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I wanted a set up to do small receivers up to Rem rolling block size as a max and this was the cheapest way to do it. First I bought a used pottery kiln off Ebay for about 280 if I remember right. Now what makes a pottery kiln no good for the intended purpose is they general have a pretty cheap temp regulator. You need a Kiln that will hold 1500 Degrees F within a few degrees. That's where this unit comes in. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Plug-Play-PID-Temperature-Controller-Box-Kiln-Probe-Pottery-Glass-Annealing-/111131612124?hash=item19dff5d3dc Now comes the tinkering of putting the new controller in the old control panel. I kept the original analog temp gauge just to have a match to the digital add on one. This is what it looks like under the lid. Next up was to make a crucible to contain the part and the carbon mix. I had to size it carefully so it would fit inside the small kiln without being to close to the heat coils. heating slow and evenly is part of the equation. here it was specifically sized to fit the long griped stevens An aerator pipe was fabricated to bubble the water for at least an hour prior to a quench. High oxygen content is needed for good colors. The coiled bottom has a series of tiny holes drill for fine air release. Here, the bucket is a industrial laundry detergent unit that will hold my 15 gallons of Distilled water from Walmart. The crucible frame holds the container solidly and you can see the window screening that catches the part. Here you can see the crucible lift fork that can lift the container out of the kiln and the trap door hook screw driver I made up to yank the trap door open over the water. Quenching must be very close to the water and instantaneous. If the trap door hesitates to open in one swift motion, Its spoiled, and needs to be repacked and heated again. Ask me how I know The second receiver I did was this Marlin 47 pump 22. The quench warped the bolt enough to where I had to refit it but it worked out nice in the end. That used to be a fire damage gun that got new wood. The forend I made from an old butt stock scrap3 points
I just want to make a few public statements about this so that anyone else who has any misconceptions about things will know what the truth of it is: 1. I pay for my holsters from SAC the same as anyone else does. I don't get them for free, and Mark will back me up on that. He has told me before to stop spending my money on holsters, but I've told him that I would rather it be this way. So, my recommendation of SAC gear is not bought or paid for. It is based on my positive experiences with them as a customer. I also wait the normal wait time when I order. Case in point, my last order was placed the last week of June and I received it yesterday. There is no preferential treatment there despite he and I being friends. 2. There is not a business relationship for me to protect with Mark. He doesn't pay Shooters Nation for any advertising. We plug his shop for him because I want to help him out and because I can't pay him to be my co-host on the podcast. Shooters Nation, for the past six months and 30 episodes, has brought in zero dollars from anyone. The money involved in that podcast flows one way and one way only, at present. Out of my bank account. That's not a complaint and I am glad to do it. I enjoy what Mark and I are building with the podcast and get Thank You emails daily from listeners who found it useful and relevant. But I don't want anyone to think, "Oh, David protects SAC because there's money involved." If you think that, you're wrong. Period. 3. Mark's a big boy and can defend himself, but I'll say this: From getting to know him over the past 6-months, he is obsessed with quality and with customer service. If he says he can't do something for someone, he's legitimately considered it from every angle that he can and he has a good reason for saying "No." To replicate the RCS Phantom holster, they would have to use a completely different process for Kydex molding (i.e. foam pressing) than what they currently use (i.e. vacuum forming). They are set up the way they are to produce holsters as quickly as they can and keep customers happy. The sheer number of product SKUs that they have now when you consider right hand, left hand, multiple colors, multiple attachment options, with weapon light, without weapon light, with RMR, without RMR, inside the waistband, outside the waistband, and on and on and on and on... well you get the idea... is already hard for them to keep up with. And, if the guy just feels it's not ethical to 100% copy a competitor product because he hates it when people 100% copy a product of his own design, can you really blame him? My advice: Capitalism is wonderful. If you see a niche that isn't being served and YOU want to dive into it, buy the gear, hang a shingle and go into business... DO IT.3 points
Hello guys. I haven't been around a lot lately due to taking care of my mother, after a long battle with Alzheimer's/ Dementia she was called home last Monday. I kept my promise to her, with a ton of help from my wonderful wife, although tough to do at times and never put her in a assisted living home. She passed with me by her side quietly after suffering a stroke a couple weeks ago. I am relieved that her suffering and confusion are finally over. This disease that took my mother away years before she passed is an awful thing for anyone to have to go thru, and if anyone of you are caring for a loved one with this disease just know you are not alone out there. If you need to talk to someone who will understand what you are going thru and have no judgement at all, or if you just need to vent please dont hesitate to contact me.2 points
Lets all keep in mind the Diversity and Inclusion Thread. Just as any of these events are, what happened in Maryland was tragic. However, lets keep the comments against trans people out of and off TGO. While anyone's personal beliefs could be for or against, the question we have to ask ourselves here at TGO is whether a trans person should feel welcome here at TGO. Representing the 2nd Amendment community, I think the answer to that question should be a yes. If someone of any minority should decide to join TGO, they should feel welcome here. If they don't, we may very well push them straight towards the anti-gun community. We should be working to grow our numbers, not create an exclusive club where everyone agrees 100% with each other on all controversial issues.2 points
https://www.theblaze.com/news/2018/09/20/march-for-our-lives-founder-leaves-the-gun-control-movement-and-expresses-one-big-regret March For Our Lives founder leaves the gun control movement — and expresses one big regret 3 hours March For Our Lives founder Cameron Kasky has left the movement, and said he regrets how he treated Sen. Marco Rubio during a CNN television event. (Larry French/Getty Images for SiriusXM) Follow Aaron ColenSTAFF WRITER POLITICAL VIEW MODERATE CONSERVATIVE VALUES CHRISTIAN HERO RAVI ZACHARIAS Article GoalINFORM SHARE TWEET One of the survivors of the massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, has left the March For Our Lives gun control movement that grew out of that tragedy, according to the Miami Herald. Cameron Kasky, who along with classmates David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez became one of the faces of gun control in America, said he was ready to move on from the group, but that his mind had been opened to different political perspectives in the process. Special: Media isn’t reporting Trump’s $195 billion win “…I met that person in Texas who got that semiautomatic weapon because that’s how they like to protect their family,” Kasky said on Fox News Radio on Wednesday. “I met the 50-some-odd percent of women who are pro-life, even though I thought it was preposterous that a woman could be pro-life and not pro-choice at the time. “I learned that a lot of our issues politically come from a lack of understanding of other perspectives and also the fact that so often young conservatives and young liberals will go into debate…trying to beat one another as opposed to come to an agreement.” What’s the big regret? One of Kasky’s most visible moments as a member of March For Our Lives was the town hall event broadcast on CNN, which was advertised as a forum to open a dialogue about gun issues and predictably devolved into emotional outbursts, finger pointing and grandstanding. Kasky found himself face-to-face with Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, and he gave the audience a made-for-TV moment that was rebroadcast and retweeted for days to follow. “Senator Rubio, it’s hard to look at you and not look down the barrel of an AR-15 and not look at Nikolas Cruz, but the point is you’re here and there are some people who are not,” Kasky told Rubio during the town hall, before aggressively asking the senator if he would stop taking money from the National Rifle Association. Kasky admits emotion got the best of him in that moment. “I look back on that and I say, you know what, there were people who had just been buried and when you’re looking at somebody that you find might in some way have been complicit in this murderer obtaining the weapon it’s hard not to say something like that,” Kasky said. “But, I went into that wanting less conversation and more to embarrass Rubio and that was my biggest flaw.” Kasky said his political views haven’t changed, but he wants to use his platform now to help people have more civil and productive bipartisan discussions. “I thought it was my responsibility to take all the things I was kicking myself for and to encourage others to avoid it,” Kasky told Fox News Radio.2 points
And he may not, but he doesn’t see the opposing side as being evil. That’s the key here I think. As the common bonds that used to hold American society together have broken down, folks have become increasingly tribal. They have also taken to dehumanizing those that are not part of their particular tribe. Whenever anyone can see where the other side is made up of people too, it’s a win for everyone.2 points
Ok, so are we talking male or female? Because this whole he/she BS is confusing as all get out.2 points
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I didn't really know for sure until after I bought it. Wasn't looking to buy a gun at the time, but it walked into my office and I love j-frames... so....1 point
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I might look it up for you in The Standard Catalog if you post a picture of the whole thing without that Ruger abomination in the background.1 point
Well, considering that any "good" pair of audio headphones are typically $100-$300 by themselves, I wouldn't expect much out of them. But the fact that it blocks loud noises, such as that of a mower, and provides any bluetooth at all, is attractive to me.1 point
More often than not, experiences shape outlook. Someone at a young age sees their classmates murdered by someone with a gun? Of course the majority of people in that situation would be anti-gun afterwards. A few may not, but it is likely that those would have probably already been pro-gun to begin with. It has always greatly irritated me that many in gun culture have been so quick to not only write-off most of these victims (less face it, all of the students in these scenarios were victims), but to even go as far to verbally slander them in various ways. You never change someone's mind by calling them names, stupid, etc. You change someone's mind by listening to them, considering their input and life experiences, and at some point suggesting that maybe there is a better way/opinion. Of course it doesn't always work, but it sure does work better than calling someone names, telling them that they are stupid/wrong, and invalidating the fact that they survived a school shooting but conversely watched their classmates get killed. That never works.1 point
One of mine went on without too much fuss but the other one required a moment of silence and prayer before I lost my crap with it.1 point
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This is one of these things that even if you have the knowledge, money, and experience to know how to do it right - it still takes a lot of time, patience - and probably not a little luck to get good results. I appreciate anytime I see someone go to this level of detail to get something right.1 point
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I see how it is, gotta wear the dark glasses to hide your eyes when you wear that hat....0 points
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