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Your brought up a very sore subject in my life. I really use to love the lead sleds that ran up and down the highways of America. Those big old Chrysler Crown Imperials, Lincoln Town Cars, Cadillac El Dorado's, Oldsmobile Toronado, Buick Riveria's. Yep!!!! those were the good ole days for sure. Reminds me of a day at the shop I owned many ears ago that my son owns now. I was closed on Saturdays and heard this racket out side so opened the overhead door to see on of Tow Pros wreckers siting on the parking lot. On the back of the roll back was a 1958 Chrysler Crown Imperial all dressed up in all that beautiful Chrome and the wide white wall tires and the memories came flowing back. It was Scotty, the owner of Tow Pro and the owner of this beautiful car and he had a problem. Scotty had been to 5 garages with it and all of them told him not to even put it on the ground because they knew nothing about anything that old. I could tell by the look on the older gentlemans face he was concerned about his car. Scott had it loaded backwards so I said back it up to the door an put it in the second bay nose first. Scotty told the man he owed his $45.00 and the man handed him a $100.00 and said "Thank you son!' I asked the gentleman what was wrong and he said he was in town from New Jersey for a Chrome show of Old cars and it just quit running after a back fire. I said ok. He looked at me and said do you thnk you can help me and I said it would not be on the ground if I didn't. I lifted the hood and there is was. a 392 Cubic inch Chrysler Hemi with twin AFB carbs. Just as I was expecting. I pulled #1 Plug and told him to bump it till I told him to stop. On third bump the piston in #1 hole came up om top dead center compression. I took distributer cap off and rotor button was pointing to #1. I then got a distirbutor wrench and pulled the distributor and took it over to a workbench. The gentleman walked with me. Once at the bench I turned it upside down and shook it and in just a couple shakes the piece of copper fell out on the bench. It had a set of dual points in it and the copper strap holding the coil wire to the points had broke. That was a standard issue with them back in the day. I called the parts house and they sent me 2 new dets of points and two new condensers. I set the gap on te points before I put the distributor back in. Once every thing was back in place I told him to start it. It turned over about 3 times and fired right up. I watched as the mans grin came over his face from ear to ear. He revved it a couple times and turned it off. I think he was kind of expecting me to bend him over for the fix. I charged him $27.00 for the parts and $45.00 Labor which was 1 hour. He also handed me two $100.00 bills, shook my hand and said gentlemen like you and that tow truck driver are both a very rare pair of individuals and for that thank you both and I sent him on his way.3 points
I was told no Christian is exempt from sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I don't know where this thread will go, but I hope to learn, encourage and enlighten with positive posts, responses, questions, and critiques. I want to be a better Christian today than yesterday and better tomorrow than today. I hope there will be enough information shared for folks make a decision about Christianity, free from hypocrisy and enough discernment to identify hypocrisy. That's what makes evangelism so hard and so I'll avoid it with the truth. Being 50 year old man, but only an 11 year old Christian, I was sure I wasn't prepared. Not a Bible scholar nor a theologian. Nice thing is I see this Christianity thing as a child does...it's not hard, it's not confusing. It has not been tainted by religion, the bias of my upbringing in the Catholic Church nor blinded by hypocrisy. I was actually saved in a Catholic Church, so the cause and event are probably the best place to start. You should all know I am a sinner; past, prssent, and future. I have broken more of God's commandments more times than I can remember. In 1988 I turned my back on God. Mom passed after 9 months of chemo and cancer. It was obviously God's fault, so I was ready to be like Frank Sinatra and do it my way. Had a pretty successful run, ups and downs but mostly up. Then a strange thing happened while bitching about having to wash some dishes in 1997. I had been married about a year and Mrs GtGs was the subject of my ire. All of a sudden, it occurred to me, if Mom hadn't passed, the likelihood of moving to Tennessee was zero. Not saying I'd still be living at home, but I loved my Mom and still miss her. It also revealed Mrs GtG was His gift to me, to love, cherish, lead and protect. Coincidence I had this errant thought, perhaps. Too much opium trying to connect randon events, maybe. God's plan for my life, with revelation of why I had / have trial and tribulation: this is my obvious choice considering my perspective. It was also a healing moment, my anger and hate towards God evaporated because I had an understanding of why. Here is where I missed the boat, when the anger faded, I was cool with God. I was aware of Him. That was about it, I didn't acknowledge, worship, glorify, or give Him any real credit. My lifestyle didn't change much. Went to church a few times, like any good C&E Catholic, I dropped some spare coin in the collection plate on the high holidays. Fast forward to 2007. Life (on the surface) was great. No cares or worries. Health, wealth, marriage...it was picture perfect. So I bought a bigger boat. The first Saturday I owned it, I was sitting on the bridge after washing and waxing. She was shipshape and in Bristol fashion. While surveying mine domain, another one of those errant thoughs, "I'd never thought I'd have a boat anything like this, I'd better get me to church." Strange to say the least, but at that moment the vague awareness of God manifested into, "GtG, you ain't all that and a bag of chips and somehow you think or know or feel God has been helping you out." So I went and talk about a religious experience. The folks in the pew next me probably thought my family just died or I getting ready to die myself. In the Gospel of Luke, there is a parable of the barren vine, the landowner and the gardner. So he said to the man who took care of the vineyard, 'For three years now I've been coming to look for fruit on this fig tree and haven't found any. Cut it down! Why should it use up the soil?' I was rocked to my core. This is what I heard and understood. I was the barren vine which had accepted 40 years sun, fertilizer, care, labor, space, investment, mercy and Grace for no yield. God was done with me and I was going to hell. Even my savior Jesus Christ, as the laborer, was willing to shield me, but I had to do something, because scripture doesn't say how long the season is. That's when my heart and mind opened to the truth recorded in the Bible, as I understand it with my childlike perception. The very next week, another religious experience. The Prodigal Son. Yep, through scripture, God revealed there was a party in Heaven over my return to the flock. So when I have zero doubt of heaven and hell and I was certain I was on the hell express, God showed how much he loved the wretched, selfish sinner I was by sending that message to save me from myself. What if I had hit snooze...yikes. So I found the Lord and got right with God and even went and got saved when times were good. I heard and read about trusting, patience, faithfulness. All those things you actually need when times are bad. Didn't quite understand as that stuff doesn't apply to me since time were good. Pretty important, because things got bad. 2009-2011 are tough financial times, I'm working 2 part time jobs to supplement my full time income, our home environment was not marital bliss. I'm reading my Bible a lot during this time, but truthfully, I didn't or couldn't feel God's presence or understand much of what I read. Except for Psalms and Job. There are some wonderful nuggets in Psalms which capture how I want to speak to or cry out to God. In Job, he praises and glorifies God regardless of his situation. He knows the Lord blessed him in the goods times, this is a test of his faith and he will trust God with tomorrow. I clung to this like a drowning man at the end of the rope. 2012 there was light at the end of the tunnel, it wasn't a train, and life got a bit easier with a new job. In August, out AC broke and so did my blindness. Mrs GtG was not happily married and didn't particularly care about the future outcome of our marriage. You see, like Paul, I was still blind to my sin. Yes, I got right with God, accepted who Christ is and what he does for me every day, began to forgive myself for treating God so poorly, but forgot I thing. Why do you persecute me, through her? In my selfishness, I had become a monster. When I looked at my behavior I was ashamed - I wouldn't want to be married to me either. I confessed and asked for forgiveness. Still married and it's better today than day 1. Well, that's my story and it's still being written. Welcome to the religious thread where all are welcome!2 points
2 points
As finicky as it is with ammo the Thunder 22 is one of my favorite pistols. It’s my po man’s James Bond gun. It’s also what I use to blast all the Remington Golden Bullets I have. Oddly, it runs 100% with them and little else. No other .22 I have can do that.2 points
I just read a book called "Love Does", written by Bob Goff. It has a religious aspect to it, but is in no way preachy. I learned a lot from the book. I would highly recommend it to anyone. He believes that God is love, and to be more God like, we should exude God's love to one another. I am not a people person, and have a hard time doing this at times, but will work on it.2 points
Thank you very much for posting this. Some of the things you wrote really hit home with me.1 point
Yeah, nothing moving today. I saw one doe off in the distance but other than that... nothing.1 point
The only buck I saw this morning was on the way to my lease. The weather was awesome but the deer weren't cooperating. It's like they don't want to come home with me or something.1 point
I wasn’t able to get out today. Would have been a nice morning to be out. I did see a good buck yesterday but it was while I was on the golf course. Lol.1 point
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I've never carried it without the +1 mag, but always in my pocket. It's a little thicker and a little longer, but that only matters if I'm wearing more fitted clothes.1 point
I own one. I like the feel of it as well or better than anything else I own. I have CZs Glocks S&W, and others as comparison.1 point
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1 point
Keep up with the routine maintenance and most newer cars will last a long time. 300k is the 100k of 25 years ago. Stuff wears out, but it's rare these days to see an engine failure where the engine had oil in it at the time.1 point
Lol, you all have no idea what I have been through with this I am a dealer for Ramon Chaves who builds some of the best custom knives in the USA, recently he outsourced his design to Reate a Chinese company I have had TONS of people emailing me and asking for his outsourced knives, like I tell all of the clients who asks, I will not sell knives made in China no matter who designs them1 point
I had a buddy's dad buy him a brand new 1965 Plymouth Sport Fury with 426/ 4 speed and another buddys dad bought him a Coronet with same package Then when the GTX's and Road Runners came out they went to the 440 Six Pack motors which we also quick, just not quick enough............LOL1 point
I recently bought a RAM truck, and have been very happy with it so far. I really wanted the Toyota Tundra, but they are seriously proud of that truck and wouldn't budge on price. Plus they just laughed when they unashamedly said "Yep, it gets 13 miles per gallon". My RAM gets 18-20 with the Hemi V8. For way less money, I got a much nicer truck than what I could have afforded with the Toyota. The options I got on this truck would have bumped the price up $12-15k at Toyota. I was going to go Ford when I realized I couldn't afford Toyota, but the trucks I looked at just didn't get my juices flowing. The V6 they are pushing didn't seem to have the power of the RAM, and the interior seemed just blah. Plus RAM threw in a lifetime powertrain warranty. I told them that the truck I was getting out of was nearly 20 years old, and I plan on keeping this one even longer. So, for me that is a good deal.1 point
Toyota makes good cars, but they aren't trouble -free. Toyota benefits from biased media who gleefully report problems and recalls on American cars, but not for Toyota and some other makes. Toyota, Honda, BMW, Porsche, Mercedes, Volvo, etc all have quality problems and recalls. You just don't hear about it - you have to dig for the data. I don't see Chrysler surviving in the long run. Dodge trucks and Jeep will survive, but not Chrysler Corp. I spent 29 years in the auto industry.1 point
This. Started shooting competitive action pistol about 10 years ago and pretty much forgot about other hobbies. Shot roughly 10k in the past year and will shoot seven sanctioned matches this year. Not easy with a 50-60 hour work week and a kid, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.1 point
My sister and her husband have an original Coronet with a 426 hemi and 4 speed. She also has a new Challenger Scat Pack. There's no disputing which one is faster. On the flip side, she's had this car for less than a year, and I know it'd been back to the dealership for repairs 3 times, and I wouldn't doubt more. My wife bought a new Honda in 2011. It has 112k miles on it, and has never needed any repair whatsoever.1 point
Pakistan used to be the mark of the worst knives ever, but China seems to hold that distinction today. I guess we have trade sanctions with Pakistan now?1 point
They aren’t the Hemi’s I grew up with either. They will spank the Hemi’s we grew up with and leave them sitting at the starting line…. embarrassed.1 point
Yea, I think he is trying to get a big payday due to the fact that they are somewhat rare and a collector might be nieave enough to buy a piece of junk at a high end price........JMHO1 point
He’ll be lucky to get half of that in this market unless he finds a sucker he’s willing to take advantage of.1 point
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