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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/2019 in all areas
Just got finished with the belt, the holster and mag pouch were done a while ago , but I wanted to photo them all together. Holster and pouch are left hand Avenger style for a GLOCK 43.3 points
Hi All, I've been a member for a while but never used TGO much. A shooting buddy is on here all the time and talks about what a great bunch of people as well as some good deals on guns. I'm a former military cop and collect and shoot mostly old military and police sidearms. Native Tennessean going back 6 generations and grew up hunting in order to eat. Now confine my shooting to the range. Would like to meet and talk with other members, especially those from beautiful Northeast Tennessee. 10aCVol2 points
I got the e-mail today. "This email is to notify you that your order has been received and you have been assigned a number through the random number generating process. You will find your number listed below. At this time, we do not have enough 1911 type pistols to complete your order. Should the Army send us another shipment of sufficient quantity, we will use those 1911 type pistols to fill the next orders in line. Please do not contact us or reply to this email at this time. Your generated number: 10263 Thanks, CMP 1911 Program" Well, just my luck. No gun for me this year. But I should be fairly early in next year's batch. Oh well, at least I do know for sure that I'm on the list and the paperwork is on file. Honestly, I was beginning to worry as I wasn't sure if I put enough postage on the envelope. I guess at this point its pretty safe to say that all of this year's allotment has been accounted for. The list will roll over and from what I understand there's no plans to take new applications for several years at least. Ok then. Next year it is.2 points
What security checkpoint is going to stop a forklift operator? They just act like they know what they're doing and everyone assumes they're just working. Easy peasy.2 points
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I just wish they would use that new tax money on gas to fix these damn potholes.2 points
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why? I argue with myself frequently about this. On one hand 'we' want constitutional carry. Stories like this argue against it as does my personal experience as an instructor. On the other hand, I feel more training is required. It comes down to the lack of personal responsibility, with or without a permit. Still no laws against stupid.2 points
I’ve been quiet and I suppose in denial. My son and my cousin’s wife are battling cancer. My son has had four week long sessions of chemo, his numbers were down after every session. He was supposed to be cured after those; he is not. He is now facing more chemo and possibly radiation and surgery; he is my son and business partner. My cousin’s wife has had lots of chemo and a stem cell transplant, she is doing well; as I understand, on her way to a hopefully total recovery. I don’t ask for sympathy, just lots of prayers; the squeakiest wheel gets the grease. Send the grease.....1 point
I haven’t shared anything in a while and I figure some of you might enjoy these photos of a couple somewhat recent additions, a pair of Swedish M38s. Both are all matching and function extremely well, which I suppose fits with their reputation. I recommend a Swedish Mauser to any surplus shooter/collector. First the older...1 point
I have one dated 1900. Has the same micro adjustable rear sight insert as the first one pictured. Adds about $100 to the value of the gun.1 point
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One of the guys here at the shop (firefighter/paramedic) knows him. He's from Cottontown, too. Said he's been out to this guys' house on three calls the past month. He's a belligerent drunk. Trouble from the get-go.1 point
Thankfully I've never had any kind of shooting accident. Whisper, glad you didnt get hurt bad.1 point
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I seem to recall the Husqvarna logo captures their legacy of gun making. Pretty cool, thanks for posting!1 point
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I was going through some old pics on my PC. I was actually looking for the Rabbit hunting I used to do but I must have got rid of all the photos. Anyhoo, I thought some of you may be interested in a small trip down memory lane! Ferrets were used for Rabbiting! The Landrover was my shooting wagon, there was literally nowhere where that could go, and my personal best Carp, 34lb Mirror Carp!1 point
I've said it before and will keep saying it, we could tax it (stupidity) and fully fund the government. I would probably be in for a tax liability increase should the country take such action, at least initially. As far as training goes, a basic firearms class should be pre-req in grammar school, another in high school, and a few electives offered along the way. Since we are no longer teaching students to read, write, and cipher, they should have plenty of free time for it.1 point
I am willing to give some basic instruction, but I do not baby-sit a shooter. The permit class is primarily on safety and the laws that deal with carrying and self-defense. In TN one can have a gun in their auto and home without a permit, but I simply cannot accept that I may enable someone to carry a gun that doesn't possess at least a minimum of basic gun handling and accuracy skill. For what it is worth, in the public, you, myself, and our families may be walking next to or down range from these people.1 point
Same thing in Lebanon. I haven't heard any of the usual excuses.1 point
Idiot never should have been issued a HCP and I hope taking his is just the first step of his punishment.1 point
Was I the only one that caught he was waiting on MOM ? Now as someone who cares for an elderly parent and goes heeled I've yet to call someone out while Dad is getting his 60 roll pack of Brawny A little more investigating and reading several stories from several other networks suggest this guy is 57 and lives with mommy and was wearing a veterans hat when the showdown/shoutdown took place. While many focused on the eyes in his mugshot my first giveaway was the hoodie. I bet lunch that he was also sporting white sneakers and trotted out to his ( or mommies) Prius in the handicapped space and still has a BERNIE 2016 sticker on his trunk lid.1 point
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I dread the thought of where we would be with the whore of Babylon at the wheel. Bug eyed idiots are everywhere and they all think the world owes them something. I'm glad no one was killed or injured1 point
Not sure what action I would have taken had he pointed a gun at me, but if my wife was also involved as the story indicated, someone would have left on a stretcher.1 point
up to 2.4% online these days. Better than loaning it to the gummit for nothing. Much better. - OS1 point
I absolutely love this! https://www.cbsnews.com/news/the-brave-ones-zimbabwe-domestic-violence-survivors-trained-sharpshooters-hunt-poachers/1 point
Lock stock and barrel is good as is Franklin gun shop. Franklin gun shop is a bit pricey but they are good.1 point
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