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Just for the record and future reference since this thread seems to have taken a productive turn: Typically I do not tolerate this sort of thread being posted to take a moderator to task for their actions. In the future, if I get to a thread like this before another moderator does, I will ban the person responsible for it without question, without second chance, and certainly without a PM. As MacGyver said, we trust our moderators. If they make a mistake, they generally own it and we fix the problem. But TGO is not a democracy and mob-rule does not hold water here. I won't tolerate it and I won't allow the 100% volunteer staff to be called-down publicly by someone that they moderated for doing what they felt was out of line with our forum Rules. This might be a good place for me to post these links, for everyone's benefit. They appear at the bottom of every page. TGO Rules and Guidelines TGO Registration Terms6 points
PM would have been better, I agree. Apology accepted. I prefer not to discuss the matter any further, & let it drop. Tks, Larry5 points
@Grunt67 first of all, I am glad you have decided to return. I did and still do believe that you do provide (and hopefully receive) value in this community. I stand by the call I made. Your posts in that thread were unacceptable. Where I did err was not addressing the subject privately. Not because it should always be handled so, but because in retrospect I believe it would have better served you and the community as a whole to do so. It would have avoided the ugliness then and prevented the existence of this thread altogether. For that I apologize. With the view of not making the same mistake twice, if you would like to discuss the circumstances of the prior incident, please PM me and I will be happy to discuss it with you.4 points
Well I went and took the survey they sent me.Figured that could be the least I could do since they ask my views. Below was what I made in a couple reply sections that had. The question is above and the reply is below. Please share your feedback with Dan. The more detail, the better. My Time with your employee was adequate and he did all I requested of him. He closed all of my accounts for me. What additional information would you like to share with us? I am leaving BOA for several reasons and the main one is BOA's decision to ask all Firearms manufacturers that have been doing with BOA have been asked to take their banking business else where. Except you are willing to LOAN them money but you don't want their banking business. I am an American and I live by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. With a bank title such as Bank of America one would be led to believe your organization would also be loyal to the Constitution but evidently it is in name only in your case. Now with that said I have other reasons for leaving also. Service at your branch banks has declined and you no longer have full time tellers at your drive up windows where I did most of my banking due to the fact I am handicapped. Some times I would be in line up to 30 minutes waiting for service. You also decided that I no longer should receive free checks even though I am on a fixed income and handicapped and been a loyal customer of yours for at the time 15 years. With that said, I can deal with all the minor little issues but when you began turning your back on the Constitution and companies that are a part of it being a 2nd Amendment operated companies you also turned your back on me and my beliefs. I was not a customer to you. I was just a number!!!4 points
That was a response to my remarks about Canadians crossing the border. It was a joke and I think everyone took it that way. Sorry if I offended any Canadians. Don’t be mad..... eh.3 points
In the end it is all personal choice. I have bought things I regret. Guns, cars, computers, etc. I can't say alot because within the first few handguns I bought was an Iver Johnson top break .38 S&W. And it was broken to boot. Lol. Repaired it is fun to shoot, but is far from a carry gun or even a 100% reliable gun. @RatchetyClank just be aware. Despite as you might, claiming you can't afford a second gun, will not keep you from buying one once you have your first. Lol3 points
3 points
Ya know if you bought a mainstream semi in the mighty .40 you can get 9mm conversion barrels, well at least for some. Just something to think about as .41 AE is so obscure it’s not worth dealing with. There is a reason Jerichos no longer come in that caliber. For example, and not pushing Glock at all, 9mm barrels are readily available for every model they offer in .40. You can even get .357 Sig barrels for added variety. I believe other manufacturer’s pistols offer such versatility. BTW, Jerichos, Baby Eagles or whatever you want to call them are excellent pistols. From a quality and accuracy standpoint, just as good as the CZ’s they are patterned after.2 points
PSA So I got my HCP renewal notice a week or two ago, it doesn't expire for another 3 months but figuring I'd get a jump on it, and not forget later, I renewed online. Process was easy and all, and it arrived fast, but when I checked my new expiration date, they cheated my out of three months. It's an 8yr permit, so in the long run it doesn't cut that much off, but heck, it still makes me feel cheated. So if you get your notice, I wouldn't renew until 30 days out if you don't want to lose any time on your old one.1 point
Folks here know I moved from BOA yesterday and went to Wilson Bank & Trust but to show you how on top of their game BOA is they sent me to emails yesterday. 1 was an account alert warning me that my account balance had dropped below $25 dollars. The other one was requesting I fill out a survey about how well I enjoyed my visit to the bank yesterday? I am going to not worry about the first one but I am going to do the survey I think...............1 point
I have a Baby Eagle in .40 from whenever I bought it, maybe the year 2000. It’s built like a tank. People that say .40 is snappy change their minds after shooting it, lol. Matter of fact I used it for my HCP class back in the day, tore one big ragged hole in the target. The day before I went to an indoor range as I was out of practice and was using some of those crappy umarex reloads that we’re already old. Had a total case head separation, sparks flew, gun done but didn’t care. Onsite smith pulled the case out and I was good to go. Good thing I wasn’t using my beloved Gen2 G23 at the time, my buddy was shooting it with new ammo I told him to bring.1 point
Certainly that admonition applies to all of us. These pages are widely read - certainly much wider than our small community.1 point
Our moderators have been chosen because of the sum of their judgement and experience. We supported and continue to support that call, as we will not support racist or discriminatory views - either directly or implied on TGO. In this particular case the warning served to give a temporary reminder (to the individual and the community) that rhetoric matters. Please remember that.1 point
Black shirt did it! Guy that made me just smiled and said, "Looks good." Success!1 point
Chuck got a little cocky on that thread, and I called him on it, but it didn't do any good. I'm glad to see you back. Try not do anything to get kicked off again Grunt.1 point
Not really a valid blanket statement methinks. Gray at best. A receiver under federal law is just that, neither a long gun or handgun, but simply "other firearm", regardless of its history or legality of future configuration. - OS1 point
@Erik88 and @dralarms Basically I was just chiming in because lots of people are hesitant to look into it. Either they feel it is too much trouble or will hurt their credit. Really it is not and will not. All cases are different though. I just hate to see people paying more than they have to. At one point my mortgage was such a burden I actually contemplated filing bankruptcy on it. So I have been where I could not afford to refinance.1 point
1 point
Just picking numbers out of the air, $100k @ 8.25% is about $750 a month for 30 years. At 3.5% it's $450 a month, or $715 at 15 years. You will NOT pay that interest again. Given these made up numbers, at 8.5% you would pay an extra $170k just in interest on top of the $100k! 3.5% for 15 years you would pay only $28k in interest. Google "Mortgage calculator" and run your own numbers. I think you'll find you are unnecessarily throwing good money away. I would make it my new mission to call every bank in the county till I found someone that will loan me the money. Screw BOA, if they are the only ones you asked. Go to a Credit Union, they are a little more relaxed about loans. Trust me, if you sold your place, the people buying it would get a loan from someone. You can too.1 point
Well, $50 gets me 8 years and the lifetime is what $200? Unless it's a dramatic price change, I'd need 32 years to break even, that would put me at 85, it can happen, but by then I'd hope permitless carry will be an option so I roll the dice.1 point
Forget about using the reloading press. @TGO David has Glock 19 mags coming out of his ears.1 point
I completely agree with a lot of the advice and the topics discussed here. Ultimately the gun caught my eye, and while digging in further to make sure I didn't fall for an aesthetic, I found a solid 9mm handgun, with a solid reputation behind it. It was later then I found that media had taken a liking to the aesthetic with appearances in Fast and Furious, Cowboy Bebop just to name a few. To address the 41AE round, Dad. It was an idea that I had as an after thought as a cool thing to come down every now and then, shoot and use your reloader. As you stated, it is expensive, and I don't wanna drop money into more than a box or so at a time. If that's alright with you. We don't see each other enough as it is, with me starting my career and all. I'm very much aware that I'm choosing a less than practical first firearm for everyday carry. If the experience sucks, well lesson learned. I thank you all for your input and advice. I hope you all have a great evening. I'll definitely post pictures.1 point
First guns are always a bit emotional it seems. That said there's lots of good advise here. The Jerico is a fine weapon but be aware that you will learn lessons about weight, complexity etc from owning it. You will want another different gun in the near future. There's nothing wrong with that...1 point
Well, they said dark shirts are ok! So I shouldn't have any more problems.1 point
The Jericho is a well-made clone of the CZ75. I've never heard anything bad about them. You could certainly have done a lot worse. The new 9mm self defense loads have a good reputation. And 9mm target ammo is about as inexpensive as ammo gets these days. So you should be able to afford to practice a good bit. Have fun!1 point
I love the notifications and customizable zones. I don’t use the outdoor alarms. Even with my jacked up back, I still jump out of bed like a private in basic training if that ADT alarm startles me awake. My wife never budges. She has far too much confidence in my abilities.1 point
As others have commented, this pistol was designed to satisfy the needs of a specific group, those being the people with physical limitations of strength, arthritis, lingering effects from injuries, etc. While several of us would prefer a stronger cartridge in this size frame we have to be considerate to those who cannot control the higher recoil level of 9mm or greater calibers. Then again there is the muzzle blast issue that can intimidate new and occasional shooters. I believe S&W has done everything well to accommodate their buying population with "the right tool to get the job done." Anything built is a compromise, and the 380EZ seems to fill a void that many buyers have felt for a long time.1 point
I became a Police Officer in the city I was raised in. I thought I knew the city and the people in it; I was naive. One of the most surprising things I learned from being a Police Officer was just how mean some people can be, and that thugs (and drunks) don’t care about authority, guns, or jail. I have been attacked while in full uniform carrying a gun, mace, and baton; it didn’t matter to some people. We didn’t have a lot of gang bangers when I was a cop and they weren’t the ruthless thugs they are today. That is why I don’t open carry and try not to print. Another reason is that I don’t want to have to worry about interrogating the entrance of a building looking for signs. I also don’t want to be the guy walking into an armed robbery and identified as a threat. However, I think most people have made up their mind of the issue. Some of those new to carry are looking for advice though and it’s good to discuss this issue every once in awhile. Open carry or printing can be a bad tactical decision depending on where you are. Open carry for political reason is just well.... a political argument. BTW... when I was young with a big chest and a thin waistline concealing was very easy. I could conceal a 6” Revolver or a full size 1911 with ease. When you get older and the chest and waist start moving towards the same size; it gets much harder.1 point
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