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https://www.wsj.com/articles/dicks-says-under-armour-new-gun-sales-policy-dragged-on-results-1535565173 They're trying to pin it mostly on slipping Under Armor sales and say that hunting was a low-margin business and they're going to reclaim that space for higher-margin items like baseball equipment. I think they're missing the point. I never once bought anything gun-related at Dick's. It was too expensive and there was never anyone around to get a box of said overpriced ammo out of the cage. But my wife and I used to buy some clothes there. After their gun-dump we stopped. Their anti-gun position didn't just remove low-margin hunting sales, it removed customers who buy other high-margin things too.4 points
If they had this much trouble conceiving a child, I shudder to think of the job they'll do raising it.3 points
Just came back here to post my thoughts after owning this light for three days. I love it. I don't love everything about it, but I do love it. It is so tiny. It basically turned my carry back into a "stock Glock" package. The X300U-A I had was an amazing light built like a tank, but it was bulky compared to this. For that, I very much enjoy having the TLR-7. The controls aren't perfect. They are doable, but not perfect. If you quickly tap the controls on either side, it turns the light on/off. However, if you press and hold the controls on either side while it is off, it stays on while you have it pressed in. When you release, it turns off. So, the difference between "on" and "momentary on" is simply how long you hold it. Perhaps with training I'll grow to love it more. After using the ten-tap programming, I enabled "strobe mode". Now, when the light is off, a quick double tap to the controls on either side activates the strobe. I like having a strobe on a weapon light; That's something I always wished the Surefire I had would provide but sadly it did not. Admittedly, I think the Surefire was probably built better. But I also paid $220 for it back in the day. I had it for about five years. It was nice. But I like the Streamlight better. The Streamlight TLR-7 is built well enough I believe. It is technically just as bright (500 lumens), even though it only has one battery instead of two. However, might I mention that the tint of the light seems a bit different? The Surefire had a much cooler (white) light. The Streamlight has a slightly warmer (yellow) light. No big deal, actually a warmer light allows you to differentiate color easier. In my opinion, unless you are a cop/military, battery life is irrelevant. Train with it when you do, place a fresh battery in it when you start to carry it. Since either of them easily get you an hour's worth of light, in my opinion that's enough since as a civilian it's likely you would only need the light for a maximum of a few moments in the worst case scenario (unless you are John McClane, of course. But then you are a cop, which I already mentioned).3 points
I'm thinking Mrs. GreginTenn is wondering how long it is going to take Mr. GreginTenn to figure out that she wants to "gig", just not frogs... I mean, how hard does a girl have to work to get her man out in the woods at night without the kids... sheesh...3 points
I wish someone had thought of this when our kids were in school. It would have been a lot cheaper in the long run photoupload2 points
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I pop in from time to time but havent posted in a long time. Between work, my 14 year old daughters functions and having a 18 month old son, its been crazy at my house lol. Hoping to get back in the swing of things. Yall add me on Facebook. Shaun Matthews.2 points
The same kind of naive thinking that this couple exhibited is what causes so many other poor real life decisions by progressive liberals. I understand that they want the world to be a peaceful and loving place, and if I could clap my hands and make that happen, I’d do it. Unfortunately, we live in the real world, which is sometimes a brutal, ugly and unsafe place. If more people really understood that, we wouldn’t have so many anti-gun groups, illegal alien protectors and snowflakes that get their feelings hurt when someone says something they don’t like or don’t agree with. I wish this couple hadn’t died, but I have little sympathy for them. They intentionally put themselves in a dangerous situation to try and prove a point that they were naively wrong about. I have more sympathy for their friends and family that survive with the heartache and loss of a loved one. Perhaps if any good is to come from this, it is that maybe their death will change the hearts and minds of others and make them realize that the world really isn’t a peaceful and loving place and probably never will be...I think history should teach us that, but the snowflakes just want to erase history so they don’t learn from it.1 point
Oh, they ticked off the hunting/shooting community as well..that didn't help. http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2017/01/john-boch/armour-dumps-hunters-reaps-whirlwind/1 point
Same here. I rarely bought anything gun related from them, but I did buy shoes, camping stuff, canoe stuff, golf stuff, bicycle stuff, baseball stuff, etc.. Not anymore. Now I drive more than twice as far to Academy. Their prices are generally better anyway.1 point
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So we’re a little over a week from match day. I’m guessing several of you are second-guessing yourselves right now. Maybe you didn’t get in as much training as you’d hoped. Maybe you trained you’re a$$ off and didn’t see the results you wanted to. Maybe you’ve seen all of these crazy hints and promises about what’s to come, and are intimidated as hell about trying to do all of this while 30-ish bada$$ Special Forces soldiers and even more Run N Gun regulars stand by and watch you. Don’t be. If you signed up and just SHOW UP to start this race, you’re already better than 90% of the shooters out there who stayed home on the couch on match day. If you FINISH, no matter how long it takes you, you’ve won. Trust me – you’ll feel it just as soon as you cross that finish line – and for many days (months?) thereafter. At some point in the course, you will ask yourself: “Why on earth am I here? I’m not ready for this. I don’t belong here.” The dirty little secret I can promise you: EVERYONE asks themselves that at some point. You DO belong here. The satisfaction and self-image you will get from just finishing this course will stay with you forever, and is something no one can ever take away from you. Many people have found matches like these to be a turning point in their lives, and in a year or two you may not even recognize the person you have become. Just remember - for every person you see pass you, there is someone behind you wishing they could keep up with you. Look behind you every so often just to acknowledge how far you’ve come. And before ANYONE judges anyone else as being "too slow, too fat, or too lazy" - bite your tongue and listen to their story first. Across the country at matches like these we've had people recovering from recent strokes, heart attacks, cancer, pregnancy, amputations, and any other issue you can think of; just because "F#$K CANCER", that's why! Give them an encouraging word when you pass them - it really makes a difference. Even better - if you pass someone really struggling on the course: finish your race, set down your gear, and run back out to find that person. You can run beside them and offer them all the words of support and encouragement that you can think of - you just can't physically help them in any way. Let's do this.1 point
That's where I'd go. They're backed up about a month right now.1 point
I guess in order to prevent this trend from continuing they are going to have to use a permanent marker that reads "Exit Only" and stamp them when a baby girl is born and make sure it remains till at least age 18 at least.......JMHO1 point
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So even Chinese millenials have no idea about real life... Good to know it is universal...1 point
1 point
All social media is liberal. Sad but true. They know their Target audience is the younger crowd that due to the corruption of our education have been indoctrinated as left liberals. Brilliant business plan. Not so good for our country. Isn't free speech great! It was a great move by the liberals to slowly infiltrate the schools and brainwash the children. Too bad more parents did not see that truth and fix it at home by showing the children the truth. Another reason they wanted prayer out of school. Long term plans and they worked. It will take a lot to recover from all of this.1 point
I just find it difficult to have sympathy for folks like that, when men, women and children are dying over there due to no fault of their own, not to mention our troops that pay the ultimate sacrifice to attempt to bring safety to those regions. Don't get me wrong, I find no joy in their deaths, and do consider their killers the bad actors in this, but just like those idiots that intentionally cross into wild animal enclosures, like the hippo slapper, if they die in the attempt, I'll not shed a tear. Call me cold hearted if you will, but sympathy is hard to come by for those folks.1 point
You obviously take a more warm-hearted view toward these bikers than most of us. I think for that you should actually be commended. I just wish that these young folks would have been more concerned about their safety, before they embarked on this obviously risky venture. They risked not only their lives, but the ensuing grief of countless family members and friends that have to mourn them and deal with all of the aspects of the spinning aftermath of their demise. I feel like they were selfish and robbed all of their loved ones, who have to clean it all up. In essence, I think they were both reckless, and selfish. Does that make sense?1 point
Did they deserve to die? No. Were they temping fate & asking for trouble? Yes. These were grown adults that were posting on social media to get attention. Well, they got it! They wanted to believe the world's a marshmallow, sugarplum place to live & it's clearly not. If you plan to go to one of the most dangerous places in the world & try to pretend it's a park, then bad things are likely to follow. It's not like much of the Middle East is keeping their hatred for the Western world a secret. Play stupid games; win stupid prizes.1 point
I don't know about deserving their fate, but it's difficult having any sympathy for people like that. Well derserving of the Darwin Award for sure.1 point
They were naive and gullible, but no one deserves to be murdered because of that. If they'd encountered a few more challenges during their lives, and perhaps encountered some less savory people prior to their bike trip, they would probably have known better. Their sheltered lives and lack of real world experience led them to make an extremely poor choice that cost them their lives. That's not the same as deserving to be murdered by homicidal maniacs.1 point
“Stupid is as stupid does.” – Forrest Gump It’s a shame it cost them their lives. And it’s a shame no one talked them out of this.1 point
I need to do a fund raiser or "Go Fund Me" for a Ruger PCC. Anyone want to donate?0 points
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First off I want to say I'm sorry about the Chigger attack!!!! Sounds like you will be on Bendryl tabs for a while and the Bendryl Pump bottle spray will help alot also. Good luck with that! You are suppose to frog gig from a jon boat, canoe, Kayak etc etc. Gigging from the bank will never be productive. A buddy and I used to go about twice a month on a Saturday night on one of his small lakes on his farm from a jon boat and I was gigging and he was bagging. I would gig the frog and put the gig over my shoulder and he would pull the frog and put it in a burlap bag. We would get 35 to 40 every trip. We did have one night my buddy Derby went swimming. It was purely accidental but I gigged a frog but along with the frog I gigged a Cottonmouth and both of them went to the back of the boat and Derby dove out of the boat to get way from the snake. It was funny when it happened but I was required to check the gig end before going over the shoulder from then on. We still laugh about that when we get together which is seldom these days but we had some fun times.0 points
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