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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2018 in all areas
In today's world there are so many problems...people problems dealing with life, moral objectivity, and so on. I found this old story applicable for some reason since to me people seem more self centered and absorbed than ever. A POUND OF BUTTER There was a farmer who sold a pound of butter to the baker. One day the baker decided to weigh the butter to see if he was getting a pound and he found that he was not. This angered him and he took the farmer to court. The judge asked the farmer if he was using any measure. The farmer replied, amour Honor, I am primitive. I don’t have a proper measure, but I do have a scale.” The judge asked, “Then how do you weigh the butter?” The farmer replied “Your Honor, long before the baker started buying butter from me, I have been buying a pound loaf of bread from him. Every day when the baker brings the bread, I put it on the scale and give him the same weight in butter. If anyone is to be blamed, it is the baker.” ” We get back in life what we give to others.”7 points
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This is what I like to refer to as a buying opportunity. Stock up! It will not stay this way.5 points
Lets see how the old saying goes "Do unto others as you want others to do unto you" or something like that. Here in mine "Give more than you get, you will get more than you need. This works for the good and bad you give and get"4 points
Disbelief that we went to the moon is so 1980’s. Now beliving that the moon doesn’t exist is the cool thing to do.3 points
I doubt that uhaul ever left the city limits. Those guns are probably already scattered to hell and back like the cockroaches that stole them.3 points
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As much hell as I gave Obama, ain't nobody can get $3500 out of a Deton Ar-15 except him. God bless Barack Obama. He may have been a little slow on the president thing. But he was THE BEST gun salesman of all time.3 points
When I look at the classified here I can tell some folks have not gotten the memo that prices are down. If you're having to bump a thread 100 times and the gun hasn't sold, you've got it priced too high. Folks would be better off waiting until prices go back up rather than sell at a big discount now. Now, if you're not in a hurry, there is nothing wrong with staying firm on the price, just don't expect it to sell anytime soon. Now is definitely a good time to buy. I'd hate to be in a position where I HAD to sell though.3 points
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I hope people are heading this sage advice. Especially for spare parts and magazines.2 points
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JC Higgins (Marlin) Model 103.18 .22 bolt action single-shot...circa 1959 I believe.2 points
I got a Aim surplus catalog from fall 2006 , it has M44's for $69.95, M38's $89.95,Czech 7.62x54R 800 rds. $69.95 Yugo SKS exc. cond. $149.95 South African 308 ammo 980 rds. 189.00 Romanian 7.62x25 1224 spam can 109.952 points
Frre trapping class in Cumberland County TN ON OCT 27@1pm CST. I will cover some primitive snares and deadfalls as well as modern equipment. Class size is limited to 10 and will last 3-4 hours1 point
I've have had a Ruger LCP II in .380ACP for a few months now. Got it new and been carrying it in a DeSantis Super Fly pocket holster. I got to say this is the easiest gun to carry that I ever had. Just put it in your front pocket and go. No big heavy gun belt and no belt holster. I've put 100 rds of American Eagle 95gr though it so far just to check function. So far so good. Big thumbs up ! It comes with the flush fit magazine plate and the "finger groove" plate. I use the flush fit one. This is a very good gun. I've only had one other .380 and that was a CZ83. Loved that gun and it ate any ammo but it was a bigger gun. This LCP is really neat and small.1 point
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Keep us in your prayers tomorrow boys. They cycled us out for the night. Fresh crew pulling the over night. We'll be back at it early tomorrow morning. There are crews coming in from everywhere. I'm hitting the shower and the bed.1 point
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Why does it seem like every 3-4 years we have some interesting character join TGO? I miss @bajabuc...1 point
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Yeah. I was telling somebody today that I may not live long enough to shoot all of my ammo. I have a few guns I haven't shot too.1 point
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I am buying one Glock 17 mag per month just to be safe and to be "safe" with my wife . She can't complain at one mag per month ! LOL . I was around when the "Clinton era" was here and it sucked ! 15 rd mags were going for $95 or more each ! [1 point
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Very true. I also agree that NOW is the time to be buying all that you want and can. We all know it is just a matter of time before these golden days disappear.1 point
This is definitely a buyer's market. I totally agree the phenomena of the "Trump Slump" has effected all aspects of the current market. But any of us that have been a part of the gun culture for any period of time know this is just temporary. Change truly is the only constant imho. I was a shooter during the Clinton era Gun Ban ('94-2004). There was a significant dip (rightfully so) in market prices after that ban sunset. But we've all experienced the incredible panic driven swings of the past few years. It'll happen again to some extent or another... especially considering the huge cultural/political divisions in our country. This is an incredible opportunity to stock up on things we've seen become so scarce in our recent past. .22 rimfire anyone? AR mags are practically being given away with ammo purchases. And the quality control of most ammo companies seems to be straightening out since the last mass production efforts threw some glitches into certain brands. This really is a remarkable period for a shooter. I too look at the classifieds daily and am incredulous at some of the pricing I see... great bargains and occasional unrealistic pricing for the current market. TGO David "stickied" some great suggestions at the top of the classified section. There's some solid advice right there! Jamie1 point
We're seeing a fair number of logistics systems hacks lately. People fall for phishing emails and enter their credentials. Many use the same password everywhere - and thus allows for activity to be monitored. That way, they know where the iPads, guns, xBoxes whatever are - instead of knocking off a truckload of bananas.1 point
I would think no, it must have been a shipment to a distributor or a large LGS.1 point
Craig is a good place to settle in and enjoy the outdoors. Also, Steam Boat Springs has excellent elk hunting. Nice cabins and or if you choose to tent it. Google Rout County.1 point
I hear ya ! I was selling my like new S.A. XD9 sub compact with all the trimmings and even the factory test fired envelope for like $340 . I got no bites. But this is a good thing as it had made that same gun way more interesting to me by me taking it out and shooting the living hell outta it ! I am wayyyy more of an XD fan now ! Like it so much I will never sell it . I shot that pistol and just treated it like a stolen car. Never failed and was even testing some experimental reloads I made .1 point
Yep things have changed a bunch. I have only been back into it for a few years and I have seen wild swings.1 point
I have the same setup, I just bought the II a couple of months ago but have had the original and the same holster for several years. The II is a nice improvement. I carry mine in my back pocket.1 point
I bet there would be no shortage of CCW permit holders willing to remove them for free.1 point
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I just had to quote that. I am a service plumber, I am also pretty good at my job. While it is nice when a customer has attempted to troubleshoot and diagnose their issue and communicate it to me, I am a professional. Not only will I troubleshoot and diagnose the issue myself, I will repair it properly. I have years of training, experience and a rather expensive piece of plastic that says I know what I am doing. Regardless of what your cousin's friend said after you watched a Youtube video, I will fix your problem properly. It might not be what you thought it was, and it will just frustrate both of us if you have a preconceived notion of how I should do my job. After all, if you already know all about it, why did you call a professional instead of fixing it yourself?1 point
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G10 mades good knife scales, or a handle for most any sort of tool. Does the aluminum plate have any markings?1 point
Ohhhhhhhhbhhh crap! Must find mind bleach! And eye bleach! I mean, it's not like I walked right into that one or anything, right?1 point
Unless you grew up in the "country" you should really stay where you are. there are plenty of people who plan on bugging out and I wonder where. Most of them say they plan to head to the hills which is a huge problem because there are already people in those hills living there right now. And those people are going to defend their location or at least I know I will. And don't expect others to openly welcome a large group of people. I know I won't welcome anyone unless they bring a significant skill to the group and honestly I can't imagine what that skill might be that isn't already covered. There are less than 5 people that will be invited in and all others will be turned away with overwhelming amount of force. I will say this to all of those planning on bugging out to the hills. I will defend what is mine, including land, from any squatters or looters. After all if you show up and try to take what isn't yours you are a thief. That includes wild game, plants or anything on my property even if I do not need it or not using it that stuff is still mine. I may have more than I need to survive but I will not share any of it with complete strangers. I have made preparations to ensure my survivability and I would be a fool to give any of it up to complete strangers. It takes a lot of land to support a person year around. An acre or two isn't going to cut it. It will likely take 10's of acres per person. Anyone who has hunted, both for meat and vegetables, knows that it will take a lot of land to support a hunter/gatherer lifestyle. And what makes the average person think they are going to make it out of a population center before the other 50% of the other people leaving the cities clog the roadways? What is going to happen is the highways are going to clog like Rita/ Katrina leaving them stranded and with the option of walking to the "hills" or walking back to the cities. And when you start walking you are going to be able to carry far less than what you left with or even left behind. Bugging in has some real advantages and if I lived in a city I would, without a doubt, stay put. First is you already have everything you are going to have without the need to transport it to a new location. You can call for help from those around you while in a remote location you cannot call for help. Another big advantage is you know the area. You also know who friend and who foe is or at least have a good idea. Travelling exposes you to more dangers. It is also easier to defend a building or high rise than a tent in the woods. Those buildings are going to protect you from the elements and be easier to keep warm in and survive in for the average person especially those used to living in the city. Food, at least initially, will be easier to come by in the cities as well as potable water. There are literally a few weeks worth of potable water in your water heater and toilet bowls and that is if you don't ration. With rain gutters, collecting water is much easier too. And as disgusting as it might sound cities have tons of rodents or stray animals that can be harvested for food. If any type of relief or supplies is going to be handed out it is going to be in the population centers first, not in the middle of a forest. The average person is going to have a far easier time surviving in the city than in the "hills". But if you must bug out and have any hope of bugging out you must be packed and ready to go in a moments notice. Vehicles have to ALWAYS have the gas needed to make it to the remote location. When the SHTF gas will be gone within minutes unless you are at the pumps pumping your gas as it takes place. You need to also realize that there are going to be a lot more people than just you heading to a bug out location. This is going to clog the roadways like we saw during Rita/Katrina. The only way you might get a head start is if you are in a position to get some notice, like LE, emergency services or the government would get to prepare. Otherwise it is going to be a race to get out and if you are not in the lead you will find yourself stuck in the rear. And once you are stuck you and your stuff become vulnerable to roaming bands of thugs set on taking your stuff for themselves. And honestly it would be easy picking. As far as your bug out location you need to own the property you plan to go to. This can give you a little bit of a delay in the squatters that will show up. And once there, the squatters are not going to readily leave even if you tell them you own the property. If your bug out location is "public lands" you are not going to be the first there, it will be like winning the lottery if you are. You are going to find yourself surrounded by thousands of others who have the same plan. Most people don't realize that best case scenario crops will be edible in 4 months. If it happened today we are looking at 6-7 months before crops can begin to be harvested. So that means you are going to have to transport that much food because you are not going to be able to kill a years worth of food with everyone else trying to do the same thing. And as much as I hate to say it in order to survive people must loose their conscience. They must be willing to turn those less fortunate away unless they bring a substantial advantage to the group. People have this grand illusion that they are going to be able to find virgin land to live off of. Look around, how much public land do you see? And of that how much is going to be free for the taking, not much if any, by the time they make it?1 point
Hell, I moved down here to GTFOOD! I'm w/ you guys, I'm sticking it out here. Just purchased 17 acre's at the end of a windy country road ... just hope I can get it improved and the house built before the schumer really hits the oscillator! - K1 point
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