I got my bulbs in yesterday. I converted the fixture just like in the picture @mike_f provided. I looked for a wiring diagram in my box, but did not find one. Regardless, there was a similar picture in the Amazon description, so I used that. It was very simple to re-wire the fixture. Did have to provide my own wire nuts, but I had plenty of those laying around.
Once wired up, and rehung, the lights work wonderfully. I only put one bulb in each fixture, where there used to be two bulbs, and I think the light output is brighter than before. I only did the two fixtures in the garage, but the garage is very well lit now.
The one thing I don't care for with these strip LED type lights, is they play tricks on my eyes. When I look up, or side to side, and my vision catches the light, I perceive the lights to jump around. I don't know if that makes sense, or if it happens to anyone else, but it is distracting. It does it to me on the under cabinet LED lighting I installed a few months ago too.
Anyway, thanks to everyone here who offered advice and tips. I admit, I didn't even know these things existed till this thread. Just one more way TGO has made my life better. Thanks