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Custer's last words? Actually, the difference between 5.11 and TruSpec. When not working, I am usually wearing tacti-cool pants. To the casual observer, with no other operator-like clothing or logo'd apparel and top siders, more like ubiquitous cargo pants. Add a button down shirt, patterned sport coat and nice shoes, you'd be surprised how dressy the effect can be. I started with 5.11, traded some ammo for two pairs 5 years ago. 34" waist, gave me +1/2" plus the stretch band for AIWB. Still have those pants, still serviceable. Cuffs and seams are not frayed and they have some stains. Did not follow care instructions, so never turned inside out to wash. This probably washed out the Teflon faster than normal. Bought a third pair, $49.99 everywhere. Have since lost some weight and switched to OWB, can still cinch down the 34s without excess fabric gathering. Strolling through SMKW, I see Tru-Spec, $39.95. For $10 cheaper, I'll try out a blue pair. Belt loops in slightly different positions, stretchy part is hidden within the band, all the pockets have Velcro fasteners. Wore the Tru-Specs to a carbine class in the rain. 1. The Teflon did an amazing job of repelling water. I assume equal performance with a fresher pair of 5.11s 2. Discovered the large cargo pockets are subdivided, so I was easily able to stow and move with 4 - 30 round .30cal carbine mags. 3. The front pocket slash is slightly smaller than the 5.11s 4. Depending on what your activity is, each has benefits. 5.11 with large front and rear pocket slashes make it easy to access and stow extra mags or gear. Tru-Spec allows for secure storage, but not as easy to access the flapped and Velcro'd back pockets. I also have better access for front pocket carry with the 5.11s1 point
No, because we are too busy worrying about tornados. And tornados don’t give two about building codes.1 point
We do not typically worry about Hurricanes here in TN. When they get this far North, they are at best Tropical Depressions and moving fast. Therefore in the rural counties, building codes and zoning laws can be very lax. If you want stricter codes and zoning, look at the more metropolitan areas of Chattanooga, Knoxville, Nashville or Memphis. From your original post it seems you are looking in the lesser populated areas. Perhaps, areas like Jackson, Johnson City, Manchester or Morristown might be more suitable.1 point
Hey, Its a Dillon..... just call Dillon, they will guide you over the phone with anything your not sure about in its operation. CS on anything with a Dillon name on it is what the company built its reputation on. After you talk to them, let us know how they treated you.1 point
1 point
The narrative is white LE is systematically targeting and killing black men. Rail on, "well, it is Memphis." Wonder if people GA, CA, or IL say, "well it is Atlanta, South Central, Chicago." While my personal habits won't change a thing, I'm a middle-aged white guy who wears a suit, if approached by LE, they're going to see my empty hands with no sketchy body language.1 point
1 point
They were banking on Hillary winning. So I don't care if they went broke.1 point
I was exiting I-26 at Johnson City on Wednesday and noticed a guy; homeless, God bless, scribed in marker on a mostly square piece of cardboard. I am the only car on the double exit ramp. Professional panhandler, guy down on his luck with little to no hope, or someone else? I had already decided to help, my duty is to serve, not decide who gets the service. Dig into my pocket, President Jackson, Lincoln, and 2 Washingtons Fold up Mr. Jackson, roll down my window, "hey buddy, I'd like to help you out." I am pretty sure he's not a threat, no obvious weapons or tools, other than that piece of cardboard, first in line, so I can step on it if I misjudged intent. As I roll down my window, I re-observe this guy. Appears to be oh-so-slightly shifting weight from left to right and his lips were moving and wasn't any close enough to have a conversation. Slip the gift into his hand, "thank you, God bless you," with a smile. As he is walking back to his spot, he looks down and discovers the denomination. As he looks back at me, tears are beginning to stream down his face. More vehicles are now exiting and approaching the red light, the man turns away from the road to gain his composure. Lord, thank you for showing me how I made a difference in someone's life. Thank you for answering my prayers to be your obediant servant and serve as your hands and feet. Thank you for rewarding me in mind, heart, soul, and pocket for being a faithful steward of the blessings you place in my care.1 point
Sparta and Spencer are nice places, but they're both a good ways off the beaten path so you get all the good and bad that come with that. The housing market is so busy right now that I'm not surprised you can't find a builder that's interested in working an hour from anywhere.1 point
I double check all of my doors before going to bed to make sure they are locked and dead bolted. Windows have never been unlocked since I have lived here almost 20 years. I did add wooden doll rods to each window track so it won't slide upward. If anyone gets in my house they will have to break something to get in period. One simple kick on my doors won't get it done I have the security dead bolts that go through the door frame and into the wood the door frame is mounted to. If they do get inside they will still be inside when the police arrive. Most likely bleeding and maybe not breathing but that will be entirely their drcision. Will just depend on how stupid they really are!!!1 point
When the constitution is changed to read 'The right to operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway shall not be infringed', I would say "Yes".1 point
I guess making people pass a driving test to be able to legally drive on public roads is an unreasonable imposition too? If people who have no interest in learning how to properly handle and use a firearm want to "bare arms" on their own property they are not really a danger to anyone but their own family (and maybe their next door neighbors). But if they then decide to carry out in the world then they now will potentially effect everyone out in public "down range" from them. If they don't know how to safely handle a gun on a "one way square range" is it really a great idea for them to try to learn it on the fly on a 360 degree "hot range" which is what the outside real world is. Fortunately we do not see many instances of accidental discharges reported (but how many people actually report that though?) but I do know of one in Chattanooga where a young woman was killed when a negligently discharged bullet came through the wall of her apartment and hit her. And before anyone thinks they are going to "question my commitment to the cause" I have carried a gun on my person on a daily basis an average of about 360 days a year for the last 26 years (before some people on this forum were even born). If I'm awake I'm armed unless I have to go through a metal detector or unless I am outside the US in a country where I can not take my gun. I have actually used a gun to defend myself in public. I'm a founding member of my church's security team. I've spent 20 years working in the firearms industry. I am an NRA member, I'm an NRA instructor. I am a TN Handgun Carry Permit Instructor who started teaching the class in 1999. I have voted against anti gun candidates in EVERY single election since I turned 18 in 1990 and I not only shoot competitively as a hobby but also teach people to shoot and to defend themselves with firearms while working for a nationally recognized training company for the last 15 years. And before you even say it ...no... "profit motive".... is not the reason I suggest people actually learn how to safely and effectively handle firearms before they carry them in public. It is simply what conscientious adult humans do. They do not potentially willfully, arrogantly and ignorantly endanger themselves and others out in public. I get it. We all want the 2A to be an absolute written on stone tablets handed down from on high never to be infringed with law of the land. But the other side of that is the old "with power comes responsibility" thing. IF you are going to carry loaded guns in public you really should also be civically minded enough to learn how to use and safely handle them. Not just so that you are far more likely to actually effectively hit the bad guy in a lethal force incident but also so that you are far less likely to hit anyone OTHER than the bad guys.... or not hit yourself or others accidentally from a negligent discharge while handling the gun. (We saw something a while back where some guy shot and killed himself holstering his pistol while sitting in his car. ) I come down on this side of the argument. People have an absolute GOD GIVEN natural law of nature right to defend themselves. Period. On the other hand if they are using projectile weapons that can kill or wound people outside their physical reach they REALLY need to learn the safe handling of the weapon and proper use of it. On their own property they are far less likely to endanger others. Out in public now everyone within range of the weapon is potentially in danger if the carrier does not know how to safely handle the gun they are carrying. Part of being an adult is recognizing the world does not revolve around us and that other people are effected by our decisions and actions. As such it is imperative that we (as defenders of the 2A and frankly just as conscientious adults) learn to safely handle objects that can cause crippling injury and death if we are going to carry them and possibly use them out in public. What I'd rather see than this watered down sad attempt at "pro gun legislation" is a 2 tiered system where a minimal amount of safe gun handling is covered and a minimal accuracy standard is required for the "basic permit" and that might be only $25-$50 ....or heck maybe even free ? (not sure how that unfunded mandate would be carried out). Then have a REAL enhanced permit that requires a bit more training that really is actually ENHANCED where you can carry ANYWHERE (signs or not) and go about your daily life without having to worry about whether it is OK to carry here or there or in this business or that business or in this park or that. At a bare minimum they should remove any legal penalty for carrying past signage for people with a permit. The signs have never stopped the bad guys from carrying so why should the good guys be disarmed if the bad guys are not and if the location is not providing armed security and limited access? If businesses don't like it they can still "trespass" you if they ask you to leave and you don't. THAT would be an actual PRO 2A piece of legislation.1 point
Apparently y'all have no appreciation for the classics. How sad for you. I happen to be quite fond of the Walther PP series pistols. They're still around after almost 90 years for a simple reason. They work.1 point
It's a new TGO thing. The day before Father's Day to celebrate the men, married and single, whose behavior is an example of leadership. I strive to be a gentleman, it seems a reflection of behavior God expects from me. According to Wiki, a man of good am courteous conduct. Wiki, Gentleman by Conduct: This use develops through the centuries until 1710, when we have Steele, in Tatler (No. 207), laying down that "the appellation of Gentleman is never to be affixed to a man's circumstances, but to his Behaviour in them," a limitation over-narrow even for the present day Could someone explain why this statement is "a limitation over-narrow even for the present day." Shouldn't one rise above his circumstances vs. adapt to them as a chameleon? Act the gentleman depending on your audience? Hypocrisy? urban Dictionary addresses some specific points: Educated - Partially, but I engage in continuing education, professionally and personally. Well dressed - I'm neat and clean, unless ill and bedridden, shower and shave daily. Well spoken - Mostly, though the art of uttering horrific strings of profanity can still exit my mouth. Scholarly - hope I am well informed on topics I contribute to and listen and learn from topics I don't. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Gentleman Being a gentleman has ZERO bearing on background, education, socio-economic standing, the clothes that you wear, it's a mindset with daily wins and losses. Don't get discouraged, it's a marathon, not a sprint!0 points
0 points
I burned my Yankee card the first week I was here. I asked a fellow that was delivering some lumber at our house how long I had to wait to start complaining about the Yankees and he asked if I had my TN drivers license and I said yes and he said feel free to start complaining. Amanda/Jeremy if you're checking out your options feel free to ask questions, we are mostly friendly. If you have already jumped in to TN, welcome to the United States.0 points
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