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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2019 in all areas

  1. Picked this one up yesterday to replace the ECO I parted with to help fund a motorcycle purchase. Haven't had a chance to shoot it yet but hopefully soon!
    4 points
  2. I’ll add this… The role of a School Resource Officer changed when the school shootings started. It went from the day to day enforcement of the laws in school, drugs, violence, etc., to being responsible for engaging an active shooter. Scot Peterson was too old and too out of shape to be doing that. And I don't think he had the ability to deal with that situation. Our schools need Officers capable of handling the threat, not giving the job to someone as a pre-retirement gift, or someone that wasn’t good on the streets. Our SRO’s when I was a kid was cops going from the street headed to the bureau. They were more than capable of doing the job. When I retired one of my friends ask why I didn’t go back into Law Enforcement if I wanted to do something. I laughed and told him I would get my azz kicked and I’m not chasing anyone unless I’m in a car. While I’m sure with my experience I could find a Department to hire me; my common sense tells me that would be stupid. The streets are a young mans job. I have never made the assumption criminals aren’t trained in the use of weapons or violence. Taking on a serious threat would require good training and being in shape. I know that with absolute certainty because I have experienced it firsthand when I was a young man in good shape.
    4 points
  3. The 22 WMR is clearly one of the greatest calibers ever. It can do just about everything common circumstances will demand. everything from head shot small game to deer and HD in a pinch. My all time favorite in the mag is the Marlin 57M. I have one and sold several back when I was wheeling & dealing. My 57M has out shot my brothers New Henry lever in side by side bench. If you have never handled the Marlin "Levermatic" as it was advertised, its like no other lever ever designed. It has the shortest lever thro of anything ever devised that spits bullets. While operating the action, you never move the web of your hand from shooting grip position to work the action. You simply move your fingers down and back up and you have ejected and reloaded in the absolutely fastest lever movement ever. When I was at work once we got to shoot bullet proof plexy type glass that had just been newly installed in the control room. While 45 ACP and 38spl's were bouncing off, the 22 mag was imbedding just like the 357M rounds. I once had an old timer bring me his 57M with a broken firing pin. He bragged about how many hundreds of deer he did one shot kills on with that gun and swore he would never use anything else. I was more than skeptical of his claims especially after he said he did chest shots! I had asked if he was hitting them in the head (that I could believe) but he said just shoot where you would with any gun. Well, one thing for sure, the gun had seem ALOT of firing due to the hammer to bolt hit contact peening that eventually crystalized the pin into submission. He was sure happy to get his Marlin back. Weeks latter I run into a guy that knew the old man and he assured me what he said was true. The old guy would eat venison all year long jacking the meat regularly ever since he knew the old guy since he was a young boy. Putting a jacket around that small frontal area bullet and driving it at the 22m of "just right speeds" does everything humans want out of a old fashion bullet projectile. It wont be my deer gun of choice any time soon but its nice to know it can do that if need be in a SHTF situation. The only down of the 57M is it normally runs with a heavy trigger but it can be cleaned up and I put a shoe on my trigger and got it at a nice no creep pull. GB usually has one or 2 floating by to folks in the know of these great old guns. I'm shocked at how the values of these 57M's have shot up. Back in the 80's & 90's they were 275-325 guns maybe pushing 400 if like unfired mint. And now? Check GB for your self.... Heres a action all the way open shot. You can keep your bolt guns in this cal..... I'll keep my 57M until the great beyond! PS, Oh, don't confuse this with the Marlin 57 22LR. They use the same lever design but the LR has an aluminum receiver and they are prone to cracking in half at the recoil shoulder. The 57M's have a strong steel receiver that locks up the bolt nearly identicaly to the Savage 99 actions.
    3 points
  4. RIP Dr. John. This is with The Band who, while excellent, just can’t get the funk like a proper New Orleans band, but is still excellent IMO.
    2 points
  5. I wish Magpul would decide on what they’re going to make. They’ve got three different generations in production: M2, M3, and M4. Make up your minds already.
    2 points
  6. It’s a shame people feel they keep having to question the legality of killing someone that is committing a criminal act putting them in danger. Hopefully some day that will change.
    2 points
  7. I can't speak to a suggested load, but I'd encourage you to make a visit to your local range and try shooting at 100 and 200 yards with your scope set to 4x and 6x just to see if that would work for you. If it does, I'd really encourage you to pick up a fixed power scope. Keep the glass as light and trim as your rifle.
    2 points
  8. That will never stand; even if a jury agrees (they will probably want to). It’s another political stunt. If it does stand, arrest and charge the people that don’t allow teachers to defend themselves and their students by banning guns in schools. No question that cost lives.
    2 points
  9. Missed this as we don't follow much local news. "Suspect fled when confronted" Everybody got lucky. From the video, BG was ready to use the crowbar as he came around the corner and headed down the hall. Appears enough ambient light, the homeowner should be able to identify he didn't have a Bible in his hands. Homeowner didn't get brained, BG didn't get shot. Starts an interesting rhetorical questions for the gun owner, attributed to Lee Weems Can I shoot? A question of ability. Should I shoot? A question of morality. May I shoot? A question of (legal) permission. In this case, assuming you cause no damage or injury to your neighbors, you should be legally protected. Despite the media re-labeling home invaders as "unwanted visitors" The final imperative is, must I shoot? A dude kicks in my door, knowing I'm home and has a weapon in his hands, it will probably be easy for law enforcement to locate him. We use this best practice: lock bedroom door, have cell handy, and be ready. I've got insurance and stuff is replaceable. If you've got kids and need to gain a better defensive position, keep you plan simple and maintain perfect muzzle and trigger discipline.
    1 point
  10. https://grabagun.com/magpul-industries-pmag-moe-223-window-30rd-blk.html?utm_medium=Email&utm_source=ExactTarget&utm_campaign=Daily Email if I did not own 100 already, I would jump on this!
    1 point
  11. Scot Peterson, the Broward Sheriff's Office school resource officer who failed to protect Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students in the February 14, 2018 massacre, was fired today and arrested on 11 criminal charges related to his conduct the day of the shooting. Broward State Attorney Mike Satz and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced the state has charged Peterson with seven counts of child neglect, three counts of culpable negligence, and one count of perjury. "The FDLE investigation shows former Deputy Peterson did absolutely nothing to mitigate the MSD shooting that killed 17 children, teachers, and staff and injured 17 others," FDLE Commissioner Rick Swearingen said in a media release. "There can be no excuse for his complete inaction and no question that his inaction cost lives." https://www.miaminewtimes.com/news/parkland-bso-deputy-scot-peterson-arrested-on-11-charges-11188755
    1 point
  12. I also am a fan of wood on a rifle-my 93fv savage came with a poly black stock that reminded me of one off a cap gun-so I did the Boyds and a steel trigger guard.
    1 point
  13. Buy 10 or more at PSA and use the code "pmag" and they are $7.99 shipped free right now. https://palmettostatearmory.com/magpul-pmag-30-5-56x45-magazine-mag571-blk.html
    1 point
  14. Thank you Greg and I would like to think I am a better man then him. I have always been a person that in a case where a mass shooter is in a school shooter children that I would run as fast as possible towards the gun fire to try and end the carnage as fast as possible.
    1 point
  15. You are a better man than he is, Doug.
    1 point
  16. Last weekend I drive to the Ridge in Dayton, TN to assist and participate in Defensive Concepts for Low Light Environments. Randy Harris, founder of Harris Combative Strategies was our instructor. Class start was 6pm, we had 15 students, including 3 ladies. Having never shot at night, i was looking forward to it. No fancy gear, my trusty CZ 75B with 10 year old OEM night sights, Safariland accordion-style universal single mag pouch (works like a champ) and new Fenix UC35 flashlight with up to 1000 retinal burning lumens. This particular flashlight was $89.95 at SMKW, selected based on previous experience with the LD05, on board USB charger, and 2 battery choices. I am NOT a light expert, so this is opinion. A good flashlight runs $60+ depending on features. A good flashlight makes for an excellent striking weapon or use to break glass. Combination of classroom and range work. Here's what I learned: It is not illegal anywhere in the world to carry a flashlight in your hand. As a rule, people don't like to get flashed, so a blast of light from waist down with a firm, "I'm sorry, I can't help you," should be pretty effective. For me, I get to see his hands For him, I've added a huge question, who carries and uses a flashlight? At the very least, not your typical antelope. If unable to disengage, a blast to the eyes, with, "hey buddy back off," gives about 2-3 seconds of time before the potential bad guy has clear vision. To know is from experience, so we all got blasted in low light, but not dark - that was later. If a light blast to the eyes doesn't dissuade the predator, and he's close, strike him in the face with that well made, machined aluminum with fantastic gripping surfaced cylinder of hurt. Sounds really John Wick like, but really a simple gross motor skill. Then it was dark and time to shoot. I discovered there was enough ambient light from the other shooters illuminating their targets, I didn't really need more light. I also discovered positioning the light is important to avoid losing my front sight from splash along the top of the slide. Other musings When I would step to the rear to hydrate, I was about 25 yards from the firing line. As 8 students were shooting and flash illuminating at different tempos, it was chaotic to experience. Point being, a running gun battle at night is scary. I came to the realization that I've been approaching this shooting thing the hard way; day light, two hands, can easily see the target. 10 yards, move to cover, engage strong hand, flashlight however you want to manage it, 6" steel, don't hit the bystander or The Suit. Ding Ding ding Ding ding ding Ding ding ding (Randy didn't say exactly how many) ding. I'm also pleased with my overall progress with slide lock reloads. If nothing else, a fun confidence booster. Feedback from the class: start earlier due to volume of content, convert dry erase to PowerPoint for classroom. Last drill, a little after midnight, only ambient is starlight, no moon, and it's dark in Dayton. After I flash you in the face, when you can see the target, draw and fire. I'd estimate 20-30 seconds in my case and almost a minute for full night vision. Tremendous amount of time to do a variety of things. Tips from Randy: Turn off the lights when practicing dry and add your light. Hit a mirror to experience what the BG will experience in different light levels. I am an unpaid spokesperson and talented valet for Randy Harris and Harris Combative Strategies.
    1 point
  17. I double check all of my doors before going to bed to make sure they are locked and dead bolted. Windows have never been unlocked since I have lived here almost 20 years. I did add wooden doll rods to each window track so it won't slide upward. If anyone gets in my house they will have to break something to get in period. One simple kick on my doors won't get it done I have the security dead bolts that go through the door frame and into the wood the door frame is mounted to. If they do get inside they will still be inside when the police arrive. Most likely bleeding and maybe not breathing but that will be entirely their drcision. Will just depend on how stupid they really are!!!
    1 point
  18. If he’s in my house uninvited then there is no question about his intentions. They’d have carried him out in a body bag if it was my house.
    1 point
  19. Noticed that as well. Used the handy crowbar key conveniently left on the porch to pry the flimsy frame. I guess a ladder was left pretty accessible for second story work if ground floor was more secure. Alarm dog as well. As to your bias, because I am no longer single nor party like a rockstar in my bachelor pad, I too, felt disdain for the apparent lack of basic housekeeping. Lots of what ifs...and I've done worse. To your point, there are some less than desireable neighborhoods off Clinton Highway
    1 point
  20. It's my understanding that not only did he do nothing himself, he hindered others from doing something. There's a crime there somewhere. Freezing up is one thing, slowing up the willing is another.
    1 point
  21. More on the free welder. Tested the TIG function as "scratch" start and that worked well, but we have to turn the gas on and off by hand with the tank valve. After rereading the notes that the past owner made we guessed that he had replaced the bad board. We used the peddle pig tale switch wires to try the board TIG function, and the spark gap system worked, (scared my son as he was sitting right next to it). The spark is a sign the high frequency is working and will jump a gap and start the arc for the TIG to work. We have picked up a 10K Potentiometer(same that is in the factory peddle) with on/off switch. Wired this to the TIG peddle pig tale. We worked the "POT/SWITCH" by hand and the machine will TIG as it should. I thank Terry again for the welder.
    1 point
  22. My mother in law has been over here all evening. That’s helped a lot.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. John Harris in Nashville is the best Firearms attorney in TN. He is very familiar with NFA law. You can reach him through the Tennessee Firearms Association website as he is the Director. With NFA items, always play it safe as some things have extremely high values and the penalties for messing it up can be pretty severe.
    1 point
  25. The position of executor/personal representative is a "legal/fiduciary" position, and can only be recognized when the will is probated and the executor/PR is appointed by the court. The court will issue "letters of administration" which indicate who the executor/PR is. This document is necessary to perform the functions of PR. Your mother could decline to serve and then you be appointed as PR. Since NFA items are involved, you should probably do it the legal way so whoever receives the items in question do not have issues later down the road. The attorney you have should be able to do this at minimal cost, but it really depends on the attorney.
    1 point
  26. Quite fond of all my handguns, but especially so with the Ruger ‘thumb-cockers”. Just love the 4 clicks when cocking the non-safety-converted Old Model wheel guns. My favorite caliber is the .30 Carbine. What a blast (pun intended) to shoot !!!
    1 point
  27. Gone to a new home is this feather knife. Now that I know the things I have to do I'll probably make a few more in the future. It has Purple Leaf Plum handles from a tree I cut down in my yard last year. It has True-Stone ( http://masecraftsupply-com.3dcartstores.com/Recon-Stone-Tru-Stone_c_310.html ), SS, black and white G10 accents with white G10 liners and SS pins and lanyard tube. It's made from 1/8" thick 1084 carbon steel and has an OAL of 9 1/4", 5 1/4" from handle to tip but only a 3" cutting edge. It came with the combo kydex/leather sheath shown.
    1 point
  28. Ever since i saw the movie No country for old men, i wanted a suppressed shotgun. I started off with a factory Rem 870 express and had Sterling Arsenal Works do the barrel chop, choke adapter threading and Vang Comp sight system upgrades. They cerakoted it and did a little custom bolt fluting. Its a blast to shoot with the Salvo 12 and really helps manage the recoil/kick. Not as fun to shoot without the silencer on a 12" barrel (left bruises on my shoulder). Anyways, here a little video of the shotty YouTube Video
    0 points
  29. I did. USGI mags.
    0 points
  30. Doh, guess I would fail if I ever took up B&E and a hobby. I have one of those harbor freight $5 pry bars like he had, guess I know another thing they are good for!
    0 points
  31. Duh. A 22 LR will kill a squirrel, but a 22 Magnum will kill him dead.
    0 points
  32. I don't think it'll stand. The Supreme Court ruled quite some time ago that law enforcement has no duty to protect you. We'll see.
    0 points
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