got a membership today. You can shoot any of their rental guns available. Not new guns off the shelf. But they had a huge rental section of handguns and Rifles.
    1 point
  37. Lifetime means about as much as it does withe NRA, save for the tiered system they have set up. I became a lifetime member of SAF back in 2012 or 2013, and to this day I still get solicitations for money. That said, they're doing important work by fighting legal cases that result in reverberating precedent. Getting the City of Chicago to pay for legal fees related to McDonald was a particularly awesome moment. Having a six figure check to cash with Rahm Emanuel's signature as mayor made a lot of happy people that day.
    1 point
  38. Dave asking this question pointed out a hole in my support. If you haven’t heard of the SAF, you’ve probably heard of Alan Gura. Gura’s work with the SAF was responsible for McDonald v Chicago among other victories. They focus on court actions.
    1 point
  39. Again, a failure of our inept, money grubbing justice system. Why is this guy still among the living?
    1 point
  40. I looked at the video and scrolled down to the comments. One comment said one side has millions of guns and veterans, the other don't know what restroom to use. That's is funny.
    1 point
  41. You just haven’t met any off duty Firemen yet. You think you have a problem with cops…..
    0 points
  42. A bit flashy IMO, but works with the red shirt. I bet most people at wally world give you a wide berth walking down the meat cooler isle don't they?
    0 points
  43. 0 points
  44. I've been a handgunner for over sixty-five years, and during that time I've tried just about every kind of handgun available. I've has Colts, Rugers, Smith & Wessons, and Ubertis. For my preferences, prefer the Colt New Frontier when I have the wherewithal, next a Ruger Blackhawk. I've had the Smith Model 28 and Model 29, Colt Python, etc. I have recently settled on the Ruger Blackhawk, not only for range/hunting use, but for protecting my hide. I carry a Ruger Blackhawk in .45 Colt almost daily. My everyday companion is a .45 in a Mike Barranti holster. Bob Wright
    0 points
  45. Trump was just on tv...voicing support for "some really cool background checks that was can do cool things with". That's my paraphrase off his thought process, perhaps not word for word. Said he thought he could get the NRA on board...and if not...maybe they'll just be neutral (not fight it)....either would be ok.
    0 points
  46. Sorry for the thread derail, I’ll bring it back to topic for you with a pic of mine. It’s a custom job from @Grand Torino and a sheath made by @1911alltheway . It might be a bit for your needs, but it works for me.
    0 points
  47. 0 points
  48. Until I became a cop I had no idea how many College students were dying from chugging Everclear. (They may have been butt chugging it; I don’t know.) I also had no idea they were dying from sexual gratification either, but that’s for another time.
    0 points
  49. And the other mucous membranes it is in contact with like the mouth and esophagus. Hell, some dumbasses will snort vodka to essentially mainline it straight into the bloodstream. Don't even get me started on the concept of butt chugging.
    0 points
  50. Those fingernails just scream "cowhand."
    0 points
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