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I took the plunge and ordered and picked up my new CZ Custom SP-01 Shadow. Friday evening after work I was able to put it in my hands. Because of the gully washer rain there was no chance to shoot it on Friday. So Saturday I took the gun to a local IDPA match just to show it to some of my fellow shooters. Next thing I knew I had on a borrowed holster and mag pouch. It's first shot was going to be on stage one. Man is that thing sweet. Zero problems out of the gun, one mental mistake (procedural- down3) , and two bad shots (down 5 X2) put me in 19th place. I've shot so much with the Glock that all the moves are drilled in my head, reload, seat the mag, drop the slide and get on target. At least three times my body tried to drop the slide using the CZ's safety lever. And not one time did it work...and I tried hard!1 point
I doubt many people would notice that you have both. The folks that do likely would be carry conscious as well.1 point
I'm still weaning myself down to 2-3 times a year, but yeah...life is so much better when you start cutting Walmart out of it. The reduced wait time for a cashier at my local Publix alone is worth the extra cost. The internet. And I get cheap Korean made ammo. PMC for the win.1 point
I’ve shot my Glock 19, HK P30, and P2000 out to 100yds. I’d say accuracy at 30 yards is more shooter than weapon system. I’d go with a 19 sized double stack 9mm and practice on grip and trigger control.1 point
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I thought about that. We wear khakis, and that prints bad, too. If I can find a pocket holster that fits just right, that might be the ticket.1 point
Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park are a nice area to visit. Jordans Restaurant in Bar Harbor is a great place for breakfast (and other meals). The Maine Diner at Wells, Maine has really good food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Maine Prison Store in Thomaston, Maine is a unique place to visit. All things are made by the prisoners and they make some great products. Check out the full size carving of a biker and woman on a motorcycle in the window. Nothing like having your purchases bagged by a 300 plus pound prisoner. It is on the main highway. Have a great trip.1 point
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Glock 19, problem solved. You're welcome1 point
You should be okay on the coast. But be careful if you go inland very far; we don’t have the wall up yet and those Canadians sneak across all the time.1 point
If its just for fun, I say a light caliber, 22lr, 22 wmr, 223...22-250? It will give you a little more challenge which is more fun. A few week's ago, a couple of buddies and I were hitting a 6in steel target at 175yds with 22lr. All three of us were using Rugers, but that's personal preference.1 point
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So many options for gun and caliber. Sounds like you are looking for a bolt gun. Have you considered what Savage has to offer? Their Mark II series of .22’s are simply excellent. Their centerfire rifles are highly regarded as well. Shooting .22 at 100 yards accurately is most satisfying but a bit more challenging than a centerfire, in my opinion. Shines at 50 yards though.1 point
On a whim, I picked a new Taurus .357 Tracker revolver back in May as a range and woods gun. Well it needed a new set of pants to go with it. I really wanted a leather holster this time. Something that would be versatile. I really liked the Galco Phoenix holster, with its two position functionality and style. It can be worn on the strong side or as a crossdraw and it was nice looking. What didn't like was the price tag of $158 msrp. I threw it out to the membership here and gjohnsoniv suggested he could make one for the price I was looking for. I got it last week, for the agreed up one price and here it is. I couldn't be more thrilled with it! The workmanship is first rate! If you are looking for someone to make a very nice holster for you, George is the man for the job! ☺1 point
I'd suggest a medium frame (6 shot) .357 with a 3 or 4" barrel. For a semi-auto, a Commander sized lightweight 1911 in .45acp would work. BTW: carry comfort and concealability is more a function of a good belt and holster than the gun itself.1 point
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Completely unsterstand. My WM strategy is to never enter through, or drive by the two main entrances. There are too many lollygaggers and jack wagons going to and fro on foot and in vehicles. The garden center entrance is the place to go in, parking is a lot better over there as well. Exit by any door you please but never cross the crazy zone.1 point
Your life will improve exponentially without WalMart. I haven't completely sworn it off, but average going there about 2-3 times a year.1 point
Travis might be fresh out of some kind of feel-good conflict resolution class. I advise you not to cuss out random trash in the WM parking lot, regardless of circumstances. Especially if you are carrying. There are too many unstable people there.1 point
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I removed the ballast units from two 4-foot dual tube fixtures in our master closet and used LED tubes in them. Works perfectly. ZERO problems. Essentially the same thing as buying LED fixtures since all you're using the existing structure for is to get 110VAC to the LED tubes, and to hold the diffusers in place. These are what I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SSNPGSC/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=11 point
The Dems had already done their nuke option under Reid to include all judges but SCOTUS, as they couldn't get BHO's appointments confirmed. Then Mitch did same for SCOTUS to get Gorsuch through. The tax cut was done in Senate by avoiding the 60% cloture on debate with some gray flimflam called the "Byrd Rule" that applied to fiscal legislation only. In short, the "rules" are whatever the party in power says they are. - OS1 point
Both sides are quite good at inciting violence. Which side mowed down a crowd of people in Charlottesville?1 point
You got to watch out for those Snow Mexicans, they’re a crafty bunch of hosers, eh.0 points
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