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Never even heard of this, but subject of article in December issue of Guns Magazine: Mentioned in the article is the awesome vid promoting it that Canada had Walt Disney make called "Stop That Tank!" - OS3 points
3 points
This is probably the best thing you will see on the Internet tonight.2 points
Well.....it turns out I hit him perfectly the first shot. He ran across an open field. I shot & he walked off into a brush pile. 2 minutes later 'he' walks out of the brush pile & starts feeding. I shot again & saw dirt fly under his belly. Shot again & saw dirt in the same spot buy he's had enough by then. I never even considered going to look for blood because he acted unharmed. I wouldn't have guessed in a million freaking years that there was already a nice buck in the brush pile when mine ran in there.... A buddy hunted there today & found him 10 feet from where I shot him. Really unfortunately, coyotes got up in his guts & ruined both hams & the 240gn Magtech took care of the offside shoulder2 points
Put up a new ladder stand Wednesday about 200 yards from the house, tried it out Thursday morning, took an 8 point at 8:00, and have now been informed that my season is over ... she is NOT buying a third freezer!2 points
1 point
The Great War ended and created the geo political world we live in today https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2018/11/on-the-11th-month-the-11th-day-at-the-11th-hour-100-years-ago-today-the-great-war-ended/ Happy Rememberance Day!1 point
I get more meat from a commercial processor than I produce butchering a deer myself. My final product is also superior to the butcher's. Perhaps I dispose of too much waste, but what I'm left with sure is good eating. Th dogs also get several meals from my scrap, so all is not lost.1 point
Great class. Tiffany and Aqil are both excellent instructors. I learned a lot and will train with them again. Cheers, Whisper1 point
Like I said, we must stay vigilant, they will throw everything at the wall to see what sticks. They've failed time and time again with direct attack, so they'll attack at the fringes, making it harder, more checks, taxing ammo, guns etc at a ridiculous rate. We need to stop allowing those things that will not affect us directly, and fight every single anti gun proposal they present, no matter how ridiculous it may seem.1 point
1 point
Bet they said that in 68, 86, and 94. Thing is we must stay vigilant, because they never rest, and neither should we.1 point
Gotta have someone as the boogeyman to gin up fundraising for the NRA.1 point
Dave does this sort of thing on the reg. He’s one of my favorite humans in the entertainment world.1 point
Dave Grohl is a treasure, and I think just an all around good human being.1 point
1 point
My wife said it best the other day, when she and I were discussing this: The Left has abandoned anything near-centrist. They have stopped trying to hide the evil methods bu which they have been trying to sneak evil agendas into fruition over the past six-decades (give or take) and are now just putting it all out in the open. They can finally do that because society's morals and ethics are no longer moral or ethical and are now based entirely on self-gain, self-promotion, and all other manner of self-centric ideals and objectives. The greater good is no longer esteemed.1 point
Clinton lost 54 house seats in 94, Obama lost 63 in 2010. last count Trump lost 31, but don't let facts stop you. Now if you would have said the most a Republican lost since Watergate, then that would have been a true statement, but the spin just isn't there. This is the same thing that the media does, putting out half truths to see what sticks.1 point
Meh. I'll offer two possibilities: 1.) Maybe he is? GOOD. The GOP is rotten and needs to be destroyed and rebuilt or replaced with something truly conservative. 2.) Maybe he isn't? Maybe you're just disenfranchised or are speaking with Republicans who are? The Republican voters that I know love what he's doing.1 point
Same here. Veterans Day, and especially Memorial Day have always been quiet times of contemplation for me. The last thing on my mind is scoring a free meal.1 point
Lots of places do discounts/freebie for vets on Veteran's Day. A friend of mine likes to eat completely free that day. I'm not into it that much.1 point
1 point
Half the ARs out there come with with biggest port possible within the (debatable) specs and are overgassed to some extent, as the manufacturers want to make sure they run period. What, though, is your solution for an oversized port, though, if not heavier buffer/spring, or often best, adjustable gas block? Weld it up smaller? What's the difference, you're making the aperture smaller before the gas tube either way. Buy a new barrel? When you get one that is so overgassed that it's throwing empties out at 1:00 and overrides the mag to where it doesn't even pick up the next round, and you put an adjustable block on it so that it slings them at 4:00 and runs 100%, I'd call the thing fixed, myself. - OS1 point
A heavy H3 carbine buffer might compensate enough to tame it down into spec, but yeah, an adjustable block undoubtedly offers the most control. And sure, a combination of rifle buffer and Russian ammo may have run just about right before on your rifle. Rifle buffer is a bit heavier than even H2 carbine buffer. I shoot a lot of Russian steel, and find it quite satisfactory, but none that I tested has ever hit 3000 fps, so it's underpowered compared to military spec 5.56 or hotter commercial .223. - OS1 point
Assuming everything else is up to snuff, earlier than 3:00 ejection pattern does indeed suggest significant overgassing. Dunno exactly regarding the casing dimples though. So, confused about the adjustable gas block, are you using one or not? edit: okay, see you answered that while I was typing. - OS1 point
0 points
I missed the same 10, 3 frikkin' times yesterday evening. I've gotta assume my scope's janked. 3 open field shots, all under 100yds!!0 points
0 points
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