Ok, I just have to comment.
Don't be cheap! Buy her the 43X. She likes it. She will carry and use it. Hopefully, but try to get her to shoot one first.
1 PPQ...I love mine, but I personally feel it's to large.
2 LCP9...I feel that the first time she fires it will be the last. I've owned 2 of them. Harsh, loud, and the heaviest recoil of any small frame 9 I've owned.
3 43X...it's a Glock. Proven track record, at least on the name, and I have no doubt about this one.
4 G2c...Buy the 43x. See above #3. Yes I do own several Taurus guns, and I do like them.
As the owner of all these, at one time or another, and a multiple Shield owner...I personally feel the 43X to be the best choice.
I tried to pick my wife's. I didn't work. She likes the Smith 351PD in 22mag. I used it to replace a 416 in 22lr. Little more potent I think.
She likes it. Light and easy for her to manipulate. Didn't like my auto-loader choices.
I learned...the expensive way. But on the upside, I have a couple of small pistols I like. lol
OK...my personal opinions...nothing more.