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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/06/2019 in all areas
Picked up a new RIA "ROCK" series full size in 45 acp. Already had one from 2012 I got in a trade, 45 acp. Also have a Ruger SR1911 in 45 acp and a RIA "ROCK" full size in 9mm. I have already made some changes, changed out the full length guide rod for a GI type and put the rubber grips on. I like my 1911's to have rubber grips, GI style recoil system and single sided safeties. There is just something about a full size 1911 in my opinion.2 points
Got converted to the 1911 platform some years back. It is an addiction...be very cautious. lol2 points
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In that link it shows the high bidder for each auction. It is some email address. Not sure what the company is.1 point
I can't see inside them, but it looks like there were some excellent deals there. I can see why one company bought most of them. Does everyone else's pictures show up all scrunched up?1 point
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Don’t let it bother you man. It used to bother me and came very to close to getting me banned here. Now I try very hard to address the issues being discussed without posting any judgements about why the person is making the statements they are making. We won’t change the minds of any cop haters. I often wonder what happened to them to have that much hate. You and I both know something may have happened to them to cause that hate. Having been a Police Officer I try to help the people that are asking questions understand what is going on and what is going to happen based on my experience. This is the internet, everyone offers their opinions and it is up to the reader to decide if what they are reading makes sense. I hate to see young people get bad information, sometimes from their parents, that will get the kids jammed up, simply because their parents hate cops. Parents owe their kids better than that.1 point
Well ....that is your right , you can remain silent. And everyone I know (and know of) in the "expert witness business" and attorneys who actually have experience defending innocent people all give the same advice.... give a limited statement to make sure you are on record as being the victim. Again...ask Larry Hickey how remaining silent did not help him . For those who don't know Larry's story ......https://armedcitizensnetwork.org/images/stories/Hickey_Booklet.pdf He was an instructor for Tactical Response and took the " STFU" advice that they gave...... if he'd just told the cops what happened instead of clamming up he'd have probably slept in his own bed that night and not spent 71 days in jail.... And on traffic stops...I guess I have just been lucky. I have yet to be set upon by the jack booted thugs of the state. In the last 30 years I have been pulled over probably a good 10 times for things ranging from running a stop sign (dismissed in court with help of the officer who I did not know) speeding (went to court and spent a day in DD school) and several times where I should have gotten a ticket but got a warning instead. And then there was one time that the cop didn't want to write me an expensive ticket for speeding so he asked me to take my seat belt off while he turned around and looked away so he could then write it for a seat belt violation instead of for speeding. So I'm not sure which exact jurisdiction all the "out to get you" street cops are in but apparently it is not in any of the ones I've been pulled over in (ranging from TN to GA, and AL) I have yet to have my rights violated, and far more times than not I have been let go with just a warning. But then again I don't get adversarial with them and I show them the same respect I show preachers and little old ladies.1 point
CHL, as a former Police Officer I’ve said the same things you are saying many times here. Ignorance of the system and how it works makes it easier for some to listen to the “Never talk to the cops” non-sense. It’s as important a part of their training as understanding when you are and are not justified in the use of deadly force. Based on your comments I assume you discuss it in your classes. It’s been discussed here many, many times. It’s easier for some to just believe that whatever an attorney tells them to do; they do. I would agree with that if the attorney is YOUR attorney and is talking about YOUR set of specific circumstances. I don’t know how many times I’ve had an accused in a criminal case refuse to make a statement during my investigation. I have told them “You need to call them right now; they will want you to talk to me.” If a person believes that the cops are out to get them; then by all means, refuse to speak and get cuffed and stuffed. If you are innocent you will have a great story later on about how the cops arrested you for no reason. You’ll want to tell that story a lot because you probably will have paid a lot for the privilege of telling it. The truth is that from the first cops on the scene through the investigators, DA, and Judge or jury; people are going to be making decisions that will impact your freedom and your family’s financial future. If you are innocent and it makes sense to impede them in any way possible; make sure you have an attorney that you can contact any time of the day or night. If you are guilty of a crime, or you believe your shoot is questionable; by all means wait to get an attorney. You can find cases of people that were arrested, or what you believe to be wrongly convicted. But I doubt many of those cases were because they made a statement; although it could happen. The bottom line is knowing the law, knowing your situation and knowing that no one, not even your attorney, will be held responsible for the decisions you make. It’s all on you.1 point
Link is not working for me. Regardless...if you want to play "silent treatment" to the responding cops after you shot someone in legitimate self defense then good luck to you. You are going to make things a lot harder on yourself than they need to be. I know of people who have shot someone in self defense and not even been arrested. How? They asserted that they were the victim, gave a limited statement that was a narrative that matched the physical evidence and it was determined at the scene that they were more likely than not telling the truth. I actually have a student who shot and killed an armed robber and did not spend 1 minute in jail nor was he charged with anything. A big part of that is because he TOLD THEM WHAT HAPPENED at the scene. If he'd kept quite and said NOTHING then he'd have gone to jail while they looked at the evidence at the scene and figured out what happened. And keep in mind that you may spend SEVERAL days in jail before they even bring you in front of a magistrate for even a bond hearing. If it happens on Friday you are in for the weekend. And depending on WHERE it took place and how that particular judicial circuit runs it COULD take almost a month (YES a MONTH) to get a bond hearing. Suddenly "keep your mouth shut" doesn't sound like such good advice...unless what you DO have to say will get you convicted which is why attorneys who are used to only defending guilty people tell everyone to "say nothing". I'm NOT saying the cops are your friends. They are there to process information not to make sure justice is done. I'm saying if you don't assert that YOU ARE THE VICTIM (that limited statement I mention) then you are going to be viewed (and most likely charged) as the perpetrator.1 point
I have a Flat coated Retriever, Rhett, on a farm with my family. He meets all the requirements that you mentioned. The key for us is that dirt and water shed itself off his body which helps us keep the house clean. Just don’t let the Flat coat around anything with feathers. We have a 3 year old and He pretty much has done everything to Rhett that would make a dog want to bite a kid and he hasn’t. Rhett will die to protect pur family and thinks its his job to answer the door and spends most his time staring out the window. He is loyal and senses danger or bad characters and gets pretty scary when someone approaches that isn’t friendly. We’ve had german shepherds and the begians but they killed the sheep and goat. We didn’t work with them enough giving mental and physical training and they got anxious and bored.1 point
I have one and actually really like it. The IWB config is a lot better than their older models. The OWB sits nice and close so easy to conceal under the right shirt. I will say their AIWB is a bit thick for what they were trying to accomplish. I'll still run mine occasionally but I'm also carrying a G43, not a 20 or 29 so if I'm saying it's too thick with a 43, can't think it would be good with either of those. Only used that paddle conversion one time and it was good for a day on my family member's property when we were open carrying anyway. Final thoughts (and have not priced this out). It may be cheaper to get just the IWB and add the OWB expansion then to purchase the actual starter kit. If that's the case, probably would have been what I would have done from the get go as again the AIWB and paddle are almost novelties in my opinion (YMMV). Hope that helps1 point
My LCP has been 100% functional since it was purchased in 2012. If a gun fails when needed, a lifetime warranty may not be long enough.1 point
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Effective April 8, 2020, all rules and guidelines for using the TGO Trading Post are now found in this article. Please always refer to this article for the most up-to-date guidelines.1 point
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