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I always just put the gun into the little basket my drawers make while doing my business. Kind of impossible to not get a reminder it's there if I somehow forget while pulling my pants up.3 points
Lets see if my vote for Trump and his SC picks bear fruit.3 points
3 points
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6607587/Man-won-one-dollar-lottery-asks-winnings-paid-giant-check.html?fbclid=IwAR0wzSHk3R-cQ_wP9Yo6MqN6dZuz6Grm_jgKWhtpAomtufDMLcIbZGKBYGQ2 points
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This has nothing to with Trump, the Justices don’t answer to him; as it should be. I am curious to see if the Justices keep to the narrow scope of the question before them, or if hopefully they broaden the response to address “reasonable restrictions” by the states. Heller ripped the baby in half by ruling we have the right to keep arms, but states can impose reasonable restrictions on where, when, and what we carry. Will cases continually have to go to SCOTUS (Who doesn’t have to hear them and can stand silent) to determine if restrictions are “reasonable”? We need a ruling that restricting carry off a person’s property is a violation of the 2nd amendment.2 points
2 points
Just goes to show that when you can, buy it cheap and stack it deep!2 points
Not saying that we need to go to the mattresses over it, but philosophically, I think gun carry in the state capital is the litmus test. To me, it's the easiest question to see if a politician respects the rights of the people to be armed, or something only to be tolerated at a distance, and behind a wall of security. I have to get permission by the state to carry a pistol outside of my home and vehicle and range time, or else doing so meant I was breaking the law. The state ran a background check on me, and forced me to attend a mandated training program before pronouncing me safe to carry in public. But even with their required system, I still can't carry my weapon in a building that the public pays for, and is there for the purpose of the people's business by the representatives and officials we elect. Really, there is nowhere more symbolic to be able to exercise the rights of the 2nd Amendment than the power halls of the government that amendment ensures we can protect ourselves against. Banning guns from the capital is the ultimate protection of the ruling class from the proletarian, meaning the carry permit is just an appeasement method for whenever they don't have to deal with us. In essence, they've made a giant safe space for themselves, but it's a physical one, not an emotional variant. At best, it's a infringement of liberty...at worst, it's a way to secure a base of power. It's a simple question to me of if the government really believes in the principles of the 2nd Amendment, or just pays lip service to it for votes. We either have an ally on our side or just another person we're negotiating with.2 points
https://www.ammoland.com/2019/01/angstadt-arms-releases-the-shortest-ar-15-stock-system/#axzz5dNO08zZw1 point
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When I sent in my 995 for warranty work, they request all mags. In my case, they replaced them all with new manufacture. The new mags display the HP logo and mfg date. Ymmv1 point
That is one way to look at it. I figure unless it is a very fast and complete breakdown of local, state, federal and military forces there will be a time where they will continue to try and enforce "order." I think keeping my head down for a bit will keep them from deciding I look well fed and I must have some to redistribute, you know, after their cut. I might be well stocked on guns and ammo, but I don't think I want to take on the local PD even, let alone a army platoon (possibly with armored support.). After the tipping point where they give up, most that survive are not gonna be easily relieved of their goods. I also realize one concealed guy with a .270, Mosin Nagant, or .30-06 is all it takes to ruin me "gathering" supplies from other camps. There are too many scenarios that end badly to begin with. I want a buffer to allow me to evaluate what is going on. So I stock a bit of food and supplies. Nothing huge or expensive. I don't have a bunker or armored car. I don't have a bug out location hidden away in the mountains. I just have my head in a place that keeps watch for the warning signs of the brown starting to spin around. If I have time I can add what ever looks necessary for that event. If not, I can beat it home and batton down the hatches. When things settle a bit, I can start the resupply phase. And at that time@Mark A, I hope I come out looking more like John Wick than Columbus. Looking forward to both movies.1 point
https://angstadtarms.com/scw9/ 2nd quarter of 2019 you can get one...i'd suggest getting on the list....really ingenious design...amazing no one had thought of it before...quite simple really.1 point
Sequel is starting to film... And, speaking of film, 5/17/19 has been declared Mark's excellent adventure day. Going to start out shooting with a few buddies, have a good lunch and a cold beverage, then head out to see John Wick 3... First trailer looks pretty good1 point
1 point
Well, I want them at 80's prices and modern pay...... come on now, I'm cheap.1 point
The late 80's were about 30 years ago. If you figure $190 at 3% inflation over that time, it equates to $461 today, which is roughly what Yugo SKS's are going for now. It's not too late ...1 point
I don’t own either but it appears the SCCY CPX is a better option and the price is about the same (~$200). Is there anything else USA made in that price range in 9 or 40?1 point
This guy A comp would be pretty sweet too.1 point
@peejman if you guys are ever up to Kingsport you might like Bays Mountain Park. They have a raptor program that sounds similar to what she worked in. My wife used to volunteer there in the reptile building. We got to know every one. In fact her best friend's mom worked there for years in the admin office.1 point
I bought a Tactical Solutions dedicated .22 upper several years ago. It has been flawless with Black Dog Machine magazines.1 point
Late 80's. I used to sell Daewoo rifles that I would get from this Pacific out fit. The K-2 was $379 dealer back when I started getting them. What a great rifle. Should have got a few of these SKS-M's but wasn't into them at the time. The standard ones were like $79 so the extra 100 was ridiculous for a AK mag-ed one.1 point
I have a red tail that hunts my backyard and treeline. I watched him corkscrew around a tree chasing a squirrel one day. Squirrel got away on the end..at least that day. Saw a Hoot Owl too a while back, but glad he moved on. He kept waking up up at night. Lol1 point
Me too. We have some Coopers Hawks and Red Tails around here. I just love listening to them and watching them soar around. I've been lucky enough to see a Red Tail grab a water snake and actually carry it off. I saw him land and really tear into it. Another time, one of the Coopers chased a squirrel around and caught it, only to drop it. The squirrels really put up a fight. lol1 point
Well, the real story is the white bird grew up with white privilege and had to leave to let the brown bird feast so as not be be deemed a racist.1 point
Half caught him again this morning, apparently having an argument with his buddy......1 point
Survival rule #1... Cardio Maybe Columbus had it right.1 point
Just be sure to remove any/all bullet fragments from the carcass before leaving it out. The birds will injest the fragments and die from lead poisoning.1 point
https://www.offgridweb.com/gear/unconventional-weapon-braverman-stinger-pen-gun/1 point
That's probably where I got confused. I was comparing it to a pen gun and thought all pen guns were AOW. Thanks for that!1 point
Suomi M31 It's a quad stack magazine. https://www.forgottenweapons.com/suomi-m31-finlands-famous-submachine-gun/1 point
1 point
I have not given up or traded anything; you don’t have to give up a right to have a privilege you buy. I fully understand that the state of Tennessee does not recognize the 2nd amendment as an individual right. However, it is better than many states and headed towards Constitutional carry. I am part of a “Special Group”. Unlike some who do not have the financial ability to pay for the classes and the permit; thankfully I do. That doesn’t mean I don’t believe that I have a God given right to be armed; I do believe that. However, the state does not agree with me and they will arrest me if I don’t comply with their rules. I was arrested in another state for no crime other than having a gun in my car. I went to the NRA for help; they refused. I was naive and thought I could take my case all the way to the SCOTUS and make some changes. I was uneducated about how those cases are handled and didn’t understand that being right is not enough. I don’t want to ever go through that again so I will abide by all state laws of the states that I am in. I can carry most anywhere I go and I will continue to pay for that privilege until it becomes a right. I feel for those that can’t afford it. But the state is moving forward, not backward as some imply. The recent change in the law allowing a gun in your car is an example. I am a firm believer in States Rights. And since the state and local Police and Sheriff’s departments are responsible for local law enforcement; the state makes the laws. I do not believe the Federal Government should be involved in deciding when, where and what I can carry, unless that involvement comes in the form of a SCOTUS decision acknowledging my right to bear arms as they have with my right to keep arms.1 point
If it works, they'll be wildly successful. I've got an old PT-22 that I love shooting...1 point
Just ran another 110 trouble free rounds through my 995 Bullpup.1 point
1 point
As far as the design, I think they clearly put it in the novelty area of carry simply due to that fact they didn't put a ejector in it. It doesn't even have an extractor! They blew it IMO. The NAA 5 shot is way ahead of this folder.1 point
These are the best of the photos from a cursory glance, but I got over 300! This HAS to be my favorite though!1 point
Only if you like the state working against the people for injustice as opposed to the people working against the state for justice.1 point
Well, one can be fairly certain that this individual is not a hand washer either. Is a danger to society AND gross. dude.0 points
How about. ."I wouldn't pull it out in front of my friends" ?0 points
If being killed and eaten was the alternative, I'd fight pretty hard too. The brown hawk could be it's mate. We have a resident Cooper's hawk the trolls our bird feeders occasionally. I've also seen it get a squirrel. There's a Great Horned owl that lives nearby, I hear it at night sometimes. My wife used to work with a local raptor rehabilitator.0 points
Finally a reason to add a 9mm Suppressor to my collection.0 points
Don't think I'd take her to the prom...but for a slow Saturday night, maybe0 points
0 points
The five year old and two year old that are often in the house make that a little less than safe. Although I think the five year old is good. The two year old definitely not.0 points
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