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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/2019 in all areas

  1. Apparently y'all have no appreciation for the classics. How sad for you. I happen to be quite fond of the Walther PP series pistols. They're still around after almost 90 years for a simple reason. They work.
    4 points
  2. Old time siding, seen it a lot in my life.
    4 points
  3. First let me say I had graduated PA Gunsmith school back in 81. It was a 18 month long full time school. Latter on I had a store front full service gunsmith business 82-96. So, over the years I'v tried a variety of holsters. Shoulder, Belly band, ankle and whatever else in between. Finding a good comfortable leather holster is not an easy thing especially since most models would have to be mail ordered and nice Leather has gotten pretty pricy. I'v always been drawn to pan cake style leather. Problem is, try finding that in a cross draw and forget about it. It basically doesn't exist. Well it does now! Thanks to our very own 1911alltheway from right here at TGO, I was able to bring my one of a kind holster design to life. And man am I happy with it! The attention to detail and craftsmanship is first rate. He even put the wrap around curve in it just as I asked. The tension on the magazines is perfect, the thumb snap is exactly where it should be with the perfect tension as well. This is a true pan cake holster as you can see the items do in fact bulge to the inside as well as the outside making it as protrusion less as physically possible. The holster's weight distribution is exactly what I wanted. Sitting belted into your vehicle was all so a consideration that works well with this design. An all in one for my 4 3/4" barrel 1911. A light jacket conceal holster packing 25 rds of cocked & locked 45's that is bulge-less at the swing of your arms. If you have a little bit of a buffet mussel on you as I do, a fit name has got to be the belly button buddy! It started out as a card board cut out sent to Eagle Creek Gunleather over in Paris, TN Like Magic.... here it was only weeks latter! It would be a sin not to plug this guy's work here so if you want a one of a kind built to your spec's or one like my "XT all in one Pancake" drop him a note & make a dream come true! eaglecreekgunleather@hotmail.com
    3 points
  4. Due to start shipping out to retailers the end of this month. Let's hope they've ironed out the issues from when S&W had the license to manufacture, have always wanted one. https://www.guns.com/news/2019/01/15/the-iconic-walther-ppk-ppk-s-is-now-u-s-made-and-ready-to-ship-this-month-photos?fbclid=IwAR1JOaVyT_enbwNQUKZ_BfFT_noYsIQe89vi_qVw-7AmNWAkqQYX4s5s_uI
    2 points
  5. " Quit being poor!" HK Customer support Probably
    2 points
  6. Is the ejection the only sign of overgas that you have? Is your brass dented at all? If you have an adjustable gas block and the next setting down won't properly cycle the bolt, I'd lean towards your issue not be overgassing but something else.
    2 points
  7. If you’re ever at the range with Mr. btq96r, keep the above quote in mind if he offers to let you shoot one of his pistols.
    2 points
  8. Recent transplant from the left coast. But i sure like the way people think here!! Been shooting for around 55 + years now, but want to learn and contribute when i can. Regards, Hamshog
    1 point
  9. He is an extraordinary craftsman and I think his work is magnificent.
    1 point
  10. Just ONE week to go on this one! This one is Rifle and Close Range Pistol Gunfighting in a single 3 day weekend ! Hope to see you there!
    1 point
  11. honestly if its functioning well I sure wouldn't go any heavier than an H3...if the brass isn't dented I wouldn't be concerned at all.
    1 point
  12. I will never sell my VP9 just so I can say I'm part of the HK master race.
    1 point
  13. MSRP is usually higher than street price on anything, willing to wait and see what they go for. I'd go $550. I paid $369 for the 22LR version and love shooting it.
    1 point
  14. I pass an old house turned into a storage building with that on it every time I go out the back way from my house. I guess in the day it upscaled the house visually. Kind of like linoleum tile inside.
    1 point
  15. I've actually seen that siding on a couple of houses. Caption: I know where you've been, I want a divorce!
    1 point
  16. I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with that. It takes way more effort than I think it should to convince myself to not worry about it. A guy I know carries a G19X IWB. The butt of the pistol sticks way out and to me, it's comically obvious. Yet no one seems to notice or care. I see that and wonder why I have to talk myself into wearing the 9 on my belt (which is nearly invisible by comparison) instead of the 380 in my pocket. That aside, I'd agree that the tomcat is quite wide by current standards. Give the Shield 380 EZ a look.
    1 point
  17. Welcome to the land of hi cap mags
    1 point
  18. Those rounds were awesome, if memory serves we abandoned the project because they would hand chamber, but not hand eject through my 34. They cycled just fine if you loaded up a magazine and just shot them.
    1 point
  19. I think you make some excellent points in this post. In Oct 2017 we ( Brad, @BrasilNuts, and I) cast, coated, and worked up some 160 gr 9mm loads. Using Titegroup we came up with some very accurate and soft recoiling loads. Our velocities ranged from 824 fps to 940 fps out of a Glock 17 and a Glock 34. (FWIW the 824 fps dropped to 753 fps in my Shield). The 940 fps loads showed signs of overpressure. I guess with a proprietary powder mixture and the proper, professional grade pressure testing equipment the ammo manufactures should have, their claims may be safely achievable. I believe some competition folks on BE Forums work with this bullet weight in 9mm and many of them are quite knowledgeable... I would like to read more about their testing and development procedures though. But I imagine they hold that info close. I wouldn't mind working with some 185 gr bullets for S&G's. But I'll happily stick with 147 gr HST or similar for a carry load. At $1.38/per round I don't think I'll be purchasing any to play with.
    1 point
  20. Try being a fat guy in tight clothes.....
    1 point
  21. Generally once every few days is plenty.
    1 point
  22. Something doesn't add up. I don't buy their claims that their 9mm round is equal to the momentum of a .45. Momentum (aka power factor) = bullet weight x velocity. An average 230 grain .45 travels at say 850 fps. Momentum = 195500. They claim 950 fps for their 185 9mm, which equates to 175570. Whatever. What is truly baffling is their claim that their 185 round feels softer due to slower burning powder. Slow powders usually result in more velocity and recoil because they take longer to build up a bigger bang. Fast powders shoot their wad before the party really gets going. That Newton fellow said for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, and that is true. However, one can manipulate the feel of that reaction. Competitive pistol shooters know that big (for caliber) bullets loaded with small charges of fast burning powder result in a softer "push" feeling recoil. However, some prefer a lighter faster bullet, sometimes loaded with a larger charge of slower burning powder, which gives more of a "pop" sensation. It depends on the shooter's preference of which one they believe helps them reacquire the sights. The problem is that bigger bullets cut down on the case capacity required to contain enough slower burning powder to work and their 185 load has almost no case capacity. Unless they are using a compressed load or some type of 8" test barrel, I'm not sure I believe their claims of 950 fps. I suppose a quick magazine through a chronograph would settle the matter.
    1 point
  23. You in Shelby? My money is for them to use the Mississippi to go north, if they haven't already. Yes, one by the center of the hotzone, and an other to the northeast of it, and the Ames hunting area too. I'm betting that it was imported deer by one or more of them.
    1 point
  24. Kinda like glow in the dark condoms.... if you can’t figure it out without it glowing, maybe you don’t need to be doing it.
    1 point
  25. You kind of touch on this at around 30 minutes but I guess you could say that I operate at the most grassroots level. I try very hard to introduce people to shooting. I I encourage them to come with me and try out what they hate so much. I've changed some minds and I've also had some incredible conversations about guns and laws. I think its great.
    1 point
  26. HK is indeed mighty slow in introducing new products. They test them long and hard before they're released. But...how often do you hear about them recalling their guns? The VP45 has been rumored for a while. The rumors of the long-slide VP9 have proven true, so maybe the VP45 is next. In the meantime, there's the HK45.... Cheers, Whisper
    1 point
  27. I love all of the comments of make a 45 or why isn't it milled. I'm totally guilty of this too. I love telling companies what they should sell me. But this is HK we are talking about. Be happy that they are even selling you this. "Because you suck and we hate you."
    1 point
  28. I remember a Vietnam era US sniper talking about using the enemy's glow from a cigarette as a target aid. Not sure I want anything extra glowing if I am in a tactical situation. Also, I am in the "Why do I need to spend more money?" camp. I know where the safety is and what position equals fire and safe. This provides no functional benefit.
    1 point
  29. I tend to agree with this. One bad action is all it takes. Now to keep things interesting was it an anti gun person who left it there? Oh crap gotta run to the store I am out of tin foil again.
    1 point
  30. Actually, its not that uncommon and seems to happen now and then. And usually, its someone that is very accustomed to carrying, such as a LEO. I'm sure you've all seen stories in the past about the Chief, detective or even uniformed officer who left their handgun in the can or elsewhere. The person is just so used to having it be there that they forget it isn't. Some years ago, the city I worked for did a blood drive. The Bloodmobile parked at a fire station and that's where we went to give. One of our female police officers finished up and I took her place on that couch. A few minutes later, I'm laying back there just chillin' and doing the thing, when I hear tires squeal as a patrol car comes flying into the parking lot. This same officer jumps out of the car, runs inside and walks directly up to me. Then, with a very red face, she opened the drawer under the couch, retrieved her service weapon and put it back in her holster. Neither one of us said a word as she turned and left. Hell, I'll even admit that a time or two I've been in a hurry to go somewhere. I feel the holster on my belt and figure all is good. But then I walk out of the house and realize that I forgot to put the gun in the holster. BTW: no, I have never left it anywhere in public. When nature calls, I put it in my pants where I can't forget it. Yes, its foolish, irresponsible and embarrassing. But sometimes you're in a hurry and miss a detail or two. Brain farts can happen to the best of us.
    1 point
  31. Their web site says it has the same energy as the 45 acp, just skip the 9mm and use a 45!!!!!!
    1 point
  32. I don't know, does it really make us all look bad? If a teacher does something bad, does it make them all look bad? Or a cop, same question? Sometimes I think we're too hard on ourselves when we ascribe something bad or stupid to us as a whole group. I'm not sure the rest of the public does that against us......but, I'm not sure.
    1 point
  33. This has nothing to with Trump, the Justices don’t answer to him; as it should be. I am curious to see if the Justices keep to the narrow scope of the question before them, or if hopefully they broaden the response to address “reasonable restrictions” by the states. Heller ripped the baby in half by ruling we have the right to keep arms, but states can impose reasonable restrictions on where, when, and what we carry. Will cases continually have to go to SCOTUS (Who doesn’t have to hear them and can stand silent) to determine if restrictions are “reasonable”? We need a ruling that restricting carry off a person’s property is a violation of the 2nd amendment.
    1 point
  34. Just be sure to remove any/all bullet fragments from the carcass before leaving it out. The birds will injest the fragments and die from lead poisoning.
    1 point
  35. I bought my old G22, that was assigned to me, a year ago and put in a 9mm conversion barrel. Works just like a G17. I changed out my extractor and the spring loaded bearing from .40 to 9mm so it's pretty much a 9mm pistol now. I kept the .40 ejector in it since it hits the rim better than the .40 ejector. I think that's because the conversion barrel moves the chamber over just a bit. I did run it with all the .40 parts and just the conversion barrel and it still ran great. So at those prices at AIM you could make a great 9mm project gun.
    1 point
  36. I had the metal racks,they took up too much space and I swapped them all out for these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00V72R4R2/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    1 point
  37. I saw it and just had to have it. Little 9mm takedown carbine. Haven;t shot it yet, hopefully this weekend.
    1 point
  38. Gun socks are the way to go. You can pile them up in there and if you don’t take advantage of the attached labels then every time you go into the safe can be a new adventure in discovery.
    1 point
  39. Not sure if my linked worked so his a pic of the racks I like.
    1 point
  40. I have a door organizer that holds some of the small stuff that was taking more space than it should have. If you have ammo in there, I suggest pulling it all out and reorganizing it. I picked up a fair amount of room just changing the way I stack it.
    1 point
  41. I have two, both shoot one hole @ 100. Everyone I know that has them say they're the most accurate out of the box rifles they've ever had, I agree. Can't go wrong in my opinion.
    1 point
  42. Looks like 2 girls killed Bigfoot and made chaps.
    1 point
  43. "Honey, do these pants make my gun look big?"
    0 points
  44. That’s gonna look silly without a tritium mag release and bolt catch.
    0 points
  45. Well, one can be fairly certain that this individual is not a hand washer either. Is a danger to society AND gross. dude.
    0 points
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