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It is a pain in the but policy but I think it is the correct one. The bank does not want to get in-between a divorced couple. If they are presented a check with two peoples names and it is being deposited into an account with only one of the names, it is smart to have both people there. They have no way of knowing if the signature is forged or not. It has happened many times before in a divorce cases where one person deposits a joint check and then the bank finds themselves in the middle of a lawsuit. From a business viewpoint, it is a good policy. It sucks but he might have to go to Chattanooga to deposit it if you can not find another way. If there is a branch in Chattanooga maybe the ex will go by and sign a form authorizing the deposit or something like that.3 points
When I started reading, I seriously thought the above story is where the post was going. You son's first move should have been to get her name removed from the title/loan after the divorce.2 points
2 points
Evidently that bank does not appreciate having your sons business. Tell him to go to one of the bank officers and not a teller and tell him that if they don't allow him to deposit that check he will close all of his accounts and go to a new bank to do business. See if he gets any where. If not after he does get the check cashed I would go back to the bank and tell the same bank officer I would like to close all accounts. I won't let them bully me. I had an issue with BOA about 2 months ago as they try to bully me. I went to drive up with a savings withdrawal Slip to take $500.00 out of my savings account. She told me I would have to come inside. I parked and walked in side. Walked up to the teller and I was told that the maximum I could withdraw from my savings account was $300.00. I told her i didn't want $300.00 I want $500.00 like it said on the slip. She said she could not do it so I took a seat and waited for a bank officer to come and get me. Once O got in an office with one I told him what I wanted and he said it was a new rule of BOA that there was a maximum $300.00 amount that coud be with drawn from saving accounts. I said ok, then I want to close both of my accounts right now. His eyes got big and he said he didn't want to lose my business I said you are on the verge of it. He took my slip up to the counter and brought me back $500.00 in $100.00 bills as I requested. I thnaked him got up and walked out. I'm still looking for a locally owned bank to move my accounts to..............2 points
Two Stamp Tuesday x3 Knight's Armament Company (KAC) SR-25 EMC x 7.62QDC/CQB Suppressor2 points
Recent query concerning carrying on a charter boat reminded me of this story I heard years ago, maybe 1982 or so. This was told to me by friend of my son-in-law's. This friend, and his wife lived near my daughter and her family in Stuebenville, Ohio. He decided to go deep sea fishing, taking his wife and dad along. They chartered a boat at some Virginia seaport, and made the trip. Getting ready to go out, he started to place a cooler of beer aboard. The captain asked what it was, and when he told him beer, the captain told him he didn't allow beer on his boat. My friend, Jeff, shrugged it off and said they'd find another boat. But the captain relented and allowed the beer aboard. As they were underway and making their way through the coastal islands, the captain gave Jeff two dollars and told them they needed a loaf of bread, and he would stop at a nearby island where there was a convenience store and for him to go buy the bread. They stopped and Jeff went as directed. As he entered the store, he saw a man sitting at the bar, cleaning his fingernails with a switchblade stiletto. Jeff went back to get the bread, and the knife wielding man followed him, waving the knife threateningly. The man uttered something he could not understand, and Jeff reached into the waistband of his pants and drew his Colt Python, which he always carried. He threw down the two dollars and backed out of that store. Jeff told me the captain seemed surprised to see him return, but that was the end of that. Jeff told the story later to another fisherman, and was told the captain had set him up to be killed. That island was inhabited by a group of people who kept to themselves, spoke Elizabethan English, and were not friendly to outsiders. Jeff's wife was present when he told me this story, and she corroborated what she knew of the story. A couple of years later, Reader's Digest carried a story about that island, and told of many people who had disappeared going to that island. For whatever it's worth, Bob Wright1 point
LOL!! Sorry, but I think I'll just leave the pile where it is. I might load one or two sometime.1 point
1 point
Does he have online banking with that bank? If so and he has a smartphone, he can probably do it via mobile deposit. I doubt that even blink at that. No one can say he was not with his ex when he deposited it.1 point
SUAREZ INTERNATIONAL Winning the Gunfight July 6, 2018 Dayton, Tennessee Price $200 Instructor: Randy Harris This one day training session will do two things. One, it will show you the failings and inefficiencies of the vast majority of range training taking place in the USA by public and private sector entities. Two, it will show you what you can do, and how you can change your skills and training to not only survive an unexpected attack, but to decisively win a reactive gunfight. No live ammunition necessary for this course. This class is airsoft only. (Note - this is an FOF course) CLASS AND RANGE DETAILS DURATION: 1 Day TIME: 9:00AM to 5:00PM AMMUNITION: None RANGE & GEAR REQUIREMENTS: You MUST have a gas-operated airsoft pistol for this class. Electric or spring-operated guns are not suitable. A paintball mask/helmet, hooded sweatshirt and gloves are necessary. NOTE: Bring an adequate supply of CO2, green gas or propane and silicon lubricant to charge up the pistols. An extra magazine is important in case there is a problem with the primary. Also Helpful Bring spare clothing appropriate for the weather, including a hat, sunscreen, and bug repellent. Plan to bring lunch, snacks, and water (min 1 gallon per person) for the entire day unless driving to lunch is a viable option from the range location. Bring allergy medication (if needed), a chair (if you prefer), note taking supplies, and a boo boo kit (band aids, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, antibiotic ointment and tape). You may wish to bring pads such as knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves if the class lends itself to that. RANGE: The Ridge 11534 Rhea County Hwy, Hwy 27 Dayton, TN 37321 423-605-4242 http://www.theridgeshooting.com/ For more info and to register for this class.....https://suarezinternational.com/hits-1-winning-the-gunfight-july-6-2018-dayton-tn/1 point
Would love to have this set of wheels.... is this thing a chick magnet, or what!!1 point
With the exception of those that get sold off or kept before going to the grinder.1 point
Well, I'm Hispanic and have not felt excluded in any way. Heck for a long time I thought one guy here was black until he mentioned his avatar was not a reflection on his ethnicity (I'll let him chime in), and I bet many here thought so as well. I don't feel that TGO excludes anyone, but face it, this is a majorly white male oriented hobby, not because it excludes anyone per se, but that is who gravitates to it. This is not something that is a problem as I see it, what are we going to be "busing" in minorities and females in from other forums? Until minorities and females WANT to be gun owners, AND join these groups the status quo will be maintained. I personally don't care what gender or ethnicity a gun owner is, I just care what actions they take with their guns. As a gun owner, I talk to anyone who seems interested in them, I'll even invite them to go shooting with me. I have spent many a round with friends and family and their friends at a few ranges. I've encountered some that have started an anti-gun rant with me unaware that I was carrying the whole time until I mentioned it. I've even had a few lean my way at the end.1 point
Yep. My Contender pistol barrel is also a 10" octagonal barrel, with pistol scope. Sweet set up. Squirrel nightmare for longer distance head shots.1 point
The majority of those appear to be old surplus rifles and bolt action hunting rifles. Being a convicted felon; he trusted the wrong person. Besides losing all those guns I would guess he's headed back to prison. The reporters must have been so focused on those evil guns they forgot to find out what the guy was convicted of.1 point
@KahrMan I had the first batch and it was excellent. If it's in the ballpark of that one you'll be ok.1 point
Hopefully all the hard work and craftsmanship didn’t just go into the packaging. Lol.1 point
You may not care who wields a weapon but do you care if everyone feels welcomed at the Second Amendment table? What are your thoughts about blacks, Latinos, Muslims, gays, lesbians, transgenders and anyone else who doesn't look, talk, worship, live or vote like you grabbing hold of the Second Amendment and exercising it as well? Do your actions bear out your feelings and thoughts? A key point that *I* thought came of the conversation was the realization that the NRA and a lot of other groups are trying to make themselves more inviting and inclusive and then seem to be at a loss when "the other people" actually believe them, take them up on it, and show up. You can almost see the, "Oh hell... they actually showed up!" look on their faces. It's both hilarious and sad at the same time. I go to the shooting range a lot. Pretty much weekly, if I can. Maybe it's just the range I go to and the fact that it's squirreled away in a rural corner of my county, but the vast majority of the shooters there every single time are men. White men. There's one rough and tumble older black USMC vet that shows up and brings a variety of toys with him each time, but he's the exception to the norm. He's probably the 1% as far as I've noticed. Women show up, but usually accompanied by a male shooter who is there to "instruct" them. It's always the same old stuff, too. The male shooter knows everything and runs his mouth the entire time. The female shooter listens attentively, gets frustrated, and often leaves with a look on her face that I suspect means she's going to give up on learning how to properly use a handgun, let alone be accurate with it. It burns my ass to the point I've said something to the guy on more than one occasion, and thought it was going to come to a fight the last time I did it. The point I really want you to consider is this: We're not as inclusive and diverse and welcoming as you think we are. Even TGO, which is a small microcosm of the Second Amendment world, is insanely biased toward the male population. We've got a few women who browse, and even fewer that post, but the statistics here favor the XY-Chromosome pair. We shouldn't assume that it's because women don't know how to use computers. We might assume that they don't have much use for the fact that they aren't treated as equals in gun circles. Ever been to a gun shop? Ever watched a female consumer get mishandled by the dope behind the counter? Need I say more? So back to your previous statement, I actually WANT YOU TO CARE about who owns a gun. But in the positive way. We all need to be ambassadors of the Second Amendment, not just indifferent to whether the black single mom who needs a gun to protect herself and her children from the drug dealers down the street feels safe buying a gun or asking for training gets what she needs. I really want people to think about this. Being inclusive isn't a passive activity. And until we figure that out and learn how to do outreach, the pool of voters in favor of keeping the Second Amendment around is going to shrink with the passing of each generation.1 point
1 point
https://www.commdiginews.com/politics-2/millennials-understand-constitution-they-dont-care-65322/ One of the most troubling trends that this age group is currently dealing with is the idea that a guy like Bernie Sanders, who once boasted that no one deserves to make more than a million dollars and routinely defends communism, somehow has a legitimate case to be president of the United States. Why could that be? What in the world could be driving all these impressionable young minds to believe in policies that are not only destructive but are completely antithetical to the foundation of the country and what makes it great in the first place? Well, it’s actually quite simple. There have been a million articles out there about how millennials are uninformed as a result of not paying attention or not caring. In fact, it is more likely that millennials know what makes America great and just don’t care. A Pew poll says that 40 percent of young people apparently think that the First Amendment, one of the most important if not the most important pillars of our freedom, should not apply to speech that minorities might find offensive. This clearly implies that young people are familiar with freedom of speech, they know it’s a part of the fiber our country, they just don’t care. Feelings are more important, which leads to the obvious conclusion that feelings have the power to trump any aspect of the Constitution, which is of course extremely troubling. The last poll doesn’t have anything to do with the Constitution and the idea of changing our founding document in order to not hurt anyone’s feelings, but it speaks volumes about the mental fortitude of the millennial crowd. According to a poll taken this past January, 10 percent of college grads (yes, graduated from college) believe that Judge Judy is a Supreme Court Justice. Just let that sink in for a few moments. Young people today believe that socialism is cool, our founding document should be altered in order to not hurt anyone’s feelings and that a television star is a member of the most powerful governing body in the land. If that doesn’t sound a deafening alarm in your head, then I don’t know what will.1 point
A shift in mindset - running towards inclusion and diversity instead of away from it - may be the single most important thing we can do in the coming generation to concrete the rights that the last generation has fought to obtain.1 point
I have a number that I like to have for each of my auto-loaders, and I have pretty much stuck with it. However... In a few cases, I have really blown that out of control. AR mags are probably my worst. I'd find great prices, ammo and mag combos, etc.; and have accumulated a number of them that is just outrageous. My Scorpion is another that sort of went askew. Have enough to do a bank robbery movie. lol And of course 1911 mags. You just cannot have too many of those. If you only have 1 1911, then a dozen or so might do. But with so many different 1911 forms, you just have to have an obsecene number of them. Keep'em in night stands, range bags, on shelf in the safe, and all the other places you might want to stash a spare(or 3).1 point
1 point
Woodford was always Monkey's go to, however, lately it is Whistlepig. Which is hilarious because an 80 year old woman recommended it to me. Jefferson's is always kept in the house too. Ocean usually. I looked up at the "collection" while walking through the kitchen the other day and laughed. I think the last time I had anything to drink was when it got hot in April. It was beer... New Heights Brewery in Nashville? I was at Trader Joe's in Knoxville and ran across "Nothing Fancy". It was really cold and it was just when it was getting hot. I downed two pretty quick. I give it 2 cans up. Monkey's job keeps him busy so the liquor in the house isn't being touched. I might throw a party just to get rid of some.1 point
Test drove my Dead Air Wolf 9SD today. Had to give it back before leaving. Nice to be able to visit it and keep it from being lonely. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
1 point
A couple of ancillary observations... The post above should be fairly timeless and be relevant 3, 6, or even 15 years from now, but these comments are particular to the current time: AK-47/74 pattern rifles seem to be an exception to the slump in pricing and sales, especially if they were manufactured in Russia. These rifles are actually rising in cost. The past few years have seen AK and AR-15 pattern rifles completely trade places in terms of marketability and cost. Ten years ago, you would have been laughed out of town if you tried to sell an AK for more than a comparably equipped AR. These days, you can buy an AR that you'd actually want to shoot for less than $600 and that sort of money only gets you into a decent AK. Glock 19s tend to still do well on the secondary market because everyone needs one even if they don't really want one. The advent of the Generation 5 Glock 19 doesn't seem to have softened the resale value of the previous generations too much as the Gen5 hasn't had a chance to prove itself and Glock is notorious for having to fix problems with the first few batches of any new generation. The caveat to that, of course, is that modified Glocks don't always sell very quickly unless the seller prices them reasonably and in accordance to what has been done to them. Stippling and custom finishes (like Cerakote) are very polarizing and might only suit the personal taste of the seller. Revolvers, 1911s, and so-called "Brown Rifles" (hunting bolt actions, shotguns, etc.) seem to be fairly immune to the pricing slump since they were never really in the same level of demand as the tacti-cool stuff and consequently, the market was never flooded with a surplus of them. Collector guns are almost always immune to market fluctuation, which is why they are collector guns. When the rest of the firearms market is racing toward the bottom, there's an advantage to being priced at the top - especially if you can command it. Don't expect to see collectibles selling at bargain prices unless someone is really hurting for money and doesn't have a savvy friend to save them from making a hasty mistake.1 point
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