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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/2018 in all areas

  1. Fawcett and her friend tried various poses around her pool, but nothing was working for them. McBroom then grabbed a worn Mexican blanket from his battered 1937 Chevy truck. He was using it as a seat cover. The photographer realized the stripes would match the suit, so he yanked the blanket from his cab. Who needs a fancy studio with lights?
    3 points
  2. Hi, everyone! Just thought I'd check back in and tell you all what a FABULOUS time we had at the Women on Target Clinic this past Saturday. The class was completely sold out (actually over-sold), and we had ladies of all stripes -- from teenagers to grandmas; from ladies who had never fired a shot to at least one who teaches classes herself, and everyone in between. It was a blast. We're already getting requests to schedule another iteration of this class, so stay tuned! For those who are interested, we'll be posting photos on our Facebook page soon. A thousand thank-yous to everyone who wished us well and helped us spread the word. - Tiffany
    3 points
  3. It’s surprising how much of what people who struggle with homelessness have is really considered disposable. If you’re spending the night at the mission or someplace like that, they’re not going to let you bring more than a single, small backpack in. They might have storage lockers, but they’re not going to be secure. Your stuff is likely to be stolen. Other cities may be different, but with Room In The Inn in Nashville, no one has to spend the night on the street during the winter. We have enough churches to take people in. So, the issue changes to whether or not the place where they’re staying has showers or a washer and dryer. Most little churches don’t, hence if they can get new socks/underwear, they will. Softer protein bars are great, too. So is lip balm.
    3 points
  4. I was told no Christian is exempt from sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know where this thread will go, but I hope to learn, encourage and enlighten with positive posts, responses, questions, and critiques. I want to be a better Christian today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. I hope there will be enough information shared for folks make a decision about Christianity, free from hypocrisy and enough discernment to identify hypocrisy. That's what makes evangelism so hard and so I'll avoid it with the truth. Being 50 year old man, but only an 11 year old Christian, I was sure I wasn't prepared. Not a Bible scholar nor a theologian. Nice thing is I see this Christianity thing as a child does...it's not hard, it's not confusing. It has not been tainted by religion, the bias of my upbringing in the Catholic Church nor blinded by hypocrisy. I was actually saved in a Catholic Church, so the cause and event are probably the best place to start. You should all know I am a sinner; past, prssent, and future. I have broken more of God's commandments more times than I can remember. In 1988 I turned my back on God. Mom passed after 9 months of chemo and cancer. It was obviously God's fault, so I was ready to be like Frank Sinatra and do it my way. Had a pretty successful run, ups and downs but mostly up. Then a strange thing happened while bitching about having to wash some dishes in 1997. I had been married about a year and Mrs GtGs was the subject of my ire. All of a sudden, it occurred to me, if Mom hadn't passed, the likelihood of moving to Tennessee was zero. Not saying I'd still be living at home, but I loved my Mom and still miss her. It also revealed Mrs GtG was His gift to me, to love, cherish, lead and protect. Coincidence I had this errant thought, perhaps. Too much opium trying to connect randon events, maybe. God's plan for my life, with revelation of why I had / have trial and tribulation: this is my obvious choice considering my perspective. It was also a healing moment, my anger and hate towards God evaporated because I had an understanding of why. Here is where I missed the boat, when the anger faded, I was cool with God. I was aware of Him. That was about it, I didn't acknowledge, worship, glorify, or give Him any real credit. My lifestyle didn't change much. Went to church a few times, like any good C&E Catholic, I dropped some spare coin in the collection plate on the high holidays. Fast forward to 2007. Life (on the surface) was great. No cares or worries. Health, wealth, marriage...it was picture perfect. So I bought a bigger boat. The first Saturday I owned it, I was sitting on the bridge after washing and waxing. She was shipshape and in Bristol fashion. While surveying mine domain, another one of those errant thoughs, "I'd never thought I'd have a boat anything like this, I'd better get me to church." Strange to say the least, but at that moment the vague awareness of God manifested into, "GtG, you ain't all that and a bag of chips and somehow you think or know or feel God has been helping you out." So I went and talk about a religious experience. The folks in the pew next me probably thought my family just died or I getting ready to die myself. In the Gospel of Luke, there is a parable of the barren vine, the landowner and the gardner. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' I was rocked to my core. This is what I heard and understood. I was the barren vine which had accepted 40 years sun, fertilizer, care, labor, space, investment, mercy and Grace for no yield. God was done with me and I was going to hell. Even my savior Jesus Christ, as the laborer, was willing to shield me, but I had to do something, because scripture doesn't say how long the season is. That's when my heart and mind opened to the truth recorded in the Bible, as I understand it with my childlike perception. The very next week, another religious experience. The Prodigal Son. Yep, through scripture, God revealed there was a party in Heaven over my return to the flock. So when I have zero doubt of heaven and hell and I was certain I was on the hell express, God showed how much he loved the wretched, selfish sinner I was by sending that message to save me from myself. What if I had hit snooze...yikes. So I found the Lord and got right with God and even went and got saved when times were good. I heard and read about trusting, patience, faithfulness. All those things you actually need when times are bad. Didn't quite understand as that stuff doesn't apply to me since time were good. Pretty important, because things got bad. 2009-2011 are tough financial times, I'm working 2 part time jobs to supplement my full time income, our home environment was not marital bliss. I'm reading my Bible a lot during this time, but truthfully, I didn't or couldn't feel God's presence or understand much of what I read. Except for Psalms and Job. There are some wonderful nuggets in Psalms which capture how I want to speak to or cry out to God. In Job, he praises and glorifies God regardless of his situation. He knows the Lord blessed him in the goods times, this is a test of his faith and he will trust God with tomorrow. I clung to this like a drowning man at the end of the rope. 2012 there was light at the end of the tunnel, it wasn't a train, and life got a bit easier with a new job. In August, out AC broke and so did my blindness. Mrs GtG was not happily married and didn't particularly care about the future outcome of our marriage. You see, like Paul, I was still blind to my sin. Yes, I got right with God, accepted who Christ is and what he does for me every day, began to forgive myself for treating God so poorly, but forgot I thing. Why do you persecute me, through her? In my selfishness, I had become a monster. When I looked at my behavior I was ashamed - I wouldn't want to be married to me either. I confessed and asked for forgiveness. Still married and it's better today than day 1. Well, that's my story and it's still being written. Welcome to the religious thread where all are welcome!
    2 points
  5. It must have been a cold day!
    2 points
  6. Roofing ain't cheap! But the actual cost depends a lot on the amount of damage, if wood needs replacing and if there is interior ceiling damage. Back in April I had to replace the roof on my 3 bed room 1600 sq ft house. In my case it was the result of damage from multiple storms over a period of several years until it finally started leaking into the house. The inspectors and the contractor found damage and some minor leakage that I didn't even know I had. It was much worse than I thought it was. The end result was a whole new roof, a fair bit of wood replacement and ceiling painting/repair in 4 rooms. Total costs ran about $6200. Insurance covered a good bit of it and I was out of pocket for about $1600. BTW: a good roofing contractor is worth their weight in gold. They are pros at handling insurance companies and the paperwork. Mine saved me a bunch of headaches.
    2 points
  7. I believe that is South African. 86 is the year and 13 is the load identification code used by Pretoria Metal Pressing Ltd Pretoria, RSA.
    2 points
  8. https://www.wsj.com/articles/dicks-says-under-armour-new-gun-sales-policy-dragged-on-results-1535565173 They're trying to pin it mostly on slipping Under Armor sales and say that hunting was a low-margin business and they're going to reclaim that space for higher-margin items like baseball equipment. I think they're missing the point. I never once bought anything gun-related at Dick's. It was too expensive and there was never anyone around to get a box of said overpriced ammo out of the cage. But my wife and I used to buy some clothes there. After their gun-dump we stopped. Their anti-gun position didn't just remove low-margin hunting sales, it removed customers who buy other high-margin things too.
    1 point
  9. For what it’s worth, I try to keep a few ready-to-drink protein shakes like Myoplex or Muscle Milk in the door of my truck during cooler months, too If you want to acknowledge someone’s humanity, but are wary for whatever reason of giving them money - protein shakes are good solid calories.
    1 point
  10. Assuming you are paying for it yourself I would have several roofers come out and give you estimates. Tell them up front thereis no insurance money involved and I bet you’ll see the price go way down. Get a list of the supplies needed and buy them yourself from Home Depot or wherever and pay them to install it.
    1 point
  11. This is probably in the ballpark. I built a new 2000 sq ft house with a 10/12 pitch and dimensional shingles. It ran right at $8,000. It was a steep roof to work on but they had no old shingles to take off. Around here you can figure $60 to $75 per square to put the shingles on plus the cost of materials and the cost to remove the old one.
    1 point
  12. I don't know. I'm taking it to Sam Hoster Thursday.
    1 point
  13. I understand completely the rules against us carrying in a court of law. I also think it should apply to officers. Between victims, defendants, etc, there are too many people that potentially have too many extreme emotions. It doesn't seem to happen often, but it is a possibility that one of these hot headed people grabs an officer's firearm. Of course, dependent on location, most courtrooms have other officers outside the courtroom. They should be armed. Officers within the courtroom could easily make due with tasers. Tasers generally will ruin someone's day, but generally won't take someone's life. Glad this circumstance was prevented before becoming tragic.
    1 point
  14. My shingle roof was replaced due to storm damage about 5 years ago. $11k for a 2000 sqft house with high quality shingles. Powder coated metal roofing was north of $20k.
    1 point
  15. WA, an easy calculation if you don't want to climb around on the roof is ... "Pitch Multiplier for a 6:12 roof is 1.34 x width of the roof (from front facia to rear facia across the bottom chord) x length. Those measurments can be taken from the ground (or off a small ladder) then divide by 100 if you want the number of squares. Have you given thought to a metal roof? I had my house steel roofed by a Menonite Roofing Contractor from the Muddy Pond Community and the cost was almost exactly the same as a 20 year shingle roof (which, in reality only lasts 10 years). If you plan on staying in the home for many years it pays for itself from a "don't worry about roof leaks" standpoint!
    1 point
  16. No, You can have a loaded magazine in the case with a handgun, as long as the firearm is not loaded, and is inaccessible. No, Illinois has state preemption of firearm laws for handguns. No capacity limit for a handgun. Long guns are a different matter on local laws.
    1 point
  17. I always preferred wranglers anyway.
    1 point
  18. As long as you have documentation (in your possession) that you are allowed to carry a gun in public in your state; you are okay. Illinois is not recognizing your permit for carry; only for possession in your vehicle. FOID laws do not apply to out of state residents. Without a carry permit from your state, you can legally transport and possess a firearm, you just have to have it unloaded, cased, and inaccessible to the passenger compartment. Also keep in mind that while you are not required to notify an Officer; you are required to answer truthfully if asked. Failure to do so is a violation. If a firearm is found in a vehicle, unless it’s found on a person; it’s in possession of everyone in the vehicle.
    1 point
  19. She made just about anything look good.
    1 point
  20. We work with the homeless weekly from November through March - providing hospitality, feeding, and actually spending the night in a church building with them. Socks, underwear, and chemical hand warmers are by far the items that are sought after the most.
    1 point
  21. Warning against Prejudice James 2:1 My brothers and sisters, as believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, we must never treat people in different ways according to their outward appearance. It not too much of a stretch. to consider our skin is just the covering appearance of our bodies. If that is true or even plausible, I know a lot of racist Christians. Oh, they can quote the Old Testament all right. Do they know it's a Jewish law, written for the Jews, to ensure they stay Jewish? Apparently, even the Law of Moses became perverted when the teachers and keepers of the law added the twist of, "hate your enemy," to "love your neighbor." Perhaps it was to help keep like minded folks about God together and bring in those who were curious and wanted to learn more. Face it, if you are the only Jew ( or Christian) married into a non Judeo-Christian tribe, you'll probably begin to assimilate away from God to worship / fellow / accept the gods of that culture. Fortunately, I've been able to share the above scripture to at least soften the hearts of a few. I also personally learned the more traditional lesson, based not on outward appearance, but outward action from the limited perspective. Traveling south on Broadway one evening, as I passed KARM, I noticed a huge amount of waste on the sidewalk and street. City workers cleaning up "Animals," was my first thought. Yep. Harsh. Ugly. Judgemental. Shameful. Not too different from prejudices or racism. I was begging for forgiveness before I reached Summit Hill. The homeless are people, individual creations, children of God. Next time traveling through, someone installed garbage cans, and very little garbage in the ground. the It represented these people care about their immediate environment and choose to keep it as neat and clean as possible. We have a sizable homeless community / village under 40 on the west side overpass off Broadway. What it has placed in my heart is how to help more. We are able to support KARM on a regular basis, but with cold weather setting in, I figure I can do something to ward off the winter cold. Some kind of small water resistant/proof pack with gloves, hat, socks, rubber galoshes, fleece throw? If I can get unit cost to $10 per, I can outfit 100+ people. Military Surplus a valid avenue? Thanks for your prayers and support, I really appreciate it
    1 point
  22. You can have it in your car but anytime you aren't going to be in your car it must be stored in a lockable container (I don't think a locking glovebox counts). I was in Chicago 2 months ago...cool town...worth the trip just don't go to the southside...people forget its like a small state... 2.7 Million people...so ya gotta give parts of it some slack.
    1 point
  23. We already have a 2017 Highlander that we like very much. Need to replace a 2011 Honda Accord. The Accord has been a great vehicle but we need an vehicle that is easier to get into (we are in our 70's with health issues). Don't want another vehicle quite as big as the Highlander and that costs as much. Thanks for the replys so far.
    1 point
  24. Some years back I purchased 2 Yugo Mauser rifles from Mitchell's. I know a lot of guys badmouth Mitchell's guns as not being historically correct. And while that may be true, they are beautiful rifles and excellent shooters. Mine came with bayonets, and all of the accessories. For what I paid, I really couldn't ask for more. I think they still have a few left. So if you're looking for a good clean shooter, you really can't go wrong.
    1 point
  25. Good job Tiffany, wish you were closer so my granddaughter could take your class.
    1 point
  26. That is great to hear. Sounds like your off to a grea start and I hope it continues to grow!...............
    1 point
  27. Here's a sneak peak at what my Post-Cracker-Barrel-Raid survival commune might look like. . . on Casual Fridays, naturally
    1 point
  28. Somehow this was different, usually a smoke after firing a guy's gun was relaxing, but all she wanted was to try it again.
    0 points
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