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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/2018 in all areas
Look what Ruger's gone and done. Took them long enough but I like the looks of it. Yeah, stainless is probably more practical but there's just something about blued steel. https://ruger.com/products/sp101/specSheets/15702.html5 points
Really, watching him lash out at the INGO members who were basically asking the same questions about his presence is what told me it was time to preemptively snipe his account. No sense giving him a chance to lash out at our members the same way.2 points
Fortunately, the eastern half of the storm was east of Panama City. So, a lot of expensive property was spared some of the storm surge. When it comes to the risk... if you live on the beach, you need to embrace the damn water. It's what the beach does. I have a friend that is from there. He's a big ham radio operator. He was talking about the fact that his antennas and tower wouldn't withstand the storm. But his attitude seemed to be, "I live here, and that's part of it."2 points
2 points
Probably just a lonely old geezer trying to keep from just crawling in a hole and giving up. Or a chinese keyboard jockey trying spread dissension and disinformation among the rank and file.2 points
I guess we’ve gotten away from “prayers for all those in harm’s way” to “sorry you’ve lost everything but life’s a bitch and you’re on your own”, literally a couple of hours after the hurricane hit land and is still raging. Nice.2 points
If you do not have insurance then it is on you. Yes I have sympathy but am also fiscally responsible. I am tired of the Fed paying for a lot of things they should not. Sandy, items, Katrina, etc... Yes it is terrible for the people but it is not the government responsibility. Yet another downward area. People expect the government to take care of everything for them. Sad.2 points
You knocked it out of the park my man. All I have to add is many over 50 (more like 70) NEED the government to even barely survive.2 points
Hurricane Michael Looks like this one is going to be rather destructive. Hope everyone stays safe and gets themselves armed and ready in case but...... I'm of the opinion FEMA should not be paying out for repairs for free at tax payer expense. If they do they should be able to put a lean on the property. If a home owner can't afford insurance why is it on the Taxpayer to fix the home? Had a friend who had a home he inherited in S. FL. It needed a roof BEFORE the hurricane came and he had no insurance and owned the home outright. He ended up with a free roof. The guy could have got a loan on the house to pay for a roof. In my mind he ripped off the Tax payer. I'm especially against any money going towards people who build on the coastal areas or mountainsides etc. Places where it's risky to build. I'm for FEMA assistance after a disaster but there should be limits. It's too political now.1 point
1 point
Car insurance is mandated also. Yet there is uninsured and underinsured coverage. Lots of folks but coverage, cancel after sending it as proof of coverage. It was widely known after so many got caught after the storms. Criminals will find a way.1 point
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When it comes to the other, there’s often more assumption than reality. The boring regularity of the financial markets are rarely good for outrage.1 point
Not possible. Unless it was some kind of loan shark lender. Feds require insurance on loans and ive yet to see a legitimate lender that didn't require insurance.1 point
1 point
Nope, compassion is there but I am not a fan of paying for it when it keeps happening. Over and over. Not just the hurricanes though, think big picture, flooding along Rivers, blizzards, fires, everyone wants the gov to pay for it. Sorry, personal responsibility has to come in somewhere. And our thoughts are with everyone hoping for their safety. Compassion and understanding is not exclusive of cash. Helping them clean up, been there done that, provided shelter to those that need it. Just not paying for their roof again.1 point
1 point
Y’all are conservatives. I thought this is what you wanted? Free markets and all that? While I don’t play one on TV or TGO, I am generally fiscally conservative, so here goes... You *should* bear some of the risk every time a hurricane comes through if you’re going to live there. In a free market, insurance reflects actual risk models. Hence your $8600/year homeowners policy with no flood coverage. In south Florida, the models are close to 100% that you’ll have a water incursion or flood event at least once in a 30 year mortgage. Water damage is really expensive to fix. If you’re a free market conservative, then you shouldn’t get too upset about paying premiums that actually reflect your area’s risk. The problem is of course that since 1968 when the NFIP was started, we’ve had a bunch of hurricanes where insurers have gone bankrupt in affected areas. That means no one gets reimbursed. Come forward 50 years, and the taxpayer subsidized version is the only option. There aren’t any private insurers in the space - because they can’t collect enough premium to address the risk. Some of us would love to see some sanity introduced into coastal planning through insurance that actually reflects risk. But, like so many other things in the empire, we’re probably too far gone for that.1 point
I have an annual family hayride/bonfire Saturday afternoon but I’m hunting before I head up there. I’m excited about both of my plans on Saturday and being cooler makes both more enjoyable1 point
We were only 5 miles from the center of town, The Cumberland County seat. Nobody around here flinched about the noise. The 35 or 40 on lookers were mostly from J.C.'s Church and he has this shoot every October. Folks Love it. These are my kind of people....... Love it here!1 point
Might be an old valuable Derringer tucked away in a compartment you haven't found!1 point
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It was a fitting tribute in a way. They manufactured a story about a guy who manufactured a lot of stories.1 point
That's why I was the lone vote above for several cases inside a suitcase. I want my guns to be as inconspicuous as possible.1 point
1 point
If you start working for the CDC, remind me to stock up on antibotics...1 point
1 point
2 more single stacks probably. I should clean mine up a bit and add to this thread. Far as I can tell mine is early 1800’s.1 point
I'm proud to say that my children and older grandchildren are all conservatives. My middle kid was all about Obama when he first ran. We asked her what policies of his that she supported, and she couldn't name one. All she could say was that he spoke to her. When I pointed out that being a smooth talker was all he had then she saw the light. It was affirmed when we told her of some of the policies of the Democrats. She is now a solid conservative.1 point
There you go poking me in the eye...lol. Probably not. Truth is we're all just dinosaurs anyway. Let's just get brutally honest. People like us are a dying breed. Most everyone under 50 expects the government to take care of them. And they'll get their wish. At the cost of their freedom. This is gonna be the future. When there's this many people on the planet there's no choice but for government to control most aspects of our lives. Best we can hope for is a particularly deadly strain of the flue. Thin the herd as it were.1 point
Not necessarily. There are lots of regional banks just as happy as pigs in #### that have no desire to sell to anyone. The one i bank with has been an indy for at least 20 years.1 point
1 point
I debated it for this very reason alone and even told MacGyver, "He's generating traffic, at least". BUT... I felt like the account was questionable at best when I figured out the screen name was a sniper character in a video game and that he was posting almost verbatim the same threads over on INGO but with about a 2-week head start there. Their users seemed to be getting tired of him for some of the same reasons we were skeptical here. I figured it's foolish to watch someone make a mistake and then not learn from it and avoid it, so...1 point
If you recall, last year I sold off my late friend's collection for his wife. He was real big into those old mil-surp guns. He had about six Mosins and a dozen SKSs along with quite a few other similar mil-surp guns. I sold all of these for double or triple what he paid for them and was still far enough under current retail that they went very quickly. The same goes for all the mil-surp ammo he had stockpiled. His investment paid off very well for his family. I'm afraid those days are over.1 point
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And rambling about the moon over there as well. If this is what retirement looks like I think I'll keep working.. https://www.ingunowners.com/forums/break-room/459309-we-never-went-moon-period.html1 point
Correct in effect, but here, not so much in amount. Simply put, get the 2016 presidential result maps by county. Draw lines from the center of the very bluest counties to the center of the nearest very reddest. That's the direction the filth will try to spread. The first all out bans will, of course, be authored by Don Cuomo and moonbeam. The next four will be Oregon, Washington, Connecticut, and Massachusetts. Oddly enough, even after 36 years of that whiny little puke Reid, and 12 of that reverse carpetbagger Titus, I don't see a ban in Nevada for a good long while, even with its being so close to the ethical open sewer of Cali. But as to here... unless the country stops spiraling down the drain, TN will get a state AWB. I maintain it will take longer, and be poorly followed, owing to so many taking the darn things across the many lakes and rivers and having capsizings. I prophesy that Home Depot/Menards/Lowes etc will have nationwide runs on 6-8" PVC pipe and caps after the first ban. Of course, I could be whistling past the graveyard, so to speak... a trite explanation, save that I live at this time quite literally across the street from one. Andersen/Heritage this week, Heaven approving. SWC1 point
As in all things, there are two sides. The home of great men, such as Crockett and Jackson, is also the home of Gore and Forrest.1 point
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Perhaps if the evidence of man made global warming wasn't so evident we could all have a little more compassion.0 points
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