Very good article. BFE, iirc, is Morgan Atwood's company. He frequently collaborates with Ian Wendt who has/had Special Circumstances (knife maker). These are solid, knowledgeable guys that bring a lot to the table of the self defense training community.
The article is excellent and is worth reading more than once in my humble opinion.
I've carried (legally) concealed for about 30 years now. I'm an old fart, 5'9" and 180 #'s. I'm either in scrubs or wearing a tee shirt and jeans or a short sleeve shirt. I manage to carry a Glock 17 or 19, extra mag, knife, and flashlight. To my knowledge I've never been "made". To Morgan's point, maybe nobody has ever mentioned the fact... but I've been around a metric buttload of cops in social and training environments. And a lot of non-gun folks and even, dare I say it? antigun folks in various situations (NPE) circumstances.
Properly fitting clothing and quality gear make all the difference in the world.
I'm going to link a vid...I hope...I "borrowed" from P-F posted by Craig Douglas aka "SouthNarc", head of what has become know as the "Shivworks Collective". I know Craig from back home in South MS and was blessed to train a bunch with him before he even started his now very well know ECQC classes.
Be warned there is adult language in the vid. This is not a "gear advertisement" vid, though Craig is demonstrating particular gear. And no, that is not Craig's daily rollout of gear...he's making a point...but some very good points imho.
The vid is about 20 minutes in length...a small investment in time for the knowledge gained...I promise. I do admit my bias, as I hold Craig in high esteem.