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Finally found a Python in what I consider good shape and I could afford. I've been on the Python search for quite some time now. Most of them I'd want to take home must have gold screws! Sorry for the lousy pics.6 points
4 points
People want to dress their guns up, so you have this. Honestly think that ARs have got people wanting tinker toy guns now. Not saying ARs are bad, cause they aren't. But people now want to customize all their guns. It's the fashion statement of the gun industry now.3 points
3 points
Garufa covered it in his posts. I'd posit the "container securely affixed to such motor vehicle" primarily had motorcycles in mind. - OS2 points
It does not. It clearly say OR after the preceding scenarios. There are four options: 1. Locked in trunk 2. Locked in glove box 3. Anywhere inside the vehicle out of site, like under the seat, with the vehicle locked. 4. Locked in something firmly affixed to the vehicle...interior or exterior.2 points
www.tnsportsfoundation.org Tennessee Sports Foundation Jackson, Tennessee. Metallic Silhouette 2019 Schedule begins this Saturday. We Shoot 9am to 3pm New relay begins every hour on the hour. $10.00 shoots all day. NRA approved Match Sb- Rifle, Sb-Hunter, Cowboy SB lever. Sb Hunter Pistol Any and all other .22lr Rifles welcome. NON NRA classes will shoot in a Club Class for FUN (no official points / scores). Feel free to bring Multiple rifles and shoot multiple classes. Every Third Saturday. KING of Tennessee invitational MAY and October (two day combined discipline events SB rifle and Cowboy) . All sorts of things happening this year in Metallic Silhouette at Tennessee's premier venue and the ONLY NRA approved matches in the state. Facebook Group all things Silhouette and up to date information.1 point
Locked inside the vehicle is fine, as long as it is out of sight. The method of security is simply a personal choice. Academy has several such cases which offer very good security with thicker cables. Certainly better than a glove box. If you are concerned about crossing state lines where your gun is not welcomed, a lockable case inside the truck is a must. Furthermore, no ammo in the gun or passenger compartment.1 point
Ok , so what I can take from this is I can lock it in the glove box and I am good. As long as the vehicle is locked of course. Thanks to you all for taking the time to reply ! Awesome!1 point
It's a done deal. On Monday Gov. Matt Bevin (R) signed legislation making the Second Amendment the only concealed carry permit needed in Kentucky. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/03/11/governor-matt-bevin-eliminates-concealed-permit-requirement-in-kentucky/1 point
I don't care if they was squib loads. He should've still known that they wasn't coming out the barrel. I think God looks out for and protects stupid people.1 point
As long as your doors are lock and it is out of sight you are good.1 point
ChuckT is correct. The vehicle itself is a locked container...as long as it’s locked of course. in other words you could lock it up in the glove compartment, trunk, or some kind of attached lockbox, leave the car unlocked, and you are still in compliance. Additionally, you could lock it up in a truckbed toolbox and still be good. Tecnically, you could even chain a safe to the bumper and have it dangling in the breeze.1 point
1 point
What law are you referring to?1 point
I'm a big CZ fan, but I'm also a big fan of "value" or getting the most for my dollar spent. That being said I'd go with the CZ, if nothing else just for the sheer amount of aftermarket support. Some items interchange, but a lot don't. You should be able to find a 75B for around $450, and that's a ton of gun for the money. All of course is just my opinion, which is held in high regard... by me.1 point
Yeah, doesn't make any sense that that would happen with full power loads. Hard to believe there's 35 bullets in the Bbl let alone any full power loads were shot. Full power , something would have failed in a big way. Again, JMHO. Probably reloads.1 point
https://www.tnsportsfoundation.org/metallic-silhouette.html Tennessee Sports Foundation Jackson, Tennessee Small Bore Silhouette 3rd Saturday of each month March- November1 point
1 point
I have a couple of the cheapies from Harbor Freight. They look a lot like the one that Ronald_55 mentioned, but i paid almost 20.00 for them. Mine attached via a cable that loops through an attachment point. My vehicle has a series of cargo rings in the back and I currently have it attached to one of those. I am not happy with that though as I have to exit the vehicle to stow the weapon, and Id rather not broadcast to the world what Im doing. My front seats are not high enough though to attach it there. I may look at some kind of inside the console lock or box, eventually.1 point
If S&R doesn't work out check out the Sparta gun show coming up in May. Thats a kind of a long wait but, you will usually see a few Garands there.1 point
As far as I know the law just says "secured" without specifics. Someone, maybe @Oh Shoot , could give us a more expert opinion.1 point
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You might try here. I've always heard he was the best. http://bowenclassicarms.com/about.html1 point
No food coloring regardless of the color of the container. They just want the sugar water. 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Heat to combine and kill any contaminants. Store in fridge. It's pretty simple. Make enough so you can fill regularly. They want fresh liquid so if it has been out in the heat for a couple of days, they will start to not eat it. Don't overfill the holder to not waste it. Better off to fill a small amount daily or every other day.1 point
If you don't mind keyed, you can go the cheap route. https://www.academy.com/shop/pdp/snapsafe-lg-lock-box#repChildCatid=57535011 point
I lubed it pretty aggressively, and the issue nearly went away. I had one FTF, but the rest of the mag was sent just fine. Last round hold open also failed. But that's progress from not feeding at all. I'll clean it thoroughly and lube it up some more, and see if the issue goes away entirely.1 point
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Isn't the constitutional right that she is referring to the 2nd amendment? Isn't that why we have the 2nd?1 point
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I'm looking at the KY folks that have a permit that's easier than TN, with probably a little less reciprocity acceptance. With constitutional carry now, there's some argument for tightening the Deadly Weapons permit. They probably never will.1 point
People will spend more if you’ll just give them a path to do it.1 point
REMOVE the penalty for carrying past signage ! Signs protect NO ONE. And an otherwise law abiding person should not be able to be prosecuted for committing the "crime" of refusing to be helpless.1 point
Amen. Make it a TRULY enhanced permit and make it so that it overrides signage , etc and they will have to hire extra people to process all the applications....1 point
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Control freaks gonna control. RINO's really are a huge problem in our state.1 point
1 point
I am not so sure...he was the subject of a lot of fun threads.0 points
0 points
Wait til you see my Voldemort(kwik) PLR "handgun"....it'll be glorious lol0 points
I can smuggle a gun into the safe. No way the wife would miss that in the driveway. Lol0 points
If that happens when you go out for a shotgun what happens when you go out to buy a new truck?0 points
I just wrote a check to uncle Sam big enough to support a large illegal family in perpetuity. I thought this thread would be about the IRS.0 points
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