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I'm convinced that many people here don't actually like the Republicans so much as they absolutely hate the left.5 points
I will first say, I am no expert and I am certainly not a mental health professional by any stretch. I do have a lot of past experience conducting death investigations to include suicide. There are many assorted warning signs. Unfortunately they typically aren't recognized until viewed through hindsight. The signs can be as varied as the personalities from which they are displayed and often are not really displayed at all. I realize that is pretty vague but there is no constant or absolute in human behavior. Many people make statements such as "I don't understand why", "I would never do that" etc. Most of us in our current state of mind would not do such, nor would the individual who just did, if they were in our current state of mind. Yet they were in a very troubled state of mind and not seeing the world or their challenges in a manner that they could handle. They become overwhelmed to the point that suicide seems like a viable choice to end the mental, emotional or physical pain that has become such a burden to them. To them, at that time in their lives, it makes sense. I have seen the following: Person who has been moody for days, weeks or months suddenly seem to be on top of the world and happy as they can be. People around them were elated to see that they "got a handle on whatever was bothering them". Only to hear of their demise soon after. The person had been wrestling with a difficult decision to stay or go. They actually were relieved and happy for a few days after they made up their mind, which eased the torment of the decision to go. Liquidation - some people suddenly start liquidating assets. By assets I mean items that they previously emotionally valued such as giving a friend their favorite handgun, knife, 1st edition book etc. that they always treasured and out of the blue decided to just give it to a friend that had admired it. If you watch, they typically will be distributing such items to more than one person and are very selective as to who gets what. "Doesn't matter" - A usually meticulous individual begins to not care for property, home or self appearance etc. They have reached a frame of mind that it just doesn't matter any more. Pet adoption - I have seen people very selectively find new homes for their beloved pets with the excuse of "I just can't care for them anymore" when their has been no real indication of decline of their ability to do so. They just want to make sure the pet is properly placed in a loving home before they check out. Sudden exclusive obsession with dark themed movies, music, books etc. A normally extroverted person suddenly becomes introverted for an extended period of time. A new habit developed of spending periods of time alone near bodies of water "reflecting" or "meditating" when this was not common before. Being near water is relaxing and soothing to many people. Many suicides are committed near bodies of water such as the shorelines of lakes and rivers. Declining mood as the anniversary of the loss of a loved one draws near. Often the anniversary of a suicide previously committed by a loved one. Holidays - Thanksgiving and Christmas, though joyous occasions to most, bring deep sadness and loneliness for many. Sad to say, but the holidays are often referred to as "suicide season" by many. I have seen all of the above more than once and there are many more possible indications but none are really absolute indications. As you read the above a second time you realize what I mean by being recognized through hindsight. All of these actions are far more recognizable through reflection after the fact. Sorry to have gotten so long winded on the reply. I have investigated many suicides over the years and spent a lot of time with families after the fact. I learned not to be judgmental because in most cases the individual was as "normal" as anybody else until their burdens mentally pushed them to such. I have also seen many remaining friends and family burden themselves with unwarranted guilt because they felt "they should have seen it", when in fact nobody saw it coming and hindsight is 20-20. The guilt was typically unwarranted.4 points
Vetoed by Trump? Really? Lets see...Republican House? Check. Republican Senate? Check. Nobody "had" to do anything, but Trump volunteered the banning of bump stocks. Why? If it were to get passed the House and Senate, I think Trump would sign it in a heartbeat if he thought he'd gain a friend over it.3 points
It’s worth noting (again) that the best years for us gunowners were when we a Dem governor and a Republican supermajority in the House/Senate. The Republicans had to put in the work to prove themselves. The second the Republicans had the trifecta of both houses and the Governor’s mansion forward movement on gun rights all but came to a screeching halt.2 points
If the alternative is divided government where the GOP will actively push to support gun rights and block attacks on the same, I'll take the alternative. We're not exactly reaping the dividend from having a monopoly in government of "pro gun" politicians.2 points
Vote Republican, they said; it'll protect your gun rights, they said.2 points
Wow, people have no problem with this?! So a family member that doesn't like you makes a claim you are a danger and then you have to spend thousands of dollars and a significant amount of time to prove your innocence.2 points
A YouTube channel called SmarterEveryDay recently posted a video about Shockwave Shadows. He uses mirrors and high speed cameras to capture stuff that isn't visible to our naked eyes. His name is Destin. Destin started by filming a 50 cal round moving and then went down to 300blk supers and then subs. And the footage of the subs is really fascinating, especially when he goes to an expert. Then he filmed a revolver with the same technique. Check out all of that gas from the cylinder gap.1 point
Looks more like a ricochet, notice the star burst where it impacted the glass. It looks like it went through the first pane and got stopped by the second.1 point
Definitely could have been. His wife said no, but she was there... I thin k a more noble way to go, if it HAD to happen, would be to go find hard drug dealers and have a shootout, lol. No, Im just kidding, Im not advocating that.1 point
If that alternative is control by those who are militantly against us then I'll take the lukewarm support from our "friends"as opposed to what would be boiling opposition from our "enemies". On a national level which party tends to support more gun control and which supports less? Until there is a better alternative that is what we are stuck with. And letting a few snakes in to keep from having mice is a dangerous game to play if the snakes continue to multiply....1 point
I usually only wait 5, maybe 10 minutes between shots, after I've zeroed my rifle. I've never had to adjust to the cold shot though, they've always been close, so far. That's a good idea for the laser thermometer though, hadn't thought about using it for that.1 point
Well, I am sorry to hear about your friend for sure. It does sound like a spare of moment decision. My only issue I have in life except for getting old which is always part of life, Now don't ya'll laugh but my biggest challenge in life now is keeping up with all the meds I am suppose to take every day and the games my Med insurance company keeps playing. I have been playing musical pills with them for a couple years now. I just about how all the ducks in a row before my heart attack last January and at that point it all went to hell again. The heart doctor added about 5 different medications and kept me on about 4 of the ones I was on from my GP doctor. I have been working for a year again trying to get some order restored in that part of my life. My biggest issues I have found are the doctors will write a perscription for 1 fill and 5 refills on 30 day fills and the damn insurance tells Walgreens to fill them on 90 day fill. And then some meds are only written with 1 fill and 2 refills and they will do them all 90 at once. and I will be down to 4 or 5 pills of a Medicine that has a refill on it but the insurance company won't approve the fill till I am down to 2 pills sometimes because some months have 30 days and some 31 days. February is hell!!!!! I do my level best to make sure I have enough pills to get past that month by at least 2 months. My next trip to both of my doctors will be long talks. I am going to have each one of them go over my meds list carefully and eliminate any meds I really really really DON"T need. Example Heart doctor, has me on Plavix(major blood thinner) and also a low dose aspirin which is also a blood thinner. My blood is like water now and if I get the smallest cut or scratch I bleed like crazy. He and I will be talking about that. But anyway, that is my biggest challenge in my life and I sometimes actually laugh about it because it does keep me on my toes.1 point
I lost my best friend to suicide a couple years ago, on Christmas Day. He was 68, fully retired and no financial worries at all, with some health issues, but not terrible or life threatening ones. Life was good. We talked daily and although he was retired, we met at least weekly for lunch and a gunshop visit or a gunshow. As close friends sometimes do, we had talked about many things during the course of our friendship, and in the distant past, including suicide. He and I had both made the comment, usually after reading about a suicide in the news, that we would never do that, unless that we were to be suffering from some incurable, painfully unbearable disease like end stage cancer or something, that we might consider it. Flash forward to the week of his death...he had the flu or a cold and was taking meds, along with some fairly minor pain meds due to his hip. Around that time, I had sold my pocket pistol to fund another gun purchase, and was jonesing over not having a pocket pistol, lol. On Christmas day, he had told me to come over and borrow one of his Shields until I could find one i liked to buy. That very evening, his wife frantically called me telling me he had just blown his brains out. I got there about the same time the cops did, and ended up cleaning up the scene as soon as his body was removed. She said they had been in the garage, where they smoke, and she had went inside to make them a sandwich, when she heard a noise, and ran back out to see him sprawled in his chair, dead. All this to say, that sometimes the signs just arent there. Maybe sometimes they are, but i was probably closer to this guy in some ways than his wife, and she nor I saw anything to indicate he would do this. Hell, I was supposed to come pick up a gun from him the next day. Looking back, Im thinking that feeling bad from being sick, plus pain meds plus other meds, apparently just weakened his mind. Im sure he didnt plan it or give it much though....probably was hurting, felt bad, and just in the spur of the moment, made a permanent solution to a temporary problem and said f*** this! . So sad. Playing out scenarios in my head over and over, I am convinced it was a decision of the moment with no forethought or planning. Had it been thought through, I KNOW he would have had more concern for his wife and friends and would have went somewhere else to do it with less visual trauma and minimal mess to clean up. He would have not wanted his loved ones to see what we saw that day. While I feel terrible about it to this day, I can see nothing I could have done or seen as I dont think there were any warning signs.1 point
1 point
I'm sure the Remington ammo set you back a few $$$ but I would set that back and hold on to it. If you want to shoot it, drop a few more $$$ and get some Centurion. It's pricey too but quite a bit out there for sale.1 point
I know we’ve got some Surefire Sidekick fans here. County Comm (the website that costs me $50 every time I visit it) has them on sale for $38. https://countycomm.com/products/surefire-sidekick-ultra-compact-triple-output-keychain-light1 point
Don't you know all the anti-gun people wet their panties when they watched and listened to that Sheriff almost celebrating a woman protecting herself with a firearm and killing the bad guy with a head shot in the middle of the night. Also telling folks that everyone should get a CWP and trained on how to defend themselves with a firearm...................1 point
These types of things are to be expected at a place that serves nachos in dog food bowls.1 point
For me it boils down to when they take the firearms. If a person is flagged, goes through due process and is found dangerous. Then they can take their guns. However, if a flagged person's guns are confiscated first and then they have to go through the process, it becomes guilty until proven innocent. That I want no part of. Honestly, the whole idea of "Red Flag" laws scares the Hell outta me. The potential for abuse is mind boggling.1 point
Thanks for sharing Cap. The revolver was especially neat. It makes me wonder what we inhale while shooting.1 point
The Fenix TK15 without a doubt! Had one for several years and it works like a champ. High quality!!!1 point
Seems like a good single mode flashlight is harder to find these days. I want to click the button and know it is on the brightest setting and no strobe option. Guess I'm old fashioned.1 point
I hunt does, so unless it has spots or I can tell that it is a fawn I will harvest it. Telling a large doe from a medium one is difficult, specially when there is nothing out there to compare them to. As for bucks, yea I'll take a buck, but whether it has spikes or a 10 point rack makes no difference to me. I have shot deer that turned out to have decent racks, though due to the branches in the area I couldn't tell until I went up to them. That is why I don't hunt in areas where it has to have a 15" spread or other measuring guideline, just too much guessing for me. I check all my game online, makes it much easier for me since I like to take the hide and the head off before I take it home. But I don't misrepresent my harvest, even when a spike will keep me from getting another buck, just doesn't make sense to break the law in that way. I would rather end my season early than to do that. But at the same time I don't like the regulations to be written so as to put people in positions that may have them break the law. Just like the bait rule, there is no distance given so you can technically be cited for hunting over bait if your neighbor has a feeding station near your property line which you are not aware of.1 point
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