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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/2019 in all areas
I've needed some stuff to feel good about lately and this hit the spot today. https://wreg.com/2019/01/22/girls-dad-and-soon-to-be-stepdad-pose-with-her-before-dance/ This is what its supposed to be like. It's not their fault that yall couldn't make it work. Grow up and figure out how to act like an adult so that you can make that kid's world as great as it possibly can be. Stop punishing them for your mistakes. The fact that this is on our local station even though its from Waco hints at it being "viral." I hope that a lot of people see this and learn from it.5 points
4 points
If you're carrying without a permit, you're committing a crime. Don't be stupid.4 points
I always just put the gun into the little basket my drawers make while doing my business. Kind of impossible to not get a reminder it's there if I somehow forget while pulling my pants up.4 points
If you’re ever at the range with Mr. btq96r, keep the above quote in mind if he offers to let you shoot one of his pistols.3 points
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I did a short (45 minute) talk on the notion of putting an end to Second Amendment "Slacktivism" in 2019. Basically, I ask what sort of change could we make if we stopped outsourcing defense of the 2A to big organizations and were willing to take individual responsibility for preserving and furthering 2A causes this year. And I give some ideas on how we can each start doing simple things to further the cause. Give it a listen if you are so inclined. I'd love to hear any feedback that you might have. https://www.shootersnation.com/podcast/0042-lets-end-slactivism-in-2019/2 points
You kind of touch on this at around 30 minutes but I guess you could say that I operate at the most grassroots level. I try very hard to introduce people to shooting. I I encourage them to come with me and try out what they hate so much. I've changed some minds and I've also had some incredible conversations about guns and laws. I think its great.2 points
To add to this, I’m an anarchist. I reject the idea of government being a legitimate entity on principle, and yet I went and got a lifetime permit because I understand the reality of the world we live in. There’s a difference between acting on principle and acting on pride. It’s best not to get them confused.2 points
I don't intend to sell things, but I hedge my bets because I have been poor more often than I like.2 points
Could be because they were off on Sundays, since the paper was usually put together the day before so they could go out first thing in the morning.2 points
Agreed, don't be stupid. You can disagree with laws all you want but to get charged with a crime can destroy your life. Be legal, then get involved and be a catalyst to change.2 points
They do. Its why when someone with an ar shoots up a theater, its not that he is a nut job and needed to be culled, its that we are all evil and need to be disarmed.2 points
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6607587/Man-won-one-dollar-lottery-asks-winnings-paid-giant-check.html?fbclid=IwAR0wzSHk3R-cQ_wP9Yo6MqN6dZuz6Grm_jgKWhtpAomtufDMLcIbZGKBYGQ2 points
Thats fantastic. I love that a framer has offered to frame it for free. It would hang above my mantle with pride.2 points
Well, one can be fairly certain that this individual is not a hand washer either. Is a danger to society AND gross. dude.2 points
When I sent in my 995 for warranty work, they request all mags. In my case, they replaced them all with new manufacture. The new mags display the HP logo and mfg date. Ymmv2 points
Lets see if my vote for Trump and his SC picks bear fruit.2 points
Recent transplant from the left coast. But i sure like the way people think here!! Been shooting for around 55 + years now, but want to learn and contribute when i can. Regards, Hamshog1 point
CCI has been making coated .22 ammo for a few years now. I have several boxes of the red & green Christmas stuff and it seems like they put out some red, white, and blue or some such thing as well.1 point
Kinda like glow in the dark condoms.... if you can’t figure it out without it glowing, maybe you don’t need to be doing it.1 point
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Yep. And I'll add, that not only can that crime destroy your life but it is damning to the rest of us who carry legally and are trying to be advocates for responsible gun ownership. I'll just say this: Maybe I misinterpreted what the guy was saying. Maybe he's not carrying illegally. BUT, if he is, he needs to cut that out and get his permit or stop posting on TGO. We don't need saboteurs within.1 point
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I equate this as being a new chassis option. I know its much more complicated than that but I see it as another chassis on the market. And I'm curious how that compares to the existing chassis.1 point
Actually, its not that uncommon and seems to happen now and then. And usually, its someone that is very accustomed to carrying, such as a LEO. I'm sure you've all seen stories in the past about the Chief, detective or even uniformed officer who left their handgun in the can or elsewhere. The person is just so used to having it be there that they forget it isn't. Some years ago, the city I worked for did a blood drive. The Bloodmobile parked at a fire station and that's where we went to give. One of our female police officers finished up and I took her place on that couch. A few minutes later, I'm laying back there just chillin' and doing the thing, when I hear tires squeal as a patrol car comes flying into the parking lot. This same officer jumps out of the car, runs inside and walks directly up to me. Then, with a very red face, she opened the drawer under the couch, retrieved her service weapon and put it back in her holster. Neither one of us said a word as she turned and left. Hell, I'll even admit that a time or two I've been in a hurry to go somewhere. I feel the holster on my belt and figure all is good. But then I walk out of the house and realize that I forgot to put the gun in the holster. BTW: no, I have never left it anywhere in public. When nature calls, I put it in my pants where I can't forget it. Yes, its foolish, irresponsible and embarrassing. But sometimes you're in a hurry and miss a detail or two. Brain farts can happen to the best of us.1 point
I don’t think anyone is disagreeing with that premise, I just think that some of the others in the conversation just want to ensure they can keep shooting as long as it takes to find that exit. I intend to be able to be in the fight as long as I have to be, no matter how long that takes. That means having enough ammo to keep shooting until I can escape, or the other guy decides that he doesn’t want to fight anymore or has that choice made for him.1 point
I know what you mean. On their .350 legend page it say more energy than a .30-30 but on their .30-30 page it shows the opposite. They didn't say more energy than ALL .30-30's so I guess it is technically correct. That's marketing fo you.1 point
I believe so. It like what Capbyrd said. I know there are a couple of people at that Publix who were wondering why people needed to carry a gun if they are going to be irresponsible like that. For people who are not leaning one way or the other in the gun control debate, things like this leaves a bad impression.1 point
While John has done good things for gun rights in TN, this sounds more like a membership drive similar to NRA. Money......1 point
I didn't know that was a thing. Those people should move or overthrow their governments.1 point
I think the offering is geared towards the hunting crowd that is limited to straight wall center fired cartridges such as IA and MI, IL, and OH.1 point
I was trying to find it too. The only thing I could find is that it doesn't use a proprietary bcg but rather a shortened mil spec unit. I would assume that shorter bcg equates to the buffer assembly riding into the receiver. But I really don't know. I know that some people have done recoil assemblies that go above the bcg and I feel that is the way to go, but I don't think the perfect system has been designed yet.1 point
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It will be interesting to see the ballistics on this round. Not sure where this will fit in. Guess we will have to wait and see.1 point
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Sequel is starting to film... And, speaking of film, 5/17/19 has been declared Mark's excellent adventure day. Going to start out shooting with a few buddies, have a good lunch and a cold beverage, then head out to see John Wick 3... First trailer looks pretty good1 point
Late 80's. I used to sell Daewoo rifles that I would get from this Pacific out fit. The K-2 was $379 dealer back when I started getting them. What a great rifle. Should have got a few of these SKS-M's but wasn't into them at the time. The standard ones were like $79 so the extra 100 was ridiculous for a AK mag-ed one.1 point
Here's my problem with the whole thing and why I think certain "preppers" can't see the forest for the trees...say you got your 100k bunker...and then you get cancer, have a brain aneurysm, widow maker heart attack, etc...what would help your family more a bunker they will most likely never use and a bunch of property taxes and medical bills or all that money you've spent prepping? Also I see a lot of preppers on these forums...they wanna have stockpiles of food, ammo, etc...but they don't exercise...when your super obese and can't run for more then 5 minutes without getting winded, got diabetes, high blood pressure, etc...what the heck makes you think your gonna have long term survival...A good cardio program or treadmill should be some peoples first prep lol.1 point
And I'm A-OK with that. I'm still of a mind that the metal detectors at entry checkpoints and officers in the building for security stay, and keep those without permits from bringing in weapons. I just want my carry permit to be honored by the state that gave it to me inside government buildings.1 point
Not saying that we need to go to the mattresses over it, but philosophically, I think gun carry in the state capital is the litmus test. To me, it's the easiest question to see if a politician respects the rights of the people to be armed, or something only to be tolerated at a distance, and behind a wall of security. I have to get permission by the state to carry a pistol outside of my home and vehicle and range time, or else doing so meant I was breaking the law. The state ran a background check on me, and forced me to attend a mandated training program before pronouncing me safe to carry in public. But even with their required system, I still can't carry my weapon in a building that the public pays for, and is there for the purpose of the people's business by the representatives and officials we elect. Really, there is nowhere more symbolic to be able to exercise the rights of the 2nd Amendment than the power halls of the government that amendment ensures we can protect ourselves against. Banning guns from the capital is the ultimate protection of the ruling class from the proletarian, meaning the carry permit is just an appeasement method for whenever they don't have to deal with us. In essence, they've made a giant safe space for themselves, but it's a physical one, not an emotional variant. At best, it's a infringement of liberty...at worst, it's a way to secure a base of power. It's a simple question to me of if the government really believes in the principles of the 2nd Amendment, or just pays lip service to it for votes. We either have an ally on our side or just another person we're negotiating with.1 point
For what you would pay for a Jet Ski and trailer you could buy a good used bass boat these days.1 point
There are many flavors of conservative. One would think the concept of the big tent to be a good idea. That often doesn't seem to be the case.. Seems to be a little shortsighted in my opinion.1 point
The new Glock does for me exactly what the old Glock did for me. Nothing. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯1 point
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