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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2019 in all areas
I've needed some stuff to feel good about lately and this hit the spot today. https://wreg.com/2019/01/22/girls-dad-and-soon-to-be-stepdad-pose-with-her-before-dance/ This is what its supposed to be like. It's not their fault that yall couldn't make it work. Grow up and figure out how to act like an adult so that you can make that kid's world as great as it possibly can be. Stop punishing them for your mistakes. The fact that this is on our local station even though its from Waco hints at it being "viral." I hope that a lot of people see this and learn from it.5 points
4 points
If you're carrying without a permit, you're committing a crime. Don't be stupid.4 points
I always just put the gun into the little basket my drawers make while doing my business. Kind of impossible to not get a reminder it's there if I somehow forget while pulling my pants up.4 points
If you’re ever at the range with Mr. btq96r, keep the above quote in mind if he offers to let you shoot one of his pistols.3 points
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I did a short (45 minute) talk on the notion of putting an end to Second Amendment "Slacktivism" in 2019. Basically, I ask what sort of change could we make if we stopped outsourcing defense of the 2A to big organizations and were willing to take individual responsibility for preserving and furthering 2A causes this year. And I give some ideas on how we can each start doing simple things to further the cause. Give it a listen if you are so inclined. I'd love to hear any feedback that you might have. https://www.shootersnation.com/podcast/0042-lets-end-slactivism-in-2019/2 points
You kind of touch on this at around 30 minutes but I guess you could say that I operate at the most grassroots level. I try very hard to introduce people to shooting. I I encourage them to come with me and try out what they hate so much. I've changed some minds and I've also had some incredible conversations about guns and laws. I think its great.2 points
To add to this, I’m an anarchist. I reject the idea of government being a legitimate entity on principle, and yet I went and got a lifetime permit because I understand the reality of the world we live in. There’s a difference between acting on principle and acting on pride. It’s best not to get them confused.2 points
I don't intend to sell things, but I hedge my bets because I have been poor more often than I like.2 points
Could be because they were off on Sundays, since the paper was usually put together the day before so they could go out first thing in the morning.2 points
Agreed, don't be stupid. You can disagree with laws all you want but to get charged with a crime can destroy your life. Be legal, then get involved and be a catalyst to change.2 points
They do. Its why when someone with an ar shoots up a theater, its not that he is a nut job and needed to be culled, its that we are all evil and need to be disarmed.2 points
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6607587/Man-won-one-dollar-lottery-asks-winnings-paid-giant-check.html?fbclid=IwAR0wzSHk3R-cQ_wP9Yo6MqN6dZuz6Grm_jgKWhtpAomtufDMLcIbZGKBYGQ2 points
Thats fantastic. I love that a framer has offered to frame it for free. It would hang above my mantle with pride.2 points
Well, one can be fairly certain that this individual is not a hand washer either. Is a danger to society AND gross. dude.2 points
When I sent in my 995 for warranty work, they request all mags. In my case, they replaced them all with new manufacture. The new mags display the HP logo and mfg date. Ymmv2 points
Lets see if my vote for Trump and his SC picks bear fruit.2 points
Recent transplant from the left coast. But i sure like the way people think here!! Been shooting for around 55 + years now, but want to learn and contribute when i can. Regards, Hamshog1 point
Since you mention .380, it might be worth a moment to look at the S&W Shield 380EZ. Maybe a bit bigger than your looking for, but on the easier side to manipulate the slide.1 point
^^ what he said. Even a small revolver (smith, Ruger, etc) in .22 mag would be hell on the receiving end.1 point
With any luck you will be good for a bit, except for the new regs. There hasn't been one physically out of McNairy, yet.1 point
I don't think it would need different magazines. Its pretty much just a straight walled .223. I would think it would feed just fine out of 5.56 mags. At least I hope so.1 point
I've never been very fond of the little Berettas. While they are small, they tend to be wide. To me it feels like you've got a baseball stuck in your pocket. That also makes it difficult to get out quickly. If you get a 3032, buy it new. The early versions had problems with the slide cracking. They fixed this in the later models by making the slide even wider. The .32acp isn't a bad little cartridge. I have several guns in that caliber. However, you can get .380s in the same size package and its a much better caliber for self defense. Not to mention that good self defense ammo is much more available and cheaper. If racking the slide is the problem, I'd suggest a locked breach style .380 such as the Colt Mustang, Sig P238 or Kimber Micro. (BTW: they're all pretty much the same gun. Just different prices. ) The locked breach design requires a much lighter recoil spring than on blowback .380s. They're much easier to rack and have lighter recoil when fired. However, they are basically scaled down 1911s and are best carried cocked and locked. If you're looking at .32s due to recoil sensitivity, I'd suggest a small frame revolver in .32 S&W Long, .32 H&R magnum or .327 Federal. The 327 will also fire the .32 Long and H&R with no problem as will the H&R fire the S&W Longs. My wife had arthritis in her hands and for her the answer was a 2" S&W Model 30 in .32 Long. She loved that little gun and could shoot it quite well. The recoil was very light and didn't bother her at all.1 point
Kinda like glow in the dark condoms.... if you can’t figure it out without it glowing, maybe you don’t need to be doing it.1 point
I see you have a matching pair at the end for the days it requires double fisted guns ablaze. I like how you roll sir!1 point
I remember a Vietnam era US sniper talking about using the enemy's glow from a cigarette as a target aid. Not sure I want anything extra glowing if I am in a tactical situation. Also, I am in the "Why do I need to spend more money?" camp. I know where the safety is and what position equals fire and safe. This provides no functional benefit.1 point
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Yep. And I'll add, that not only can that crime destroy your life but it is damning to the rest of us who carry legally and are trying to be advocates for responsible gun ownership. I'll just say this: Maybe I misinterpreted what the guy was saying. Maybe he's not carrying illegally. BUT, if he is, he needs to cut that out and get his permit or stop posting on TGO. We don't need saboteurs within.1 point
I'm curious to what it headspaces on. If it's not tapered and headspaces on the case mouth it could be a problem to reload unless you trim every time.1 point
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Why? If you can carry 20 9mm or 12 45 in the same size package and they are ballistically similar? Doesn't make sense to give up capacity. Also, I want to see independent numbers on that.1 point
While John has done good things for gun rights in TN, this sounds more like a membership drive similar to NRA. Money......1 point
I hear they want to allow straight walled center fired cartridges during muzzle loader here in TN. It was shot down last time, but they are reintroducing the proposal again.1 point
I didn't know that was a thing. Those people should move or overthrow their governments.1 point
It looks really cool and I was headed here to complain about the cartridge compared to 308. From the chart on Winchester's page, the 350 Legend carries about 900 pounds of energy at 200 yards. My 308 is twice that. But then @stumpy reminded me that this will fit into an ar15 action. So that changes things a little. Unless ammo is over a dollar per round, I'd be willing to throw a few down range.1 point
I was trying to find it too. The only thing I could find is that it doesn't use a proprietary bcg but rather a shortened mil spec unit. I would assume that shorter bcg equates to the buffer assembly riding into the receiver. But I really don't know. I know that some people have done recoil assemblies that go above the bcg and I feel that is the way to go, but I don't think the perfect system has been designed yet.1 point
1 point
How about the Beretta Tomcat 3032 with the tip up barrel you can load with out racking the slide. Maybe for older arthritic hands.1 point
If I read the info correctly the cartridge is simply a .223 case that is formed as a straight wall design without a shoulder or reduced diameter neck. Think about a .30 Carbine that was fed Gro-Pup. This concept has been making the rounds of the AR builders for a while now. Some call it the 357 AR-MAX and there are other similar names but they all head in the same direction. It will be interesting to see Winchester's ballistic data on the round - bullet weight, velocity, etc. I would love to have an AR upper in this caliber. Starline offers .223 basic brass without the formed neck for the experimenters, but their cases in this offering are not annealed. Length of the brass would have to match, then finding that "just right" bullet to complete the loading cycle, this all sounds like real fun coming our way. Can't wait to see where this goes.1 point
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Kind of ironic NYC will not let you take a firearm out of the city when that is exaclty what they want.1 point
Yes, I'm dragging this up from the almost dead... I've got several new series started that I haven't made up my mind about. If anything turns out promising I will let everyone know. This is not survival related but I've started read the Corps Justice series by C.G. Cooper. Just general save the day kick butt action by a group of ex-marines. The author lives somewhere south of Nashville and the base of the company that these guys work for is located in the Nashville area. The entire first novel was pretty much in Nashville. This is not deep thinking stuff. Much more along the lines of turning off your mind and drifting through the book while embracing your inner mall ninja... Mark1 point
And I'm A-OK with that. I'm still of a mind that the metal detectors at entry checkpoints and officers in the building for security stay, and keep those without permits from bringing in weapons. I just want my carry permit to be honored by the state that gave it to me inside government buildings.1 point
There are many flavors of conservative. One would think the concept of the big tent to be a good idea. That often doesn't seem to be the case.. Seems to be a little shortsighted in my opinion.1 point
If you start fishing from a jet ski you might just be a bigger redneck than the ones born here.1 point
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