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Not a good attitude. Whether you like them or not is immaterial. We should not give up any right due to the fault of one individual.11 points
Only substance in the entire article "banning a particular item will not prevent the next attack " Also "i" think fast food is a waste of money therefore we need to ban fast food. Who's with me ?9 points
I guess I'm one lacking common sense in this area then because IMO a background check is pointless for those seeking to do evil and only complicates things for the rest of us. The one big BIG thing it does do is allow the gubment to track you and i ,average law following citizen, with every firearm transaction from the point it becomes law forward. That gets into my personal business and my private life neither of which they should be privileged to. At that point we become much like Australia where I have to ask permission to go shoot the GD thing. No thanks !5 points
I don't know it anyone saw this, but I saw the news that Neil deGrasse Tyson tweeted this comment: In the past 48hrs the U.S. horrifically lost 34 people due to mass shootings. He then commented that on any given 48 hour period in the U.S. 500 die due to medical errors 300 die due to flu 250 die due to suicide 200 die due to car accidents 40 die due to homicide with handgun Sort of puts things into perspective. This in no way condones what the "idiots" that murdered these innocent people did, it just shows that on most any given 48hrs. in the U.S. about 1,240 people die not related to a gun, 40 due to a gun. Now I for some reason don't hear the left or right complaining about these 1,240 people and how we need to police our medical errors, find cure for flu, give people mental health help so they won't kill themselves. Do something about these car accidents. All of these deaths with the exception of the flu, is due to humans, either there incompetence, lack of training, poor attitude, or a host of other issues, but it is the human. Not the car, not the medical procedure. There is a definite pattern. Not the gun.5 points
I think you're correct but I cannot think of a way to stop this without infringing on everyone. Unless you were to ban all guns, and confiscate every gun from every household, this will never stop. Even then, you'd only find maybe half of all guns out there, at best. I think where we screw up is that we always blame "mental illness" but fail to actually do anything about it such as additional funding. The same people calling this mental illness suddenly get very defensive and start screaming about "socialism" if you mention funding these programs. It's pretty clear we need to create more programs for people that need help. This is going to cost money.4 points
So I have a hard time seeing "common sense" in something that will have a zero impact on shootings of any kind.4 points
I've never had much interest in a pistol AR since AK pistols exist, but I hate to see the BATF do a 180. These targeted articles really chap my hyde. Its an attempt to further misinform and polarize the unknowledgeable anti-gun crowd under the guise of being informative. Not sure if you guys caught it, but this clown not only is taking a shot at AR pistols and braces, but SBR's by likening them to fully automatic weapons (playing 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon). H e covers that the shooter had a pistol and not a rifle, then transitions to SBR (correctly defining it) trying to allude to their similarity and that the SBR requires a tax stamp. Then this: "The process is similar to legally owning a fully-automatic rifle" Then refers again to the jerk who killed the folks after setting the context, saying "It is unclear if Betts' went through this process, but the firearm he used did have a barrel shorter than 16 inches." He already established it was a pistol and did not need the "process", but is drawing a line for the uninformed that an SBR is just like a full auto, and this pistol used is basically an SBR...which of course means its just like a full auto rifle. This is all done in a pretty sly way, but unfortunately it does work on his target audience and its clear what his entire point was with this article.4 points
It basically starts there. Essentially, "this restriction" is reasonable so let's just concede there and be done with this. However, then they want another slice. Then another. You are then left with the little sliver we have now and some gun owners figure it's reasonable for them to tell us when and how we can eat it. Click that above image to see the rest.3 points
They are indeed handy. They are popular for a reason. As far as drums I've yet to see the advantage of one over a magazine in any of these shootings aside from the pray and spray Vegas episode.3 points
I also have one.... Fantastic weapon especially if you have handicaps. I have a bad shoulder among other things and an ar pistol makes it easier for me to handle.3 points
Exactly criminals don't abide by laws no matter how many hundreds or thousands of them are passed. They only harm or impede the lawful citizen that wants to buy a gun to give his grandson or buy one to shoot sporting clays. This all started about 50-75 years ago. Parents quit disciplining their children, the Bible says if you love your children you will discipline them. Proverbs 13:24. It is all about not loving, it all boils down to a heart problem.2 points
Point of fact, flamethrowers are completely unregulated on the federal level. Only a handful of states have regulations concerning them. They are actually a rather commonly used farm implement. Folks really should know what in the hell they are talking about before they open their mouths.2 points
I can save them lots of trouble and $$, it was hate. Killing people pretty much puts it in that category.2 points
Yea, I seen that pic: And this: https://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/274538/51-mass-shooters-2019-were-black-only-29-were-daniel-greenfield But nobody can even discuss the issue without being labeled a racist. Sad.2 points
Especially when not only is it advertised as such but he also has more guns on the table for sale that many people here own. Couple that with the fact that many of these people as such are supplementing their income by buying/selling guns, even the ATF would consider them a dealer (albeit not a properly setup one). Personally, I think you should be able to stop at Ace Hardware on the way home, pay cash, and walkout with an M4 no questions asked. You know, a little concept called freedom.2 points
2 points
Don’t you hate it when we can’t have discussions without people calling us racists? It use to be you knew when someone wasn’t capable of intelligent conversation by them using the terms “Hitler” or “Nazi”. Today its “Racist” or “Nationalism” or its especially evil if you are a Nationalist and you are white, and if you are a Nationalist, white and old; you can’t be discussed in public; especially around children.2 points
2 points
Place a #2 pencil in barrel not sharpened with eraser setting against beech face so firing pin will launch it if working.2 points
It seems to be always the weapon be it a gun, knife or vehicle. There is a human body with a finger, hand, foot and part of a brain that does the ASSAULT. The brain is the ASSAULT weapon, not the tool. Which a firearm, hammer, knife or vehicle can be used as a tool. The liberal left won't be happy until all citizens are helpless victims because they won't have any tools to defend themselves. But I bet you all the money you could stuff into Fort Knox that the liberal left will still have walls around their compounds and their personal bodyguards will have all those EVIL black rifles and other assorted weapons. Put the blame where blame belongs and it danged sure isn't at the feet of the law abiding gun owners. Rant ended for now.2 points
Actually, they are straight up crazy. They suffer from classic disorders. Textbook. Antisocial Personality Disorder / Psychopathy The problem is those are not illegal or give grounds to commit without overt signs you are a danger. Totally agree, folks would not be willing to submit to the personal freedom infringement to ever identify those effected.1 point
Mental illness for sure. But, I think its more a lack of morality. Young people today have a very skewed idea of right and wrong. Parents have failed to teach them, schools are nothing more than liberal training centers, religion is a thing of the past. Good jobs are hard to find, many college degrees are almost worthless. Many young people in this country have lost hope. They see no real future for themselves. They simply quit caring.1 point
1 point
There isn't a way to stop it without infringing and a lot of it in a heavy handed manner to have any effect. I think we blame mental illness in the absence of true mental illness. A lot of these shooters are perfectly sound of mind when they open fire, that mind is just demented in a way that isn't a clinical issue, but rather a reflection of character. There is no easy solution to any of this, and we (at least for now, anyway) have decided that the risk is worth the personal right of being able to keep and bear arms is still in place.1 point
Joe....along with many others, Trump included sometimes...didn't get the memo.1 point
My 308 is heavy without using drum mags. But I have enough 25 rounders.1 point
1 point
Yes, the lies are sad & evil. There is no racism in truth.1 point
Can anyone cite for me where any of these gun control laws no matter how common or sensible have stopped a mass shooting or any shooting/murder? Seems all these laws do is handicap honest, legitimate gun owners & get innocents killed.1 point
You should be able to stop and buy a machine gun. You either believe that the “being necessary to the security of a free State” means that “The People” may need arms to protect themselves against an out of control government or you don’t. If that is true a group with machine guns have an obvious advantage over those limited to semi-autos or magazine capacity. Of course the whole “Nuclear Weapons” issue is in play also.1 point
I was just talking to Jim about this. The fear doesnt seem that bad as I noticed that Brownells and a couple others still had drums in stock last night (I was checking to see if the news was causing a 2012 style buy up). But...now OOS Damn media!1 point
1 point
Just don't tell the ones trying to ban AR pistols tgat I can get a drum mag for my Glock...1 point
Trump was never a Republican or Conservative, except for convenience. At best he is pragmetist and at worst a snake in the grass (closet Democrat). And I'm afraid we are about to see the snake show it's ugly head. I believe he will trade us for his wall along the southern border and immigration reform.1 point
My SHTF rifle is a 308 AR. However I just heard that there is no need for anyone to have 100 round magazine. So I suspect those same people would not think I need a 308 with 25 rounds.1 point
No, Trump has a long history of favoring gun control. He only changed his stance before he decided to run for office. He has supported of a variety of gun control measures including an assault weapon ban. Here is his latest words of wisdom. Again, Trump doesn't have to do any of this. We all know he only does what he wants. All this does is piss off his supporters.1 point
I did catch that as well, and as I was formulating my thoughts on it...you posted a very good commentary. Thanks for expressing it so well.1 point
The few places I've been in wouldn't even take the trigger lock off, much less let you test fire it.1 point
I bought one, but I kinda figured this would eventually come up since is goes against the intent of the law. I didn’t put a brace on mine as I didn’t want to be the test dummy for that. This guy obviously won’t be the test dummy either. I just wanted something cheap to thrown in the trunk in case something more than a handgun was needed. The initial intent of allowing a brace to be used by those that don’t have the use of both arms was a good idea. Of course, some quickly jumped on it and used it as a stock and some halfwits at the BATF couldn’t really make up their mind. I think the attorneys at the BATF must all be Defense Attorneys, they need to throw some Prosecutors in the mix to give them a reality check. I thought we were headed for some major changes in the NFA to allow SBR’s and possibly Suppressors. But with an SBR being used here and a suppressor being used recently in a workplace shooting; I doubt that will happen. The bad thing about that mag is, any legislation will probably address anything over 10. I don’t think they can get that through the Senate; but you just never know.1 point
1 point
Been think about getting one, but I will probably hold off. I think they make a handy firearm, though! Actually, I don't think the pistols will go away, but I do think we are about to see a crackdown on braces and drum mags. Those may well go the way of the Dodo bird and the bump stock.1 point
Why not load a case with a live primer, no powder or boolit, to test the firing pin.1 point
"S15 Magazine Quick Update: plastic tooling is complete, packaging is complete, springs are ready to go, and we are 90% complete with tooling for the magazine body. Our stamping house is just finishing up dialing everything in, and we are still hopeful that we will be finished by the end of summer. More updates coming soon!"1 point
I spent 10 years in Chicago in 1983...1 point
I'm soooooooooooooo glad to be outta that insane place!1 point
I love the attempts to defend or minimize his words. Some of you would be foaming at the mouth if a Democrat had said the same thing. Trump may be a lot of things, but a defender of the 2nd amendment he is not. Is he worse than the dems? Not sure. But he has already done more damage than Obama and I'm way more scared of an anti-gun Republican president than an anti-gun Democrat. We've already seen the GOP do absolutely nothing to stop his push to ban bump stocks. Just like before, no one forced Trump to do this. The people that hate him are never going to vote for him even if he flops on his gun stance. He gained nothing from his bump stock ban yet he still did it(you can blame the DOJ but we all know it was Trump's doing). You can like his economic or immigration policies. You may think he's done a great job. But deep down, Trump is an authoritarian gun grabber just like those before him.1 point
1 point
I doubt it. I’ve not seen and held a Ruger Wrangler yet, but I’ve seen and held a Heritage. I can’t imagine Ruger making anything that low end, but I guess it’s possible. Maybe we’ll get sub $200 Smith & Wesson revolvers.1 point
Yeet Cannon! I might have to get one. Some other cheap, American made pistols are the Ruger LCP and LCPII, and the Charter Arms line of revolvers, many of which can be found for under $300.1 point
You are asking the same question that every surplus collector has asked for a century. Whats up with the outrageous SKS prices? What's up with the outrageous Mauser prices? "I remember when they were 25 bucks each in a bucket at the hardware store."1 point
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