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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2019 in all areas
I need to rant! I am a proud member of the NRA, I am 100% for everything they stand for and the work they do to ensure our rights our protected. I am a life member, I would wholeheartedly recommend my friends join, but NRA, STOP WITH THE DAMN SPAM! Emails, mails, telephone calls! They are worse than those Chinese Bank Of America scam calls. Just stop! Spend MY money on folks that are not members, spend it on advertising, spend it on more perks for me! I had a "Director" of the NRA call me up a couple of weeks ago, I told her the same exact thing. Just non stop, forced down my throat spam. Stop it! *Rant Over*4 points
4 points
Well it's here! Just went to the FFL to do the do! As I am not a Citizen it always takes a bit longer, has to go through ICE, but they will call me when I'm cleared. I'll post pics when I get it4 points
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2 points
Had them all my life. With the exception of hand guns of course. Sold everything I owned before I moved to the US 6 years ago. Slowly building up my arsenal again. I hate that word arsenal BTW, it pains me to write the word. Wish is could be changed to Manchester United.2 points
A Brit with a gun? Will wonders never cease? Welcome the light side (or right side) of the Force!2 points
Please keep us posted on your progress with this. I hope it's resolved to your satisfaction!2 points
If we are going that way 45-70 Government, they are all animals up there....2 points
Most knowledgeable trainers would argue that a canine that’s trained to bite is far less likely to bite out of fear/reaction than an untrained canine. These dogs know when, why, and how to bite. There’s no chance of getting mine to bite without an act of aggression. There’s definitely a chance that a canine doesn’t do well with the work and may not have the head for it, and it’s up to a responsible owner/trainer to decide what the dog is capable of learning. They are also taught to bite and hold instead of chewing and ripping. I couldn’t stand letting @ReeferMac having the only puppy. My next monster came home Sunday.2 points
Got a 1791 holster from off e-bay. It is a BH-1 open top owb for a 1911 5 inch model. It is brown on black. Upon initial inspection it is a quality product, fits perfectly and holds the pistol nicely. I had never heard of this company before but think they will have a good future. Price was $55 before shipping. https://.1791leather.com1 point
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1 point
My conspiracy theory: The American Cancer Society does not exist to wipe out cancer. The American Heart Association does not exist to cure heart disease. They would be putting themselves out of business. You see where this goes??.....1 point
I just came here to post that, lol. Well, thanks TN. Your jacking around is going to cause me to have to get a new DL even though it was just renewed 1.5 years ago.1 point
Well between the NRA and GOA they are the only real 2 organizations who are fighting for the 2d Amendment.1 point
1 point
From the NRA. Tennessee: Setting the Record Straight on “Red Flag” Legislation Recently, a representative of a Tennessee based fundraising group that purports to support the Second Amendment has been implying that the NRA supports so-called “red flag” legislation that would deny gun owners their Second Amendment rights without due process. To be clear, the NRA strongly opposes SB 1178 /HB 1446, and SB 943 /HB 1049, as well as any other so-called “red flag” bills that would deny an individual their Second Amendment rights without due process. Please contact the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to OPPOSE SB 1178. SB1178, sponsored by Senator Steven Dickerson, will be heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, March 26th. This egregious gun control bill seeks to create an avenue by which gun owners could lose their gun rights following an ex-parte hearing where the gun owner would have no opportunity to challenge the claims being made by a petitioner. A gun owner who has an order issued against them would have no ability to transfer their firearms to a third party. Further, this bill includes vague definitions of relationships without timeframes where someone could petition for an order against someone they have not seen or lived with in 40 years. NRA opposed similar legislation, Senate Bill 670, during the 2018 legislative session. These bills do not respect a citizen’s right to due process and the NRA strongly opposes this legislation as we always have. Again, don’t let disingenuous fundraising efforts divide Second Amendment supporters in Tennessee with erroneous claims and shallow scare tactics.1 point
Thanks. Odd that they'd require an appointment, but you gotta do what ya gotta do. lol1 point
Elections have consequences........ The days of "they really aren't going to try to ban that" are over.....too many socialist/communist/ statists have been elected to office in that party to the point that now in 2019 Nancy Pelosi (the historic left wing standard bearer) seems more like a moderate democrat (or liberal republican) than a liberal democrat now compared to how far left many in her party are rushing. They DO mean what they say... they ARE absolutely opposed to the 2A and they WILL ban everything they can the next time they control all 3 branches. I fear we have come to the proverbial end of the line. The gloves are off and they don't care who knows what they really think. At this point if you believe in the 2nd Amendment and support it then an entire political party's leadership has become militantly opposed to you and your way of life. Vote accordingly if that is important to you.1 point
Tried that a few times The point is though. They would be better of spending that money elsewhere, I even asked the lady that called em to take me off the list. Yes sir, we will do that immediately, and still it goes on. Now I am sure I can call back, and that's on me, but regardless, it should not be forced down anyone's throat at the level they do.1 point
They waste a ton of money on that crap and the fear mongering they do is the worst...its like how stupid do you think I really am...and the amount some of those guys make.....sheez….1 point
1 point
Congrats. I've always liked SeaDoos but if I ever drop the money, I'm getting a pontoon boat.1 point
After mucho deliberation, and after clearing this with the financial adviser (i.e. the wife) I am going to get one of these . Going to look at one on Saturday!1 point
1 point
Can't believe I'm about to say this, since I'm such a fan of compact size pistols. I found the RO Compact just a bit awkward and small for me. I just couldn't get comfortable with it. Of course this was just a shop handle and drool testing. lol Like asu174, I do find the RO Elite Champion 9 to be much more to my tastes. jmo I have found that the 1911 frame and I are becoming good friends, especially in 9mm. I find it much more controllable and thereby more fun to shoot, than other pistols. But I'm just wimpy...can't handle the big boy calibers anymore. lol1 point
I would send it in, I have had a couple of experiences with Kimber's service department and they have gone beyond my expectations.1 point
1 point
Appreciate all the info to date:) We are making a trip down in 10 days (3/31-4/2) to look at a property and probably put in an offer. 20+ acres, NOT in Metro-Knoxville, almost completely wooded, probably less than an acre of "not trees". I don't want to shovel, sure as #### I don't want to mow either:) The short term plan is "off the deck" shooting, slowly cut a longer swath. I'm dead nutz on at 100 yards with a few rifles, my 55 year old eyes require good glass though. My guess is I'd probably cut 50 yards the 1st year, then add 50 a year until I'm out to 300. Just so long as I can get M.O.B.H. at 100+ I'm happy:) IDGAF if somebody wants to walk, hike, or bike across my land, my ONLY issue is if I'm out shooting and somebody appears downrange just as I squeeze. So wondering what signage is appropriate. If a neighbor happens to take a deer 50 feet inside my line, so long as they don't leave a steaming pile behind all I want is a steak or two when they dress it:) As to the neighbors, if they hear gunfire, they're welcome to bring guns, pizza and soda. Beer and steaks after shooting are on me:) And by neighbors I mean pretty much anybody that appreciates the moldy old document the Founders came up with a few years back Liberals and snowflakes need not apply.1 point
I also vote for sending it in-you more than likely will get a new slide and barrel-which pretty much makes the pistol like new.1 point
https://www.armyrecognition.com/march_2019_global_defense_security_army_news_industry/us_special_operations_command_awards_big_contract_to_barrett_for_sniper_rifles.html1 point
Welcome! As I've found here in the Cookeville area it's ok outside City limits and you sound like you're looking for all the right features in a property but..... TN is growing fast by leaps and bounds, with subdivisions popping up all over. 10 acres you buy today might be fine untill the neighbor sells out and houses start going up in a couple of years! I'd buy as much land and as Far out as I could tolorate if it was me. I'm kinda new here to TN myself and this is a subject I'm interested in so I'll be watching to see what the locale Knoxville folks say. Good luck with the move.1 point
My vote: Send it in. Don't trust a local gunsmith to fix a problem with an extraction system that even the manufacturer couldn't get to work properly. Cheers, Whisper1 point
You CAN pay at class if you must but that’s not really the preferred method for this class. The preferred method is to pay through the Suarez site (link is in original post) . That way they will have you on the roster and I will have a certificate for you at class. If you absolutely need to pay at class we can do that it I will just have to do all the paperwork there and then have to send you a certificate the next week after they do the revised accounting.1 point
What is this "selling" you speak of?1 point
I have to agree with this as well. I'll show you my permit, and I'll sign a bill of sale, but no one is getting a photo of my permit or my DL. Sorry.1 point
All I ever ask is that a purchaser have any one of the following: (1) A valid Tennessee HCP. (2) A Tennessee Armed Security License. (3) Be Law Enforcement. That tells me that a background check has already been done. I don't take pictures, I just want to see it and see that it is valid. I won't remember anyone's address, DOB, etc. I can't even remember my own much less anyone else's. Now what were we talking about again????1 point
1 point
I was going to get one of these but decided it was overkill just for me. You can get all kinds of accessories, they only draw about 4" of water and are supposed to be very stable. I went with a 10' Pond Prowler instead. http://www.protatch.com/pontoon-boats/1 point
0 points
.404 and .500 Jeffrey, I know not an animal, but just ask my wife.0 points
If you start fishing from a jet ski you might just be a bigger redneck than the ones born here.0 points
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