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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/08/2018 in all areas

  1. There are those times when you have to go to Wallyworld. Just treat it like a clandestine mission behind enemy lines:-)
    3 points
  2. The tire and lube area around back of our WalMart is the place to get in/get out. There's good parking, never a crowd, and both the automotive section and gun rack/ammo counter are just a few steps from the door.
    2 points
  3. I bet the folks at Armed Equality might be down for a podcast if you guys decide to revisit this topic. I personally liked his closing argument as well. Hearts and minds are never won in the long term through force, insults, and ego clashes (see cognitive dissonance, fatal attribution error, confirmation bias, rationalization, and logical fallacies). We win the big picture, in the long term, by being shining examples of what we know we are: peaceful, protective, law-abiding, liberty-loving Americans. When we make it incredibly difficult for the anti-2A folk to locate firearm owners who are anything other than admirable, responsible, stand-up guys and gals…we win.
    2 points
  4. If you are or call yourself a Christian, the book of James has an interesting passage, "don't judge men on the clothes they wear." Best I can tell, our skin is the first layer of clothing for our bodies. Regarding people who look different from us, our reptillian brain AUTOMATICALLY profiles every unknown contact as friend, foe, or potential mate. I think a Muslim may be uncomfortable as I have personally posted "facts" of one to fifteen percent are of the chop your head off persuasion. I set the tone of, "prove your not," in those posts.
    2 points
  5. The internet. It is delivered right to my door by our hot mail lady.
    2 points
  6. When it is necessary to go to a Walmart, I try to do so early in the day before their regular trash is awake.
    2 points
  7. The increased accuracy of the larger guns often has more to do with longer sight radius. Of course, longer sight radius is harder to conceal. I usually carry an XDS .45. It's small enough to not print, but I can get hits on E targets out to 30 yards. As stated earlier, the handgun is just to fight my way to a long gun. Large dogs can be surprisingly resistant to pistol calibers. I once had to hit a large feral pitbull 8 times with a .45 1911. All solid body hits with hollowpoints. Fortunately the other two dogs ran off at the sound of the shots. I got a coyote a few weeks back with my little Keltec CMR30 .22mag. Two hits at 60 yards and she ran about 20 yards and dropped. Very light, handy little rifle. The .22mag is nothing to sneeze at with the new Vermont loads.
    2 points
  8. This afternoon while walking into the Walmart here in Shelbyville, my family and I were walking through the crosswalk. We were literally in the middle of the crosswalk when someone decided that stopping was not for them and they swerved around us, missing me and my family by less than a foot. I screamed at the driver of the car, "It's a ####ing parkinglot asshole!" As the person drove off, my family and I continued into Walmart where we were accosted by Travis, whom I assume was a manager of some sort. Travis confronted me and started by saying he was sorry for what had just transpired, but I needed to watch my language. I was floored. My family was just nearly mowed down by some inconsiderate mouth breather, and the manager is asking me to watch my mouth? I was aghast and told this vest wearing keyholder "My family was nearly run over by some mother####er?!" To which he responds that I need to calm down and watch my language as there are children in the store. No concern for the eleven year old child holding my hand, but other children, who would apparently be less traumatized by a family being slaughtered in a crosswalk than a large tattooed man screaming profanities. I turned around and left. Thank you Travis, this was the exact straw I needed to quit being a Walmart Customer.
    1 point
  9. Nope. Hasn't really changed at all, except for getting worse. I still drive on occasion, and I put one in my pickup for my weekend drives to work in Nashville. It would be good to be able to tune in and get a heads up on traffic problems ahead, or just have a decent conversation with another driver going down the road. But, both of them wind up staying turned off more than on. They can be useful though.
    1 point
  10. That is awesome. You are getting some good footage.
    1 point
  11. No, that’s about it. Mine spends as much time off as it does on.
    1 point
  12. You should be okay on the coast. But be careful if you go inland very far; we don’t have the wall up yet and those Canadians sneak across all the time.
    1 point
  13. We use to go to Maine once or twice a year. A lot depends on what your interested in seeing. A couple of great car and transportation museums. Owls Head is a very formal car and aircraft museum and the Cole museum in Bangor is general transportation and has so much stuff in it you have to look up down under and around constantly, the better of the two if you only do one. Highway 1 is a nice drive but can be a parking lot at times so you may want to have an alternate route in mind if it is too bog down. Lots of good lobster eating, the best are close to the docks and have fresh off the boat. A couple of times when on less traveled roads we found fisherman's wives serving lobster in the front yard at picnic tables. For a slightly lighter fair try the lobster rolls. Even some of the McDonalds server them. For way off the beaten path Bagaduce Lunch, Penobscot, it is a real hole in the wall but great Lobster rolls and onion rings, you sit outside on a bay where depending on the tide a creek running into the bay might be flowing out or in. Booth Bay also has an interesting fish shack for good fried fish. Lots of light house to see if your into them. If I think of some other good spots I'll post another note.
    1 point
  14. My boss and his wife go to Camden a couple times a year. He speaks quite highly of it.
    1 point
  15. My wife spent a summer there. She really enjoyed Camden and Rockland. Honestly, the entire state looks beautiful. I'm sure you'll have a great time no matter where you venture. If I'm going that far, I'd probably have to visit NH as well. Let us know how you like it.
    1 point
  16. If your looking along the coast there are many places to stay and a lot of places to eat. Inland is nice but if you're not near a town it is tough. Long time visiter to Maine from coast to Bar Harbor, Cadillac mtn. Agusta, Bangor, Moose head lake and in between. Note a must stop is in Kittery at the Kittery Trading Post. A well supplied sportsman's paradise. If you would like more info just holler.
    1 point
  17. Regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation, the Second Amendment is an acknowledgement of a base right that all people have to defend themselves against aggression. Last week, I had the chance to sit down with our very own @Tiffany Johnson and Aqil Qadir from @Citizens Safety Academy to talk about what it really means to be welcoming to more folks in the 2A Community. The voter demographic is changing dramatically in the United States. Even if you set aside partisan politics, you can see a change in the things that are important to the younger generations coming up behind us. Corporations hiring for jobs are already seeing the shift in values among Millennials and Gen-Z'ers, who care less about how much money they make and more about how much their employer does for the community and what social programs they support. These "kids" take those values with them to the voting booth and very few of them are being raised to appreciate and respect firearms. Many of them view guns negatively. A few might become supporters of gun rights after a negative experience opens their eyes, but others will be galvanized against guns as a result. Racially, the United States is visibly becoming less white. Is that blunt? YES. But the Caucasian demographic is no longer the majority the it was for the first 200 years of our nation's history. The failure to see that sets-up Second Amendment supporters for larger failures with significant missed opportunities and jeopardizes fundamental freedoms. If you have any doubt of that, consider how many of our nation's restrictive gun laws have origins in 1968 California where legislators began tearing away the right to bear arms because of the civil rights movement. Or how many laws in states like Illinois and New York and New Jersey hurt the inner-city residents the most. You know... the ones who statistically need access to firearms the most for their own protection. You might also be surprised to hear what role the NRA played in that. This is a pretty heavy subject and one that I suspect a lot of folks either (a.) assume we're already doing a fine job with, or (b.) haven't really given a whole lot of thought to. Tiffany and Aqil are hilarious, brilliant and fearless and are passionate about breaking down barriers and busting up stereotypes. I had a BLAST talking with them and think you all might enjoy listening to the conversation. At the very least, I hope that it challenges you. https://www.shootersnation.com/podcast/016-tiffany-johnson-on-widening-the-2a-tent-diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-firearms-community/ PS: Yep, that's totally a spectrum of paracord for the background. Tactical Diversity.
    1 point
  18. On a whim, I picked a new Taurus .357 Tracker revolver back in May as a range and woods gun. Well it needed a new set of pants to go with it. I really wanted a leather holster this time. Something that would be versatile. I really liked the Galco Phoenix holster, with its two position functionality and style. It can be worn on the strong side or as a crossdraw and it was nice looking. What didn't like was the price tag of $158 msrp. I threw it out to the membership here and gjohnsoniv suggested he could make one for the price I was looking for. I got it last week, for the agreed up one price and here it is. I couldn't be more thrilled with it! The workmanship is first rate! If you are looking for someone to make a very nice holster for you, George is the man for the job! ☺
    1 point
  19. I'd suggest a medium frame (6 shot) .357 with a 3 or 4" barrel. For a semi-auto, a Commander sized lightweight 1911 in .45acp would work. BTW: carry comfort and concealability is more a function of a good belt and holster than the gun itself.
    1 point
  20. As with hand loading, casting will not save you money, you just shoot more for the same price. I have over 30 molds, check pricing, molds are not cheap. Some are custom that cost a few pennies. My hollow point molds are my pride and joy. Swagging is something else I do, slow process but a 40 S&W case swagged to a 44 mag is something to see as it explodes a few milk jugs in a line. Cast Boolits is my "goto" site for all this stuff, good luck and please be safe with liquid lead. As it dont care who or what it burns.
    1 point
  21. Best post today
    1 point
  22. Just 3 words Practice, Practice, Practice With enough you can hit at 30 yards with a pistol. Caliber is your pick, I carry a 40 S&W Glock when I am out on my place.
    1 point
  23. The M&P compact may be what you are looking for. Can swing both ways, open or concealed. I like the 1.0 just fine, but the 2.0 is out now.
    1 point
  24. Check out a Springfield EMP 9mm. They make 3" and 4" versions and are not that much bigger than your Mustang. Some may consider them a little heavy for EDC, but they are neat little guns. I've had both and they are easy to carry and hide. Both are quite accurate as well.
    1 point
  25. If a safety is desired the M&P Shield 9 or 45 would be a good choice. If a manual safety isn't required the XDS would be a good choice as well.
    1 point
  26. This is just my opinion here, so it's worth every penny you paid for it. I would venture a guess that Travis has probably not confronted the rest of wally world's famous pond scum sucking pajama wearing vermin about their loud mouthed profanity while going all through the store. Come to think of it, Travis should probably consider getting into politics since he would fit right in with the time tested US gubmint practice of going out of their way to punish those who have been wronged. What Travis should have done is call the police, then took you and your family back to the security office to try and find this punk on video and possibly get a tag number so that charges could be filed. Sounds as if he witnessed the incident. ("Hey sir, I saw that, and I'm sorry that happened to your family at our store. If you don't mind, maybe ease up on the profanity with all these kids around, and if you'll follow me we'll go dig this punk up on video. The police are on their way, and if they can find them, they'll be charged ( times three ) and banned from the store for life.") might have been a better approach. Being "Mr. Authoritative" toward someone who has just been put in grave danger by some idiot ain't NEVER the right approach. He should probably attend "Sensitivity To Common Sense" training. But I doubt he'd pay attention in class.
    1 point
  27. I started handloading in 1970 and quickly got tired of paying for bullets, jacketed and/or cast. Three years into handloading I started casting. Didn't have a mentor so I stumbled along for many years but was satisfied with the cast bullets I was making for their purpose. That would have been 1973 so I have been at this for around 45 years. Only 12 years ago I joined CastBoolits and THAT was when I really advanced my knowledge casting. You can read most of the posts without becoming a member but must join to create posts and see all of their information. Membership is free. The only cost is that members must remain civil or they will be invited to exit the site. I like this rule as there are already enough hostile websites one can visit, if the want that type of interaction. Now I can hunt with cast boolits (their language for a lead cast bullet) and feel as confident on shot placement and game-dropping performance as with any jacketed bullet. Take a look. You can thank me later. Stumpy
    1 point
  28. I suddenly feel like an outsider. I'm going to have to side with poor ol' Travis on this one. If you were using that language in front of my family you would have had more than Travis in your face. BTW, this has nothing to do with walmart, it could have happened anywhere. Your odds are just better at walmart.
    1 point
  29. Jeremiah Johnson - Sharps Rifle
    1 point
  30. I'm not a fan of bob tails, but I do own a standard R1 and can attest that its an excellent pistol. I think the Remington 1911s are an overlooked gem in today's market.
    1 point
  31. There’s no mistaking it’s a Remington as is proudly advertised on the billboard. I’m sure it’s a fine pistol.
    1 point
  32. Glad you got out of there before they needed an ambulance for Travis!! I swore off going through the doors of Wally World for anything back years ago. I buy my food at Krogers and household needs at Krogers and anything else is pretty much TSC and Dollar General. If those 3 stores don't have it I don't need it..........JMHO
    1 point
  33. Completely unsterstand. My WM strategy is to never enter through, or drive by the two main entrances. There are too many lollygaggers and jack wagons going to and fro on foot and in vehicles. The garden center entrance is the place to go in, parking is a lot better over there as well. Exit by any door you please but never cross the crazy zone.
    1 point
  34. Your life will improve exponentially without WalMart. I haven't completely sworn it off, but average going there about 2-3 times a year.
    1 point
  35. Travis might be fresh out of some kind of feel-good conflict resolution class. I advise you not to cuss out random trash in the WM parking lot, regardless of circumstances. Especially if you are carrying. There are too many unstable people there.
    1 point
  36. There have not been any times that I have not felt welcome on TGO in ten years. The biggest problem I have with many of our members is that many behave as if all minority groups are monolithic. It can be bothersome when you’ve always tried to do the right thing while abiding the law. Being from Memphis, even my kids would be bothered by people telling them how well spoken, polite and behaved they were, as if they were abnormal. I really enjoy TGO. Some have wondered why I’ve hung around this long. It’s because David has the best forum on the Internet. Mac gives well thought out and reasoned opinions, and the members that I have had personal interactions with were all great, and we always spent lots of time just being human, and enjoying one another’s company. Finally, I believe that there have been members who joined because they believed they could be bigots, stereotype people and generally cause trouble, but the moderators have done an excellent job of eventually culling them from the heard.
    1 point
  37. No, I look nothing like Mr.Sutherland, but I was a huge fan of his show 24. My wife and I are solidly middle class with three adult college educated kids, and conservative upbringings. That has changed. We no longer consider ourselves a part of any party or group. I come from a hard working family where I saw my grandfather work side by side with game show host Wink Martindale, farmed his own land, and raised animals. Everyone in the family was expected to participate. My wife is college educated, and worked her way up from loading planes at FEDEX , to management, and finally a regulatory compliance SME at FEDEX World Headquarters. I’m a 90% disabled veteran, and a government employee scheduled to retire in a few years. The highlights of my military career were being on the Ft.Gordon, Ga. SRT team, and being a part of the service members who had the swiftest victory in combat history during Desert Storm. I’m mostly conservative in my thinking, but I have a soft spot for those who struggle. It’s not always that they are lazy or don’t work, as David and Mc mentioned, lots of times the are profiled and discarded simply because of the pigment of their skin. What I’ve enjoyed about the last ten years on TGO is meeting members in person. We’ve had great transactions, and even better interactions. I don’t know if it’s upbringing that causes people to be prejudiced, but I do know that spending time with someone who doesn’t look like you, or share your views greatly benefits all parties involved. For those who have never met me, and only know my Sutherland Profile, here are a few photos.
    1 point
  38. A shift in mindset - running towards inclusion and diversity instead of away from it - may be the single most important thing we can do in the coming generation to concrete the rights that the last generation has fought to obtain.
    1 point
  39. Dammit, I was counting on you to tell me how useful you found it. I spent ten years in the trucking industry, I was hoping it had changed.
    0 points
  40. You got to watch out for those Snow Mexicans, they’re a crafty bunch of hosers, eh.
    0 points
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