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3 points
Hi all. I just read about this on another forum, and it might be of interest to those of you who want to know more about the B17 crews in the air war over Germany in WW2. The documentary "The Cold Blue" is scheduled to play in theaters one night only on Thursday, 5/23. I just reserved my tickets. As an Artillery guy, it always amazed me how accurate the Germans could be with their flack, and the fortitude with which these guys fought their part of the war. Ed Here's the trailer:2 points
That's not a bad idea. If they have the ability to it; they should pursue it. I would like to do it and have the training to do it. But that doesn’t make me a good candidate. Even though I still get around pretty good; I don’t have the physical ability to run, jump, or fight with a young shooter (if it came to that). It wouldn’t be a job for a bunch of old retired guys like us.1 point
I’ll play. Yes, they will stop a bad guy with a gun. They can give the minutes/seconds advance warning to let the security people know where they need to be. This is 2019, we have the technology and it doesn’t cost a lot. Not only the cameras and monitors I suggest in the post above. But an audible alert, much like General Quarters on a ship; everyone is on alert and either has a job or a place to be. But let’s be clear. You can’t stop an active shooter; they have the element of surprise. You have to make them unable or unwilling to fire their weapon. That means engaging and killing the shooter. All you can do is have a plan that will reduce the number of deaths and casualties. Of course many schools and teachers will plead poverty. I suggest this could be done from donations. A lot of schools have done it, some from the school budget, some from donations. I’m sure it would depend on where the school is. You decide on the plan you want; you estimate the cost; you find a way to get the money. Just like Police on the street, you will never have enough to be exactly where they need to be when the shooting starts. First off, I respectfully disagree with your premise that there is an abundance of Veterans with College degrees that would take a job in a school or be a security guard for what they pay. Police Departments and industry that pays well has a hard time finding them. Not only do they need to be educated; they need to not have anything disqualifying in their past. That knocks out a lot more than you might think. Personally I don't think they need a College degree. Because that would knock a lot of good candidates out also. Secondly, most parents aren’t going to go for untrained people carrying guns around their kids. Ever...Period. I served in the Navy, as a Security Police Officer in the Air National Guard, and as a Police Officer on a city Police Department. I would always give a Veteran preference in hiring; but having served in the military doesn’t make you qualified for this job. (Some maybe; but not most) However… I don’t complain without having an answer; and its very simple. Have the people you want carrying guns in the school, whether it be Teachers or Veterans that want to work security; go though the same firearms training and training on the laws governing the use of deadly force, as your local Police; side by side. If a person doesn’t have the time to commit to that; they don’t have what it takes for this position. On a side note I’ll add this: Your schools may not be real hip on that idea because when your Teachers start interacting with real cops; you are going to lose some Teachers to the PD. The department I was on had an Auxiliary Police Unit. Have something like that so they can get good training on the street also. They rode with us and acted as Police Officers. We had several Teachers. So to recap…. Early warning systems that work. Use the technology we have available to us. Trained people to engage when needed. Students trained what to do, and where to be in almost any scenario of their day. I don’t think there is prohibitive costs in any of that. I also think a lot of schools are doing more than you think they are. They just aren’t making a big deal of making it public.1 point
1 point
Actually, she is playing to people that are even more ignorant than her. Most anti-gun people (the ones she is pandering to) don't know anything past the liberal talking points.1 point
Its good to see the resurgence in OTA now that the market has been collapsing with takeovers driving out consumerism and giving Big Cable more power. After cutting the cord and dumping comcast a while back, I have played with Roku, Sling, et al. 2 questions are important to ask going into this: 1. how important is TV or specific programming, or is it just background filler when you're bored? 2. Can you or your significant other do without, or are you watching as its more important to your significant other The item most struggle with, and the biggest loss is reliable DVR capability. Anyone considering this must look at the fix of network channels vs non network and how much they record from NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, and CW. With the number one thing being how much do commercials annoy you or your desire to skip them. At 20 mins of advertising out of every hour, you find out just how little $200 a month is! The big providers have fully matured systems and equipment for a seamless experience. While you can back into much of what you had, there are tradeoffs. Yes you save money, but that margin decreases as you add on the optional service packages. And depending on your set of workarounds (that is what they are) you sacrifice some reliability. Specifically in your DVR capability. Our current setup is Fiber internet, Sling DVR, Netflix, Amazon Prime, and OTA. I sent my Roku back as it lacked the integration offered by the Sling player and did not always play nice with a Sling player. The best "deal" for DVR is thru a Sling device that allows you to hook up an external hard drive of OTA and the extra $5 a month for the Cloud DVR. These devices can be sensitive to signal quality and recordings can get lost if your OTA signal breaks up. So extensive testing of your OTA placement should be done. Also, if you use a wireless feed to your device versus a dedicated CAT5 hardwired internet connection, any packet loss to that feed can make you loose a recording. So you should have a wired internet connection where you locate your player. This was a non issue pretty much with Big Cables device but you get to know how important that is why why they check it on installs until you have to figure that one out on your home brewed setup Also, we found that watching a recorded show while 2 were recording could overtax the system and cause one of the shows being recorded to be corrupted (lost). So we watch Netflix if two things are recording at the same time, which is generally all night on must see Thursday. And here is the other thing you don't realize at times. It can be important how many shows you record at once. We can record 2 at a time. Should have been good. But turns out networks like to compete and put shows on at conflicting times to draw audience. Or course we knew that, but didn't feel it until we dropped Big Cable's box that could record 4 at a time. So the first couple times my wife ran into her being unable to record her 3rd show and I got the earful....we had to sit and prioritize on those conflicts who did we skip or who had network On demand thru Sling. We have landed on a mostly stable setup, occasionally skip recording a show that we were so so on. My wife curses much less now that she is accepting it and only occasionally asks when we'll go back to comcast versus every other day when we were sorting out what worked best. But looking at the "savings", there is a little, but surprising not that much. The big thing is, like so many hear have noted, you can buy and drop as needed. So you choose versus being forced into long term contracts/ But if you evaluate the base you ALWAYS pay outside the premiums to watch specific thing, you may be surprised. The item most leave out of this is their stand along internet provider which was previously bundled in Big Cable's bill.1 point
Curious what made you pick GOA over SAF? I’ll probably join one or the other but not both.1 point
1 point
1 point
The leaders of the NRA have become as bad as the congress critters on capitol hill. Greedy and corrupt. I've long been tired of their "compromise" attitude. It seems the dogs in this fight have been neutered. Its high time for a major overhaul.1 point
We finally got fed up with Comcast and cut the TV subscription and just kept the internet. I don’t know How far you are from the broadcast stations, but I put an antenna in the attic and hooked it into my cable for the whole house. We can bring in about 30 decent stations including NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, ME, PBS and some I’ve never heard of, we really don’t miss having 220 channels.1 point
1 point
Using a "money is like drugs in various forms" analogy, some senior members of the NRA are at full junkie status. Making a lot in salary is like weed...feels good, tends to become a lifestyle enhancer, an individual may or may not be sated based on their personality. Making a lot of salary, and being able to decrease your taxable income by running expenses that brush legitimacy through a corporation is like cocaine...much more of a rush than weed, but leaves you wanting more. Making a lot of salary, and having personal expenses taken care of (or at the least a lifestyle funded) in a way that never even hits your income before expense reduction or equalization...that's the heroin right there, and you're always after the perpetual high. Going back to a mundane life of the first two options, no matter how much better you have it than the small-folk, is to be avoided like the plague. No surprise to me that WLP is ready to go to the mattresses to keep his status and what it enables. Wouldn't bat an eye if call girls are brought up before it's all said and done...certainly it's about the only routine thing left in a situation like this. I will concede that the NRA needs to pay some folks a high salary. For those living in the DC Metro area alone, you need to pay commensurate to the market. For top level people, you need to pay them in the ballpark for their sector of work, though working for a cause like the NRA should count for something (you would think). But that only enables the weed stage as described above...the NRA has ventured far into cocaine and heroin, and that's going to take a lot of institutional willpower if they want to take the road to recovery. NY State may throw them in a metaphorical detox before they get to that point, however. Having bashed the NRA for their behavior, I'm not really shocked at this because it was always about the money to me. But just how fast and loose they are playing things is a bit surprising. I expected the usual stuff like using an expense policy to fund vacations, generous vehicle mileage, or even organization vehicles assigned, things that you are far more likely to sign off on when it's not your money at stake. Seems there isn't even a modicum of adherence to some guiding rules for their own protection. I mean, seriously...paying the President of the organization through the PR firm is flabbergasting. Non-profits are always going to be under a microscope with financial accounting, and that's a good thing. If they didn't see this day coming, they were idiots. This isn't a private partnership taking expenses at the depletion of their own payouts, it's a non-profit using money raised from the public because [INSERT BOOGEYMAN HERE] is coming for your guns.1 point
Well, it IS the extremely rare "Ocragon" barrel version... plus it's in Kenner, LA, so you KNOW it's certified coona$$!!!0 points
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