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4 points
I'd like to hear your experience when shooting your AR's. What size groups at 50 or 100 yards you get with a scoped AR and what kind of ammo, factory or your favorite hand loads.1 point
I’ve built all of mine. Most are moa-ish or better at 100yds with an optic. One is a little more loose on the target as are my 300bo’s and the pistol. I do have one 5.56 that I built from a collection of cheap parts and an Alpa Shooting Sports barrel that is sub-moa at 200 with cheap Herters HP . It’ll print a tight little group at 200 with my Vortex. I love that rifle.1 point
1 point
If you like movies like that one you might like the Philadelphia Experiment. Link to it is below that tells about it. It is also kind of science fiction but I have watched it several times and enjoy it each time. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0087910/1 point
I have a Goal Zero Nomad 7 that I picked up dirt cheap at an REI Garage Sale a few years ago when their garage sale events still had good stuff and didn't have a bajillion people lined up at 4am. I like it but almost never use it any more. With the advent of the small power bricks I can keep my phone charged from one of those even on a long camping trip. Now the Nomad 7 is sitting in the "I'll probably never use it but I'm glad I have it for a long emergency" category. Kind of like long-term storage food.1 point
1 point
Having visited 3 different locations, I've browsed once and attempted to buy twice. On both occasions, I gave up. The wait time to never be acknowledged or served was not worth the pennies I could have saved. Shame too, because they have a lot of good quality products available.1 point
I think I got you all beat. . . Back before Black Friday when Academy was selling 22LR Federal that worked out to around 2.5c/rd after rebate, I ordered 4 cases from their site. I only got 4 because I was able to get 1 case of .45ACP in store and the rebate was only good for 5 cases. . . Imagine my surprise when two FedEx boxes were delivered with 4 cases of 22LR in each box. Packing slips show two shipment #s on the same order #. I double-checked PayPal, only charged once. Now I'm an honest guy so I called Academy. The CSR couldn't figure out what happened and didn't show a double shipment. He said hang on a minute, then about 5 minutes later came back and said "Christmas came early. Enjoy." WOOHOO!1 point
I think wildlife officials in many states do not want to admit to the possibility of big cats because as soon as they admit a population exists, then the Endangered Species Act comes into play. It doesn't just protects the animals; it requires protection of their habitat. Large cats have large ranges, so an acknowledged breeding population would give them huge headaches. It is much easier to deny for as long as possible, then blame confirmed sightings on cats just passing through from some other known population. In Georgia, for years the DNR would basically say you were mistaken, a liar, or crazy if you reported a cougar of any color. Then a guy shot one, and they had to acknowledge the far-ranging lone cats. They also charged him under the Endangered Species Act even though he said he was in fear of his life. Maybe it was a message to future hunters to shoot, shovel, and shut up.1 point
I run into a similar issue when I load test a new round. Basically, I fire one round of a known load for a "base line POI", dry patch the rifle, walk to the target to mark the shot (200m), and walk back. By the time I get back to the bench the barrel is within 10 degrees of cold temp and I start with my test string using the same technique for each round. I typically shoot 8-12 test rounds loaded in 1/2 grain increments and at the end of the string the barrel is never more than 30 degrees warmer than when I started. At the end I fire one more round of the original known load to verify POI hasn't changed and I'm done. I have found that (in my rifles at least) there is no measurable change in POI between the first "base line" round to the last POI verification round. Now having said all that, I'm an old codger so it takes me about 5-6 minutes to walk to the target and back, you young whippersnappers probably just run it in a minute or two! Seriously, five minutes between shots will be plenty of cool down time unless you are leaving the rifle in the hot sun on a hot summer day.1 point
I'm not sure what your after. In a properly bedded barrel, the average hunting rifle should hold a group with the first shot consecutively. The factor that more often than not determines POI off a cold barrel is to have a some what freshly fired bore vs a cleaned bore. Powder residue contains graphite. Ultra light barrels along with extra long barrels put a lot of value in a perfect bedding. Basically, if the barreled action is bedded right, the first 3 shots threw a cold barrel should not have much variation. After that, barrel weight and cartridge powder capacity will be the spread contributors as you apparently all ready know.1 point
I usually only wait 5, maybe 10 minutes between shots, after I've zeroed my rifle. I've never had to adjust to the cold shot though, they've always been close, so far. That's a good idea for the laser thermometer though, hadn't thought about using it for that.1 point
It should be that the person who filed the complaint has to pay back DOUBLE your legal fees if you go to court and get it overturned..... These things happen ( guy in Maryland ) because there is no "penalty" for false accusation or for using the police to harass someone. I'd say if you want to put this into law write into it that if it turns out that the person is found to NOT be a danger that the complainant has to pay back DOUBLE the legal bills. Otherwise there is really nothing stopping some snowflake relative or even acquaintances who don't like the fact that you own guns from causing you all kinds of hell trying to prove you are not a danger.1 point
Get yourself one of those infrared thermometers and check the temp inside the bore. When it's back down close to ambient, you are ready for the second shot. Also be sure to clean the bore between rounds.1 point
Wow, people have no problem with this?! So a family member that doesn't like you makes a claim you are a danger and then you have to spend thousands of dollars and a significant amount of time to prove your innocence.1 point
As always, the devil is in the details. Developing a process where there is true due process to determine if someone is a danger isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Ideally it would work in conjunction with adjustments to involuntary psychiatric hold laws to make it easier to get help for folks that need it while at the same time providing for a way for folks to have their rights reinstated after a period of time of improved mental health. Many psychiatric disturbances are temporary in nature and the laws should recognize that. An acquaintance of mine framed this in what I think is a near perfect manner. “If we viewed these mass shooting incidents as suicide in want of company, we might actually make some progress.” He was right. As gun owners we can’t say “this is a mental health issue, not a gun issue.” Then bury our heads in the sand and do nothing about addressing mental health issues. I don’t know that the bill being introduced by Dickerson is a good one or not, but I do think that as a state level action, there is the chance to actually make it a quality piece of workable law, and failing that tank it for cause and be vocal about why it wasn’t good legislation. This is a moment where movement will be made on these types of laws whether we like it or not. At the state level, we can make it a good law or we can eat a bad one. It’s up to us to choose. **I just encouraged civic engagement with lawmakers, do y’all know how bitter of a taste that leaves in my mouth? What’s the world coming to?**1 point
Grab one of these from harbor freight. https://www.harborfreight.com/catalogsearch/result/index/?dir=asc&order=EAScore%2Cf%2CEAFeatured+Weight%2Cf%2CSale+Rank%2Cf&q=thermometer0 points
I like my whiskey like I like my women, 18 years old and full of Coke. ***It’s a joke!***0 points
Could just take a 2nd firearm to shoot while you wait for the other one to cool down. I usually take a 22RF in these circumstances, takes 5+ minutes to set up the 22RF, load it and shoot it for a few minutes, put it aside and go again on the cold bore testing. Repeat0 points
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