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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/14/2018 in all areas

  1. It is hard to beat 150 grain Remington Core-lokt for price and performance.
    3 points
  2. All of them. I've always had great results with 150gr Remington Core-Lokt and Federal Power Shok.
    3 points
  3. I’ve never been to any library in Virginia. To be fair, the Library of Alexandria doesn’t really exist anymore but the point still stands.
    2 points
  4. Yeah, I knew it had been took out for a long time. I bet it was an eye opener.
    2 points
  5. I don't know, I would think due process would be to allow someone to defend themselves of what ever charge was leveled against him before actually acting against him. A warrant does not give the police the right to confiscate anything not related to a crime of some sort, and it usually written specific to the crime being investigated . The law needs some serious review as far as I am concerned.
    2 points
  6. I don’t see where due process didn’t happen here. A family member instigated this, not the cops. We have no idea what they claimed. But a Judge heard it and issued the order, same as a warrant. The man could have then went to court and argued his case. That is due process. Subpoenaing someone to court because you are going to have a hearing about confiscating their guns won’t work. It’s not just the mentally ill, domestic violence calls are very dangerous for everyone involved. They are very emotional; and they can turn deadly quick; for both cops and citizens. I know I’ve seen it too many times firsthand. I’ve always said orders of protection are a problem. I’ve explained to people that they don’t protect them; they just allow the cops to arrest the person if they violate them. Too often when they are violated the offender and family members are dead. We can’t stop that any more than we can stop mass shootings. So do we do nothing? I don’t have the answers; only suggestions. But I have zero sympathy for anyone that directs violence towards another person. Whether that be family members, friends, or the cops dispatched to their house because they can’t handle their own family issues. As I’ve told my friends and family; the cops are not your friend. They are not social workers and they are not going to fix your problems. If you have a family member or friend that needs professional help; get it for them. Rarely will an arrest make that happen.
    2 points
  7. Absolutely, everyone should have a plan of what they are going to do when the cops arrive, or to keep from getting shot by another armed citizen. Part of that plan should be realizing that you will be in the highest adrenaline rush you probably have ever experienced. That can cause tunnel vision that makes you unaware of what’s going on around you. If you are aware that can happen you have a better chance of overcoming it. Cops or armed citizens don’t always arrive with lights flashing and sirens blaring; sometimes they are at the scene and just appear pointing a gun at you.
    2 points
  8. The tax is the little stamp pasted on the box. When I sold off my late friends collection he had a ton of loose boxes from case purchases. The case had a stamp, but the individual boxes did not. Since the cases had been opened and part had been used, I would be selling individual boxes. A dealer friend informed me that if I took these to a gun show to sell, all it would take is one sharp eyed LEO to get the whole mess confiscated. All it took was a simple call to TWRA, my credit card and the tax stamps arrived in the mail a few days later. A sheet of 100 stamps for $10. No problem.
    2 points
  9. At 72 years old and involved in the filming of Blue Bloods and other things he may want to do in his life I don't blame him for stepping down. He did not pull his membership and is still a member. Just not a board member. There comes a time in everyones life that there are changes that need to be made for them to be more comfortable in later years. All I will say is his leaving the board is his choice and I can respect that.............JMHO
    2 points
  10. Hi guys! My wife and I are planning a short trip to Knoxville this coming May in order to check out the area for a move when she hits retirement (I'm already retired). Any hints about shooting in that area will be appreciated!
    1 point
  11. It's relatively easy, just need some hex and/or star bits, maybe a screw driver to pry the magnet off (carefully, they're brittle) the metal piece. Since it's not to be put back together, a large hammer might work too
    1 point
  12. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/09/19/tom-selleck-steps-down-from-nras-board-directors-report.html Published September 19, 2018 FoxNews.com “Blue Bloods” star Tom Selleck has stepped down from the National Rifle Association’s board of directors, the actor's publicist confirmed to Fox News. Selleck, 73, has been a member of the NRA since he was 8 years old, The Trace, a non-profit website covering gun violence in America, reported Tuesday. He also received the most votes in the board’s election in 2017. A spokeswoman said he resigned because of time commitments. Selleck, an avid gun collector, has donated a few rifles and revolvers from his movies to the NRA’s National Firearms Museum. Annett Wolf, the actor’s publicist, told The Trace that Selleck stepped down from the board “due to his work schedule,” but noted that he was never truly “active on the board.” Selleck is still an NRA member, Wolf added. Wolf confirmed to Fox News that Selleck stepped down from the board and declined to comment further. A request for a comment from the NRA was not immediately answered. “He has nothing to do with policy,” Wolf told the outlet. “He’s never been active on the board or anything the NRA engages in. He’s almost always been a silent board member." The former face of “Magnum P.I.” came under fire following comments he made on “The Rosie O’Donnell Show” in 1999 for his firearms advocacy. He went on the talk show to promote the film “The Love Letter,” but instead got into a debate with O’Donnell about guns in the wake of the Columbine massacre. “But you can’t say that guns don’t bear a responsibility,” O’Donnell asked. “If the makers of the TEC-9 assault rifle… Why wouldn’t the NRA be against assault rifles? This is a gun that can shoot five bullets in a second. This is the gun that those boys brought into the school. Why the NRA wouldn’t say, as a matter of compromise, 'We agree, assault weapons are not good.'” “I’m not…I can’t speak for the NRA,” he replied. “But you’re their spokesperson Tom, so you have to be responsible for what they say,” O’Donnell said. “But I’m not a spokesperson. I’m not a spokesperson for the NRA,” Selleck said. MSNBC star Lawrence O’Donnell also brought up Selleck’s role in the NRA in 2013 following the Sandy Hook shooting, saying he questioned Selleck’s “humanity.”
    1 point
  13. Those who are public figures face a higher level of pressure than do most of us when they advocate a pro gun position. I applaud those who do it anyway, and understand those who do not step up publicly. I have been involved in these issues since the 1970s at both the national level and the state level in Illinois. In the early 1980s I put together a special fund for use in Illinois to advance pro gun positions at a time when individual cities were outlawing gun ownership altogether. The unique feature was that we found a way legally to protect the identities of those contributing. Few of them belonged to either state or national pro gun groups. Why? Because they were gun owning and gun loving business owners who didn't want their careers ruined or their businesses ruined by liberal anti gun groups. When we showed them how to contribute without being identified, they flocked to contribute money. One guy owned a hotel and restaurant chain, another a chain of men's clothing stores, another a furniture chain, and yet another several radio stations. The list went on and on. Working with the ILA, those funds were put to very good use and it wasn't long until the state passed a preemption law prohibiting municipalities and counties from passing their own gun ownership laws. While it didn't go far enough, it did accomplish quite a bit given the times. I was in a position to do this because my income did not depend on the public at large, and because much of my income derived from businesses I was not publicly connected with. If the circumstances has been different, I also would have been circumspect. Tom Selleck gets a thumbs up from me for what he has had to endure.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. I'd consider it the difference between forcible confiscation and willingly surrendered. If you're willing to give them up and deal with the courts and aggravation of reclaiming your property because of an inadmissible and undefendable hearsay claim, fine. Should they be forcibly taken? No. If the guy got belligerent, which he did, the cops should have de-escalated. Back off. Watch him. Let it cool off. Going from zero to gunfire over hearsay is absurd. What would they have done if he wasn't home? B&E to confiscate (steal) his property? As Greg says, that's armed robbery in my book. Does the warrant to confiscate his property include a summons to a court date?
    1 point
  16. Of course I wouldn’t be happy. Would I pull my gun and engage them? Of course not I would either die or end up in jail. Protecting your family includes not doing something stupid and getting killed or sent to prison and leaving them to fend for themselves. I don’t have a high opinion of our legal system. Remember me? I’m the one that says you will get exactly as much justice as you can afford, and anyone that thinks they are innocent until proven guilty probably hasn’t been cuffed, stuffed, and booked. It is flawed and there are bad cops. I know that, acknowledge it and have taught my children how to survive it. The opinions I give here are more to give a person insight on how to keep from getting arrested and going to trial, as opposed to some with no legal experience who think because they read the law they can advise someone how to beat charges at trial; that’s generally a loss. But those types of opinions are usually more popular than mine. You and I agree on most things including politics and guns; but we are 180 degrees opposed on law enforcement. I never had to violate someone rights to arrest them or get a conviction and don’t believe it would be required today. However, I doubt you and I would agree on what those rights are. Good cops make mistakes…period. Will they be fired? Of course not if those mistakes were innocent. If they were intentional or criminal; absolutely they should be held accountable. Are they always? Nope. I have plenty of ideas that would help cops work better with the community and have a better reputation. They aren’t anything earth shattering that hasn’t been presented before. You have to remember that Police Departments can be day and night different; even in the same state or county. You have to also realize that some people hate cops no matter what they do and some people just hate anyone in authority. No one will ever change those people minds. I watched that whole series; it was like 10 or 12 hours. How accurate was it? I have no idea. I know they showed that a couple of cops planted evidence. Did that happen? I don’t know; it could have. There are plenty of cases of cops lying or planting evidence. It happened to me. Am I bitter about it? I’m bitter that one criminal SOB that was pissed at me lied. But I couldn’t prove it and it took several years before he was caught, arrested, and fired for doing it to someone else. All the cops on that department weren’t bad.
    1 point
  17. Back when I hunted I always used Winchester 150gr Silver Tips and was never dissappointed with their performance. All my children and grandchildren are still using them as far as I know.
    1 point
  18. I'm honestly surprised this kind of scenario isn't more common. When adrenaline is running that high, it can lead to some tragic events. Between the good guy we lost, and the LEO who has to live with this for the rest of his life, it's a bad day all around.
    1 point
  19. The "Original Formula" had another secret ingredient.
    1 point
  20. Some duct tape and a good hard drive recovery program will fix those up good as new.
    1 point
  21. That Federal is currently $9.97 at Walmart and Federal has the $5/box rebate going.
    1 point
  22. Good to know. That’s what I’ve been using. I’m waiting on a new front sight now that will hopefully be here before Saturday.
    1 point
  23. For what it's worth, I believe it's another foot in the door for total gun confiscation. I remember a push years back to demonize gun owners by saying all gun owners were mentally incompetent. Once they determine they can do this, what is to say that they won't go after all gun owners "because someone feels threatened"? Maybe I am too distrustful, but there it is.
    1 point
  24. This is probably not gonna make much sense but going to say it anyway. The man that was killed over his guns had never been arrested or even a traffic ticket and a complaint from some extended family member was the one the made the request that they just take his guns and it got him killed. I think who ever this person was should be required to file a complaint and provide a reason for the Confiscation for the records should it go to court. Of course this one won't be except maybe Civil Court. The CA shooter had been in trouble with the law when he was young and again when he returned home from Marine Corps. The reason the Mental Crisis Unit was called to his home was because he was having as issue of domestic violence and kicking holes in the Walls of the home they lived in. Now maybe some people don't see a difference between the 2 cases but I do..............JMHO
    1 point
  25. There is no better time to by than now, make it happen soon!
    1 point
  26. I chose not to procreate for the very reasons we are discussing.
    1 point
  27. I probably won’t live long enough to see it. Although they said yesterday Hillary may run again in 2020. But Bernie Sanders, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, Kirsten Gillibrand and Elizabeth Warren are all the same...group of liberal losers that want to destroy the country. It’s not about me or you it’s about our kids or grandkids.
    1 point
  28. Yep. The bazookas give it away
    1 point
  29. It was my understanding that no charges were filed, and the police were not there to arrest him; just confiscate his firearms. I saw no evidence that he was even accused of breaking any laws. I consider this armed robbery.
    1 point
  30. I have heard good things about LEVERevolution from Hornaday. Never used it though.
    1 point
  31. It's a converted Colt SP1, I have always wanted an M16 since I was 10! I sold everything, ate Ramen noodles, drank Keystone beer and saved my money up for one. I have a Mac 10, they are a good combo. Sub gun, and carbines. Both have several different uppers and configurations available, which I love. With the rising cost of machine guns, it is hard to drop that much on a gun that can not be converted or changed to anything else.
    1 point
  32. That was my first thought as well
    1 point
  33. This could have just as easily been a armed citizen holding the shooter in place. if this possibility hasn’t been on your radar, you might want to give it some thought. I imagine things happen VERY quickly........
    1 point
  34. My prays to you and yours Greg.
    1 point
  35. I'd say there's no chance this law passes any semblance of a "due process" examination, and it's clearly a 4th Amendment violation. But these days, you never know.
    1 point
  36. If a person places a 22 LR round in the right place a bad guy will go down like a ton of bricks. NO, IT IS NOT a self defense weapon but can be as deadly as any hand gun out there in the right hands of someone with knowledge of bullet placement..........JMHO
    1 point
  37. I have mixed feelings on these types of laws. There is no doubt some people should simply not be allowed to have guns in their possession. There is also the potential for rampant abuse of one’s rights.
    1 point
  38. To go from acquiring my HCP, daily carry and practice to instructor led training. For me it was fear of the unknown and public embarrassment. 1. I'm not very good and better students or even the instructor will be amazed by my lack of skill. The not very good is offset by the very fact I'm participating in training. In my experience, the environment is always encouraging, and sometimes, even at my skill level, I can encourage newer shooters. 2. I have a proper belt and holster but don't have tacti-cool gear and accessories. This was less important to me as I have learned to tailor my gear to me and my dress, which is different than everyone else. It is nice to learn what gear others employ, may be better than what I got. 3. I don't shoot a "insert fanboy brand or brands here" What will my instructor or others think about my handgun choice. Who cares? Reliable, shootable, primary carry pistol - bring it. 4. I carry a fanboy pistol, but it's stock. No fancy trigger, RMR, grips, magwell, or bayonet (for you CZ guys, and I am looking for one) If it was a competition, this probably makes a difference, but this is training. My suggestion starting out is train with what you carry or your primary defense pistol. 5. I can't afford it. I paid over $100 to obtain my HCP. One day, no overnight travel classes available for less than $100 plus gas, ammo, and lunch. An hour at the range is $20 plus. If I reduce live practice and increase dry practice, it becomes easier to budget. 6. I don't have time Time is precious, especially with our 5 day week spread over 7 days. It's easy to say, "just do it," but taking a day requires giving up that time for something else.
    1 point
  39. The 80’s was full of stupid ideas, this is a very good example of one.
    1 point
  40. I always wanted a Finnish Lahti L39. It's a beast.
    1 point
  41. I agree. Most of the people I talk to are very moderate. Even my democratic friends are not anti gun, contrary to what this forum says about the left. Even the ones that seemed to favor gun control quickly changed their mind once I explained some things to them.
    1 point
  42. My wife said it best the other day, when she and I were discussing this: The Left has abandoned anything near-centrist. They have stopped trying to hide the evil methods bu which they have been trying to sneak evil agendas into fruition over the past six-decades (give or take) and are now just putting it all out in the open. They can finally do that because society's morals and ethics are no longer moral or ethical and are now based entirely on self-gain, self-promotion, and all other manner of self-centric ideals and objectives. The greater good is no longer esteemed.
    1 point
  43. Clinton lost 54 house seats in 94, Obama lost 63 in 2010. last count Trump lost 31, but don't let facts stop you. Now if you would have said the most a Republican lost since Watergate, then that would have been a true statement, but the spin just isn't there. This is the same thing that the media does, putting out half truths to see what sticks.
    1 point
  44. Hello! I've lived in TN for one year ago today and I have yet to regret my decision but I'll start from the beginning. About a year and a half ago I visited my close friend for the first time in 2 years. I stayed a week and fell in love with the state. I particularly loved the drive down through southern VA and east TN the most. When I got back home I started looking for jobs and places go live. Barely a month later I accepted a job in Johnson City and transferred south. Most people don't understand how bad NY is until you transition to a free state. You may have heard the stories first or second hand but I have lived it. I'm only 25 so I haven't known anything but the state we know now. My dad remembers when it was blue from his childhood, but not me! Promptly moving down here I picked up my first pistol, then my second, and now I have 4. I also bought my first AR. In NY I was saving up for a build but barrels have to have threading cut off so I decided to wait. I am VERY interested in getting into competitions and steel shoots. All I've been doing is going to state ranges and it seems like the big 3 gun and PRS ranges are closer to Nashville.
    1 point
  45. Welcome. I am native Tennessee, but lived in Louisiana and Wisconsin after college. Escaped beck home in 2008 so our daughter could grow up in a place I trust. Now the wife (from Shreveport) calls Tennesseeee home too!
    1 point
  46. 1 point
  47. Welcome to NE TN. I escaped Western NY 3.5 years ago. I wasn't a NY native, and I'm old enough to know it was not a good place to be but it didn't pay the bills. Wish I would have made the move years earlier but enjoying life now.
    1 point
  48. Welcome to Tennessee. In the words of the immortal Lewis Grizzard, "Come on down here. Breathe our air. Eat our food. Marry our women. There's just one thing we ask of you - don't tell us how you used to do it back in Brooklyn."
    1 point
  49. This has been discussed here many times. My experience was not the charge, but the fact that there was no disposition. It was a 25 year old misdemeanor that was dismissed. Never stopped me from purchasing until I moved to Tennessee. I had to go through the Circuit Clerks Office where the charge occurred. They submitted the dismissal to the Feds and I haven’t had a problem since. But they sent me notarized copies of the documents in case it happened again. The TBI was no help; the BATF told me what the problem was and how to fix it.
    1 point
  50. I wanted a set up to do small receivers up to Rem rolling block size as a max and this was the cheapest way to do it. First I bought a used pottery kiln off Ebay for about 280 if I remember right. Now what makes a pottery kiln no good for the intended purpose is they general have a pretty cheap temp regulator. You need a Kiln that will hold 1500 Degrees F within a few degrees. That's where this unit comes in. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Plug-Play-PID-Temperature-Controller-Box-Kiln-Probe-Pottery-Glass-Annealing-/111131612124?hash=item19dff5d3dc Now comes the tinkering of putting the new controller in the old control panel. I kept the original analog temp gauge just to have a match to the digital add on one. This is what it looks like under the lid. Next up was to make a crucible to contain the part and the carbon mix. I had to size it carefully so it would fit inside the small kiln without being to close to the heat coils. heating slow and evenly is part of the equation. here it was specifically sized to fit the long griped stevens An aerator pipe was fabricated to bubble the water for at least an hour prior to a quench. High oxygen content is needed for good colors. The coiled bottom has a series of tiny holes drill for fine air release. Here, the bucket is a industrial laundry detergent unit that will hold my 15 gallons of Distilled water from Walmart. The crucible frame holds the container solidly and you can see the window screening that catches the part. Here you can see the crucible lift fork that can lift the container out of the kiln and the trap door hook screw driver I made up to yank the trap door open over the water. Quenching must be very close to the water and instantaneous. If the trap door hesitates to open in one swift motion, Its spoiled, and needs to be repacked and heated again. Ask me how I know The second receiver I did was this Marlin 47 pump 22. The quench warped the bolt enough to where I had to refit it but it worked out nice in the end. That used to be a fire damage gun that got new wood. The forend I made from an old butt stock scrap
    1 point
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