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It must have been in a bad part of town.................oh wait, never mind3 points
3 points
The huge upswing was in response to their Q1 earnings, only one month of which encompassed their anti-gun actions...and it isn't a new high or anything. You can see from their 5y chart they are will below where they were trending for the last few years. That said, I don't think their gun policies will either sink or buoy them. If their Q2 numbers aren't good, it won't be because of gun boycotts, it will be the challenges retail outlets face in general in this day and age.2 points
I will be shocked not one bit if his being off-duty negates any agency discipline via union pressure.2 points
Man am I going to be sore tomorrow......Randy put us through the paces of some up close situations where one may have to deflect an attack and continue to try and reach your own gun for defensive purposes. As always, a very informative and practical handgun shooting class where in personal defense 2nd place is a terrible finish. Thanks Randy for an excellent course once again. I would urge anyone, new or experienced to take some of the excellent offerings from Randy.2 points
Well got to meet Cajunpredfan yesterday and had a nice visit. He came up and picked up the 40 Cal Brass. He is a very nice guy and had a nice visit. He showed me a new revolver he has that he has not shot and was going up to Guns and Leather to send some lead down range. Hope he like the gun cause it was kind of a neat gun and felt good in my hand and I think will be a good gun to have. Glad more of the brass is gone and working on getting the rest packed up to ship to RayZ and then I will be able to have folks able to sit on my sofa again..........LOL.1 point
Never pull the trigger until you want the gun to go bang is right in there too.1 point
Despite the rep of Memphis, it is a major metropolitan city. There are areas of Knoxville I don't drive through, day or night, armed or otherwise.1 point
I don t share the opinion of many that growth is a great thing...Ive been coming to Nashville all my life, being a Tennesseean, and have been living in this area full time since I retired form the military in 93. It wasnt the same Nashville when I moved to this area in 93, but it sure was a dang site better than it is now. I dont see one positive thing all this growth has done for the area. I see only bad things. People move here form all over and bring their own ideas and they dont seem to mesh well with many of us, but there numbers seem to rule. The recent Mayoral race was a case in point. Almost everyone one I knew didnt like or plan to vote for Briley, yet he won...lowest voter turn out in ages. Anyway, back to Ikea. I see no loss here, but that area will continue to grow and our infrastructure sim ply wont support it.1 point
The real takeaway is that one needs to ensure that when they’re ready to get down, their holster is as well.1 point
1 point
The regular emojis don’t work. But if you scroll down to legacy emojis, you’ll recognize the ones we’ve always had.1 point
Wtf is the "my bad" hands up and walking off... You shot someone..... And it is such a big deal that competent civilians carry with some people.1 point
1 point
31 BASS! Now I really can't wait to move to Tennessee!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats, and glad you got out!1 point
Well can't thank for enough for all the insight into this issue I have with my dog delima that probably is not as much as I think it might be. I live kind of a routine life syle these days and Darby is learning it pretty well. I eat supper pretty close to 5PM and that is when I feed her and she knows when it is close to 5 oclock cause where ever she is at about 15 minute before 5 she will be following me around every move I make. I can look at my watch and it will be close to 5PM about every day. Quackersmacker may be right and I may very well be over thinking and over complicating this whole issue about her food. I want her on a dry food if possible because it is just a lot less religious timing thing. Put food down and when the bowl is empty or close fill it again. Can't do that with wet food. today I will try one of the recomended foods I will pick up at the store and give it a dedicated effort to find the one she likes and my life will be less stressful. Oh Quacker, I went fishing last night on Percy Priest Lake fished 5 hours and caught 31 bass both Largemouth and Smallmouths and had a great evenng. Not bad for first time back on the water in about 2 years.1 point
1 point
BOY!! I agree with everything that was said so far. I've got 4 dogs. Each with their own personality and I love every one. All were rescued. Don't worry, they will eat when they get hungry enough. May I suggest that you read the books by Cesar Millan? He has helped me to understand, and communicate with my pack.1 point
Ok, you're on your way. If anyone at the bank mentions the word "medallion" you need to tell them that what you need for the transfer is a "Signature Guarantee." The "medallion" is what they have. It's a piece of metal. The "Signature Guarantee" is what you need. It's ink on paper. s1 point
158 Gr. Round nose lead will just about blow their head off.1 point
@gjohnsoniv makes a terrific holster. I’ve got two pankake’s of his. Couple other guys make them here on TGO also. Use the search function. Talented folks on here.1 point
We are indeed a dying breed. Most of the nation is a bunch of creampuffs dependent on someone else to feed and protect them as well as tell them what to do. May God save the republic....1 point
1 point
This is a forum, everybody is welcome to their opinion. Next time you have a deadly snake on your property which could bite a family member or pet call TWRA to come remove it and hope they can come when it it still there. With me having the stream, pasture and woods in yard this could be 3-4 calls a day at times. Use your best judgment and I will use mine.1 point
According to a report I just read in is illegal to kill any snake in Tennessee unless it is threatening you in your house or livestock. Next time someone has a Copperhead or Rattlesnake setting up house keeping under your porch call the nearest TWRA station and request that the snake be removed since you are not allowed to kill it. If they will not allow you to kill it then it is their responsibility to come and remove it since they are a protected species native to Tennessee. See what kind of response you receive. It must be a new law cause back when I was growing up in the 1960's a few buddies and I would put our jon boats in the Harpeth River in Cheatham county and float the river with 22 rifles and float the river shooting ever snake we saw hanging in trees over hanging the river or laid up on drift piles sunning them selves. I think we would probably killed 50 on a cloudy day and upwards of a 100 on bright sunny days. We did that for about 3 years and by the third year the snake population was down so much that we quit going. Got to where on that stretch of river might see 10 snakes on a Jon boat float.1 point
So do you think a Game Warden would allow a Rattler or Copperhead to live under his porch, garage? Unless you know them well they have to give the standard response. I let all non posionious live near me as they eat mice, lizards and such and help keep the unwanted snakes away. In the wild I do not bother them but do not want them as neighbors.1 point
On loading snake shot rounds, the wealth of experience from people who live in states where they encounter snakes on a daily basis is to use #12 shot for your loads. The smaller size of the shot (users claim better penetration), along with the higher pellet count, makes this size much more effective at killing the varmint rather than just getting it angry. You will limit your weight of the shot charge by not using shot capsules. Some handloaders will put their powder in a primed case, then install a gas check (cup open side UP and pressed down to the powder charge), insert shot to just below the top of the case, top off the load with either a gas check (cup open side DOWN) or cardboard cap which can be sealed with Elmer's glue and crimp the case. It's been too long for me to recall the type and weight of powder used for these loads. To add to this process, some shooters will trim .357 Magnum brass shorter until they can fit into your revolver's chambers and do the above loading process to add case length for more shot in the load. Sounds like a lot of work for little gain. I have only one personal experience with having to fire snake shot loads at a snake. On that day I was carrying a 3" S&W Chief Special, stainless steel with 3 inch barrel. The snake was passing in front of me but turned and advanced straight at me. When it got too close I fired. Have you ever seen a revolver fired full auto? Mine did that day. I got the first 4 shots off so quickly they sounded like one shot only. I looked to the left, then the right, saw no more threats, knew I had to reload, so I put that last round also into the attacker. Game was already over, but so what? The #12 shot stopped the threat with the first shot (#1 of 4), but there was fun to be had.1 point
1 point
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