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I talked to a cousin in SC who said the same thing. He was on the fence about getting his carry permit, but decided to go ahead and take the class. After looking around the room in the class, he quickly determined that if all these nut jobs have guns, I darn sure need one too.6 points
Good. I also hope that more agencies start adopting such a policy rather than the current norm. If they want to catch people or serve a warrant, just have some patience and wait.4 points
HPD Chief Acevedo has said that HPD will be ending its use of no knock warrants. This is a big deal and a direction that I fervently hope will be adopted by departments nationwide. https://www.chron.com/news/houston-texas/article/Houston-police-to-end-use-of-no-knock-warrants-13626158.php4 points
Crazy liberals are starting to arm themselves and they're a thousand times more dangerous than we ever thought about being.4 points
why? I argue with myself frequently about this. On one hand 'we' want constitutional carry. Stories like this argue against it as does my personal experience as an instructor. On the other hand, I feel more training is required. It comes down to the lack of personal responsibility, with or without a permit. Still no laws against stupid.3 points
3 points
There are some seriously crazy people out there. While I can appreciate the anger the gentleman must have felt, confronting a crazy asshat known to have a gun just isn't the smartest move. That's a slippery slope towards "mutual combat". Just call the police and file the compliant. If you have to fight for your life that's one thing, if you can disengage just do it. My preference is being deselected as a target in the first place. Not saying the guy can't wear what he wants. I don't care if he puts daisies in his hair. I'd just rather stay a bit more gray... Avoidance-Deterrence- and De-escalation is still good advice. I hope this idiot gets solid jail time. The left will use his being an HCP holder against us, the law abiding gun carriers, and conveniently avoid the actual facts.3 points
This is a very valid point and one I too struggle reconciling. With Rights come Responsibilities. When I long ago made the decision to obtain my permit and carry a handgun daily I understood the need to learn to do so safely and competently. I received my first State wide permit when my then home of MS became a Shall Issue State. That was 1990. They didn't even require a class of any type. So I took it upon myself to start down that path. Many thousands of dollars and many hundreds of hours of training and practice, and many, many miles traveled, and I am still on that journey, and it's just that, a journey, not a destination. I pray I never stop learning and improving. That's because I take that responsibility seriously. I know many of you do as well. But we are not representative of the majority. That's unfortunate and we see it manifested in actions like this fool in the article. Sad indeed. chances R is right...you can't legislate stupid away...2 points
Was I the only one that caught he was waiting on MOM ? Now as someone who cares for an elderly parent and goes heeled I've yet to call someone out while Dad is getting his 60 roll pack of Brawny A little more investigating and reading several stories from several other networks suggest this guy is 57 and lives with mommy and was wearing a veterans hat when the showdown/shoutdown took place. While many focused on the eyes in his mugshot my first giveaway was the hoodie. I bet lunch that he was also sporting white sneakers and trotted out to his ( or mommies) Prius in the handicapped space and still has a BERNIE 2016 sticker on his trunk lid.2 points
2 points
Well look at the bright side. You now have something to do on all these rainy days we're having.2 points
2 points
+1 on this. Personal responsibility can't be stated enough. And that extends past guns, we are losing that in society in general. I have family and friends that could use a lesson in it yet they ramble on through life expecting someone else to take care of it.1 point
That's common. A lot of the people showing up for class have shot once or never and have a new gun. I can't tell you how many people come in buy a gun and tell me they are taking their class the next day. Sad thing is a lot of people think that the class is " training" and they never shoot/train again, or maybe 100 rounds a year.1 point
I had some really smart people in my class both in classroom and on the range when I went to take my permit class. It was not a to diversed group. Did have two middle aged ladies that aced their classroom and Range tests both. Then we had 1 elderly gentleman That did fine in classroom grade but range test was a lot different and I have to had it to Chad, our instructor as he ask the class to bare with him and Chad and his partner were down on the range trying to assist the gentleman in passing the range test. The issue was the gentleman showed up with a Smith&Wesson Snub 38 brand new in the box that he had never fired and 1 box of ammo. 1.5 hours and 4 boxes of ammo later the man was able to get a passing grade. Chad told the gentleman if he planned on using the gun for anything he needed to dedicate a lot of time and ammo at the range with the gun.1 point
I love my LCP for pocket carry. I even belt carry it from time to time. If I could trade up to a LCP2 for mine and 50, I’d probably do it, just for the sights, though. I see the 2s on sale for $225.1 point
I dread the thought of where we would be with the whore of Babylon at the wheel. Bug eyed idiots are everywhere and they all think the world owes them something. I'm glad no one was killed or injured1 point
Thanks for pointing that out. I read it a couple of times and flat missed that. I'm going to blame it on age and progressive lenses. Yes, that's what I'm claiming. That sounds much better than I can't read AND comprehend. Lol1 point
1 point
1 point
I have friends in upstate New York who feel the same way. Some beautiful land they live on but unfortunately their area isn't represented by the beliefs of people in the area. As my friend says, that one big blob of people has ruined our entire state.1 point
I grew up in NY my whole life to parents who grew up on farms. When I moved here my dad commented on how this state feels like the way New York used to be when he was a kid. You're going to love it!1 point
You will love it down here. It will take a while to get use to all the freedom but it is great. I made the move about 4 years ago. First gun shop I stopped in, even before we had officially moved, asked where I was from and when I told him he said welcome to America. So I pass it on to you for when you get moved.1 point
Since we are on 380s, will do a slight hijack. Had 3 people shoot the 380 EZ in a class yesterday. Seem to be a right nice gun with good size, accuracy, and ease of use.1 point
If you wear one out, they aren't very expensive to replace. I find it to be a non issue.1 point
My XDs came with three mags and a holster. That was a while back. I don't know what they come with now. I'll have to ask my wife where her HS2000 is. Her guns and shoes migrate around the house.1 point
I don't know. But I think a person would be smart to be as proficient as possible with any emergency tool they choose to use. I shoot the crap out of my J Frame and handload to be able to afford to do so. It's a niche tool, for NPE or as a secondary...but I am responsible for each round launched from it. So I applaud your desire to do this tercel. Way back when, late '80's early 90's, I had an AMT .380 backup, handloaded for it, and shot the crap out of it. Guns eventually wear out if shot enough. Why not own 2 of them? One for training/practice and one to carry if that's your chosen tool. Just my $0.2 worth...1 point
I have an older lcp 1 and while I’m sure it would last 20k rounds I would worry about the barrrel and other moving parts at that point. The bigger question is who would want to put 20k rounds through one? They are not fun guns to shoot.1 point
up to 2.4% online these days. Better than loaning it to the gummit for nothing. Much better. - OS1 point
I have this aluminum hand stop on two of my ar’s. I like it a lot. Simple and effecitve. They’re made by Phase 5 and they’re around $30.1 point
Yes, I'm dragging this up from the almost dead... I've got several new series started that I haven't made up my mind about. If anything turns out promising I will let everyone know. This is not survival related but I've started read the Corps Justice series by C.G. Cooper. Just general save the day kick butt action by a group of ex-marines. The author lives somewhere south of Nashville and the base of the company that these guys work for is located in the Nashville area. The entire first novel was pretty much in Nashville. This is not deep thinking stuff. Much more along the lines of turning off your mind and drifting through the book while embracing your inner mall ninja... Mark1 point
Guys, we need to fight this with every ounce of energy that we have. The time for letting the NRA, GOA, 2AF, and everyone else fight for our rights is long past. It's time to actually get off our butts and make it important enough that we call, write, email, and even VISIT our elected representatives and tell them that there will be hell to pay at the voting booth if they support this.1 point
Bumping this thread back to life as there are so many incredible book recommendations. Thanks to @hipower I have been on a D.J.Molles trek for some time now. He's a really solid author with an entertaining and easily read style. Hipower , being a great guy, did a bit of "horse-trading" with me and I started with "The Remaining" series. https://www.amazon.com/Remaining-D-J-Molles-author/dp/0356503453/ref=pd_bxgy_img_2?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=0356503453&pd_rd_r=be47db81-f945-11e8-9ac6-bf091afce61c&pd_rd_w=sGN9q&pd_rd_wg=iRdzf&pf_rd_p=6725dbd6-9917-451d-beba-16af7874e407&pf_rd_r=PBPAG2P2B7ZSFJDA2V22&psc=1&refRID=PBPAG2P2B7ZSFJDA2V22 I've also read "Wolves" and the series "A Grower's War". I guess I am a bonifide D.J.Molles fan. I've also recently read Volume 10 of the A. American Going Home survivalist series "Home Coming". It's a bit formulaic but still entertaining. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0996696059/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Please don't let this thread die my friends. Share what you've been reading. It doesn't have to be "Survival" oriented you know.1 point
When I took the class I had shot many rounds before deciding to take the class and brought a .22 LR. We had a young lady to show up with a borrowed 44 magnum and she had never fired a gun before. With the first cylinder emptied she never even hit the board that housed the target. Before the day was over (after a bit of personal instruction from the teacher) she was proficient enough to pass but the beginning was a bit scary for the rest of us.0 points
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