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  1. Maybe this is some kind of dog-blasphemy or something, but I just don't understand why this is even an issue. A hungry dog will eat. I wouldn't (and didn't) even raise a child this spoiled.
    3 points
  2. Exactly. In this politically charged environment many want to be of a “special” group or plan. I don’t care if the victim is a Police Officer, School Teacher, Home Owner, or Store Clerk; murder is a hate crime. It is the ultimate hate crime and unjustified murder against an innocent victim should not have levels.
    3 points
  3. I buy Taste of the Wild. I read several studies about premium dog food, and at the $2 a pound mark for dry food they are all pretty much the same. TotW got great reviews, made several top ten lists and was less expensive than the other premium brands such as Blue Buffalo, Hills and similar. Rural King carries it in 30lb sacks for $47. My girls eat the High Prairie. They go through a bag every three weeks or so. Since switching both dogs keep a healthier weight, eat much less and have healthier coats. Because the food has more nutritional value and less fillers they are less hungry and don't eat as much. While I do feed my girls scraps here and there, it is rare and I am not a huge proponent of feeding a dog human food. I causes them to expect your food and makes it difficult to eat in peace, in addition to any health issues. We liked TotW so much we also switched the cat over to it. He didn't care for it at first. But he got hungry, he ate it. It is all he eats now. Take my $.02, but stop spoiling her. Put her food out, when she gets hungry, she will eat it. You are on a fixed income, if you are spending $200 a month on dog food when you could be spending $50, imagine what you could do with the savings.
    2 points
  4. We (Dogs owners) worry too much. Your dog will eat if she is hungry. If she won’t there is a medical issue and it won’t matter what you are trying to feed her; she will need medical attention. My last Doberman ate well and was also fed scraps. My new puppy will be fed nothing but dry dog food and no people food. I’m using 4Health grain free dry puppy food right now because that is what the breeder was feeding him. When we go to adult food I will reevaluate. But again…barring a medical problem your dog will eat.
    2 points
  5. Correct. It’s also why I disagree with you when you say Police Officers should have to let the level of danger escalate to a level higher than a non-Police Officer before using deadly force. It’s unacceptable. If you cause a Police Officer, HCP holder, or any other person to believe they are in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm; you caused that and deadly force is justified.
    2 points
  6. While I understand the intention of this line of thinking, in practice I believe it has a terrible second order effects. It creates a stratification where the lives of ‘public servants’ (a term that seems to translate more and more as ‘public masters’) are worth more than the lives of others. When you start down that road of comparing the relative value of human lives, it leads to very, very bad places.
    2 points
  7. I believe killing a police officer should be treated no different than killing a janitor. I'm guessing, however, that they wouldn't have spent nearly the time and effort going after this guy had he killed you or me.
    2 points
  8. "They were a brown scum. A temporary insanity, part of the passing scene, too monstrous to be real or taken seriously. So we ignored them, or laughed at them, because we couldn't believe there were enough insane people to walk alongside of them. Then one morning the country woke up from an uneasy sleep and there was no more laughter. The wild animals had changed places with us in the cage. But not again, it musn't happen again, we can't let it. We simply can't let it happen again! All that nightmare, again? Oh no, not this time." Ernst Ganz, from the classic TWILIGHT ZONE episode "He's Alive!" This child/man is addicted, nourished and empowered by the limelight, publicity and attention. It occurs to this observer that there is one sure course to negating his power. Starvation. Don't engage him. Give him no grist for his hateful mill. Let him burn out and fade away to a well-deserved mediocrity. Let the liberals waste time, effort, manpower and resources propping him up. But don't GIVE him anything. https://youtu.be/hZrssEgr3iU SWC
    2 points
  9. The internet is a funny thing. Didn't mean to take you wrong. We both know each other way better than that. MY POINT... little Hogg is dishonest. I will attack him personally, just like I will attack "Shannon Demands Attention", because they are attacking me. They're attacking you too, with as much deceit as they can muster. This is Hogg's chosen field. When he saw visions of TV trucks, he went for it. Believe what you want. I have known more than my share of those kinda folks. He needs to just go be on TV somewhere, and leave my rights alone.
    2 points
  10. Still have to fab a bipod block for a M2 bipod and I think I can fit a HB FAL folding handle for this 17lb target plinker. Its built up around a HK91 FCG and G3 cover with finned SS barrel. M249 SAW butt plate and belt bags.
    1 point
  11. You are the man! I did it. It was just tedious. I have to go by my bank now and get them to stamp some papers with a medallion or some such nonsense, then mail it in. I also have to wait until the transfers actually take place before I can choose the funds I want. I think I have the rest pretty much squared away. Did I mention how happy I will be getting away from the Raymond James lady? She has screwed me the last time hopefully.
    1 point
  12. Bersa, I know I'm not any help, but I can't get the old joke about the two old farmers off my mind. Two old farmers were talking about their dogs and what they feed them. One farmer told the other that he feeds his dog turnip greens. The second farmer said that his dog would NEVER eat turnip greens! The first farmer said "Well, mine wouldn't either for the first month." I know there's a lot of good veterinarians out there, and it's a good thing to have access to a dog doctor. But you may wind up just bleeding yourself dry trying to figure out this problem. If it was me (and I know it's not), I would probably pick out a food that's going to give all the nutrition your buddy needs, then pick out a certain time of day to serve it. I might give it about 10 minutes or something like that, and if she won't touch it, put it away. Do it again the next day, and the next. Eventually she'll realize that it she doesn't eat what you give her, she's not going to eat. Now I gave all that advice knowing full well that I'm guilty of spoiling every dog I've had and also sharing my human food with them. So my words of "wisdom" are worth exactly what you paid for them.
    1 point
  13. Try some hot water with the hard food. I buy Acana which is high end food, but my dog likes some flavors and not others. I get a different flavor each time I need it to change things up but I keep track of the ones she doesn't like. Mine isn't so much a picky eater, but not just a big eater. I leave food out and she will only eat right before bed or maybe take a bit here and there. If I put hot water in it, a lot of time she will drink the hot flavored water and wait until later to eat. Dog food is much better overall than it used to be. I don't think you need the best, just find what she likes. To be honest, every dog I have had likes Beniful even though it isn't the greatest food. In general, I agree that when she is hungry enough she will eat. The only thing I would watch for is if she doesn't want to eat at all which could mean a bad tooth or something.
    1 point
  14. Geeeeeeeeez, please just go fishing, and be as relaxed as your dog wants you to be. You will find that's a 2-way street. Just let it happen. Stop thinking.
    1 point
  15. @gjohnsoniv makes a terrific holster. I’ve got two pankake’s of his. Couple other guys make them here on TGO also. Use the search function. Talented folks on here.
    1 point
  16. No help here. Any dog I ever had would eat anything that fit down their throat. My current Lab is no exception.
    1 point
  17. As a former Police Officer I respectfully disagree. Violence is violence no matter who it is directed towards. It is an attack on society no matter who it is and should be addressed with extreme prejudice. Someone killing their wife/husband for insurance money or someone killing a clerk in a hold-up is no more acceptable and no less violent than killing a Police Officer. Violent killers should never see the light of day again; ever.
    1 point
  18. I recently retired, having been a stockbroker for 40 years. Man, was that crazy! I would say TD Ameritrade, Vanguard, Fidelity, in that order. I use TD. Actually any of those will serve you very well. They all have it figured out. Maybe this will help. It's easier to do these transfers than you think. Millions of people have done it --- you can too! https://investorjunkie.com/stock-brokers/compare/vanguard-vs-tdameritrade/
    1 point
  19. This is the same reason why celebrities, politicians, and elites get away, or get reduced sentencing for crimes that would land the rest of us in jail. I believe DaveTN said you get the best defense you can afford.
    1 point
  20. Didn't think you were interested. Just throwing that out as an fyi.
    1 point
  21. When you look at the long term (and when you're talking retirement savings the time frame is death minus current age) and especially considering expense issues index funds win the day. BTW, not to say folks don't day trade on Robinhood, but it's certainly not limited to day trading. Unless you keep an equity balance of at least $25,000 RH limits you to 3 day trades in a rolling 5 day period. The 4th day trade will lock you out of day trading for 90 days.
    1 point
  22. Give T-rowe price a call, many of their funds have been doing quite well.
    1 point
  23. Feel like I'm necroposting but as the OP is active... I switched from Raymond James to Vanguard a few years ago and wish I'd done it much sooner. The RJ folks were nice enough, just programmed IMHO to put everyone in American Funds. As far as actively managed funds go, Amercan Funds are quite good but the front load is pretty awful. The more I learn about investing the more convinced I am that most folks are just better off buying broad-based low-fee index funds and letting it ride. As index funds have grown in popularity, more specialized funds have popped up branding themselves as index funds. IMHO you're better off sticking with the broader based index funds. As a Vanguard fanboy, I lean toward the Total Stock Market Index, Total Bond Market Index, Total International Stock Market Index, Total International Bond Market Index and the like. Largely in deference to my wife, who is much less a geek about all this than myself, I've moved to Target Date funds (which ~ contain the foregoing funds and adjust the asset class mix becoming more conservative over time). I've had a Robinhood account for about 8 months. IMHO, for most folks individual stocks should be a hobby to dabble in only once you're pretty well set in all other areas of personal finance (i.e., fully funded emergency fund, no consumer debt, no more than a small balance (if any) on the mortgage, significant retirement savings). I have a very, very small amount of skin in the game. Over the course of 8 months I've never been up or down more than ~15%. I like to think I've learned a few things that may eventually make it possible to grind out a few gains but overall it can be a pretty humbling experience. You're the kitchen-table poker player sitting down at a table full of pros if you will. For the time I've spent I could get a part-time job at minimum wage and come out ahead. Again, I see it as a hobby. All of that said, if you're interested, Robinhood has a referral program where both parties get a free share of stock. If you're interested, PM me a telephone number or email address and I'll hook us up:)
    1 point
  24. In the town I live in we have city pick up and you take your city supplied trash can to the street and a truck comes by and empties it. This is a 1 man operation. The truck is designed with a hydralic unit with arms that grab the can, dump it in the truck and places the can back where it picked it up from. What makes me laugh are these people that will take the can down and then take 2 or 3 more trash bags full and put them next to the can. I'm not sure if they have ever seen the trash truck in operation but I do know the truck is equipt to empty cans and not pick up bags cause I have watched it work. I have seen the driver get out of the truck a couple times but not to pick up bags. He will get out of the truck to leave you an ugly note telling you not to put your cans to close together and leave 4 feet between them. I got one once but it was not my fault, we have 3 units and 3 cans and I took my can down and my neighbors took theirs down and they put their cans to close to mine but I got the note left in the lid of my can. I went to get my can and read the note and put it in the can next to mine so they would get the message. Well it didn't work cause next week they did it again. I took mine down and they took theirs down and again the put them close to my can. I went down and moved my can 4 feet from the other 2 and the following day they both got ugly notes and my can was the only one that got emptied. This was an issue because the cans were full and would be no place for them to put their trash. At the time I had a pick up truck and decided it was time to become neighborly and went over and introduced my self. I had only been here a month at the time. I told them to just put their trash in bags and put them by their back door and I would get them. So on Trash day I made sure all of the cans were 4 feet apart and as he emptied a can I would fill it with bags again and the driver was nice enough to wait and empty all the cans and get the bags. From that time on I took all cans down the night before trash day. I had a buddy build me a can toter that could hook two cans at a time and take them to the street that fits in my trailer hitch receiver. Now I use my Jeep. It's about 100 feet from house to street and I have been taking the cans down for almost 18 years.
    1 point
  25. I’ve thought about dabbling in it with small amounts while I learn. What about something like Robin Hood that is commission free? https://robinhood.com/ https://www.fool.com/investing/2018/03/19/how-does-robinhood-make-money.aspx
    1 point
  26. If you'll watch on the day the garbage man comes, some people will have two or three bags of trash set out for him, while others will have a dumpster full on a weekly basis. I don't know how or why they buy all that crap.
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. A lot of the anti-gun movement agrees with you on that. Be careful what you wish for ...
    1 point
  29. I usually have a thought everyday but not always!
    1 point
  30. Here's an example of an old man afraid of his own shadow, Bloomberg, paying this 18 yr old pencil neck to do his bidding. https://www.weaselzippers.us/386486-gun-grabber-michael-bloomberg-gives-david-hogg-a-big-check/ The "old men" I know have fought for freedom & will continue to fight for freedom, The 2nd Amendment, & the Constitution, they show no fear....
    1 point
  31. I'm sorry. But it sounded like you were scolding us. It sounds like that a lot. The moral superiority brings out my sarcastic side. I was trying to challenge you to hear yourself. I won't do that anymore. If you want to buy into the Hogg franchise, be my guest. I don't believe a thing he says.
    1 point
  32. check with a warden at TWRA before you shoot any snakes in TN
    1 point
  33. My safe finally arrived today. It is an Old Glory gun safe. I am really impressed with it. It is well built and pretty heavy (750 lbs). I like the interior LED lighting as I can change it to multiple colors. I also want to give a big shout out to Aaron Parker and his son with Parker Safes. Although I bought the safe direct from Old Glory, they did a top notch job on moving the safe carefully and took care not to damage the floors or the safe as they had to navigate up 6 steps and down a narrow hallway. He also explained how to open and operate my safe. I highly recommend them for any of your safe needs. Thanks Aaron. Will post pics as soon as I can shrink them down. Any good software downloads that will shrink .jpeg files down enough to post the pics?
    1 point
  34. How much light do you need? What battery size do you prefer? For a AAA keychain light, the Astrolux A01 is hard to beat at $9.95. It has four modes, very low, med, high, and strobe. I use rechargeable batteries. I like it better than my Thrunite Ti3. https://www.banggood.com/Astrolux-A01-Nichia-219B-102LM-AAA-Mini-Waterproof-Keychain-EDC-LED-Flashlight-p-1026854.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN For an 18650 battery LED flashlight, you can't beat the BLF A6 at its pricepoint. It has 7 modes, including a firefly super low and a turbo high. It is the brightest 18650 LED flashlight I've ever owned. It's currently $26.95, but every few weeks, it's on sale for $19.95. Turbo only lasts for about 2 minutes before it automatically drops down to high, but it is bright! It's roughly as bright as one car headlight beam on low. The 1A cool white LED bulb is the brightest. The 5A very yellow light is too yellow. I don't care for the yellow light. It looks dim to me. https://www.banggood.com/BLF-A6-XPL-1600LM-7-4modes-EDC-LED-Flashlight-p-991823.html?rmmds=search&ID=518106&cur_warehouse=CN I don't like AA LED lights, but I own several, keeping one in the door pocket of my cars, my tool box, and my gym bag because they're cheap. I prefer the ones with a head that slides in and out to narrow the beam for distance use. Something like this one for about $6. Avoid the really cheap ones for $2-$3. They're junk. On the other hand, even these are better than most of those 3-AAA LED lights sold in WalMart and Home Depot. https://www.banggood.com/Elfeland-Q5-3-Modes-Zoomable-LED-Flashlight-AA14500-p-1090778.html?rmmds=detail-left-hotproducts__4&cur_warehouse=CN All my lights have tail switches, except the AAA lights, which are all twisties. I recently bought a light with a side switch and seem to fumble forever to find the switch in the dark.
    1 point
  35. I use Fidelity. $4.95 trades and they have some of the best analysis tools around. they're one of (if not the) biggest in the industry and the quality of their software reflects it.
    1 point
  36. How to Sell Your Guns When the Market is Slow September 24, 2017 This is an article that I have been tempted to write on several occasions now, but each time I questioned whether the timing was right or if the message would be welcomed and so I postponed. Recently, however, there have been quite a few threads and individual comments made about the difficulties of selling firearms during a "slow market" so I think the time is right. But First, Some History... I do not want to dwell too much on this particular point, but I do believe that it is salient to pause for a moment and observe the current political climate as it has directly influenced the state of firearms sales across the nation. Up until the last US Presidential Election in November of 2016, the firearms industry was booming because people were afraid of both who was then currently, and who might have been next, occupants of the White House. Fear of scarcity or outright prohibition of a thing absolutely drives up demand for that thing, and subsequently the cost of that thing. During the Obama Administration, we lived under the constant specter of another weapons ban and we saw supplies of certain firearms and ammunition all but dry up. What was left to be found almost always had a high price tag assigned to it. When Donald J. Trump was elected, gun owners and prospective gun owners all sighed an enormous collective sigh of relief and practically overnight the firearms industry was dumped on its head. The fear was gone. The incentive to buy was gone. Warehouses of ammunition and firearms that had been rushed to production ahead of what could have been a Hillary Clinton White House were suddenly quiet and stagnant. And so, the firearms industry did what any industry does in cases like this: It suffered. It cut costs. I dumped products at prices that were unheard of a month before. The fire sale began, and it persists to this day. Why Should You Care About Any of That? The reasons any of that is important to you are these: That tactical rifle you bought a few years ago and paid nearly $2,000 for is probably being sold new today for less than half that price. That handgun you bought last year is probably anywhere from $50-75 cheaper this year, brand new, and probably comes with twice as many extra magazines straight from the manufacturer. Today, retailers are competing against you in your role as the Seller for the same sales you are trying to make. They are able to offer brand new merchandise today for prices that would have been reasonable for you to ask for a gently used item this time last year. To snare a buyer on the secondary market in this economy, you have to distinguish yourself and what you are selling in some way that makes it more appealing to the person debating between your gun and that brand new one in the store. So, How Do You Sell in a Slow Market? I have been paying very close attention to this for the past few months and these are my observations. They are not the gospel, but they seem to be holding up under their own merit so far. As with anything, there may be exceptions to any or all of these, and if that works in your favor then I am going to be very thrilled for you. Do your research. Check the retail pricing and availability of whatever you are trying to sell. Mark your price accordingly. Understand that if you are priced too close to retail for a new item, most folks will go buy the new item instead. Also, check and see if a new version or model of whatever you are selling has just been or soon will be released. Prices on old versions almost always go down when a new version is out or is imminent. Eat The Extras. Those expensive night sights that you put on your handgun? Consider eating the cost of those. Point that out as an incentive to buy your handgun rather than the one in the store that doesn't have them. The same goes for tossing in a few extra magazines if you have them, or other small accessories. Obviously, there is a limit to how much you should be willing to eat of the cost of an item, but even then be willing to discount whatever you are adding to the "package price" so that it is compelling to a shopper. Break Up The Package. If you don't want to eat the cost of too many extras, or if the price of your package offering seems to be turning shoppers away, consider breaking apart the package and offering the core item at a cheaper price and then liquidate the accessories separately. This is expecially helpful if you have non-regulated accessories that could be sold on social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, etc) that do not allow gun sales but do not prohibit accessories. Bigger audiences can mean quicker sales on those types of things. Understand The Impact of Modifications. This is going to hurt some feelings, but it has to be said. Modified guns are harder to sell. Think twice before you take a soldering iron (or pay someone else) to your Glock's frame to stipple it. The same goes for custom paint jobs or hydro-dipped graphics. Beauty is often in the eye of the beholder (YOU) in those things, and other people may not care for them at all. Don't be surprised if your stippled Glock with skulls and crossbones hydro dipped graphics doesn't sell quickly, or at all. Take Good Pictures. The addage that a picture is worth a thousand words is no more true than in advertising. People tend to want to see what they are buying. Take pictures of it and post them here or link to them elsewhere in your post. Ads without photos tend to be overlooked. Invest Some Time. If you post an advertisement, come back to it once a week and bump it back to the top of the "new items" search by replying to the thread. Reduce the price a little after a week or two, if you can. Be willing to engage with prospective buyers and answer questions. Entertain counter offers if you can. It takes a little time but it keeps your advertisement in front of eyeballs and that's what matters. Pull It Today and Sell It Later. Real estate brokers know that if a house has been on the market for too long, it goes "cold" and people stop looking at it. The buyers can see how long a house has been listed and assume something must be wrong with it if more than a reasonable amount of time has passed. Take a cue from that and de-list your items after a while if they don't sell. Come back later and list them again. I hope this helps you all in some way. The current environment is a buyer's market and biased against the seller, both at the retail level and on the used market. Gun stores are going out of business and folding up left and right. So are manufacturers. The ones who are surviving are relying on things other than gun sales to keep money and buyers coming through the doors. Now is the right time to buy firearms and ammo cheap and stack them deep. The political climate is guaranteed to shift again and when it does we will all find it hard to believe that we had it this good (as buyers) in days past. Above all, be patient. If you can afford not to sell a firearm right now, you might want to sit on it for another three years and see what happens with the next Presidential election. Trump has been GREAT for gun owners, but terrible for gun sellers. We might not be so lucky in the years ahead.
    1 point
  37. I saw that. And I thought he didn't care about us. God bless him
    0 points
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